Neo Soul King Yhwach [Being R...

By Misunderstood-King

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You may have noticed the new title-I'm planning on rewriting the entire first arcs and Might even reboot the... More

Updated Biography ( Read Before Reading the Fanfic )
A Second Chance You Say.?
Whispers Among the Shadows
Threads of Destiny Unbound
Shadows Cast on the Endless Journey
Shadows in the Chaos
Echoes of Sacrifice
Shattered Destiny
Echoes of Desperation
-Sneak Peaks-
Season 2 Requiem for Hope
The Struggle Within
The Weight of Choices
Shadows Of The Past
Lingering Shadows of A New Prison
Sacrifices Carved in Destiny
Echoes of Liberation
Choices of Survival
Threads of Trust
Echoes of Sacrifice: Farewell, Yhwach
Echoes of Fate in the Endless Void
Illusions and Ink: The Dance of Aizen and Ichibei
Harmony in Solitude: The Melody of Yhwach and Aizen
Resilience Amidst Shadows
A New Frontier
Yhwach's Proposition: The Saviors
Twists of Fate
Fateful Reunion
Surviving Richmond: A Tangled Web of Family and Foes
The Unforgiving Night
Echoes of Grief: Farewell to Richmond
Winds of Change
Threads of Resilience: The Ericson Kids' Tale
Luminous Conversations
The Truth, Whispers of Regret
Preparing for War: Plans and Promises
The Battle Against the Raiders
Symphony of Souls: Walkers Among Us
The Sealed King of Quincy's Last Stand
Answers, Questions, Vote
Kill The Fate
Whispers of Deceit: The Dark Heart of the Capital
Ties that Bind: The Weight of Night Raid's Purpose
Resolute Choices: Yhwach vs. Night Raid Principles
Illusions and Flashbacks: Yhwach's Emotional Struggle
The Schrift of Remorse: Embracing Bazz-B's Gift
Tea and Tensions: Yhwach's Encounter with General Esdeath
Promises and Collisions: Yhwach's Vow for Tatsumi
Night Raid's Toast: Celebrating Returns, Mysteries, and Unseen Journeys
Training and Trials: Night Raid's Progress
From Void to Tea Shop: Yhwach Faces Zaegar's Challenge
Blood-Soaked Rain: Yhwach's Grim Discovery in the Capital
Explosive Truths: The Fall of Seryu and the Promise Made
Tell me something, 'Empire's strongest'... Do you Fear Death?
Mimihagi's Revelation: Yhwach's Encounter with the Supernatural
Bound by Fate: Yhwach's Vision for a New World
The Unsettling Alliance: Issei's Struggle and Freed's Decision
Yhwach's Inner Trials: Wind, Lightning, and Zaegar's Playful Mischief
Crown of Flames: The Quincy King's Declaration in Hell
Holy Swords and Fiery Justice: The Battle Against Kokabiel
Zaegar's Challenge: The Clash Within Yhwach's Soul
Dragon's Lair: Yhwach's Audacious Proposal to Tiamat
Warnings from the Rusty Relic: The Mimihagi's Prophecy
Kyoto Confrontation: The Nine-Tailed Fox's Decision and The True Longinus
Devil System's Demise: Yhwach's Grand Liberation Plan
Whispers of War: Allies Gather for the Coming Storm
Clash of Titans: Yhwach's Ominous Declaration
I, Yhwach Declare The Second Great War Begins Now.
Fateful Convergence: Allies and Enemies Unite Against the Quincy King
Beneath the Surface: Yamamoto's Illusion and Ophis' Proposal
Echoes of a Fallen Morning Star: Yhwach's Grand Declaration
Chaos Descends: Sacrifices and Struggles
The Battle of Gods and Devils: Yhwach's Ascension
Legacy of Yhwach: A Dream That Never Dies
The Primordial Hollow's Arrival: Ophis' Sacrifice and Great Red's Demise
Ban... Kai Zanka No Tachi, End of Dxd
Fate/Yhwach? No its Fate/Zaegar
Servant Class Foreigner, Zaegar is the master?
Intrigues and Encounters: The Holy Grail War Begins
Clash of Kings and Jesters: The Unforeseen Turn in the Holy Grail War
Fireworks Chaos and Fury: Caster's Stand Against the Unpredictable Foreigner
Flashbacks: An Unexpected Gathering
Mana, Mysteries, and Mayhem: Grand Caster's Revelation
Starship Showdown: The Fall of Type-Venus
Into the Fray: Zaegar's Resurrección and Emi's Cunning Victory
Beast VI: Vasto Lorde Zaegar.
Fate/Yhwach No its Fate/Zaegar: End
The Fullbringer and A new enemy
Intrigue and Incidents: Yhwach's Arrival Sparks Curiosity
The Path to Improvement: Yhwach's Mentorship
Unforeseen Lessons: A Day in the Life of Yhwach
From Food Fights to Future Guardians: Yhwach's Impact
Ozpin's Bedtime Stories and Zaegar's Plan: Yhwach's Title?
Yhwach's New Suit and The Ballroom: Zaegar's Chaos
Äs Nödt's Trial, Yhwach's Fear: Death's Smile...
Yhwach and Zaegar became commentators?!
The Fall of Beacon, End of RWBY.
Jujutsu Kaisen: The Battle Against the Strongest
The Honored One
Lost in the Void: Yhwach faces Gojo's Domain Expansion
Yhwach's Encounter and Manga Discussion: The Battle of Gojo and Jogoat
Bambietta's Trial and reading Manga: Yhwach's existential crisis
Mahito's Domain: With this treasure, I summon...
Divine General Mahoraga
A Rising Rebellion: The Threat of the Higher-Ups
The Shibuya incident Arc: Zaegar's actions
The Shibuya incident Arc: Gojo Satoru and Zaegar have been sealed
Lille Barro's Trial: Kenjaku's Plan against Yhwach
End of Jujutsu Kaisen
One Piece: The start of yet another new journey
The Celestial Dragon and Yhwach's Decision
Yhwach's Master Plan And The Gladiator Match: The Celestial Dragons
The World's Reaction and Yhwach's Bounty: Encounter With Hawk Eyes
A Duel with Mihawk and Yhwach's Curiosity
A Swordsman's Counsel: The Strongest Rowboat
Sabaody Archipelago and Bitter Realizations: Yhwach's Path to Progress
Bounty Hunting and Incidents: Free Meal Challenge
'Dark King' Silvers Rayleigh
The Deal and Offer: Admiral Kizaru
The Moon and War: Strongest Man in the World
Admiral Akainu and Ace's Death: The Chaotic Battlefield
Kaido of The Beasts And The Nuke: The Cataclysmic Event
CP0 Agents and The Five Elders: Project Nachtüberfall
The Dragon and The Dragon Slayer: Admiral Aokiji
'Nightmare' Gecko Moria
Zaegar's Little Recruitment Mischief: A Meeting With A Yonko Gone Wrong...
The Primordial state of Bleach: You're not the hero of this story at all.
A Spy Among Us And Interrogation: Public Execution
Donquixote Doflamingo
A Meeting With A Yonko Gone Right? ( Important Announcement )

