STARS OATH, leo valdez ¹

By seeyouentea

226 6 5

' my pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand ' IN WHICH the fate of everything r... More



56 3 0
By seeyouentea


✦ ⭒ ☤ ➶ ✰

LEENA WAS HAVING A REGULAR TUESDAY MORNING. She woke up at the freezing crack of dawn to work her six o'clock open at the gas station like usual. Storm clouds kept the sky grey so time seemed to drag. She sold Bum Crack Jack his usual eight pack of booze at seven o'clock. By eight, she'd had a person ditch and drive, been cursed at twice, and served her english teacher — as well as her gym teacher. Of who were definitely avoiding eye contact at all costs. Leena was sure Mr Cullen was married, and she was confident it wasn't to Mr Richard's.

So yeah! A pretty classic morning!

That was until a winged horse landed on top of the Audi R8 of the prick Leena was serving.

Staring out the window, she couldn't believe what she was seeing. Dancing about on top of the car like a cat kneading a bed, clopped (pranced?) a slick black stallion, with massive wings the same colour as its coat.

Leena darted her eyes between the car and the customer, wondering how he wasn't noticing the horse shaped issue. Noticing her strange behaviour, the guy turned to look out the window. Leena winced in preparation of an outburst in anger, confusion, fear— but it never came.

It never did.

Leena was used to feeling crazy. She saw things that others seemed to ignore. As a child she learnt to keep her mouth shut about her 'visions' (as the counsellor called it). Kids could be cruel she had discovered.

'Admiring my ride,' the customer smirked, showing off his yellowing teeth. 'I better get out there to clear those pesky birds.'

Birds? Leena took another look out of window. Nope. Definitely still looked like a winged horse to her.

'I would offer to take you for a spin after you clock off, doll... but i'm afraid I have meeting to attend to.' The customer proposed her, leaning over the counter flicking dirt out from underneath his wide filthy nails. She tried to avoid looking at him at all cost. He was the stock standard corporate guys that would come to the gas station. Acting as if being 'young' in the business world is means their head was any less balding. He spoke as if she should be so lucky to ride shotgun next to the greaseball. She felt like screaming, I'm fifteen! (as if it would stop his advances regardless).

Leena plastered on a sugar coated, 'How unfortunate.' Before bidding the greasy pig farewell.

The minute she stepped out the store she looked down at the glinting watch she'd swiped from his arm. Just by looking at it she could tell that although it was a fake, it was definitely worth something. She smirked to herself thinking, they make it too easy.

The borrowed goods made shaking the off the heebie jeebies from the customer a lot easier. But then Leena became reminded of the bigger issue at hand. There was a pegasus outside the shop. Why was there a pegasus outside the shop.

Luckily, the nine o'clock turn around had just occurred. Mumbling a thank you to her coworker— who also seemed oblivious to the flying horse just outside— she slipped out the back door.

She stepped into the break area taking a deep breath to calm her mind.

What did mum always say, She thought. a still mind makes room for a clear mind.

She took a few deep breaths, her eyes tightly closed. She took in the scent of her surroundings, gas, uplifted gravel, and the neighbouring wood. She pulled her jumper closer around her, the wind suddenly had a bite to it. She listened to the wind whistling through the branches, maybe it was the high intensity situation that played a trick on her mind, but she could swear she heard voices. As if the wind was chattering.

Once her spinning mind had settled she opened her eyes. To be met with a long black snout, seemingly staring right at her. Her breath hitched in her throat, fearing the horses next move. She was never really any good with horses, on riding camp in fourth grade she had an incident with the miniature ponies... let's just say she had forgotten to lock the pen (blame the ADHD).

The horse let out an exasperated huff. He seemed to be stamping his hooves in annoyance.

'Are you real?' Leena whispered.

The horse flapped its massive wings cresting enough wind to twist Leenas curls into an untameable mess, as if say. 'Duh.'

'Were you... waiting for me?'

The horse neighed, Leena took that as a yes.

'Oo—kay.' Leena took a step back, everything staring to overwhelm. 'I am talking to a flying horse, a real life flying horse!'

