Momo Ketchum

By Jani7310

12.5K 241 49

Momo Ketchum is Ash's twin sister. They both have powerful Aura's that let's them talk to Pokemon. Ash's Aura... More

Momo Ketchum
Momo's Pokemon
Attention Readers!
chapter one
chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fithteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Update on Momo's Pokemon
Twenty Four
Another Note
Thank you note

Chapter Eleven

274 9 1
By Jani7310

Thank you for waiting, and I'm sorry for the wait as well.


Our heroes had camped out for a few days for Momo to rest from a short cold. They talked a lot about anything and everything. They soon headed to the ghost manner. When they got their they saw a creepy looking mansion.

"That's creepy looking." Said Momo a bit scared.

"Yeah. I guess that's why they call it the Ghost mansion." Said Brock.

"I have to get a Ghost Pokemo." Said Ash.

They went in slowly. They looked around and they came close to the stairs when they heard screaming and they also saw something moving and they screamed and ran out.

"I'm not going back in there!" Momo cried, holding Brock's arm. Ivysaur was shaking next to her trainer.
"Yeah. We'll wait out here for you." Brock added.

Ash sighed but nodded and went back in with Pikachu. He also had Charmander help. He found them Ghost Pokemon, and he had some fun. He got a Haunter to help him, and he headed back to his friends.

When Ash came back out and he told them what happened. Momo was surprised that the Ghost Pokemon wanted to play and joke around. They left the mansion and went to Sabrina's gym. They were a bit nervous about this, but Ash needed the badge.


Saffron City soon came into view, and they got a few things they needed. Then they went to the gym, and they soon came face to face with Sabrina.

The battle with her and Ash was intense. They were so close. Ash's Haunter evolved into Gengar. He won with Shadow Ball and Night Shade. Gengar also made Sabrina laugh, and things returned to normal. They met her parents and stayed for the night. They headed out the next day. Sabrina was happy to have made friends, and Ash gave Gengar to Sabrina so he could keep her laughing.

Ash was excited about having five badges. He smiled at the Marsh Badge. They were heading to the next city. They called their families and let them know how they were doing.

Momo told Lance how they were doing, and they also stopped to do some training. Lance was glad to know that they were safe and getting stronger. He also heard of them from the gym leaders.


Momo trained Snivy up more. She trained with Ash and a bit with Brock. It was during a trIning practice with Ash that Snivy evolved. Momo was so excited, and she soon had a Servine who looked stronger.

"Wow! You evolved!" Said Momo. She looked up Servine, and her Poke'dex said;

Servine The Grass Snake Pokemon and the evolved form of Snivy.

When it gets dirty, its leaves can't be used in photosynthesis, so it always keeps itself clean.

This Servine is female and knows the moves:
1. Vine Whip
2. Slam
3. Wrap
4. Mega Drain
5. Leaf Blade
6. Leaf Storm
7. Leaf Tornadoe
8. Synthesis

"Wow! You learned two new moves!" Said Momo happily.

Both Ash and Brock congratulated Servine and Momo.
They then went into lunch and talked about their Pokemon and how they would train them next.
They were done eating, and they packed up and headed off.

They soon got to the next city and learned that kids were disappearing by Officer Jenny. After trying to find out where the kids were going and not getting anywhere, they saw a little girl acting weird and followed her and found out where the kids were going. They soon learned who was causing this and put a stone to them. The kids were able to go back home thanks to the help of Officer Jenny.

Ash was mad at the scientists who caused all of this. He shouted at them, and they were scared about making him any mader and promised that they wouldn't do that again. Officer Jenny also said that she could keep an eye on them as well.


The gang did some more traveling and soon found themselves in a town full of booths for Breeders. Both Momo and Brock were excited and wanted to meet a famous breeder who was their role model.

This was Scissor Street. Ash soon figured out what his friends were wanting and just smiled with Pikachu, who was riding his shoulder. They soon found the place they were looking for and they saw a lady leaving with her Raticate.

They saw a girl with dark green hair and blue eyes. She smiled at them and said, "Hi there, I'm Suzie. What can I help you with."

Momo got a bit nervous, but she said, "H-hi, I'm Momo Ketchum. It's so nice to meet you, miss Suzie." Momo was happy to meet her favorite breeder.

"H-hi, I'm Brock. I'm so excited to meet you as well." Said Brock just as nervous.

Ash also introduced himself, and they went into Suzie's shop and talked. They told Suzie
Their dreams and a few other things. She was happy to meet them. Suzie could see how much Momo took her breeding ways into healing Pokemon, and she was excited to see how that helped and the benefits it could do.


They also learned of her Vulpix. Brock was able to get her to eat his food. This made Suzie happy, and she could see how good Brock was.

They helped Suzie with her shop and got a lot of people to come and watch the demonstration. Suzie was so happy and thankful for them helping her.

Team Rocket tried to steal the Pokemon there, but Ash and Momo stopped them with Vulpix's help. They gave everyone their Pokemon back once Team Rocket was gone. The trainers were thankful to them and thank the three trainers. They all went back to enjoying Scissor Street.

They were getting ready to leave and saying goodbye to Suzie when she asked Brock to look after her Vulpix for a while. She felt Brock would do a better job than her right now. She also wished Momo good luck and Ash as well.

Brock promised Suzie that he would take good care of Vulpix. They then headed out after that the waved until they couldn't see Suzie anymore. Suzie smiled as she watched them walk away. She knew that when she got Vulpix back that she would be as beautiful as always and healthy.


I'll try to update again soon. Thank you for reading, and I hope you liked the update. I'll try to update my other stories as well. I've been busy, and I'll try to update more. If you don't like my stories, then don't read.

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