Wings of a Wizard (Harry Pott...

By IroniumToy47

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"I died in my sleep. I'd lived a good life, despite my less-than-stellar upbringing, and my teenage years. Ha... More

Prologue (PLZ READ 1ST)
New Life
An Unexpected Event Pt.1
An Unexpected Event Pt.2
An Unexpected Event Pt.3
An Unexpected Event Pt.4
More than High School Pt.1
More than High School Pt.2
More than High School Pt.3
More than High School Pt.4
Save the First Dance Pt.1
Save the First Dance Pt.2
Save the First Dance Pt.3
Save the First Dance Pt.4
The Black Mud Swamp Pt.1
The Black Mud Swamp Pt.2
The Black Mud Swamp Pt.3
The Black Mud Swamp Pt.4
Miss Magix Pt.1
Miss Magix Pt.2
Miss Magix Pt.3
Miss Magix Pt.4
The Swordsmith Pt.1
The Swordsmith Pt.2
The Swordsmith Pt.3
The Swordsmith Pt.4
A Job for Bloom Pt.1
A Job for Bloom Pt.2
A Job for Bloom Pt.3
A Job for Bloom Pt.4
Prisoner of the Dark Pt.1
Prisoner of the Dark Pt.2
Prisoner of the Dark Pt.3
Prisoner of the Dark Pt.4
Mind of a Child Pt.1
Mind of a Child Pt.2
Mind of a Child Pt.3
Mind of a Child Pt.4
rejected sections pt.1
Darko's Plan Pt.1
Darko's Plan Pt.2
Darko's Plan Pt.3
Day of the Lily Pt.1
Day of the Lily Pt.2
Day of the Lily Pt.3

Darko's Plan Pt.4

195 14 9
By IroniumToy47

A.N.: Apologies for the delayed upload, but my constant influx of assignments, quizzes, study plans, and tests makes it difficult for me to work on this and other fanfics as often as I'd like to. 

Due to my hectic work schedule, uploads will have to be random, because I don't want to make promises I can't keep, so no more weekly uploads for a while. They will always be on Sundays, however. I can guarantee that. 

Other updates will be coming out for my Winx Watches Fate & Future and Winx Club One Shots Crossover Fanfics in the near future, so make sure to check out those plz. 

I feel that I must warn people, this gets dark during a discussion between Darko and Icy. It does get me rather uncomfortable, and I did have to read, well, let's just call them 'darker' (morbid, grim, gory--BLEWUCH) fics to get ideas for Darko's mindset. He's the kind of person who won't kill, but would do nearly anything for sex, morals thrown out the window. Sooo...yeah...

Also, there's a minor smut scene, but nothing too major. 

Anyways, plz enjoy: 

X - normal text

X - text where Bloom is not present

'X' - thoughts

'#$X#$' - Parseltongue

Chapter : Darko's Plan Pt.4: 

Two nights later saw Darko snuck out from an alleyway, glancing at the darkened streets before making his way back to his apartment.

There hadn't been much luck on his part, very few fairies to fuck.

Of course, he could've forcefully had his way with Flora, and manipulated Stella into a quickie too, but, sex was so much better with the willing. And more fun.

Shaking his head, he continued on, veering off whenever the lamps illuminated parts of the sidewalk vividly, sticking to the shadows.

He hummed as he walked, enjoying the near-silence of Magix City at night. The silence was occasionally broken by the distant hovercar or something else, the noise of lights above stores, the distant music of the Event Hall, and the scattered nightclubs.

His humming increased as he mused about his day. After Stormy's ranting, he'd taken things seriously and was now invested in getting the ring. He'd made nice with both Stella and Flora, and was pleased that they'd extended offers to him already.

Not the kind of offers he was really after--not that he'd be foolish enough to fuck a princess of a major realm without any insurance or blackmail in his hands--but Flora was fair game, assuming that he also managed to deal with the red-haired fairy. did trouble him that she'd been put in the infirmary ward by witches, presumably the Trix. The 'friend of my enemy' type association and all that.

While he was hardened, and less...considerate for others, Darko wouldn't intentionally put anyone in the hospital for weeks. His father would have beat it out of him, prank or not. As Mazakis would proudly say, "Boy, you don't leave a threat at your back. You remove them, permanently, in whatever way you can."

As he neared the next street, lost in his thoughts, he barely missed the sound of a savage growl.

He stiffened, a hand shooting into his hoodie, hand firmly grasping the dagger's brown and silver handle.

He peeked around the corner, only to see a disgusting-looking gremlin pawing its way along the inner roar, heading toward the intersection.

Its body was comprised of rotting flesh that had strips of black rough fur spread across it. Its shoulders were extended, almost pointed. Their vertebrae stuck out of their back like the spine of a malnourished cat. Its limbs were bent inwards, almost crawling were it not for its ape-like movements. Sinister yellow eyes and sharp white teeth shone out of a dark beard and the busiest eyebrows Darko had ever seen.

His eyes widened, realizing that it would pass into the intersection he'd come to. They would be at a crossroads, and from its wild, almost feral appearance, the freakish thing would attack him without mercy.

His heart beat faster, and a sliver of fear trickled down his spine.

'Fine then.' His eyes narrowed, pulling the dagger out from its concealed resting place. The creature crawled into the intersection, pausing briefly as it caught sight of him.

It snarled lowly, before leaping high in the air--right at him!

Darko's eyes widened, and he dropped into a roll to the left, the sound of enchanted and paved stone being gouged behind him.

"The fuck is this thing!" He gasped as he sprang to his feet, adrenaline rushing through his body. He spun, only to feel his heart race; the monster already turning around and preparing for another leap.

He braced himself, lunging to the right, side-stepping the monster's attack...barely.

He winced, staring at the torn strip of his hoodie, before glaring at the creature, finally recognizing it. "You know, I've been having a really good day, and I'm not about to let a stupid Ghoul ruin it!"

He became a blur, unknowingly pushing magic into his muscles, lunging forward, and slashing.

The Ghoul screeched as it was slammed down by the sharp edge of the dagger, a gash opening on its side.

Even so, it rolled back to its hindquarters before prowling forward again, with revenge in every step.

He lunged away from another rush of rotting flesh and poison-tipped claws, only to grunt in pain as the Ghoul head-butted him in the side, one of its massive claws tearing through his pants into the flesh of his hip, his grip on the dagger slackening.

He stumbled, falling down, knocking the Ghoul away, fortunately. He scooted back, trying to put distance between them. His side stang, his movements were slower, and he felt a sudden wave of exhaustion.

Paralytic poison, he realized; that was what the Ghoul's claws were tipped with. Its teeth carried a minor poison that was more dangerous in overwhelming numbers.

Climbing to his feet, Darko brandished his dagger, slashing in the air, trying to ward it off.

Instead, the creature growled before launching itself again. Darko couldn't quite dodge this time, falling on his side awkwardly. He hissed in pain, wincing as his skin tore from the drag along the road. His arm and hip throbbed angrily, and he knew that he had to end this fight, now.

He rose, only to realize that his hands were empty, closing around nothing but cool air, slightly chillier than normal.

He paled, spotting the near-black blade lying a few feet away. Grimacing, he glanced at the Ghoul, then at the blade, estimating his chances. The sound of bones cracking and shifting was his only warning before a putrid smell overwhelmed his senses.