Völlstandig Unleashed: Yhwach's Vow The Final Battle

224 8 5
By Misunderstood-King

Timeskip - Location Night Raid's Base

Yhwach Pov

Najenda: Well, I can say the mission was a total success. Not only did we stop the execution, but we also defeated Budo and returned safely.

Leone: And things weren't easy with Esdeath there. We were lucky there weren't any Jaegers alive.

Susanoo: Speaking of which, how did you exactly escape? Did you defeat her?

Yhwach: No, I didn't defeat her. I managed to hold her off, giving the others a chance to escape.

Najenda: Well, after a similar day, I suggest to have dinner and get some sleep.

Susanoo: I'm going right away.

Akame: I'll give you a hand.

Leone: I think I'll take a nap already. Wake me up when it's time to eat.

And they left. But before I could leave too...

Mine: Hey, Tatsumi?

Tatsumi: Y-Yeah!?

They were both blushing.

Mine: Uhm...about what we said didn't give me a proper answer...

Tatsumi: Well...I don't know what to say...I mean, I do care of you, but this is...would you agree if I give you an answer after this war ends?

Mine: S-Sure! I mean...if you really want to make me wait so much, then fine.

Yhwach: What nonsense are you babbling on about?

Their expressions froze, and they turned their heads slowly as they realized I was present.

Their face became redder than before and smoke was coming out of their ears.

Mine: Y...YOU IDIOT!!

She ran away high speed leaving a speechless Tatsumi.

Yhwach: Alright, what nonsense is transpiring here?

Tatsumi: N-No no no, nothing important. It's just that...well, during the journey to go back to the base, Mine...confessed her love to me.

Yhwach: .... are you serious?

Tatsumi: Yeah...and I thought maybe you could give me some advice...

Yhwach: ...Me?

I truly didn't know how to react.

To ask me for love advices...

Yhwach: ...I'm afraid I can't help you.

Tatsumi: You're the only one I could ask! Susanoo isn't the guy who thinks about love!

Yhwach: Love is a complicated aspect, and I'm not particularly well-versed in such matters. Every individual and relationship is distinct. Follow your instincts, and be sincere about your emotions.

Tatsumi: It's just... everything's so confusing.

Yhwach: Confusion is a natural part of it. Take your time and make decisions that resonate with you. Remember, communication is essential in any relationship.

Tatsumi: I appreciate the advice, Yhwach. I'll try to figure things out.


The next day, Najenda alerted us about a peculiar series of consecutive executions and dispatched us to investigate.

Tatsumi, Akame, and I awaited the twilight since, following our escape, we were all marked on wanted posters, including me. Concealing our identities with hoods, we arrived at the main plaza, witnessing various individuals being tortured, injured, and crucified.

Yhwach: Seems like the Empire is furious with us now.

Tatsumi: They claim these people were spies of the Revolutionary Army. Is it a warning?

Suddenly, Akame gasped.

Akame: It's a code.

We turned to her.

Tatsumi: A code?

Yhwach: How do you recognize it?

Akame: It's for me.

Yhwach: For you? Why? What does it say?

