"You hate me?" ~ chris sturni...

By stirkneeohlow2003

37.9K 536 326

Harper and her family don't have the best relationship so when she is sixteen she decides to move out and tak... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 31

624 11 6
By stirkneeohlow2003

*harpers pov*

"I told you, you could do it" chriss words echoed through my mind as i sat there hugging him in silence.

"Sorry to interrupt but could i ask a few questions?" A woman with long blonde hair walks through the door. My therapist from back home.

I never told anyone i saw a therapist i thought it made me look weak. Like i couldnt handle my problems on my own. But going helped me be stronger for my brothers. While i have been here in boston i didnt feel like i needed to see a therapist again. Well recently has been a bit foggy but other than that nothing bad has really happened. I was happy for once. I felt free. But now shes back.

"Hello harper" she says sitting in the chair next to my bed.

"Hello denise" i say greet her. As i do this i move over slightly closer to her and signal chris to sit next to me.

"How have we been holding up i havent heard from you in a while. But i did hear about your sudden move" she takes out her note book. "Why did you move exactly?"

"Is that really what needs to be asked in a situation like this?" Chris asks putting his arm around my shoulders.

"Would you mind giving us some privacy young man?" She asks him.

"Its okay he can stay" i say and look over to her "i moved because of my parents. I started therapy because of my parents. Im here because of my parents. I know these walls as if they were my bedroom walls because of my parents. All of the doctors and nurses back in georgia know me by name because of my parents" i say watching and she writes in her notebook. "I dont want to do this anymore" i say and lean back to stare at the ceiling. "I cant handle it all. I have my friends and brothers to look after i cant deal with being in the hospital 24/7 like i was back georgia. I cant handle them anymore. I want out"

"Out of what exactly?" She asks me. I think for a moment.

"I dont know... life i guess" chris looks over at me with deep concern written across his face. Everyone is silent so i decide to break said silence. "I mean dont get me wrong im loving it here in boston but if they find me wherever i am then whats the point in moving. If i dont take myself out then theyll end up doing it" i say

"What do you mean?" I didnt tell my therapist about how they treated me. I just told her they would scream every now and then. Everyone in georgia thought i was the clumsiest girl ever.

"Oh right. Im here because they came to my friends house to abuse me again. They want to kill me." I say looking at chris. His eyes are filled with tears as a few trickle down his face. "Dont cry its okay" i wipe his tears. "Im sorry you can leave if you want to"

He tightens his arm pulling me into him and he places a kiss on my temple. "Im never leaving your side. I promise" he then looks past me and to my therapist "but they did nearly kill her the first time" i nod in agreement and get up off of the bed to stretch my legs.

"The first time?" I turn around to face denise. Before feeling dizzy and nearly passing out. I stumble and chris jumps off of the bed to steady me on my feet.

"Yeah the first time" chris says "they messed her up badly and she ended up losing her memory" he walks me back to the bed. "I want them arrested" his words put me in pure shock.

"Chris no theyre my parents" i say

"They hurt you and apparently have been your whole life." He reasons with me.

"But chris i cant do that" i say

"Why not?" He argues

"Because nobody knows that this happens except us. I dont want people finding out. It makes my skin crawl just thinking about it i dont want everyone i look at to remind me off it aswell i cant handle that" i say

"Make sure that they keep it to themselves they dont share every crime you know" he shrugs and leaves the room

"Chris!" I shout after him. He stops and turns just before he had gotten the chance to close the door. "Where are you going?"

"Your thirsty" he says before leaving the room. Then all of a sudden my throat feels very dry. How did he know that?

"Okay back to you" i say turning to denise

"Is he your boyfriend?" She asks me

"No we're just friends... we had a falling out a few weeks ago and i dont think it has been the same since." I sit up straight on the bed before letting out a sigh.

"Tell me about it" she says closing her notebook.

"Well it was just a normal day and we were all getting along like usually and i overheard matt and chris talking and then later that night i met chris in the kitchen and he couldnt sleep so we went to his room and then all of a sudden he became very angry at me and didnt talk to me. So i went into matts room and cried myself to sleep. The next morning i left because i didnt want to see him again. Then he went missing. And i got so scared. As much as i hated him at the moment he was still my best friend. I ended up finiding him and then he said really rude things to me and i went through one of my episodes" she got her notebook out to add to my 'episode collection' "anyways he said really rude things to me and we were basically on and off being friends and i recently found out it was because of his girlfriend. But i missed him so much like i felt incomplete without him there. I didnt feel as happy as i usually did i didnt feel as safe as i usually did. And come to think of it when my parents hurt me the first time it was after the argument and stuff." I lay back into the bed.

"Do you blame chris for all of this?" She asks getting her pen ready to take notes.

"Not entirely." I take a deep breath "i blame him for how he treated me and how he went about things but i dont nlame him for why he did it. He wasnt in a good relationship so i can see that from his perspective. And i definitely dont blame him for what my parents did. But i do blame him for the severity of it at he stood there and watched the scene happen. But he apologised and he said he wants to make it up to me but i dont know if he still is since all of this happpend." Then all four of my favourite people walk through the door.

"How you feeling?" Matt asks as chris passes me some water and sits next to me.

"I dont know" i shrug "my head kind of hurts" i laugh making them all to chuckle.

Suddenly denise leaves in a hurry. "What is she doing back?" Jay asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask. I never told him about the therapy.

"Your therapist?" My heart drops. How does he know? Does he think badly of me? Maybe he need to go more than i did? Am i a bad person? "Is it getting to much for you again harps?" I look over to chris who gives me a sympathetic look.

"I dont know" i look down

"Dont know what kid?" Jay asks

"I dont know how bad it is. I dont know how bad it could get. And i kind of dont want to find out" jays face drops. I have told him something like this before. He knows what it means. But he doesnt say anything infront of matt and nick. "Where are jack and ben?" I ask giving them all a confused look.

"Lets keep them in the dark about this one yeah?" Jay says

"Okay they can but didnt you think?" They all look at me confused. "Sophie is back... she didnt leave her key... she also knows secret ways into the house... our parents are back... you know those things dont really go well together." Suddenly i hear one of my monitors beeping. Nurses and doctors rush into the room and my vision goes blurry and then i pass out.

I feel like im getting quicker at writing these. Like its all off the top of my head but it just pieces together weirdly and nicely its crazy. Ty for all the support 🫶🏻🫶🏻

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