Darko felt fear, not the kind of fear of failure, of anticipating a beating, but fear for his life. Fear of death. And in that moment, his magic roared to Life.

The screeches assaulted his ears as something faintly pink shined through his tightly-shut eyelids.

He opened his eyes a peek, only to see that the Ghoul had been slammed away by a shimmering pinkish-grey round shield, suspended in front of his extended hands, which he'd had no knowledge of thrusting outward.

His surprise and shock killed his concentration, his shield falling, just as the Ghoul recovered again.

Anger exploded within him, this fucking little shit had decided to try and kill him? Had the gall to attack him? Darko? Son of Mazakis?

He rose to his feet, his irises changing as he drew on the true potential of his magic for the first time. He snarled at the creature as it pawed closer, furious pink irises meeting sinister yellow.

Then the Ghoul leaped, and Darko moved.

He thrust his palm out and felt something tug within him, but he drew on his anger and hatred--a pent-up well that had been slowly filling for years--and a ball of dark pinkish-grey magic exploded out of his palm, a trail of pink sparkles falling in its wake.

It slammed into the bulk of the Ghoul, knocking the creature back with an eardrum-shattering shriek of pain.

The pink haze in front of his vision only clouded further, Darko allowed his power to build in his hands, his irises unknowingly changing to a shade of darker pink with grey swirls.

Smirking at Ghoul as power rushed through his veins, the feeling almost intoxicating, the raven-haired wizard felt like he could take on the world. Twin balls of glowing, pulsating, throbbing pinkish-grey magic swirled within his hands.

The Ghoul yowled like an enraged cat, before clawing closer, the sick sound of it's fleshy bones popping and tearing as it moved assaulting Darko's ears.

"Time to finish you off!" He growled, his arms spreading wide in invitation as his magic continued to build.

The Ghoul growled lowly, baring it's teeth underneath it's hideous facial hair, coiling it's hind legs before it sprang.

Darko's left foot flew back as his hands swung together, and a pinkish-grey beam of magic exploded out of the combined orb, slamming into the revolting undead summon.

The deformed creature wailing a ghastly cry as it glowed a sickly yellow, before turning into bursts of those same sparkles.

Darko panted, feeling his magic receding; exhaustion creeping over him. That...had been something...alright.

His sluggish thoughts were quickly struck by another 'bout of adrenaline at the sound of clapping behind him.

He would forever deny that he 'eep'ed in fright as he jumped and spun around, before coming face-to-face with Icy, her hands falling to her sides as she smirked at him.

"Well done."


Flora grunted as she shoved the Vinicle Tulip's pot into the corner on her side of her's and Bloom's dorm. 

It had taken a lot of work to get it here, but Flora hadn't wanted to take any chances. Especially not with Darko's magic all over it. Or at least, that's what she told herself. 

Her cheeks flushed, her loins burned, and her body felt heavy from need. Flora knew that she was still suffering from the aftereffects of Darko's magic. Pleasure. Lust. Arousal. All condensed into pinkish-grey energy. 

She shuddered, her legs trembling as her knees gave out, and she collapsed on the desk for support. 

She'd never felt such...dare she say...intimate power, and the euphoric feeling it gave her made her feel like she'd reached the esctacy of nature itself. 

Flora knew that this wasn't natural, knew that the frantic, burning need would have to be sated, now, while she still held a grip to her sanity. 

Linpheans were open about their sexuality--for the most part--and it wasn't that uncommon to find a fairy or citizen roaming the forests of Linphea without a stitch of clothing over their backside or over their chest. 

Around others, they became more shy, more reserved, and made to hide their activities more. It was one of the reasons why Flora had been so embarrassed when Bloom caught her in the throes of passion after she'd met Darko initially. She'd been so humiliated that she'd been found in such an inappropriate position, but, once again to Flora's surprise, the fire fairy had been different to what she'd been anticipating. 

There had been shock, and a little disbelief, but none of the disgust or condemning looks that some Linpheans had received for similar, public acts. Bloom had blushed, a little embarrassed herself, but pushed aside her own feelings to reassure Flora that...pleasing herself was perfectly fine, and that she didn't think of her any less because of it. That she had done it too, sometimes, and like Flora, preferred private when doing it. 

Still, Flora wasn't so sure that her other roommates--her friends--would be as accepting as Bloom was. She couldn't count upon their friendship to not become awkward because of her selfish passions, hence why she was trembling, gripping the edges of her desk, fighting the feverish urge to slip her hand beneath her skirt and stroke her folds to completion. 

Her slightly glazed eyes found the nearest clock, and she groaned. There was only about an hour and a half before dinner, not nearly as much time to enjoy herself. 

She whimpered as she rubbed her thighs together to try and relieve some of her heightened desires, only to shut her eyes tightly as a more potent form of pleasure swept through her. More than one of Darko's magic sparkles had accidently touched her fingers and knees, leaving an imprint of his pleasure-inducing-power within her. 

A power that she would have to burn out--she realized--unless she wanted the Winx to investigate her odd behavior. 

Even as she fought against the inevitable call of the most primal of natures, Flora remembered Bloom and Stella warning the Winx about Darko once again. Warning that Darko was dangerous, that his powers were a danger to them. To the girls. To fairies. 

This was why, she realized. His powers...they were out of control. They created magical pleasure that wasn't enough to get her off--much to her embarrassment and slight annoyance--but was enough to keep her tense and yearning. A power that didn't dissipate until after it's will had been carried out. 

She couldn't fight it any longer. She--she needed this. She needed the sweet freedom of sexual gratification, the pleasing, releasing sensation of relief. 

With the last of her strength, Flora pushed herself up on wobbly legs--legs that she was suddenly aware of being damp, trickles of sticky dew trailing down her inner thighs--and felt her cheeks burning. 

She raised a shaky hand and cast a locking and silencing spell on the doors, barely having the forethought to add an alert ward if someone tried to enter before her legs carried her over to her bed. 

Her skirt was the first thing to fall, followed by her soaked pink underwear. Flora spread her legs, sliding her hand down past her navel, down between the smooth junction of her legs to cup her heated mound, drawing a sharp gasp from her lips. 

There was no going back, there was no stopping. And Flora didn't want to stop, as her fingers began moving of their own accord, moving in rhythmic, slow circles around and over her most precious flower in the world. 


I'd been on good behavior, and managed to get most of my assignments done, bar Magiphysics--because I didn't have the textbook in the infirmary to do the essay--and Good Manners--because that class is pretty much practical work at this point--...ugh, I'm so behind it isn't even funny. 

The Winx, Tecna especially, had been really helpful with my theoretical homework. Thank Merlin for Flora's notes though, she was a lifesaver. Stella was more than willing to help me learn how to control my tone and learn to separate different tones of voice, and what they meant. A necessary skill for any diplomat, ambassador, or princess to learn. 

And while not necessarily something that I was interested in, Musa and Stella kept me updated on the latest gossip, including a confrontation between Amaryl's group and Terra's, which had ended with both dorm groups of fairies hurt and an irate Griselda and Ofelia. 

Thank Merlin that their injuries had been quick to heal, because I doubted that I could stand listening to Amaryl bitch on about how I was an Earth fairy and I didn't belong here. 

Bitch, I was born into the realm of the fucking Dragon Flame. I DON'T TAKE SHIT FROM YOU.