The horse neighed and stamped its feet some more, it reared its head as if looking out for something.

'Why are you waiting for me?' She asked no one in particular. 'How did you know where I was.'

The horse huffed again, she was sure it would translate to something along the lines of  'Girl... I'm literally a horse. You know I can't answer you.'

She raised her palms to calm the stallion. Once he stopped his frustrated stomps, he bowed and shook his head, as if asking her to go on his back.

She cocked an eyebrow, she remembered having the talks in school about never catching a ride with a stranger. She wondered if that applied to horses.

Before she could argue and be met with more passive aggressive behaviour from the horse. Something caught her attention in the forest.

Within the trees a figure started to form. Leena rubbed her eyes, because what she was seeing didn't make sense.

It looked like the storm clouds were collecting, floating down from the sky and wrapping around each other. Until they formed a wispy, but structured form. One that resembled a horse.

This horses eyes weren't mildly annoyed like the pitch black pegasus. Instead, they looked angry. Like a raging bull. And its hooves were beating the ground, as if preparing to strike.

She turned back to the black pegasus. If horses had facial expressions, this one's read 'Get on.'

Leena couldn't tell you why she did, but her instincts told her to. So she mounted the pegasus, and tried desperately to recall everything she could from fourth grade about riding horses. Unfortunately for her, it was practically nothing. Exceedingly unfortunate, she was almost confident she was never taught anything about riding one bareback — or with wings!

Locking her legs as tightly as she could to the flank of the pegasus, whilst also gripping onto his silky mane, he began to pick up speed.

Before she knew it they were taking flight. Her grip on the mane tightened, earning herself another neigh in irritated exclamation.

'Sorry.' She muttered, her heart beating out of her chest. She spared a quick look down, and noticed that they had gained some feet. Her feet dusted the very top of the trees, and they were going even higher.

'Wow.' She mumbled in awe. She was still terrified, but she had to admire the wonder of it all. She was flying!

Well technically, the horse was flying... But still! It was truely amazing.

However, her bubble was soon broken, when the crackling of lighting behind her caused her to look back and find that the storm horse was following.

'Horsey... we have company.'

The pegasus reared its head, noticing the threat nipping at their horseshoes.

Leena wished she spoke horse. Because she would have loved a little reminder to 'hold on!'

Suddenly the pegasus dived, flapping his wings and pumping his legs. They were moving fast now, zipping between clouds and buildings. Leena spared a look to see that there thundering company had been shaken, but was still trailing some meters behind.

'It's gaining on us!' Leena yelled over the wind. The pegasus neighed in agreement, and dived a little lower.

They continued like this, diving and weaving, trying to shake the thundering mare until they reached what Leena assumed was Long Island.

Growing up, Leena moved around because of her mums work. She's spent time in a lot of major cities, but New York was their home base. They had lived there permanently for the past few years. But even still, they didn't get a chance to explore Long Island that much yet, as she weaved on the back of the pegasus through the woods it all felt familiar.

Abruptly her nostalgic feelings were replaced with confusion, as her vision went completely white. She felt the pegasus also stumble, assuming he had also been blinded by the same light.

She vision cleared slightly. She realised that it had been lightning. And that the mare was a lot nearer.

The pegasus flew closer to ground. Not a second too soon, as another spout of lighting flickered next to them. Luckily it missed them, but the trees around them weren't so lucky. The strike caused a massive branch of the tree directly in front of them to snap off.

Desperately trying to miss getting pummelled by a log, the pegasus veered to the left, but a second too soon. The end of the branch caught his right wing, sending him — and Leena on his back — tumbling to the ground.

Upon impact, Leena was thrown off the pegasus back. She rolled on the forest floor, cuts from twigs and leaves stung her skin. Groaning, she tried to get up using her elbows. Her vision was blurred, and her head pounded. Definitely concussed, She cursed.

She could hear a desperate bray, it sounded like it was miles away. But when her eyes focussed she saw her new friend only a few meters away. His wing looked pretty banged up. as did one of his front legs.

'No.' Leena whispered, taking a step towards the pegasus.