Akame: "I'm waiting for you in the palace of Kasai Forest."

Yhwach: ...Is it from...your sister? Kurome?

She nodded, and the mere thought filled me with anger. She killed Chelsea and displayed her head.

Akame: I must prepare myself.

Tatsumi: What!? You can't actually go! Tell her, Yhwach!

Yhwach: It's no use, Tatsumi. This confrontation is inevitable. There's nothing we can do. In fact, we should step aside.

Tatsumi: Step aside!? Are you insane!? We can't let her face this alone!

Yhwach: This is a personal battle between sisters. We mustn't interfere.

Before Tatsumi could protest further, Akame halted him.

Akame: Thank you, Tatsumi, but I must conclude this on my own. And Yhwach, thank you.

She started to depart, and Tatsumi gazed at her reluctantly.

Yhwach: Now that she's not paying attention, head to that palace and wait outside, concealed.

He turned to me in disbelief.

Tatsumi: What!? Didn't you just say-

Yhwach: Your role is to observe. If anything or anyone attempts to interfere with their battle, you must intervene.

He took a moment to contemplate, then nodded.

Tatsumi: But what about you? Aren't you coming with me?

I glanced at the setting sun, near its end.

Yhwach: I have something to deal with. You'll find me at the base.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the landscape, I made my way to a secluded area near the Kasai Forest. Finding a solitary rock, I settled atop it, crossing my legs and closing my eyes to enter a deep state of meditation.

Within the recesses of my mind, the familiar transition occurred. The world around me dissolved, and I found myself in the Dark Void once more.

Zaegar, the Primordial Hollow, emerged from the darkness, towering over me with an imposing presence. His form was a grotesque amalgamation of shadows and twisted spiritual energy, embodying the ancient and raw power of Hollows.

Zaegar: Yhwach, you've returned. I was starting to get bored.

Yhwach gazed at Zaegar, his expression unwavering.

Yhwach: Zaegar, I have a few questions, and this time, I hope you'll provide clear answers.

Zaegar leaned forward slightly, a distorted grin forming on his shadowy visage.

Zaegar: Ask your questions, Yhwach. If they bore me, I won't bother answering.

Yhwach: Can my soul accommodate one more Schrift?

Zaegar's shadowy form shifted, his attention briefly turning to the cocoons containing the Sternritters.

Zaegar: Your soul isn't ready yet, Yhwach. Adding another Schrift could lead to unforeseen consequences. Although the Schrift you possess now, the Schrift H - The Heat, is close to obtaining a Vollständig.

Yhwach: How do I unlock the Vollständig?

Zaegar's laughter echoed in the dark void, sending ripples through the emptiness.

Zaegar: Unlocking Vollständig, Yhwach, requires a little push, a moment of desperation that triggers the evolution of your abilities.

Yhwach frowned, his determination solidifying.

Yhwach: What kind of push? What do you mean by a moment of desperation?

Zaegar's gaze shifted towards the cocoons of the Sternritters, hanging ominously in the void.

Zaegar: Life and death. The struggle for survival. Your deepest desires and fears converging into a singular point. That is the essence of Vollständig.

Yhwach's eyes narrowed as he absorbed Zaegar's cryptic words. Life and death, the struggle for survival, desires and fears converging into a singular point – it all resonated within him. The weight of responsibility, the impending battles, and the fate of the world rested on his shoulders.

Yhwach: Life and death... survival... singular point...

He pondered the implications of Zaegar's words, realizing that unlocking Vollständig wasn't merely about mastering power but embracing the core of his existence. It wasn't a matter of sheer strength; it was about confronting the deepest recesses of his soul.

Zaegar's laughter reverberated through the Dark Void as he continued to enlighten Yhwach about the essence of unlocking Vollständig. Yhwach absorbed every word, realizing that the next time he entered his inner world could be the moment of revelation.

Yhwach: The next time I enter my inner world will be the moment I unlock Vollständig?

Zaegar's colossal form leaned closer, his shadowy tendrils swirling around him.

Zaegar: Indeed, Yhwach. The convergence of your desires and fears, the struggle for survival, it all awaits you in that moment. Embrace it, and you shall unlock the true potential of Vollständig.

Without warning, Zaegar's colossal arm reached out, grabbing Yhwach firmly. Yhwach tensed, feeling the immense pressure of Zaegar's grip.

Yhwach: What are you doing, Zaegar?

Zaegar's distorted grin widened as he swung Yhwach like a projectile within the Dark Void. Yhwach's voice echoed with a mix of frustration and irritation.

Yhwach: Not again, Zaegar! What is the meaning of this?!

Zaegar's laughter boomed, drowning out Yhwach's protests. With a powerful motion, Zaegar threw Yhwach out of the Dark Void, casting him back into the realm of consciousness.

Yhwach's form materialized outside the Dark Void, and he found himself standing in the secluded area near the Kasai Forest. The transition was abrupt, leaving him slightly disoriented.

Yhwach: Zaegar, you insufferable Hollow...

As Yhwach gathered himself, he realized that Zaegar's cryptic teachings lingered in his mind. The weight of the impending battles and the quest for Vollständig pressed upon him. However, he couldn't dwell on it for long.