Aaaaaanyways...since I wasn't likely to be discharged for another week or two, I may or may not have persuaded (cough, annoyed, cough) Nurse Ofelia into allowing me my phone, so long as I promised that I wouldn't use it too much, or let it be the reason why I didn't end up getting proper sleep. 

Eagerly, I flipped open my phone to see that I had new text messages from several people. Namely, my parents, Violet, the Specialists, and Adrien. 

My cheeks flushed as I glossed over his name. Reining in my self-control, I hit the call button for my parent's cell. 

After about two more tries, Lily answered. "Hi, Sugar-Blossom." 

"Hey, Mum," I said, drinking in the sound of her voice, like water after walking under the hot sun for hours. 

"You haven't been answering your phone. Is everything alright?" She asked, with a hint of urgency. 

I bit my lip, not wanting to worry her too much. "Yeah, uh, sorry." 

"Sorry?" I could hear a hint of anger. "I've been worried, Bloom. Stella told Violet that you were hurt." 

I winced, hearing her tone, my chest filling with guilt. Also slight worry, Violet knew? I was too distracted to even be upset with Stella for 'spilling the beans'. "I'm sorry. I got into a fight. It ended badly for me." 

I could never lie to Mum. Hide the truth? Sure. But outright lie? I couldn't even try. 

"Are you okay?" I could hear her alarm. 

"I'm fine," I said casually--too casually--ignoring the slight throb in my leg. "Just a little too much magic thrown around." 

"That can be dangerous." She said softly, still worried, but her tone was still concerned. "Bloom, what happened?" 

I sighed, knowing that I couldn't avoid the truth, but I could spin it a little. As much as I hated pulling a Dumbledore, there was no way I was going to let Mum pull me out of Alfea. 

"Three witches who attacked at the dance and Amaryl have been making trouble. The witches went after me ." I admitted, choosing to omit the 'again' part. "They hit me with a curse, nothing major." 

"A curse?" I could hear her anger and protective fury over the phone. There was one surefire way to piss off a nature fairy faster than you could say 'Potter'. And that was going after her children. "Bloom, a curse is not something taken lightly!" 

I winced at her raised voice, and pulled the phone a bit further from my ear. "I know, I know. It's just given me a limp, but the nurse said that I'll make a full recovery. Nothing's damaged."  

I heard a sigh of relief. "But everything fine now?" 

I nodded, not that she could see it. "Yeah. Well, mostly." 

"Mostly?" She prodded, likely thinking that I was still holding something out. Which I was, I was holding a lot of somethings out, but could you blame me? What would you do in my place? It's not like I can just dump the fact that I'm a fricking princess, that I'm a reincarated soul from one of her family's favorite book series. That I was Harry Potter, that I'm now, in essence, a vessel for the power that created THIS FUCKING UNIVERSE! 

I ground my teeth, exhaling sharply. I couldn't burden her with any of that. I--not now, at least. Maybe...maybe sometime in the future. But...I still had to give her something. Wait...

"Well...I may or may not have snapped and caused one of the Winx's latest shouting matches." I grimaced as I spoke. "It was bad." 

"What happened?" Lily offered a silent ear as I vented, telling her about everything leading up to it. My 'nightmares' returning again in the mornings, my inability to find any freedom from stress, the Winx's teasing and harmless taunts coming at a really bad time...and my 'epic' (note: extreme sarcasm use) burnout eruption of immaturity. 

Lily continued to pry details from me, and I couldn't find the strength to hold anything back from her, from my mother from another life, that was also this life...okay, I'm going to stop now before I get a migraine from this confusion. 

Let's just say, by the time I was done, shifting nervously in my bed, awaiting her stern, mothering lecture, the silence was more scary to me than had she just started with an angry tone. Silence meant that she was thinking, and everyone knows, Mum is scary. 

There's a reason why Sirius still flinches whenever Lily has a full laundry basket in her hands. 

"Bloom...I'm disappointed in you." 

I didn't flinch. It was clear that she wasn't impressed with how I'd essentially weaponized my friend's traumas, or acted myself. Fleeing without apologizing, and then running into a fight with the Trix (which they did start to be fair). 

"I thought that your father and I raised you better than that," I could practically see her frown, my own growing at the familiar guilt trip. Unlike previous times by Dumbledore, this one actually stung. 

"I'm aware that we all do terrible things when we reach our breaking point, but Bloom, that wasn't even mean. What you did was cruel, and not something a fairy would do." 

I huffed. "I know. I was being a bitch." 

"Language." She tutted, before taking a slighter sterner tone. "You have apologized to them, right?"  

"Yes." I said immediately. 

"Good. Rest assured, I will be having words, in person, not over a phone call. And don't think that I won't be checking with Faragonda to make sure that you're telling the truth about your condition. I know you, young lady. You like to downplay your injuries." 

Uh...yeah. Lily had been furious when I'd hidden my sprained ankle from her after I'd hurt it falling down at the skating part when I was fourteen. Walking with a cast after it ended up becoming a clear fracture wasn't fun. 

Lesson learned. 

My cheeks burned with guilty embarrassment as I leaned forward. I still had that annoying habit of minimizing how bad something was, but I am rather jaded in that aspect. "I know, I know, I'm sorry. I'd...I'd been having some bad days." 

Lily hummed. "Apart from the...nightmares, is anything else bothering you? Anything at all? Classmates, teachers? Something personal? " 

I hesitated. I haven't really talked about Amaryl a lot, then again, she's a bully and a basic bitch that shouldn't deserve any attention, that's just what bullies want. I'm still wary around Madam DuFour, I, or rather, Harry have fought enough Vampiresses to know how dangerous she really is. None of my professors have done anything inappropriate though, that I could think of anyway. 

Biting my lip, I made a split decision. If the Trix kept on targeting me, Mum had to know. I didn't want to alarm her any more than she already was though. I could save that for a later date. And sometime in the near distant future, I'd work up the courage to admit some of what I'd been hiding from her. "Personal, but I'd rather talk about it in person. It's nothing too serious. At least, not dangerous." 

I could tell that Lily hesitated as well, but seemed to decide not to press, presuming that it wasn't that urgent when she said, "Alright. I trust you." 

I bit my lip to stifle my smile. "How's home?" 

"Good." I hear the sound of plates clinking and water running. "The shop received a rare shipment of white clover and cornflowers from Germany, your aunt and I have been replanting them and placing them on shelves. Sirius--I swear, sometimes, I don't know what we were thinking, naming him as your godparent." 

I giggled. "Uh-oh, what'd he do this time?" 

"Apart from switching to a new girl when Petunia's already expressed interest...I...that man...mmm!" 

I suddenly felt fear for Sirius and wondered why my mind conjured the images of Mum's hands tightening around an invisible neck. Wow, Lily must be really frustrated with the pair of them. I can relate. Merlin, they are so oblivious to each other's attraction that it's honestly sickening at times. 

I fake-coughed awkwardly, realizing that we'd both been silent too long. "So, how is Dad and Vi?"

Mum sighed in exasperation before her tone turned fond. "Violet is doing well in school, and the boys have only been called in to deal with three fires, all of the minor, thank goodness. Oh, and James got another raise." 

I smiled, my heart lightening. "Good. He works hard. He deserves it." 

"That he does." Mum agreed, before asking me. "What have you been up to?" 

