The flaming twin / Sirius Bla...

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"Oh, come on, it's fine. It's just a kiss," Sirius ceased. "No, it is not! You just told me you are in love w... Viac

✰「𝚂𝚢𝚗𝚘𝚙𝚜𝚒𝚜 + 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 」✰
INTRODUCTION, when they first met
CHAPTER 1, fiery problem
CHAPTER 2, shadows & serious Sirius
CHAPTER 3, fractured bonds & magical maps
CHAPTER 4, woven threads & flying feats
CHAPTER 5, letters & gifts
CHAPTER 6, 𝐞𝐧𝐝-𝐨𝐟-𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐦 𝐩𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 & 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬
CHAPTER 7, water balloons & mansions
CHAPTER 9, walkings & breakfast
CHAPTER 10, prefects & bets
CHAPTER 11, tensions & full moons
CHAPTER 12, talks & understandings
CHAPTER 13, extortion & invitations
CHAPTER 14, christmas ball & firsts
CHAPTER 15, hope & visitors
CHAPTER 16, disowning & new beginnings
CHAPTER 17, presents
CHAPTER 18, new years & forgiveness
CHAPTER 19, first match & jelousy
CHAPTER 20, meetings & trainings

CHAPTER 8, girls' weeks

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Od 40p3574rk

The Evans' residence was alive with the vibrant energy of summer. Blooms of colourful flowers adorned the garden, casting a sweet fragrance that wafted through the air. Jasmine was seated by the window needles in hand, fingers expertly moving over and diligently crocheting a vibrant sweater, her newest crochet project. The rhythmic click of the needles complemented the joyous laughter echoing from Lily's side of the room, where she was immersed in the pages of "Pride and Prejudice." Jasmine could not understand how her twin sister could laugh so hard by reading that classic book. Don't get confused, she loves reading, just not certain classics.

"What's so funny," the younger twin asked.

"Mr. Collins arrives at Longbourne to determine which of the Bennet sisters he shall marry. After Mr. Collins delivers a compliment, Mr. Bennet innocently says, 'It is happy for you that you possess the talent of flattering with delicacy. May I ask whether these pleasing attentions proceed from the impulse of the moment, or are the result of previous study?'" Lily answered as she laughed, leaving her sister dumbstruck. "Oh, you'll get it once you read it."

Jasmine, being sure that she will never ever read that book, answered, "Yes, sure."

"Don't forget to tidy up your side of the room by noon the girls will be arriving then."

As the clock struck noon, there was a knock on the bedroom door, and the trio of friends burst in. Alice radiated enthusiasm, Marlene brought her signature flair. "Hey, roomies! Ready for two weeks of non-stop fun?" Alice exclaimed, throwing herself onto Lily's bed.

Marlene twirled her wand, and a mini firework display erupted. "Hot Blondie reporting for duty. Let the summer shenanigans commence!"

Alice smiled, taking a seat on the floor. "I brought some board games. Anyone up for a round of Wizard's Chess later?"

Jasmine looked up from her crocheting, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "As long as you're prepared to lose, sunshine. I'm the reigning champion in this room."

"Such a shame that Mary couldn't come," Marlene said as they all settled on the kitchen table.

"Yeah... I assumed you would be more bumped about your Slytheryn bff not being here though," Jasmine sassed.

"I am not mad that you guys didn't invite Dorcas, Lily is not very fond of her yet. Plus, I'm sure that we can hang out with her if we want to go to Diagon Alley or book a Quidditch field for an afternoon; we could invite Mary so we'll be even and have more fun.

Lily offered a kind smile, "Yeah, of course. Maybe the day after tomorrow, we can go to Alice's uncle's ice cream place and meet her there."

The blonde's smile widened, "Great! I will write both Mary and Dorcas and tell them to meet as at 'Frosty Fables'."


That sunny afternoon, the girls gathered in the garden, where a makeshift picnic blanket sprawled under the shade of an ancient oak tree. Alice, the sweetheart of the group with an affinity for flowers, had adorned the space with bouquets of wildflowers, each carefully selected to represent the personality of her friends.

"Look, Lily, a lily for you, of course! For you, my favourite grumpy, a daisy for your quirky charm. Jas, a sunflower for your radiant spirit, and for me, well, just a bunch of sweet peas because they're my favourite," Alice exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with joy.

"Hey! Hot grumpy, don't forget it!" the blond friend exclaimed.