Timeskip - Location Night Raid base

Tatsumi informed me that Akame killed her sister, and it seemed that Wave wouldn't have opposed us.

Yhwach: So, our goal is to bring this to an end.

Mine: Yeah, it's time to take down Minister Honest!

Najenda: Indeed. Tomorrow marks Night Raid's final mission—eliminating Prime Minister Honest!

The room echoed with enthusiastic cheers, but my mind was preoccupied. Killing the minister was the objective, but what would come afterward?

Susanoo: Yhwach, did you catch that?

Yhwach: Hm?

I turned to find Susanoo gazing at me.

Susanoo: You appeared troubled. Are you feeling apprehensive about tomorrow?

Yhwach: Oh, no, just contemplating what comes after.

Susanoo: "After"? What are you referring to?

Yhwach: Don't concern yourself; it's nothing crucial. I think I'll turn in for the night.

Susanoo: Very well.

I retreated to my bedroom, closed the door, and drifted into sleep.

The following day, our assault began.

The plan was straightforward. Najenda launched a frontal attack with the Revolutionary Army, assisted by Susanoo.

Meanwhile, Tatsumi, Mine, Akame, Leone, and I infiltrated the palace through the sewers.

And we made quite an entrance.

Literally, Leone and I smashed through the floor with a double punch.

The soldiers quivered before us.

Leone: Boo!

Soldiers: AAAAAAHHH!!

They scattered in fear.

I pounded on the door, and an army awaited us.

Soldier: The Night Raid!

Akame: We don't want to kill more than necessary. Those who don't wish to die yet should leave now.

They all armed themselves.

Soldier: That is not an option!

I glanced at Leone.

Yhwach: Satisfied?

Leone: Yup. As expected, the guards inside here are more determined.

Tatsumi: We can't do anything but kill them.

Yhwach: Only if they are guilty. And we shouldn't waste time.

Mine: Yeah! We can't let the minister get away!

We poised ourselves for battle when we heard a voice.

Run: You have no chance to stop them. Please stay back.

We all turned to see the last member of the Jaegers.

Tatsumi: Run!

Run: It's been a while. Do you remember me, Tatsumi?

Tatsumi: You'll never let us go, no matter what.

Run: No. It's my habit to finish what I started.

Yhwach: Even if it means protecting a corrupt kingdom?

He stared at me without answering, then turned to the soldiers.

Run: There's no reason for you to die. Please leave.

Soldier: Eh?

Run: It's fine. Rather, you would be in my way.

Two circles appeared behind his shoulder, and two angel wings emerged from them.

Akame: He's coming!

He soared into the air and shot bullets at us from the wings.

While the others sought cover, I used my blade to block and deflect them.

Yhwach: Such tricks won't sway me!

I turned to the others.

Yhwach: I can create an opening! Let's go now!

Leone: You go! I'll keep him occupied!

Tatsumi: What!?

Mine: I'll back you up!

At that moment, Mine came from behind me and attacked Run, pushing him back.

Leone took advantage of the distraction to break a column and hurl it at him.

Leone: Now go! Don't waste any more time!

Mine: We'll take care of him.

I didn't like the thought, but Akame had already dashed forward, and Tatsumi followed her.

Yhwach: ...Don't overdo it.

Leone: Just let me land a punch on the minister before finishing him, and I'll be fine.

Yhwach: Deal.

I passed them and caught up with Tatsumi.

Yhwach: What about Akame?

Tatsumi: She's dealing with the other guards.

We kept running until we reached a massive door.

Yhwach: May I 'knock'?

He stepped aside, and I knocked, shattering the door.

It was a spacious room filled with people, but my eyes were fixed on someone particular.

Honest: What!? Rebels!?

The soldiers stood ready to fight us.

The emperor was standing on his trone, staring at us.

Emperor: Night Raid...

Yhwach: Indeed, and it's time to bring this to an end.

Honest: What are the guards doing!?

Yhwach: Apologies, but it looks like your guards won't be joining.

As a cue, Akame destroyed the window of the rooftop and joined us.

Yhwach: How did things go?

Akame: It appears there are no more guards around the palace. The target is minister Honest...eliminate.

Without a warning, she dashed with her sword passing above the soldiers, and she was about to hit the minister.

However, a weird barrier protected him and pushed her back.

He began to laugh loud.

Honest: The ultimate teigu is on! Take this-oh, uhm.

He suddendly stopped laughing and cleared his throat.

Emperor: What you started spreaded chaos in the Empire!

Tatsumi: No! Listen to us!

But I stepped him aside.

Yhwach: What 'we' started? This corrupted empire was doomed long before!

Emperor: What did you say!?

Tatsumi: What are you doing!?

Yhwach: You know why? Because you allowed it.

I pointed at him and he stared at me furious.

Yhwach: You kept following this lard ass without questioning if what you were doing was fair for all the people. You've blindly followed him like a fool!

Honest: Don't be ridi-

Yhwach: You're the emperor. It's your duty to rule. But if all you can do is follow the orders of this sinner, then you're not fit to be an emperor.