I bit my lip, wondering what I could tell her. Obviously, I wasn't telling her anything about my identity crisis. I couldn't tell her about Daphne for pretty much the same reasons, although the one I was mainly going with was that I didn't want any of our conversation to get back to Faragonda or the Trix. 

"Mainly classes." I shrugged, curling in on my bed as I slid back. "Classes and bonding time with the Winx." 

Lily chuckled. "I see." 

I filled her in on Musa and Stella's latest antics. 

The music fairy had asked me to let Tecna download some of my songs from my phone, that way she could turn them into music notes to practice on her flute. I agreed, not seeing the harm in doing that, although I did warn her that some of the lyrics were very...suggestive. I like a good, upbeat song as much as the next gal, but Merlin, there are some steamy songs out there. 

Stella on the other hand was having a rough week. In addition to her nightly detention sorting, loading, switching, and sorting laundry from every dorm (it was only our generation, but still, I do not envy her. At least it wasn't as bad as Snape forcing me--Harry to clean cauldrons with proper work gloves and sanitary equipment), Stella's latest order of new clothes had come from the Solarian Royal Seamstress, so she was scrambling around, trying to find somewhere to hang the fifty new dresses and over a hundred different kinds of casual wear in her room. 

Honestly, that girl, I swear. 

 I talked more about Flora's meditation techniques while around plants (since I figured that Mum and Violet could give it a try, maybe it'll help Vi connect to nature). It was one of the exercises that Faragonda had 'strongly suggested' that we take during Monday's Magiphysics class. I really, really needed to get back into school and stop getting injured. 

Was it too much to ask for repeats of the battle following the Miss Magix beauty pageant?  

I explained how Tecna was learning more about her emotions every day, and how adorable her confusion was at times, insisting that we were irrational. She had a rather annoying habit of trying to prove our ideas wrong, and so would look up information in front of us in order to back up her claims. 

Nine times out of ten she was right, which was the irritating part, but then again, I'm not a wizard anymore. I don't have a wizard's magic core, I have a magic core that somehow contains the essence of a god-damned deity. 

"Good. I'm glad you're having fun," Lily said, sounding relieved. "What have you done together?" 

"Oh...just a few things," I grinned, my smile turning fond as I reminisced. 

Despite the Winx being out from the Infirmary, going about their day, and serving detention, they managed to visit me in the mornings and evenings. Sometimes together, other times alone, or in pairs. Stella and Flora were usually more frequent than Musa or Tecna. 

I'd described a number of games to the girls, and apparently, they had bingo in the Magix Dimension too, so we ended up playing a couple of rounds last night. And I swear that those cards were either biased or there was foul play, because Musa won most of the rounds, and Tecna was sifting the calling cards in between each game. 

"Good. I'm glad." Lily sighed, the sound of the water turning off. 

"What are Violet and Dad up to?" I asked, unable to help my curiosity. 

"Your father is still at the station, and Violet is at a friend's house," Lily said quietly, before asking, "Is it late for you? I know our time zones are somewhat esqued." 

I blinked, then looked at the clock and groaned, "Kind of, well...I'm closing in on my expected sleep time." 

Even though I wasn't at home--how I yearned for one of Lily's hugs--I could practically see her nod across the universes. "Alright, I'll let you go." 

I smiled. "Night Mum, give Daddy and Violet my love?" 

"Of course, Sugar-Blossom." Lily's worried tone carried hints of a smile. "Sleep well, and behave yourself. I don't want to hear you getting into fights or getting cursed again." 

"No promises, trouble always seems to find me." I replied cheekily. 

She sighed in exasperation. "Yes, I suppose so. Goodnight, Bloom." 

"Night, Mum." I said before tapping the 'end-call' button and immediately fell back into the bed's embrace again. 

I lay there for a while, Lily's voice being such a comfort that the tension that I'd unknowingly had in my shoulders vanished. 

My lips curled up as I checked my phone again. It was close to my bedtime, but there was one person who I really needed to reply to, lest he think less of me...and I really didn't want that. 

I tapped on my messages app and opened it to see my latest dms. I swiped open a chat and glanced at the text with some nervousness and tingly excitement. 

(Adrien--3 days ago):

4:34 pm: Hello, Goddess. I heard that someone crossed a trio of witches again. Are you alright? What happened? 

A smile slowly spread across my face. Even though it was a text, I could practically smell the worry behind it. 


9:23 pm: Hello, my Priest. I'm fine, recovery is a bitch but I'll survive. I would've replied sooner but I just got my phone back. 

It barely took ten minutes before he replied. 


9:34 pm: I see. Well, in any case, I'm glad that you're free and safe. 


9:34 pm: Did Stella tell you what happened? 


9:35 pm: Only the essentials. You left after the Winx fought about something personal, the Trix ambushed you, and you were trapped in a Black-Magic curse. The girls came and freed you after fighting off the ogre, Ghouls, and the witches again. 

I couldn't contain my snort. Essentials my ass. That wasn't even a paragraph. 


9:36 pm: I think that just about covers it (note my sarcasm).


9:36 pm: What'd she leave out? If you're comfortable sharing...?

I bit my lip, feeling a surge of embarrassment burning within my chest. I didn't want to talk about it, I kind of just wanted to 'forgive and forget' as it were. I'd already gotten a small lecture from Mum, but knew that I was in for a big one when I got back home, to Gardenia. 

I've never been great at keeping friendships after I fucked them up. 

Hermione, Susan, Neville, and Luna mainly stuck around because two of them loved and saw the best in me--Harry, and the other two, had stuck by Harry's side since the beginning (after getting rid of that cockroach, Ron), and the other befriended Harry after he protected her from the bullying and completely bonkers Ravenclaw older years. 

I'm sure that I'm forgetting other reasons that my loved ones will slap me upside the head for once I reach heaven. Or hell. 

My heart was pounding, my hands shaking slightly. I fumbled with my phone as I internally fought the urge to spill everything. Ignoring the sting in my heart, I tried to convince myself that Adrien wasn't trustworthy yet. He was a liability, a danger. 

Shut up, I'm angsting. 

I sighed, deciding that it was for the best if I kept my stuff on the down low. My life didn't need to become the center of everyone's gossip. I wanted to enjoy my anonymity while I still could. If and when my identity was unveiled, I'd be stuck in the spotlight, on a bloody pedistal again. Princess Bloom of Sparx, realm of Domino would face the same scrutiny that Harry Potter would. 

Best to enjoy being the 'weird little Earthling' Bloom Peterson while I still could. 


9:38 pm: I'd rather not talk about it, please. 


9:38 pm: No worries, Goddess. How are you, really? Dark Magic takes it's toll. 


9:39 pm: I know that. Just a limp, thankfully. Nothing too harmful, but I was exposed to negative energies for a while. And that was when I'd been transformed. 


9:41 pm: WHAT! How are you still alive? If you were in your fairy form while imprisoned, your magic would've eventually given out, and you'd be dead! 


9:41 pm: I guess I'm just built different. 

I snickered, that line always made me laugh. 


9:42 pm: So you are. 


9:43 pm: I'm stuck in the infirmary for another two weeks :(


9:44 pm: My weekends are usually clear. I could visit you in Alfea, maybe convince the nurse to let you walk around. 


