Bound To Darkness: Bloodline...

By TempralSinz

791 100 22

Evaline was raised by her grandmother after losing her parents to an accident when she was young. Her grandfa... More

Warnings ⚠️
Out Of Place
The Party
Trio Of Trouble
Storms In The Night
To Be A King


113 15 0
By TempralSinz

       "So, whatcha doing?" I asked my grandmother as I helped her clean out some old boxes.

"I'm just looking through some old picture books. Want to have a look?" She asked as she patted the empty spot next to her on her old couch. I wanted to get a new one for her... but she insisted I not waste my time or my money.

"Sure Gram." I replied as I took the seat next to her.

"Now, See here, this is my sister, Victoria and her husband Alucard. They lived in Russia for a while and then moved to Canada. And these are their children, Lux, Ruffio, and Anya." Gram said as she showed me a black and white photo of what looked like a family out of the 18 hundreds. The old fashion styles and everything. But I wasn't about to judge. I'd never been to Russia, maybe that was a style back then.

"They look... young, happy." I commented.

"Oh they were." Gram Smiled. She turned the page and showed me her sister, her sister's husband and their two kids. Again, youthful, but more modern clothing. Almost too modern to be honest.

"It's been a long time since I showed anyone these." She smiled again, flipping slowly through the pages. I looked on as she showed me my grandpa when he was younger. Something I didn't know was how youthful he looked as well. Grandma looked quite youthful too.. But I guess it made sense. Pictures of Uncle Ren and Aunt Beth. My mother was there as well, I almost forgot how beautiful she was. It had been ten years since she passed away. Car accident, as she was coming home from work. The exit off the freeway had a sharp turn, and a car beside her came up too fast. Flipped onto my mother's car, both cars went over the edge and landed in the ditch below after another flip.
My mother's car was totaled... looked like a crumpled Pepsi can. My mother died on impact.. But they weren't sure which impact. That didn't make it better at all... for a while I worried that she was in deep pain before she died. I was fifteen back then... I had no one else but Grandma and she raised me from then on.

"As much as I'd like to go through the family tree with you, Gram... I'd like to get this sorting done so I can head home." I smiled, knowing she really liked talking about these things. But also knowing she could go on for a very long time.

"Oh, alright. I'll be there in a bit." She smiled. I got up from the sofa and made my way back into the second bedroom of the house. Going through the boxes all afternoon was a chore. Gram had so much stuff it was ridiculous. She did let me keep some trinkets that used to belong to my mother, as well as a sewing machine.
That evening, after dinner with grandma, I headed home and figured out where to put the things she'd given me. My apartment wasn't exactly large, I had limited space so it was difficult to find places for everything. After a shower and a quick change into my pajamas, I set up the sewing machine on my small dining table and started going through my fabrics. I wanted to make grandma a new scarf. So I looked for the fluffiest, softest material I had and got right to work.

I finished just after midnight and cleaned up. I found an old gift bag and put the Lavender collared scarf in there. I'd give it to her when I saw her again in a few days. I washed my cup, and went to get ready for bed. As I was brushing my teeth I looked in the mirror.. Thinking about how Gram said I looked just like my mother.
I'd always been curious, I was far too young when she and dad died. Grandma was the only one who took care of me, Who raised me. I spit into the sink, rinsed my mouth with mouthwash and sucked air in through my teeth, giving myself a smile in the mirror and wishing away the dark thoughts.

I turned off the light, and climbed into bed. Snuggling into my blankets and closing my eyes. At some point, I started to drift to sleep.

The large ivory room with gold trim I was in was way too clean and lavish to be a place that I'd ever been. A dark haired man with his back to me was sitting at a piano, and suddenly sweet music started to play. I looked around, lights illuminated this large room, but nothing else was in it. Just a piano, this strange man, and me. I looked down at myself to find I was wearing a dark red dress, It was off the shoulders and was long with slits on either side coming up to my hips almost.. The red and black heels on my feet made clicking sounds as I moved toward the man. Once I was right behind him, I reached for his shoulder. Suddenly I was turned and sitting on his lap as my back pressed against his front. I felt gentle touches on my shoulder. I suddenly realized the man was kissing my shoulder. He left a trail of kissing up to my neck, his hand gently guiding my head to the side in order to give him better access. The kisses continued and each kiss on my neck turned me on more and more. I started to squirm under his touch and that only made him touch me more. His hand, cool as it was, gently stroked my arm and made me eager for more. Suddenly a sharp pain hit my neck and I gasped, not in pain... no.. this was pleasure.