Jasmine grinned, teasingly nudging Lily. "Hey, Wise Girl, not getting a flower named after you? Seems unfair!"

Lily rolled her eyes, accustomed to the gentle banter. "I'd rather be the one reading about flowers than having one named after me."

As the afternoon unfolded, the girls shared stories, laughed over shared Hogwarts memories, and indulged in an array of magical treats conjured by Alice. Muggle ice cream, chocolate frogs, and fizzing whizzbees added to the enchantment of the day.

Marlene, with her signature flair, raised a Butterbeer. "To the summer of adventures and the flower girl who knows how to sweeten our lives!"

Glasses clinked, and laughter filled the air as the friends savoured the magic of their summer sanctuary.

Days turned into nights filled with sleepovers, where secrets were shared under blankets adorned with floating stars. Marlene, with her inexplicable obsession with Dorcas, the Slytherin girl, couldn't resist bringing her up in the late-night conversations.

"You know, I was thinking of sending Dorcas a bouquet of snake-shaped flowers. What do you reckon, Alice?" Marlene teased, casting a mischievous glance at Alice.

Alice, the gentle teaser of the group, laughed. "Oh, I'm sure she'd appreciate it, Marls. Especially coming from you."

Jasmine chimed in, her crochet needles momentarily at rest. "Just make sure they're not too intimidating. We wouldn't want her hexing you in retaliation or even worse."

"Worse?" Marlene asked.

"Yeah, you know. Like Dorcas ignoring you for believing you are making fun of her."

"Oh... I would never do something like that," she explained, gaining questionable looks from her three friends. "Well, not to her."

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Next afternoon, as the girls gathered in the living room for a magical movie marathon, Alice couldn't resist teasing Lily about James Potter.

"Come on, Wise Girl, admit it. You secretly enjoy those teasing glances from James," Alice remarked, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

Lily, accustomed to the good-natured teasing, rolled her eyes. "I can't believe you're still on about this. James is just James, and I'm just not interested in his arrogant toerag charm."

Jasmine joined in, casting a playful look at Lily. "Oh, come on, Lily. Even the flowers in the garden are rooting for you two. It's like a magical romance waiting to unfold."

Alice added with a grin, "I bet James would conjure an entire field of lilies just to win your heart."

Lily laughed, shaking her head. "You're all incorrigible. I'll stick to my books and let the flowers bloom in peace." As soon as the movie ended the redhead asked, "Who do you think will make the cut for the Quidditch team?

Marlene perked up, a grin spreading across her face. "Ah, THE favourite topic! You know I'm already a Chaser for Gryffindor, what about you, Alice?" she asked the girl who got excited at the question.

Alice beamed. "I'm thinking of trying out for Keeper this year. I've been practising my moves over the summer."

Jasmine set aside her crocheting, interest piqued. "Keeper, huh? That's a bold move. You've got the skills, though. I believe in you, Sunshine."

Alice blushed, appreciating the encouragement. "Thanks, Jas. Now, what about you? I heard Gryffindor needs a new Seeker."

Jasmine's eyes sparkled with determination. "Yes, Abigail Smith graduated, so it's time for a new Seeker. I'm thinking of giving it a shot this year."

Marlene raised an eyebrow. "Ginger as our Seeker? That would be something to see."

Jasmine chuckled. "Hey, that's unfair! Lily is also a ginger! At this point, it is discrimination and a hate crime."

The room erupted in laughter, and Lily feigned offence and smirked. "You underestimate her, Marls. She's got a knack for surprises."

Jasmine grinned. "Just you wait. I'll be the best Seeker Gryffindor has ever seen. Besides, I've been practising and when I was with the boys a few weeks ago they told me that Julian Wood will probably choose me."

They all genuinely smiled and Alice exclaimed, "That's great, Ging!" Jasmine let out an insufferable breath, mumbling angrily, 'Just why!'

As the conversation shifted to Quidditch strategies, Alice asked if Lily wished to join. The older twin couldn't help but interject. "I'll stick to reading about Mr. Darcy's love life, thank you very much. Quidditch sounds like a recipe for broken bones."

Marlene rolled her eyes playfully. "Wise Girl, you're missing out on the thrill of the game. Imagine the wind in your hair as you zoom through the sky on a broomstick."

"I refuse to be dragged into your Quidditch madness. I'll be the voice of reason while you all chase after balls and broomsticks."

Letting out a small laugh, Alice continued and changed the topic of conversation, "So a week and a half with the 'Marauders', how was that?"