9:44 pm: Ha! I wish you luck. Nurse Ofelia has got to be one of the most unyielding women I've ever met. Seriously, when she commits to a decision, she commits to it. 


9:45 pm: Hey, have a little faith in your Priest. I'm sure that between my purrfect charms and your cute puppy-eyes we will win her over. 

My lips twitched upward again. I typed my response fast, giggling a little. 


9:46 pm: My, my. Someone feels confident. 


9:46 pm: If I can gain the attention of a goddess, who am I to deny my prowess? 

I giggled and shook my head. Adrien was such a flirt. 


9:47 pm: Now now my Priest, don't let it inflate your ego too much. 


9:47 pm: Of course, my Goddess. I am humbled once more in awe of your apparent wisdom and beauty. 

I giggled again. 


9:48 pm: In all seriousness, what time works best for you, Bloom? 

I bit my lip, thinking about how to respond. When I wasn't singing to myself, or playing


9:49 pm: I'm awake most of the day, but I do also have schoolwork to catch up on. I'd say...sometime before or around lunch or noon. 


9:50 pm: Perfect. How does next Wednesday sound? 

I blinked, before frowning. 


9:51 pm: Don't you have classes at that time? 


9:52 pm: You wish to delay our fated meeting? My Goddess! How could you! 

I rolled my eyes, ignoring the snicker that threatened to slip out at his teasing. If he was in Stella's shoes, I could just picture Adrien swooning, but he's too manly for that. 

And Merlin...his abs...

My cheeks burned as I typed out a quick reply. 


9:52 pm: No, my Priest. If you are to enter my presence, I wish to keep you for the day, uninterrupted. 

It took him seconds to reply, but his cheeky one word made my cheeks flush pink as heat crept up my face. My heart may have fluttered, I'll never tell. 


9:53 pm: Possessive. I like it. 


9:53 pm: And don't you forget it. 


9:54 pm: Who me? Never, your most faithful servant could never forget your desires. 

This flirty blonde...that man...I swear...

I don't want to kill the mood, but I can hear Ofelia shifting stuff nearby. Best not give her anymore reason to confiscate my only source of entertainment, aka Zimbo Ram. It's like Geometry Dash, but it's made in the Magix Dimension, I guess. 


9:55 pm: I unfortunately must bid you adieu. My nurse demands that I get proper rest. 


9:56 pm: I wish you the best of dreams, my Goddess. I look forward to basking in your beauty come next Wednsday. 


9:57 pm: As do I. Night Adrien. 


9:58 pm: Night, Bloom. 

And if I cuddled my phone to my breast, or felt the urge to suddenly do something with this new surge of energy that made excitement sing in my one would know. 


"Well, well, well." Cold eyes, the color of frozen water bored into Darko's own with a pleased smirk. "It seems our little eavesdropped has become a wizard."

"Icy." Darko greeted neutrally, now wary of the Trix. They'd shown that they had multiple motives, and he wasn't so certain where he stood with them anymore.

Icy ignored his curt greeting and moved to stand near where the Ghoul had died. She looked back up at him, a hint of respect in her eyes. "I must admit, for a novice, you did well against my Ghoul."

Darko narrowed his eyes at her, a sudden surge of anger filling him. "What do you mean, your Ghoul?" He pointed at the ground. "That freak of nature nearly killed me!"

Icy rolled her eyes, internally wondering if choosing to ally with an immature child was a mistake. "Grow up, Darko. It couldn't have killed you alone. At worst, you'd be comatose, assuming that you couldn't fend off a few claws, which I'm pleased to see that you could."

Straightening fully, ignoring his pain, he gritted out, "Then what was the point of that? A test?"

Her smirk widened. "You catch on fast."

"Why?" He glared at her, not bothering to hide his irritation. "Why are you testing me?"

She smiled slyly. It wasn't the most pleasant one a woman had given him. "I needed to see if you were capable, and besides..." She turned to face him fully. "A little creature to cause chaos never hurt anyone."

"You and I have different ideas of what hurting someone means." Darko snarked, wincing as his hand moved over his hip.

"That, we do." Icy chuckled, before her smile vanished entirely, to be replaced with a serious look. "Stormy informed me that you were slacking, so I thought I'd check up on your progress myself."

In truth, after Beatrix had returned in a near-rut--furiously and audibly masturbating in their bathroom for nearly an hour, D'arcy had filled them in on her suspicions that Darko's element was being used against anything that was feminine and of interest to him--Isobel had come to investigate herself.

She also needed to know how combat-effective he would be, and see if he could be a suitable asset for when they took over. As much as it pained her to admit it, the Winx did one thing right. They had powerful allies in each other, and they likely wouldn't be the only ones to resist her and her sister's rise to power. The Trix would need allies of their own, and Darko wasn't a bad place to start.

She'd observed him during the fight, masked in the shadows thanks to one of D'arcy's illusion spells, and had felt slight arousal once he started fighting with his abilities. Curiously, his powers did seem to have an area-of-effect radius while he was and wasn't actively channeling his magic.

However, she knew that if she was to find out more, then she must get closer to D'arcy's 'boy-toy', as Beatrix had taken to calling him.

"How nice of you," Darko muttered as he retrieved his dagger and slipped it into his hoodie. Louder, he said, "As for Stormy, well, she was rather rude. I was in the middle of something."

"Something...illegal?" Icy's lip quirked upward and the glint in her eye told him that she suspected or knew something.

"No more illegal than the opportunity you roped me into." He deflected her probing with the unsaid reminder that they were in for the long haul together. He was pleased to see her eyes widen slightly before her expressionless mask was back in place.

"Hmm." She ignored the warmth pooling in her stomach, gesturing for him to follow her. He fell into step beside her, the unlikely pair walking down the sidewalk, uncaring of the dark.

"So," She said quietly, glancing at him from the corner of her eye while looking around cautiously. "What are you doing then, to secure our prize?"

"I've ingrained myself into the cafe that Stella works at," Darko answered, feeling more like he was reporting to his father in this instance than to a co-criminal.

"Hmm...not bad." Icy mused aloud. "There would be plenty of opportunities to steal her ring from her there."

"The cafe has protective spells on the staff's lockers, to prevent thefts," Darko scowled. "Including alarm wards, which notify both the owner and the current head of the cafe of the theft."

"Problematic, but not very troubling," Icy muttered to herself before lifting a brow at him. "If it's too much trouble for you, we can steal her scepter while she's working ourselves."

"Not going to happen." He threw a glare that actually made the ice queen pause in her step before it was gone. "I have a plan, to make Stella surrender her ring to me herself."

Icy's brows lifted in surprise, before challenging him, "And how exactly, do you plan to get the princess to part with her precious heirloom? Her most valuable artifact, and the one thing that she uses to perform her magic?"

Darko smirked. "My magic of course."

"Of course." Icy repeated, mulling it over. She narrowed her eyes. "And how are you going to trick her with your magic?"

"My father is a man of a few sayings and many actions," Darko said darkly, and Icy chose to listen silently, now pleased to note that there was an angle she could work if the boy became a problem later on. "Still, he's taught me much, and one of the things I plan to use is a reward system."

Icy nearly scoffed. "The way that parents nurture their fairies and princes?"

"It's effective," Darko smirked. "Especially since Alfea is full of pent-up goody-two-shoes fairies. I doubt that many of them actually have sex, or entertain thoughts of how many items can be shoved up their tight little pussies."