I jolted up out of my bed and looked at my clock as I gripped my neck. I looked at my hands after seeing the clock on my bedside table read 3AM. I hadn't been asleep that long. My hands didn't have blood on them or anything. I got up and went into the bathroom, turning on the light as I entered. I squinted at the bright light and then looked in the mirror. There was nothing on my neck. So it had to have been a dream. I shrugged it off, almost laughing at my delusional brain. I climbed back into bed after turning back off the bathroom light. I drifted off to sleep again as soon as my head hit the pillow.

The next few days went by rather fast. And on Thursday I felt the need to go see Gram again, just to check on her and of course I wanted to give her the scarf I made for her. As I arrived close to her house I saw the lights. Panic hit me and I wanted to speed up but I knew that wouldn't help anyone. Paramedics were rolling a woman... my grandmother out of her home and down her driveway. I parked on the opposite side, hurried out of my car, yelling as I did.

"Gram! GRAM!" I called out. The paramedics stopped and let me see her as they adjusted the stretcher to get her into the back of the ambulance.

"Evaline, my dear..." she slowly got out.

"It's okay Miss, your grandmother just had a slight episode. We're taking her in now. You can meet us over at Saint Johns." The paramedic closest to me said.

"Okay, thank you, Sir.." I replied before turning back around and heading back to my car. Gram had these episodes... she'd black out and collapse right on the spot. I witnessed it twice, it was so strange to me when I was younger. But when I'd called Auntie and even my Uncle, they said it was something she had delt with since Grandfather passed away. I just assumed it was heartbreak, or maybe something like it. Maybe her heart has become weaker since he passed away. He died when I was seven years old. I remember him some, but not much.

"I'm here for Mrs. Somerset? Veloria Somerset." I stated to the woman at the counter of the emergency room. She looked it up and gave me directions.

"Right down this way, fourth curtain on the left." She noted. I went down the hall and entered the room at the left, one up from the last room. The curtain pulled back a nurse came out. On the bed was my grandmother, hooked up to machines as they kept her hydrated and monitored her while they ran tests.

"She should be fine. You can sit with her. The doctor will be over when the results come back." She stated. I nodded and took a seat.

"They already got you checked in, huh?" I said, sounding impressed.

"They're good, and Doctor Ascotte is absolutely amazing. He's quick, knows what to do." She said with a grin. I shook my head at her.

"Gram.. I really think it's time for an at home nurse... or, maybe you could ...." I started to say but she cut me off.

"Now you listen here, I'm an old woman, but I'm a lot better off than you think. I'll be fine. I just need to take it easy and get things done before I go." She said, I hated when she talked like this.

"Gram, you don't need to get anything done, you need to rest." I stressed to her.

"I'll rest when I'm dead." She smiled and I rolled my eyes. Stubborn... that's what she was. I sat in silence, taking out my phone and making sure that a friend of mine who I was supposed to meet for dinner was made aware that I had to cancel. Then I texted my Aunt Beth to let her know about Gram. Then Uncle Ren. Uncle Ren responded first, which was usually the case. He called me and I answered.

"Hi, Uncle Ren." I said as I answered his call.

"Hey Evaline, is Gram doing okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. They had her all hooked up when I got here. The doctor will come once they get the test results." I told him.

"That's good. How has she been otherwise?" He questioned.

"As far as I know... she's just as sweet, aware, curious, and stubborn as ever." I giggled a bit. Uncle Ren laughed along.

"That's your Grandma for you. You and your mother.. Even your Aunt beth... all of you are a lot like her. I'll check up on her later. Let me know if anything changes, okay?" He asked.

"Of course Uncle Ren. Talk to you later." I replied.

"Love you, take care." He added.

"Love you too, bye." I said, ending the call and looking at my grandmother. I leaned back in the chair and closed my eyes for a moment.... Just a moment....

"You have the number, right?" A male voice woke me up from the nap I apparently took.

"Of course I do." Gram had replied, sounding better.

"Then call when you're ready to go, okay? Any other questions... oh, looks like sleeping beauty woke up." The Doctor, a tall man, youthful looking but clearly matured and his eyes sparkled a bit with wisdom... if that makes sense.

"Sorry, Gram I didn't mean to fall asleep. Is she okay, Doctor?" I apologized then asked about Gram.

"She'll be fine, for now. Unfortunately her condition is deteriorating. I don't want to be the bringer of bad news, but she'll be lucky to make it to the end of the year... really she's lucky she's made it this far." He said... it seemed a little unorthodox to me that a Doctor would say such a thing... especially since it's not really an answer or anything.