"Honestly, it was fantastic," she responded.

"Yeah, I bet..." Alice teased.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, come, Ginger! Don't believe that we are that naive! Staying at a mansion for a week and a half with the hottest guys of our year or the whole school! Not even mentioning your crush on one of them...the brightest star of them all," Marlene teased cousin the redhead to brush uncontrollably.

"I don't know what to say; it was nice, fun. And I don't have a crush on Sirius! Besides, Lily was also invited, but didn't go," she argued.

"I wasn't going to spend that much time with Potter, let alone in his house," Lily excused herself.

"Then, if it is not a crush, is it perhaps love? Are you in love with Black, Evans? Jas, please don't lie to us. If you are not ready to talk to us yet, it is okay. Just know that we are here for you," Marlene told her.

The sudden changing tone of the conversation startled her, so she simply nodded. Was she in love with Sirius, her best friend? Or was it a crush? Just pure attraction? Or understanding and caring? Alice, who was silently listening to the conversation and studying they girl, was smiling knowing and deciding if it was better to intervene now or later.

The conversation shifted to how amazing muggle television is. Later that night, they tried out several makeup looks and nail patterns and went to sleep.

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Next morning, Diagon Alley burst with the vibrant colours and enchanting aromas of summer, providing a perfect backdrop for the Gryffindor quartet – Lily, Alice, Marlene, and Jasmine – as they strolled towards the renowned ice cream haven, Frosty Fables. Alice's uncle owned the charming parlour, and its whimsical decor promised a magical respite from the summer heat.

Nestled in a cosy corner booth, the quartet immersed themselves in the delightful chatter and laughter, the atmosphere inside Frosty Fables adding to the joyful ambiance. As they perused the fantastical menu filled with spellbinding ice cream flavours, Mary joined them with an apologetic smile.

"Sorry, guys, I couldn't make it to Lily's house. My mom's not feeling well, and I wanted to stay with her. But I couldn't resist the call of Frosty Fables," Mary explained, pulling up a chair.

Lily reassured her, "No need to apologise, Mary. Family comes first. We're just glad you could join us here."

The laughter continued as the quartet indulged in lively conversations. Dorcas Meadowes, a Slytherin known for her sharp wit, noticed them from a nearby table. Already acquainted with the Gryffindor quartet, she couldn't resist joining the lively group.

"Well, well, if it isn't the Gryffindor dream team invading Frosty Fables!" Dorcas quipped, sliding into a vacant seat. The Gryffindor girls welcomed her with grins, already familiar with her playful banter.

At a corner of the shop, Alice and Lily spotted a machine to create their own ice cream and, excited, they led the group to it. "How about Lavender Lemon Sorbet?" Alice suggested, her eyes sparkling with creativity.

Jasmine, ever the adventurous one, added a dash of excitement. "And let's throw in some popping candy for an extra magical touch!"

As the ice cream churned and laughter filled the kitchen, the quartet revealed in the joy of creating their own magical concoctions. The result was a delectable assortment of flavours that ranged from Marlene's daring Firewhiskey Fudge to Lily's classic Vanilla Dream.

As the friends animatedly discussed their summer escapades and eagerly debated which ice cream flavours to try next time, Alice's uncle, the maestro of Frosty Fables, approached their table with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Ladies, it's an honour to have such esteemed guests. On the house, a special concoction for the girls" he announced, waving his wand with a flourish.

A magical display of ice cream emerged, tailored to each girl's personality. There was a burst of sunshine for Alice, a fiery ginger blend for Jasmine, a classic and refined creation for Lily, and a wild and adventurous swirl for Marlene. The spectacle was rounded off with a hint of Slytherin green for Dorcas, a nod to her house.

The quartet raised their whimsically crafted cones in a toast. "To summer adventures, unforgettable friendships, and the magic of Frosty Fables!"

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As the girls bid farewell to Frosty Fables, their laughter echoed through Diagon Alley. Cones in hand, they strolled down the sunlit street, savouring the delightful flavours of their magical treats. The warm summer breeze carried the tantalising scent of Butterbeer and the promise of more adventures.

Unbeknownst to them, the Marauders were also navigating the crowded street, weaving through the magical shoppers with an air of mischief. In a serendipitous twist of fate, the two groups collided near Flourish and Blotts.

"Watch where you're going, Padfoot!" James chided Sirius with a playful grin, causing the quartet of Gryffindor girls to turn and face the approaching Marauders.