Icy chose to remain silent, ignoring the chill that was rising between her legs. She knew that some of the older fairies were more adventurous than Darko believed. 

"Stella may be a princess and a fairy, but, she is still a developing woman with needs," He grinned. "And what better way to get her to adhere to any demand I ask than to train her to thrive under my magic? To make her yearn for pleasure that she can only gain by being in my company, feeling my touch, obeying my commands?"

Icy paused in her step, recognizing the sheer brilliance of his plan. As creepy as it was (and more than a little alarming), Darko had a plan to essentially break down the fairy's will and make her submit to his perverted whims.

And astonishingly, she didn't know why she hadn't ever thought of it herself. Fairies had little defense against pleasure, fewer even knew that it was something that could be weaponized. It wasn't just unexpected, it was nearly unheard of.

"Once I have her hooked, she'll do anything for the feeling of an orgasm," Darko smirked. "Including handing her 'precious heirloom' over to me."

Icy shook her head before she realized that she was being more expressive than usual. She glanced at a passing window, only to quietly gasp at her reflection. Her cheeks were flushed, her pupils slightly dilated, and her areolas slightly visible through the fabric of her catsuit.

She was...aroused??


Her eyes widened as she cast out her senses, only to realize that Darko's aura had slowly spread out as they'd talked. His magic was subtle, like a viper's, seductive and needy lust slowly sinking into her loins and veins like poisonous fangs.

He was more dangerous...extremely dangerous, Icy realized as she bit her lip, finding a sudden sting of pleasure that caused an involuntary shiver to tease its way down her spine. A wild card. tricked into owning her a debt...could be an invaluable ally.

"You still haven't told me why you three need the Solarian relic so badly," Darko smirked at her hesitation, like he knew what he was doing and enjoying it.

Icy summoned up her impressive mental fortitude, allowing her own aura to flare out. Darko shivered as the air turned chillier. "We need it, simple as that."

Darko lifted a brow at her obvious attempt to deflect his curiosity. "Now you've got me curious. What would you need it for...what purpose will it serve?"

"That's not your concern," Icy said stiffly, disliking his not-so-innocent prying. Another wave of subtle pleasure struck her then, and as a soft moan threatened to trickle out of her throat, she gained an idea.

"If I were you, I'd focus on getting the scepter. Especially if you want all of this--" She ran her hands up her hips to her waist, cupping her breasts and giving them a firm squeeze, sighing at the headrush of pleasure it gave her, before sliding her hands back down seductively, "--and more in your bed, instead of some pathetic inexperienced fairy."

"I've got it, but you should keep in mind--," Darko smirked at her, confident that his 'charms' were working, "--stealing a fairy's first time is a special experience. A true feeling of power that you wouldn't understand unless you're in the moment."

"If you say so," Icy sniffed, her will slowly crumbling as she played 'hard to get'.

She had no inclination to shove fingers or sex toys up some fairy's snatch. Humiliating a fairy was all well and good, but how could something like that give her power? Furthermore, what kind of power could that possibly gain her? Blackmail?

She stiffened when his hand brushed her's, the warmth of his hand somehow more arousing than before. She did another little shake of her head, trying to keep her focus. The longer she spent around him, the more his magic affected her, and altered her thoughts, preying on her body's weakness--weakness that she didn't know that she even had. Weaknesses that she strongly disliked.

Fighting her growing lust, Icy asked, "Have you considered signing yourself up for one of the premiere school's programs?" Her tone had become more breathy, her voice turning more husky. "The more control you have over your magic would be better, especially for the future."

"I have," He said with a barely concealed grin, watching the proud ice witch slowly succumb to his magic. "I've already gotten Stella to ask for a favor from a pair of techies that she knows."

Icy's brows lifted in surprise once again. His sudden string of competence was just the latest thing that threw her concentration off. "I see," She said before throwing a last remark. "Although, should the program you admit yourself to not suffice, Darcy knows quite a few methods and a good witch does know how to hack."

Darko lifted a brow at the offer. "I'll keep that in mind." He said, before realizing that she'd gotten him distracted--likely her plan. "Back to the other thing though...what will happen to Magix once you have what you need?"

Icy couldn't help but let her seductive side out a bit more, her pouty lips pressing together as her magic pulled the fabric of her catsuit a little tighter around her breasts, making her hard teats obvious. "Oh, I wouldn't worry about it. Times are changing, and we will be the ones to bring about change."

Darko shivered at the passion in her voice, as well as the dark undertones. "Sounds evil."

She smirked at him, finally under his magic enough that her silver tongue had become looser. "Come now, Darko. I'm a witch, did you expect something different?"

"I suppose not." He muttered quietly, but she still picked it up.

"Don't be such a downer." She purred before her fingers tightened around the front of his hoodie. Fuck it all, she was a woman, and this infuriating boy had managed to seduce her, but she would have the last laugh.

"Hey--whaa--mmph!" Darko was cut off as freezing cupid-shaped lips pressed against his warm ones. His brain has frozen, but his body responded to the sensual feel of a woman's lips against his own.

His arms circled around her waist, pulling her closer, her breasts now pressing into his chest. He growled at her effective seduction. Icy smirked, feeling his hardness against her thigh.

She lifted a leg and curled it behind him, her hands snaking around his waist to grab handfuls of his firm ass, earning a startled squeak against her lips.

She pressed her lips more forcefully against his, moaning against his warmth. Darko growled, his hands full of writhing pinkish-grey magic.

A soft mewl escaped the ice witch as his hands captured her breasts, his magic seeping into her skin, caressing her own magic in a taunting, sensual way. Soft, intoxicating electric sensations swept through every inch of her body.

Those tingles erupt, Icy gasping as her legs tremble and wetness spills from her entrance. What feels like hundreds of hands start to caress her supple flesh. Fingers tease her navel as hands lovingly stroke her lush thighs. Hands maul and pinch her derriere as her breaths become more erratic.

More invisible fingers rub and pinch her areolas until she's near-whining from the sensitivity. Digits rub and tease her warm cunt over her catsuit, coaxing out juices that are smeared into the fabric, pressing against her puffy labia.

Her vision turns hazy as she's ensnared in a whirlwind of lust, feeling Darko's hands move from her breasts down her sides, one hand moving behind her cape to smack her firm bottom.

Her jaw drops in shock when a moan is torn from her soft throat, only to whimper when his mouth latches onto her exposed flesh, greedily sucking, sapping her strength.

His other hand winds between her legs, a ball of magic growing between her thighs. Small tendrils leak into her heated flesh, earning another soft moan.

Icy was fighting a losing battle--but it was one that she was admittedly excited to lose. She breathed in his scent--oranges, leather, negative energies, and something feminine.

She felt his magic ebb, before looking down between them, staring at her parted folds and swollen clit, clearly outlined by her catsuit, stained with the evidence of her lust. A jolt of his magic lashed out, striking her clit, her juices exploding from her fluttering cunt as a mini-orgasm swept through her.

"Wha...huhnn...haaah..." Her eyelids drooped, her gaze falling down to his hand, before forcing her gaze back up. Icy blue-white eyes meet glowing pinkish-grey.

"Cum for me," Darko smirks at her, before he presses the ball of magic against her needy, drooling cunt.