He was so furious that he could kill with a look. But the minister insisted

Honest: I won't allow such insults to the emperor! Your highness, throw you hammer of steel on these foolish rebels!

Emperor: I am the emperor of this kingdom!

After he said those words, everything started to tremble.

Tatsumi: What's going on?

The palace, shielded by a barrier, began to ascend, or perhaps we were descending—I couldn't be certain.

Honest: Behold Shikoutazer, the Empire's trump card! Its power rivals that of God, if not surpasses it!

We all stood in shock as a colossal robot, draped in a cape, rose. It dwarfed the palace in size.

Honest: Those who betrayed the Empire will face the judgment of God!

The emperor's voice echoed from outside.

Emperor: The Empire's existence, dating back ages, is the will of God. To challenge a God is absurd!

The robot's eyes glowed, and it fired a laser beam.

The giant's head turned toward me.

Emperor: You again!?

Yhwach: A God, you claim? I've slain Gods of Death and confronted the leader of the Gods of Death. If you believe you have a better chance, you're sorely mistaken, brat!

Emperor: Then I'll deal with you immediately!

He attempted to stomp us, but we all leaped away.

Tatsumi: The Minister probably took the chance to escape!

I was about to respond when the robot tried to punch me.

I leaped, landing on its arm, and attempted to strike, creating only a small hole.

Yhwach: It's resilient.

However, distracted, the robot smashed me against a nearby building.

Tatsumi: Yhwach!

Emperor: Night Raid... This is the fitting punishment for your deeds!

He unleashed a laser beam at me. Unable to summon my blade, I parried nonetheless.

The explosion threw me a few meters away.

Yhwach: That hurt.

I slowly rose.

Yhwach: ...but I've faced worse.

Yet, the devastation around me was no jest.

A laser beam soared above me, destroying part of the Capital.

I glanced at the carnage.

Yhwach: So many...deaths...

Zaegar: (Within Yhwach's mind) If you don't put an end to this, the situation will deteriorate.

Yhwach: Silence. Do you believe I am oblivious to that fact?

Meanwhile, the emperor confronted Tatsumi.

Suddenly, the robot seized him and cast him down.

Yhwach: Tatsumi!

I sprinted toward his location as the robot raised its leg.

Emperor: SHUT UUUUP!!

Before the stomp, I wrapped my flames around my fist and struck the giant foot mid-air.

Yhwach: I won't allow you to proceed!

Wave: Don't worry, I got him!

I pivoted toward the new voice and spotted Wave, cradling Tatsumi in his arms.

I ceased my attack, moving away before another stomp could occur.

I joined them on a nearby rooftop. Incursio seemed damaged.

Tatsumi: saved me...

Yhwach: Why are you present in this conflict?

Wave: I'm a soldier. I fight to protect the people.

Tatsumi: Yeah, that's right!

Yhwach: So, you're prepared to challenge your emperor?

Another laser beam passed by, obliterating another zone.

Wave: We're the only ones who can.

I nodded. We assisted Tatsumi in standing and charged toward the giant.

We coordinated attacks on various points to evade its onslaught.

However, it wasn't easy; we were pushed back several times.

Yhwach: If only it had an organic composition, I could incinerate it.

Then I noticed something. Tatsumi attacked a point beneath the chest, with sparks emanating.

He was slapped away, but I caught him and pulled him close.

Yhwach: Are you alright?

Tatsumi: Yes. Did you see that?

Yhwach: I observed it as well. I believe that's its vulnerability.

Tatsumi: ...Can you create an opening?

Yhwach: Very well. Wave, accompany me!

I leaped onto the robot with Wave behind.

Emperor: All the traitors of the Empire will be sentenced to death!

The robot targeted us with its hands, unleashing various lasers.

Coordinating with my blade and Wave's spear, we deflected them.

Taking the opportunity, Tatsumi struck, creating various cracks.

The emperor wailed in pain.

Emperor: How dare you!?

A laser struck him, sending him crashing down.

Yhwach and Wave: Tatsumi!!

And we were hit too.

Wave collided with a tower, while I was slammed into a house.

Emperor: Just give up! Why are you going so far!? Please...give up!

I staggered to my feet.

Yhwach: At this pace, defeating him will take hours...there must be something...something?

I sensed something peculiar—a new power, unfamiliar to me.

Yhwach: What's this sensation? Where...wait...Tatsumi?

I swiftly turned toward where he fell and saw him wielding his sword.

Tatsumi: INCURSIO!

The colossal armor emerged behind him, but with a mouth lined with sharp teeth.

A massive column of smoke enveloped him.

The robot unleashed a laser, but when the smoke dissipated, I stood in awe.

Tatsumi was airborne, donning a golden version of Incursio. Some details had changed, like the two large wings behind him.

But what alarmed me most was something hauntingly familiar.

The nauseating essence of death.

Yhwach: Tatsumi...


I found myself speechless and powerless in the face of unfolding events.

Emperor: Stay back!

The mechanical maw unleashed a barrage of lasers, but Tatsumi skillfully dodged each one.

With the brilliance of golden lightning, he charged relentlessly toward the weak point, exerting all his might.

Emperor: Perish!

He was succeeding, breaking through, achieving victory.