Before she could take another step she heard a grumbling behind her, that loosely resembled a horses whine, and also a thunder storm.

Turning slowly, she spotted the stormy steed scampering as if trying to sniff her them out.

She looked back to the pegasus. With his good wing he lifted it pointing to the hill behind him. There was a massive pine tree right at the top. She felt like she had seen it before. That's where they had to go.

The horse fluttered its good wing in that direction, as if urging her to go.

She tried to help him extend his wing, but to no avail. They tried to move, but a three legged horse doesn't quite have the same agility as a four legged one.

It was clear, the pegasus was slowing them down. And the cyclone carthorse was nearing. Leena moved towards the pegasus, needing to help him..

The pegasus reared its head and let out a series of snorts. Leena couldn't understand horse however, and had no idea what he was trying to say, but she felt like he was asking her to leave him. He had helped her and she didn't know why, she couldn't leave him there.

Without warning the pegasus whined, drawing the attention of the other mare. Leena looked at him in shock.

'Are you serious!' She exclaimed. Watching in fear as the lightning wielding horse locked in on location.

She looked at the pegasus desperately. He had left her with only one choice. Run.

'I'll come back.' She promised him.

Then she ran.

Leena was always quick. Ever since she can remember, she had a talent when it came to a foot race. She was so good, she had coined the nickname 'Dusty' for the way she smoked people on the field.

Sometimes when she went on runs, she felt like her thoughts drifted. She would often end up places a lot quicker than she thought it would take.

Like in fourth grade, when the miniature ponies 'escaped'. In distress she had ran back to her dorm. But she had gotten there before the horses even had a chance to make it out of the paddock. It should have of been impossible.

As she ran from the horse, wind whipped through her hair. The hill must've been a lot smaller than she thought, because the pine was now within her reach. She spared a look back to see how close she was to being dead meat, but was shocked to see that the horse was still at the base of the hill.

It must be the adrenaline

She slowed into the clearing, her eyes widening at was she saw.

The pine tree was just as magnificent up close. It was huge, and its leaves spanned casting shade across the entire hill. But even more impressive was the fleece that was tied around the trunk. It glittered, sun beams filtered through the pines branches causing mirrorball like speckles to pattern the green around it.

Even more incredible than the tree and its fleece, was the sleeping golden dragon at its base.

'Dragon.' Leena whispered.

It stirred, as if hearing her. Lifting its tired head it yawned, sputtering sparks. Its eyes leveled on her, before snorting out some steam and laying its head back down.

Leena let out a sigh of relief. Having one deadly monster after her blood was enough for the time being.

Speaking of, the awful grovelling whine sounded closer this time.

Right next to tree, fleece, dragon. There was an archway. Inscribed at the top was something in ancient greek.

Camp Half-Blood

'Fresh meat?' Sounded a voice.

Leena looked toward to voice, startled. It was the first time she'd heard a voice other than her own in a while. On the other side of the pine tree, a blonde boy with sun kissed skin and warm bright eyes stepped into the light.

He wore some kind of ancient greek armour, and had a bow and arrow strapped on his shoulder.

'Who— where— What is going on!' Leena sputtered out. Her brain pounded against her skull.

'It's okay... I'm Will and this is camp—'

Will was interrupted by a thundering bray. A very near thundering bray. The horse stepped into the clearing. Will's eyes widened, but he propped an arrow expertly.

'I'm pretty sure she's just interesting me.' She mumbled, putting up a hand in warning to Will.

'She?' He probed, eyes still wide with anxiety.

'Seems right?' Leena shrugged.

As if on queue, the mare reared its hind legs and started towards Leena. She stumbled, tripping and falling backwards through the stone arch.

Unfortunately she smacked her head on the way down. If—on the off chance—she was not concussed before, she most definitely was now.

Blinking in an effort to keep herself awake, she saw Will let his arrow fly. It hit its target, the horse dispersed back into clouds upon contact with the bronze arrow.

She remembered seeing Will's face looking down at her with concern, she heard commotions in the distance, Will calling for assistance. She could smell the faint sweetness of strawberry's.

Then everything faded to black.

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