Sirius, ever the charmer, responded with a roguish smile. "My apologies, love. Didn't mean to disturb your ice cream-induced bliss."

Jasmine's cheeks flushed, caught off guard by the endearment. "Um, it's alright. No harm done."

Remus and Alice exchanged knowing glances, sharing a subtle smile that hinted at the brewing connection between Sirius and Jasmine. Meanwhile, James seized the opportunity to engage Lily in conversation.

"Ah, Lilyflower, the epitome of summer radiance. How are you on this splendid day?" James declared with an exaggerated bow.

Lily rolled her eyes but couldn't suppress a small smile. "Save the theatrics, Potter. What do you want?"

James, undeterred by Lily's resistance, grinned. "I was wondering if you and your lovely companions would care to join us for an afternoon of Quidditch. A friendly match, perhaps?"

Lily crossed her arms, adamant. "No, Potter. I have plans. Besides, we're not here for your antics."

However, the Gryffindor quartet seemed more open to the idea. Alice's eyes lit up with excitement, and Marlene flashed a mischievous grin. Jasmine, still slightly flustered by Sirius's unintentional flirtation, chimed in, "Quidditch sounds like fun. What do you say, girls?"

Before Lily could protest further, the collective agreement of the girls overwhelmed her objections. James beamed, "Excellent! Follow us, and let the Quidditch match begin!"

The two groups set off, weaving through Diagon Alley, their laughter merging into a harmonious blend of friendship and the anticipation of the afternoon ahead.

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The days that followed were a delightful blend of laughter, mischief, and the kind of bonding that only summer nights with friends could bring. Wizard's Chess matches turned into epic battles of strategy and wit, with Jasmine maintaining her title as reigning champion. Marlene's pranks added a touch of unpredictability to their days, and Alice's Keeper training sessions became a daily ritual.

As the two weeks unfolded, the girls found joy in the simple moments – the late-night talks, the shared meals, and the enchanting afternoons spent crafting memories. Each day brought new adventures, whether it was Alice tending to her miniature garden or Marlene plotting her next quirky gift for Dorcas. One evening, the girls gathered in the backyard for a magical picnic under the starlit sky. Enchanted candles illuminated the space as they shared stories, dreams, and the occasional Quidditch strategy.

Jasmine looked around at her friends, feeling a deep sense of gratitude. "You know, I wouldn't trade this summer for anything. It's like Hogwarts brought home."

Alice grinned. "It's even better. No classes, no homework, just pure unadulterated fun."

Marlene raised her Butterbeer. "To summer, friendship, and the crazy adventures yet to come!"

As the glasses clinked and laughter filled the air, Lily couldn't help but smile. "I might not understand the thrill of Quidditch, but I understand the magic of friendship. Here's to us, the unstoppable quartet."

The days melted into a seamless blend of laughter, shared secrets, and the kind of friendship that grew stronger with each passing moment. As the final day of the friends' staycation arrived, they gathered for a bittersweet farewell in the Evans sisters' bedroom. The two weeks drew to a close, the girls gathered in the Evans sisters' bedroom for one final night of laughter and shared memories. Marlene, always the sentimental one, brought out a camera to capture the moment.

"Say 'Quidditch'!" Marlene exclaimed, snapping a photo of the friends huddled together on Lily's bed.

Jasmine sighed contentedly. "This has been the best summer ever. Gryffindor won't know what hit them when we return."

Marlene, always sentimental in her own way, presented each friend with a personalised gift – a quirky charm bracelet for Alice, a mini crochet kit for Jasmine, and a book of witty quotes for Lily.

"These are tokens of our summer together. Something to remind us of the magical moments we shared," Marlene explained, her eyes reflecting the depth of their friendship.

As the quartet exchanged heartfelt goodbyes, Jasmine couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the summer that had unfolded in their shared sanctuary. The Evans' residence had been transformed into a haven of laughter, dreams, and the enduring magic of true friendship.

And so, as the friends parted ways, carrying the warmth of summer in their hearts, the Evans sisters' bedroom stood as a testament to the enchanting chapter that had unfolded within its walls – a chapter filled with laughter, teasing, and the kind of magic that lingered long after the last petal of a summer flower had fallen.

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Did you enjoyed the girls' friendship? This chapter was to establish this frienship as a stable one despite Jasmine's insecurities. About the Quidditch match, I will not write it yet, there will be certain references to it in the future chapters and there will be a whole flashback.

What do you guys think about it?

Hope you like it!

With love,

your dearest author 🫶

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