Yet, an unsettling truth lingered in my senses.

The more he pressed on, the more his spirit weakened. He was on the brink of death.

Yhwach: No... No! I won't allow it!

I slammed into the nearby wall.

Yhwach: I made a promise... I must save him, and the innocents of this city. That's why...

A familiar force stirred within me.

Yhwach: ...yes...that's why...

My fists clenched, and flames erupted around me.

Yhwach: I saved Mine. I saved Susanoo. And now...I'll save you!

A towering tornado manifested, reaching into the sky.

Yhwach: I must ascend to the next level!

The tornado shifted its hue, transforming into a vibrant blue.

With a sweeping motion, it halted, releasing a torrent of azure flames.

Yhwach: Völlstandig: Uriel (Fire of God)

( Art is by Arrancar Fighter, Imagine Yhwach Instead of Bazz-B )

The azure flames enveloped Yhwach, enhancing his power to unprecedented levels. The very air around him crackled with intense spiritual pressure.


Emperor: What is this power!?

I was about to go when I Remembered Aizen's words.

Aizen: Try to experiment.

The emperor's arrogance wavered as he witnessed the transformation. The colossal robot, Shikoutazer, paused in its assault, sensing the newfound threat.

Yhwach: (smirking) ...I do have something in mind.

The flames danced around Yhwach's form, creating an ethereal aura. He lifted his hand, summoning a blazing sword of divine fire.

Yhwach: This is the Fire of God, Uriel. Let's put an end to this farce.

With unparalleled speed, Yhwach surged forward, his sword cutting through the air like a celestial comet. The emperor desperately tried to retaliate with the robot's arsenal, but the flames consumed the attacks.

The fiery blade collided with Shikoutazer's weakened point, sending shockwaves through the colossal construct. The emperor screamed in frustration as Yhwach relentlessly pressed on.

Amidst the chaos, Bazz-B's spirit appeared, touching Yhwach's shoulder with a content smile. Yhwach turned to him, and for the first time in a while, a genuine smile crossed his face.

Bazz-B's spirit vanished, leaving Yhwach to focus on the battle at hand. The combination of Yhwach's Völlstandig and Tatsumi's evolved Incursio created a synergy that surpassed the emperor's expectations.

Yhwach: Tatsumi!

He turned towards me, his helmet shattered, revealing a face smeared with blood.

Yhwach: Together!

I leaped towards him, channeling all my power into my fist.

Yhwach: NOW!

Tatsumi: HAAAAAA!

Together, we passed through and found ourselves suspended in midair. We had succeeded.

The robot's chest erupted, and it began its descent.

Meanwhile, Incursio ceased its golden radiance and reverted to its usual color.

Tatsumi: No! I need to—

Before he could react, I seized him.

Yhwach: Don't worry, Tatsumi. It's unnecessary.

Tatsumi: But it's going to fall on the civilians!

Yhwach: Take a closer look.

I pointed towards the remnants of Shikoutazer, where azure flames continued to devour the remains of the colossal robot.

Yhwach: My fist was infused with the Fire of God, burning everything inside of the robot and out. There won't be any collateral damage.

Tatsumi stared in awe as the flames consumed the wreckage, leaving no trace of the once-mighty Shikoutazer.

Yhwach: It's over now. You can stop.

We landed down, and he removed Incursio, completely covered in blood.

Before he could fall, I grabbed him.

Yhwach: How do you feel?

Tatsumi: Tired... my body is all in pain... I may have some broken bones.

Yhwach: Perhaps, but you kept your word, correct?

He stared at me, confused.

Yhwach: You're alive.

His face was full of shock, but then he smiled, tears streaming down.

Tatsumi: That's right... I survived...

Akame and Mine: Tatsumi!

We turned to see Akame and Mine rushing to us. While they were talking, I felt someone in the distance.

Yhwach: Forget it.

I immediately noticed the fire around was normal, not blue. Which meant I was normal too.

Yhwach: (In thought) I have much yet to understand.

Akame: Where are you going?

Yhwach: Escort him to the medical unit. I have matters to attend to.

Yhwach: But first, I must keep my promise.

I followed the soul in the city until I found Leone.

Leone: Are you going somewhere?

Yhwach: I vowed a punch, did I not?

She grinned at my statement and went with me.

Small Timeskip

We jumped from a hill, landing in front of a door.

Just before a certain lard ass could reach it.

Yhwach: And where did you assume you'd escape?

Honest: Y-You again!?

He backed away and tried to run, but some rebels were pointing their spears at him.

Leone: Nowhere to run, you piece of shit!

He waved his hand at her when I felt something in one of his rings.

Acting by instinct, I dashed in front of her, just in time to stop something.

The ring on his finger grew an eye and shot a purple light at me, then the eye broke.

I waited for something to happen, but to the shock and confusion of everybody, nothing did.

Honest: Impossible! How can it be!? My Teigu was supposed to destroy yours, so why didn't it work!?

Yhwach: My concern grew. Do you know why? Because 'this' isn't a mere Teigu.

I tilted my head to Leone.

Yhwach: Leone?

Leone: With great pleasure!