She screams in ecstasy as a fountain of her juices gushes from her pussy, soaking her crotch and dripping down the sidewalk.

Her cheeks burn, sweat dripping from her frame. Shivers continue to wrack her frame as the intensity of her climax dies down. Her breasts heave as she tries to catch her breath, her mind recovering from the endless fireworks that had exploded in her brain.

She stumbled back, noting as she leaned against the wall that Darko's expression had shifted from cocky satisfaction to concern, and disguised fear. Icy didn't notice, too caught up in the memory of the experience to take satisfaction that she still held power over him.

Her hand moved up to her chest, where she could feel her beating heart starting to settle, the adrenaline rush slowing. She reflected even as she cupped her sopping wet core, shocked at the sheer dampness of her catsuit.

It was both violating and arousing, but Icy knew that there was no way she could take it back.

"My first time," Her tone wasn't icy, cold, collected, calm, or calculating. It was barely a of reverent awe.

It was her first time...not her first orgasm, but her first time with another. A boy--a man, for he truly had opened her eyes now--who hadn't needed to use anything more than a little raw magic and his hands to bring her to a fulfilling, toe-curling climax.

Finally, she looked at him, her frigid demeanor cracked by the pleasure he'd freely given.

Darko looked smug, but still worried. Icy blue-white met dark eyes. Neither said anything, both parties unwilling to discuss what had just happened.

The barest traces of a true smile flashed on her face for one second, before she moved.

Darko barely had time to gasp before she slammed him to the ground, nearly choking as she summoned a large shard of ice and held it at his throat. Her irises were bluish-white, and her expression was twisted into something harsh and frightening.

"Do that again without my permission, and I will carve off your cock then shove this up your ass," She hissed, internally relishing his flinch as his hands twitched involuntarily towards his privates.

Darko gulped, the sharp ice mere centimeters from his Adam's apple when Icy finally stepped back, and he groaned, curling to the side, feeling the aftereffect of her heel in his stomach.

Icy smirked down at him. Darko groaned again, moving into a sitting position. "Fucking Darkn! That hurt!"

"Sorry," Icy said as insincerely as possible.

"No, you're not." He shook his head as he moved to stand, leaning on the lamp for support.

Icy noted that there was a subtle glow about him and took a step back, refusing to be subjected to his power a second time. She activated her Fae Sight--because the day she calls it 'Fairy Sight' will be when the Trix bends the knee--and realized that it was a regeneration factor. Nothing too powerful, but just enough that he would finish healing from her blow within a week instead of several.

Icy did leave her mark, after all.

"Still, that was an enlightening experience. I do look forward to you fulfilling your part of the bargain." She said as she pressed down on her nipple, enjoying the sensation it created when she flattened it. "So that you can take all of this."

Darko fought through his pain enough to give her a weak grin. "Sounds like a promising reward."

Icy rolled her eyes. She had what she came for, now she needed to go back and compare her findings with D'arcy and Beatrix. The magic scrambler she ordered was due to arrive any day now, and once they had it--regardless of whether Darko succeeded or not--they would be ready to proceed with their other plan.

"Oh, hush. Remember, the sooner you do your part, the sooner you do us." She said, withholding a sneer at his wide eyes.

With that parting remark, she activated her spell, and vanished in a cloud of dark purple-black magic, leaving behind a blue-balled wizard.


Two Weeks Ago: 

"Master Fu! Master Fu!" 

"Master Fu!" 

The aged headmaster of the Order of the Miraculous opened his eyes, watching calmly as one of Adrien's friends, the boy, Nino, as well as Ayla rushed into his mediation chambers. Or as they were more commonly known in their Miraculous avatar states--Carapace and Rena Rouge. 

Nino is the holder of the Turtle Miraculous--in the form of a bracelet around one wrist--and the guardian of the Kwamis named Wayzz. His preferred style of blue shirts and flaring pants was traded out for his Miraculous form. 

A deep green jumpsuit was wrapped around his lean frame. An emerald hoodie was raised over his head, the ends closest to where his eyes were bearing two streaks of silver with semi-circle red eyes. Black goggles with yellow lenses help to hide his face.

The suit's torso was covered in turtle armor, enchanted and shaped from real turtle shells. Dark greyish-green hexagonal pads lay over his shoulders. His back was covered with a turtle-crested shield, the weapon that his Miraculous gifted him with upon transforming. Due to how the shield is positioned, it creates the illusion of having a genuine protective shell on Nino's back. 

Ayla is the holder of the Fox Miraculous--in the form of a fox's tail, curved like a hook, attached to a small necklace--and the guardian of the Kwamis named Trixx. Her face is cleverly disguised with an orange masquerade mask that covers the top half of her face. The bottom half is lined with white, while the other upper and middle parts are orange. Two black lines curve over the mask's eyeholes, giving the illusion of having eyebrows. 

Her hair is altered in this state, growing out past her normal, preferred shoulder-length, her curls straightening out as they alter in color. Her hair gains a three-tone ombre, the roots of her hair turning reddish orange, slowly descending downward into a lighter orange, until ending at the tips of her hair with white. 

Her jumpsuit could be akin to an orange swan-necked overcoat with a blacked part over her neck and collarbone in a classic v-neck design. White front and black gloves cover her hands up to just barely past her elbows. The overcoat stretches downward, firmly sealed with a zipper that the Fox Miraculous becomes a part of in the suit. The bottom half of her suit is also orange with dabs of white on the front and black combat boots that rise until halfway past her knees. 

But the most obvious part about her transformation is the additional appendages granted by the Fox Miraculous. Two orange fox ears with white insides, black edges, and black tips rest comfortably in her hair, attached to her head, as living extensions of her body. Another addition to go with the ears is the lovely fox tail that emerges from where coattails would be, colored orange with a white tip. 

Also attached to her back is the Miraculous's weapon. The Fox Miraculous in particular creates a flute that can summon illusions based on the notes that are played. It is also as durable as any enchanted blade, thus making it a perfect fencing weapon. 

Both pant as they try to regain some semblance of order, and hide the evidence of a sweaty combat session. 

Master Fu's public chambers were a simple place; a rounded room that held a single door behind him--leading to the Master's private office and combined bedroom--and an open doorway in front. Cream and gold-colored pillars stood on either side of both entrances, rounded at both the base and top, curved into the rim of the walls and roof. 

The walls were decorated with Elder Runes, telling the story of the previous Masters of the Order of the Miraculous; the ones who came before him. Their victories, their defeats, their lessons, and their warnings for future generations. 

The room was bare with the exception of three main placements.  

The first was a small curved table, shoved to the side of the wall, with several teacups and their saucers resting on a shelf above the table. Built into the table was a single stove burner, magically compressed so that only the surface was visible. A white teapot rested atop, steam hissing from the spout as the water slowly rose to a boil. 

The second was the round, blood-red rug that the headmaster meditated atop, with gold embroidery along the edges. The rug itself was made out of a mix of enhanced and reinforced fibers, thick cotton, and wool. 

On the other side, pressed and nailed to the opposite wall was a tapestry, depicting the names of previous fallen Miraculous Holders that had fallen in battle and whose achievements were to be preserved and marked in the annals of history forever. 

After all, one of the Order's mottos was, 'Those who forget the truth and deceit of history, will forever be swept up in its cycle of chaos'. 

