Desire | Kim SeokJin

By captain_botha

1.7K 319 1K

Being victorious, having beauty with brain, great sense of fashion, loyal people surrounded, enough time for... More

Intro :)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part I6
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 2I
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75

Part 45

13 3 15
By captain_botha

"please sir.. I was out of mind at that moment. I really didn't recognize her. I thought she was also someone ordinary." the man said kneeling down in front of Richard and MinYeong.

MinYeong scoffed hearing him and put a gun on his head. "bye.." he sarcastically said and


The man fell on the ground with river of blood flowing out of the dark hole made on his head through his skull.

"clean the mess." he said to a guard standing there.

"you've really become somewhat like.. psychotic..."

He chuckled. "Have I?"

Richard nodded. "but I guess that's good. Even some days ago you were always letting those guys go. Now you can at least kill them without thinking twice."

"I wasn't letting them go. I was just moving slowly and planned to finish them little by little so that it would take them a while to realize and by that time it would be too late for them to do anything."

Richard stared at him for a moment and nodded.

"Eunseo! Come here fast. Taehyung woke up." Sookyung said approaching Eunseo and Jin.

She got up from her seat and ran towards Taehyung's cabin and Jin also got up from his seat and went behind her taking a glance of Sookyung.

Entering the room she saw Taehyung staring at the ceiling. She slowly walked him and he turned his gaze at her feeling her presence.

He smiled and said in a little low voice, " hey Eunseo-yaa!"

She sat down on the stool beside the bed and looked at him with sad yet angry eyes. "You know? I'll love to break that already broken neck of yours once you get well.."

He dramatically sighed and said, "How cruel a person should be called when they talk to a half dead patient like this."

Just then Jin entered the room gaining their attention.

"oh Jin-nie hyung! You were here too?"

Jin didn't say anything and just stared at him slightly widened eyes with parted lips.

"Jin?" Eunseo called.

"h-huh? Yes?"

"feel comfortable around me hm? I'm just like your mom." Sookyung said and Hobi smiled.

"of course aunty. I'm not uncomfortable at all." he said while his eyes were on the road, driving carefully.

"I couldn't talk to you all properly earlier."

"we don't mind.. It wasn't even a situation to talk about things like that. But yeah you can ask anything at anytime."

She smiled. "you all are really well mannered... So now tell me about you? I only know some things about Jin and Jimin."

"Well, my full name is Jung Hoseok. I'm 28. I'm just a normal employee in a company."

She nodded and asked, "what about your family?"

"my friends are my family."

She smiled in pain realizing none of them had any family except their friends.

Her mind recalled all the painful memories when she couldn't find her son anywhere no matter how much she tried and thought he left them feeling guilty.

"aish! Calm down ok?" Jin said stopping the car on the middle of the road as it was just past 03:30 in the morning so it was all empty.

Eunseo looked at him with an expressionless face nodded.

Jin sighed and said in a soft voice, "I told you everything's going to be ok hm? Why are you still sad? Cheer up! Everyone is good now. Taehyung woke up too... Stop feeling guilty."

"It's not that... I was just wondering, what Kang MinYeong is upto.. What if.. Just what if he plans to target another of us again?"

He stared at her. "nothing's gonna happen. We're all here." he said and again started the engine.

"I hope so...." she sighed and said, "I have to go to work today.. Every other time when Ella or Tae were on leave I at least had the other one of them. But this will be the first time I'll ever be there all alone."

"are you not friends with anyone else in there?"

"it's not like that... I just don't feel like.. You know.. Uhm..."

"leave it. When do you leave?"

"At ten."

"Don't go out alone. I'll come to pick you."

She didn't say anything and just stared at his side profile.

While walking through the hallways Yoongi's eyes fell on the numberplate on the door of a cabin and he stared at it for some seconds thinking something.

He gulped and slowly walked towards it. His hand reached for the door handle as he slowly pressed it down making sure not to make any noise.

He pushed the door and went in to the dim lighted room.

His eyes fell on the lying figure of Ella and he stared at her.

His eyes were fixed on her face.

He whispered to himself, "Yoon ElaRin..."

Ella opened her eyes and took a look around her.

Because of the low light she couldn't see everything clearly yet felt like someone was sitting beside her bed.

She narrowed her eyes trying to get who that was and widened them realizing it was the cat faced man who was with the other boys.

"don't stare at me like that. You look weird."

She jumped hearing the sudden deep voice of the other person. "I-I thought you were asleep."

"I was.. You took it away."

"huh? I didn't even make any sound."


"what are you doing here? Isn't there anyone else?"

"why, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"n-no it's not like that.. I was just ask-"

"everyone else went home except me and Jimin and he's with Namjoon."


And after a long silence she asked, "by the way... I didn't get to know about you."

He stared at her as he felt a little down hearing her and thought, 'I thought you... Remembered.'


"yeah.. Oh, I'm Yoongi."

She thought something and asked, "have we met before? Your face is a little familiar."

He gulped and answered, "I don't know.. Maybe.. Or maybe not."

"whatever leave this. I'm ElaRin but most people know me as Ella."


"did aunty ask you to sit here?"

"No.. I was just sitting here because.... Staying alone is dangerous at this time."

"what about Taehyung? Is he still unconscious?"

"he woke up a while ago. He's doing well now."

"and your friend, Namjoon?"

"he's still unconscious."

Time passed like air... The whole thing was going silently.

Sometimes peacefully, sometimes in rushes.

Then came a plot twist in their life, when they started to find the missing pieces of the puzzle and everything started to make sense and the hidden reality came out as clearly as a clean glass they just had to break and go ahead.

How do I take my eyes out and again put them back in?

Everything smells like burnt coriander.

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