She jumped to him and punched him so hard he rolled on the ground.

Leone: Aah, now I feel a lot better.

He tried to stand up, failing, and pulled out a gun.

Yhwach: Don't be absurd.

I grabbed the gun, taking it myself.

I infused my power on it and pointed it at Honest, who began to cry.

Yhwach: Fear not; I won't end you with this... but you'll endure agony.

I shot at his left shoulder, and he screamed in agony.

Yhwach: This is for Tatsumi's friends.

I shot at the right hand.

Yhwach: This is for Sheele.

The left foot.

Yhwach: For Bulat.

The right leg.

Yhwach: For Bols.

The left hip.

Yhwach: For Chelsea.

The right hip.

Yhwach: For Seryu.

The right forearm.

Yhwach: For Lubbock.

The right foot.

Yhwach: For Kurome.

Very risky, but the left ear.

Yhwach: For manipulating the emperor.

I threw the gun away.

Yhwach: And this...

I grabbed him up and forced him to stare at me.

Yhwach: ... this is for all the innocents whose blood is on your hands, you lard ass!

Yhwach: Farewell, Minister Honest.

I raised my hand, flames flickering around my fingertips. With a swift motion, I thrust my hand into Honest's chest, the flames engulfing him from within.

Honest's eyes widened in sheer terror as the intense heat consumed him. The screams echoed in the air, a testament to the pain he endured. The flames bore into his very soul, erasing him from existence.

Leone: That was... intense.

Yhwach: Justice demands its due. 

One of the soldiers approached us, while the others entered in the building.

Rebel: Thank you for the help. Now we'll blow up this corridor, so nobody could use it to escape.

Yhwach: Do as you please.

I noticed Leone was staring at the minister.

Leone: I still can't believe it. We actually won. The Empire is over.

Yhwach: ...We haven't won yet.

Leone: Uh? What do you mean?

Yhwach: Look over there.

I pointed to the middle of the city, and she gasped.

There was a giant barrier of ice.

Leone: Esbitch!

Yhwach: And she won't be the only one. The minister had allies. They wouldn't give up so easily.

She clenched her fists.

Leone: Then what should we do!?

Yhwach: They must learn. They must remember this day. Something that will spread fear. Like...

I noticed a horse eating the grass next to us. I ignored it, but then I stared at him. Then the minister.

Yhwach: Of course!

Leone: What is it?

I pointed at her.

Yhwach: A bolt of brilliance!

In that moment, the corridor exploded behind me.

She stared at me confused.

Leone: ...What?

I grabbed a sword close by and cut the minister's head.

Leone: Hey, what are you doing?

I grabbed the head, still holding the flaming sword, and went to the horse.

Yhwach: Spreading fear.

I gave a hit to the reins, and the horse became a burning skeleton. As I thought.

Everybody stepped away in fear, but then Leone got closer.

Leone: Awesome! Now you need a hat!

I just stared at her.

Yhwach: Don't be childish.

I then galloped away, to the barrier of ice.

All people trembled in fear, looking at the head of the minister in the hands of a similar monster.

Everyone would remember that day.

When I reached the base of the barrier, I saw Najenda and Susanoo.

Yhwach: Step aside!

The horse made a jump to the barrier, and we kept running, climbing it.

When we reached the top, we jumped again and landed with a crater, stopping a fight.

Akame and Esdeath turned to me, getting away from each other.

Akame: Yhwach.

Esdeath: Yhwach...

Without a second thought, I dismounted from the horse, discarding Honest's head with indifference.

Yhwach: Esdeath, I'm here, true to my word.

Esdeath: ...Yes... to end this sad tale.

Akame was quiet. Not a sound could be heard.

Beside the fire and ice clashing.

The tension was deadly. I gave a pat to the horse.

I gave a brief nod of appreciation to the horse.

Yhwach: Thanks for the ride; now, depart from this place.

He went away without hesitation.

I kept my sword tight.

Yhwach: Stay out of this, Akame. This is my battle.

Akame: No! I must do this! This heartless bitch-

Yhwach: Forgive me for this.

I grabbed her arm and threw her away, against the wall of ice.

Then, I focused on the ground, and a tall circle of fire separated her from us.

Esdeath: Oh, nice trick.

Yhwach: If you possess the ability, why should I not?

Esdeath: ...Eh. Well...

She stood ready to hit me.

Esdeath: Let's end this, my friend.

Adopting my own stance, I held my sword poised for battle.

Yhwach: Ready whenever you are.

We stood still, until we both dashed at each other, clashing our swords.

( Replace Akame With Yhwach )

We kept attacking and blocking without stepping back.

Esdeath: Yes, yes! This is what I've been anticipating!

Yhwach: Pleased that it meets your expectations.

Esdeath: Oh, no need for teasing. This is truly exhilarating!

She lunged toward me, yet I skillfully dodged and attempted a surprise strike from behind, inadvertently smashing an ice block.

Esdeath: Predictable, but not bad for evasion.

Undeterred, she pressed on, attempting to pierce my shoulder with an ice dagger. Although I seized her arm, the dagger found its mark.

Esdeath: You may be stronger...

I released her arm to deliver a punch to her face, but she deftly evaded.