"Apprentice Cesaire, Apprentice Laiffe." He greeted tiredly, moving his hands from his kneeling stance with his legs emerging from where they'd been tucked beneath his tunic. "I trust this is a matter of importance?" 

"It's the Miracle Box, Master Fu!" Ayla exclaimed. 

Wang Fu's eyes widened, before narrowing. More alert, he rose to his feet. "What happened?" 

The trio hurried along the hidden monastery's passages, heading toward the rooms below their floor, in the lower half of the school's grounds. 

Torches illuminated the way, flickering yellowish-orange light spilling over the dark sand-cut walls and casting the patrolling shadows further out. 

"We were practicing in the adjacent training room," Nino explained as they turned and hurried down the stairs. "When we heard noises coming from the Vault." 

The aged man hummed. "I do seem to recollect that anyone who entered the Vault without my permission would be punished." 

"Yes...well..." Carapace trailed off, his eyes wide, knowing that they were in trouble. Master Fu had good reason for banning anyone from just entering the Vault. 

Only senior members--the ones who had mastered the second stage in their training with their Kwamis could enter--were allowed in with a Master, and currently, Master Fu was the only master, but Chloe--aka Queen Bee--and Adrian--aka Cat Noir--were close to becoming the next masters and guardians of the Order of the Miraculous. 

"We investigated, and another box lid was glowing!" Ayla picked up where her friend paused, hoping that what they discovered would be enough to get them out of punishment. "Another Miraculous has activated!" 

"Impossible." Murmured Fu in shock. He quickened his pace--surprisingly fast man for someone in his eighties--taking the steps two at a time down to the Vault; the place where all of their training scrolls, artifacts, and the remaining Miraculouses were kept, housed in the Miraculous Box. 

He turned the corner, only to find that Nino and Ayla weren't the only ones drawn to the noises of the box. 

Up ahead, exchanging worried looks, were four other students from the Order, with seniors Chloe and Marinette watching in concern. 

"Master Fu!" Marinette rushed forward, remembering to give a proper bow, Chloe mimicking her. "What's going on? What's making all this racket in the Vault?" 

"That is what I intend to find out, Senior-Apprentice Cesaire." Wang Fu replied sternly before turning back to the Vault. Lila, Sabrina, Felix, and Marc parted, allowing Master Fu to walk past them to the doors. 

The entrance of the Vault was well concealed, with two torches on either wall, leaving a smooth, blank wall as a dead end. Or so it appeared, were it not for the protruding rock that was a slightly darker color, exposed from the smooth wall. 

He lifted his hand, placing it upon the sole rock that lay at the door. Slowly, the rock glowed, changing and shifting through different colors, the dull browns flowing to oranges, reds, pinks, yellows, greens, blues, purples, violets, and finally, whites. 

Lines grew, matching the same colors as those of the rock, finally altering the wall itself, until a portion of it separated, slowly extending outward from the wall to make the end of a squat cylinder. Another, smaller cylinder in circumference protruded from that one, runes marking every inch around the centered rock. 

As soon as his magical signature was confirmed, there was an audible 'CLICK', before the Vault door hissed and swung open. Wang Fu stepped into the Vault, ignoring the other relics and lost treasures that had slowly accumulated over his time as Headmaster of the Order. 

Resting face-up on a pedistal in the very center of the vault, illuminated by a single lamp that hung low from the ceiling, surrounded by a magical force field that was as transparent as glass, and yet carried protections so powerful and deadly that only a Miraculous Holder had a chance of was the Miracle Box. 

The Miracle Box has only ever been removed for three reasons, and more often than Master Fu would generally like. 

The first is the Ceremony of Awakening, the rite that all of his apprentices undertake when he deems them mature and compatible enough to bond with a Kwamis and be gifted the Miraculous which is the key to unlocking their powers. 

The second is when a Miraculous Holder is allowed the chance to try and bond with a second Kwamis, thus gaining their Miraculous. This has happened only six times in the history of the Order, and most typically it was the Cat and Ladybug Miraculouses that were united together, due to their partner's literal compatibility with each other. 

And the third time, sadly, is whenever a Miraculous holder has abused their power, their Kwamis, or becomes a villain. Their Miraculous is taken away and their bond with their Kwamis severed. The Miraculous returns to the Miracle Box, only after it has been repaired of any damage, and is not to be disturbed for twenty years. 

Unfortunately, the latter has happened more commonly in history than one might suspect. Most commonly with the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculouses. They were admittedly more 'grey' in their use than other Miraculouses. 

The Butterfly Miraculous could make Akumas--enchanted little white butterflies that enhanced anyone's powers that they came into contact with--that were easily corrupted. When corrupted, they sought out those who were experiencing negative emotions or carried large amounts of negative energy (usually witches or a crying fairy). They then transformed them into magical villains with random quirks, each of them making it their personal mission to hunt down whoever wronged them. 

The Peacock Miraculous could make Sentimonsters--powerful magical creatures that manifest from intense, negative emotions tainting a feather that will seek out a physical possession of the origin of the darkest feelings and turn into a crude copy of them--that are inhuman in nature. Technically speaking, they have no soul, but in some cases, can gain their memories. 

The only drawback is that creating Sentimonsters comes at a cost--usually in the form of magic, assuming that there is only one, or life force, if more than one sentimonster is created at a time--that can leave the holder of the Peacock Miraculous weakened, rendered into a magical coma, or even killed if enough of their life force is drained. 

The Miracle Box rattled again, and a symbol over one of the corner boxes was glowing an eerie, fiery orange. 

"Impossible." Breathed Fu, who knew that the last time that Miraculous had been used had been sixteen years ago, when Kagame had fallen protecting her home realm from the Ancestral Witches and their Army of Decay. 

"Master Fu?" Chloe calls in concern. "What is it?" 

Wang Fu turns back to the box, and presses his open palm against the glowing lid. It springs open, and out comes a Kwamis that the headmaster feared would never be wielded again. 

A floating red Kwamis with stumped dark red horns and a slightly longer, lighter red horn protruding from the back of it's skull floats out of the box. 

"Master Fu!" The little Kwamis greeted with a sarcastic drawl. "Where is she?" 

"Where is who?" Fu asked, slightly confused. "How are you awake?" 

"The last of Domino has finally drawn forth her true power." Longg, the Kwamis of the Dragon Miraculous proclaims. 

Wang Fu's eyes widen. "That is--you must be mistaken. Sparx and her people were destroyed, while Domino was trapped in the darkest curse known to the Magix Dimension." 

The Kwamis nearly fell out of the air in shock, but remained flying. His yellowish-orange dragon-slit pupils narrowed. "I feel the bond. I feel her. She's the last of Domino's legacy." 

"Domino's legacy?" Marinette exchanged confused looks with Chloe. "What's that?" 

The rest of Wang's students started to murmur in low, excited tones behind them. None of them had been old enough, some had not even been born when the Ancestresses fell and Domino was destroyed all but physically. 

Longg growled lowly, a steely gaze meeting the unshakable, nearly serene expression of the headmaster of the Order of the Miraculous. "I have felt it. She lives. The second Princess of Sparx lives. The Fire of Life has reawakened, as the prophecy foretold." 

The color drained from Wang Fu's face. If this was true...if she was alive...if Bloom Fyre lives...then war will be upon them all. 

"By the Dragon." He cursed. 

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