"Okay.. Thank you." I said, not knowing how else to respond to such a vague answer. I picked up my purse and kissed Gram on her forehead.

"When can she check out?" I asked.

"Her paperwork should be nearly done. Why don't you wait outside." The doctor showed me to the door and I waited outside it. Gram exited the room about ten minutes later, I hurried to help her but she seemed fine on her own. After checking her out of the hospital, I drove Gram home, helped her inside and let her know I'd be back tomorrow.

As promised, the next day after getting some work done, I headed to Grams in the mid afternoon. I knocked, no answer so she must be sleeping. Thankfully I had a spare key to her home, The door was unlocked though and I figured she either went out recently and fell asleep, or she might not have heard the door from one of the back bedrooms.

"Gram?" I called for her, no answer.

"Gram, it's Evaline, I'm here as promised.... Gram?" I was trying not to freak out... maybe... maybe a friend came to visit and they went somewhere, she can be forgetful so maybe she forgot to lock the door. She very well could have gone out to lunch. I tried to find evidence of this being the case... maybe she had the lunch written down in a planner or on a calendar. Nothing.... I searched her room, the living room, even the back bedroom that she used for her sewing and knitting supplies.. Nothing was there though. Nothing of use anyway.

Knock Knock

I nearly jumped out of my own skin when a sudden knocking came at Gram's door. I answered it, opening the door was the mailwoman. She had a package and she handed it over, smiling.

"Ms. Evaline?" She asked.

"Yes?" I questioned.

"Here you go." She said, handing over the package. It was addressed to me but send to Gram's? Who could have sent it? I thanked the woman and closed the door. I left the package on the sofa as I tried to search again. Everything seemed in its place. Nothing was stolen or moved, or anything. Gram just simply wasn't here.
I did the only thing I could do and rummaged around for her phone book, the one she had with all her important numbers. Of course, the obvious calls were to my Uncle. He didn't answer so I think he was at work. I didn't want to leave him a 'hey, Gram's missing... I think' message so I just texted him and told him to just call me when he can. Just wanted to check in on him.

Just because I was in a panic, doesn't mean everyone else needed to be, especially when I had no idea what was going on. Next, I called my Aunt.

"Evaline, darling. I was wondering when you'd call." She answered, I shrugged it off as my Aunt's usual obscure behavior.

"Well I left a message for you, Gram's out of the hospital so-"

"Oh I know." She replied.

"Uh... Gram isn't with you, is she?" I asked, not that I thought she was.. But something in how my aunt seemed to know... maybe she at least talked to Gram recently.

"Of course not. She's gone." She said so casually I was at a loss for words for a few moments.

"Gone? Like.. Gone. Gone how?" I asked, letting panic almost win.

"Calm yourself. Did you like the package?" She asked. I pulled my cell away from my ear and looked at it strangely. Was my Aunt completely insane? Gram is 'gone' and she wants to know about some... wait how did she know I received a package?

"Did you send me it? I haven't opened it... thought it was a little weird that something addressed to me would be sent to Gram's.... And Gram isn't here." I tried to steer the conversation back to the fact that Gram was missing and yet... my Aunt seemed to not hear me.

"Well, open it, silly. Let me know what you think." She said. I closed my eyes and tried to breathe through the slight irritation.

"Shouldn't I call the cops Auntie.. Since Gram is missing?" I finally said. She laughed.... Aunt Beth laughed hard on the other end.

"Why would you do that? Silly girl. Mother was told... look, Grandma is fine. I promise. But she won't be there anymore. She's.... Well, she's home." Something about the way she worded that... didn't sit well with me.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"Evaline, just open the package." Aunt Beth was a bit more firm this time. I hung up. I grabbed the package, locked up Gram's house behind me as I left. I needed to figure out what to do... Gram was somewhere... I think.
Against my Aunt's words... I went down to the local police station. No help, what-so-ever. I couldn't file a report because she hasn't been missing for more than 24 hours, she's not in a nursing home and doesn't have an in-house nurse... so it means she's sane and able enough to take care of herself which means I can't file for an emergency search. So.. I was stuck waiting till either someone got ahold of her, she calls me or another family member... or she just shows up at her house. I decided to go back to her house and wait.

I made a grilled cheese sandwich for dinner, I didn't really feel like eating. Then I decided to open this stupid package from my Aunt Beth, since it seemed so much more important than helping me figure out where Gram could have gone. 

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