Esdeath: ...but I'm faster.

When she closed in again, I halted her sword with one hand, but she swiftly conjured an ice dagger, targeting my shoulder.

As I grappled with the situation, attempting to punch her face, she sidestepped the blow.

Esdeath: You know, there's another difference between us.

Yhwach: And what might that be?

Esdeath: From what I've observed, you have yet to unlock the true potential of your powers.

Countless ice spears materialized around her.

Esdeath: While I command mine flawlessly.

The barrage of spears advanced, but I concentrated my power on my fist, unleashing a gust of flames that melted the ice. However, she erected an ice wall, thwarting my attack.

Yhwach: True, but the time has come to delve deeper, and I cannot afford to fall behind.

She smirked and charged at me, catching me off guard, forcing me to retreat.

Esdeath: You know, we could have joined forces. Nothing would have stood in our way.

A clash brought me to my knees, and she leaped to strike me.

Esdeath: You would have relished it!

In midair, I unexpectedly surged forward, a distinct sound resonating.

I passed by her, my blade stained with blood.

Yhwach: I highly doubt it.

Two sounds echoed – her landing and the unmistakable thud of her severed left arm.

Esdeath: ...Eh. Ehehehe. Hahahaha! Yes! This is progressing splendidly! An arm is a small price to pay!

Yhwach: What!?

Esdeath: I froze it when it touched me.

As she prepared to slash from above, her strike was halted with a resounding clang.

Esdeath: What!?

Yhwach: Burner Finger 4.

Esdeath's eyes widened as the searing heat enveloped her. The force of Burner Finger 4 sent her flying backward, crashing through the ice wall she had erected moments ago.

Esdeath: (grinning despite the pain) Impressive, Yhwach. But do you really think a mere flame can stop me?

She stabbed me at the chest, and I punched her in the face, making her turn back.

When she stared at me again, she was bleeding from the mouth and the nose.

Esdeath: You's a shame this fight will end with someone's death. Look how much fun we're having, Yhwach.

Yhwach: Such fleeting amusement is destined to fade.

Esdeath: I know.

She lunged at me again, conjuring four small ice daggers in her hand.

She scratched my chest, and when I stopped her, her sword almost penetrated my skull.

I kicked her away, clutching my head in pain. Undeterred, she lunged at me once more with her sword, yet I seized it firmly with both hands.

Despite her efforts, I shattered the sword in half and delivered a resounding headbutt. She staggered but maintained her smile.

Esdeath: It's far from over!

Crafting an ice sword, she charged once more.

Esdeath: I refuse to let it end so soon!

Yhwach: Indeed. That is my duty.

Raising my gun, I fired, but she evaded with an ice pillar.

Swiftly, I closed the gap, appearing behind her and seizing her arm.

Placing my foot on her back, she questioned my actions.

Esdeath: What are you doing?

Yhwach: Improvising.

Enveloping my foot in flames, I began to spin.

Yhwach: No amount of ice will shield you from this. It's concluded!

As we descended, my spin intensified, but just as we neared a few inches above the ground...

Esdeath: Mahapdama.

Everything became blue. I found myself suspended midair, but she touched down effortlessly.

Esdeath: You seem to have forgotten about this, haven't you? Yet, I can't inflict much harm on you, can I?

Her sadistic grin widened.

Esdeath: Perhaps I should take care of that girl. What do you think?

I tried to move, to talk, but nothing.

Esdeath: Yes, splendid idea.

She advanced toward Akame, while I strained every fiber to regain control.

Yhwach: (In thought) Move! Come on! Move, you wretched body!

She continued her approach, seemingly oblivious to my struggle.

Yhwach: (In thought  I must get free. I'm trying all the powers I have, but nothing! I must get away from here. Away. Away!

Yhwach: Away!

In the blue, I landed down and threw my blade at Esdeath. She turned back with a shocked face and my blade pierced her heart.

Esdeath: What?

Everything returned normal and the giant wall of ice scattered. I too recalled my flames and went at her side.

Esdeath: really are...amazing...this fight...was my best...

Yhwach: Consider it my parting gift. A farewell to a Friend.

Esdeath: Friend...

She looked up.

Esdeath: My only regret is that I won't see Tatsumi again... my heart aches at that thought...

She reached her arm towards my face.

Esdeath: But... at least... I'm glad you... were the one... who ended me...

However, when she attempted to touch me, her hand passed through.

Esdeath: Uh?

Yhwach: What!?

She stared at me with confusion before succumbing to death. I rose to my feet and examined my hands, realizing they were gradually fading.

Yhwach: What in the realms is transpiring!?

Zaegar: (Within Yhwach's mind) What you wished for, Although, quite literally

Yhwach: What do you mean!?

Zaegar: (Within Yhwach's mind) You're 'going away'.

I continued to stare at my vanishing hands in denial.

Yhwach: This is not the time... Why... am I...

My vision blurred, and I saw Akame's figure approaching.

Akame: Yhwach!!!


And everything plunged into darkness. I remained in that state, unaware of the passing time.

To be continued...

Author Note: Readers,  it's time for you to choose the next World. Make your choice.

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