
By musicandpiano

53 5 0

Thousands of light years away- near the edge of the observable universe, there exists a powerful race of alie... More



4 1 0
By musicandpiano

"Move it, Ahnerovan scum!"

Iren was forced back into reality as heart-aching pain spread across his body. His back was slowly turning a deeper shade of purple-green after being hit. Upon looking behind him, the soldier saw what resembled a large work hammer, heavy and clearly old.

A grunt left his body when the hammer collided with his skin yet again. The Onfae, who was taller and better built than the other aliens he'd fought before, was glaring daggers at him. As was characteristic of females in their kind, her translucent skin was rough; almost lizard-like. Instead of having short canines, females had large tusks that could rival blades.

She bared her teeth at the Paladin.

"Keep working or I'll throw you in the Kito river," she threatened in a hiss.

The Paladin, although narrowing his eyes at the female Onfae, decided not to test her limits and instead go back to the task at hand. His gaze shifted over to the cracked ground typical of the Onfae's home planet, Movnosa. Being an ashy desert, the dirt wouldn't even be considered dirt- more like cracked stone with an earthy color.

Little to no vegetation could grow on these harsh lands. As a result, Onfae had to dig for hours to find proper soil and plants. Well, in theory, the Onfae had to do it.

But in reality, prisoners like Iren did the job.

It didn't take long for the soldier to realize where he'd been taken. A campsite- a forced labor campsite, one he'd overheard was called Mova Labor Camp. With the almost run-down walls and a roof that barely warranted the name, the campsite was synonymous with a torture chamber.

He was one in a facility of hundreds captured to endure labor in Movnosa's harsh weather. The first time he saw the other abductees, Iren had seen a couple of races his kind had discovered long ago. Hgenas, Plensyves, Colkos... how Onfae had managed to kidnap all of them, Iren had no idea. He didn't even want to ask.

Glaring at the stony ground with something akin to annoyance, he thumbed the metal tool in his right hand. It was shaped like a cylinder with both ends sharpened, kind of like a thick spear. In his left hand, a smaller hammer made with the same material hung lazily. Both were semi-heavy, though Iren knew it was more so because of the metal they were made of: vazira.

Another blow to his back caused him to growl out loud.

"Hurry up, and do your damn job, Ahnerovan!" the Onfae screamed.

Iren didn't bother looking back at her this time. Instead, he positioned one of the sharp ends of the cylinder tool and slammed the hammer on top of it. With a resounding crack, the earth below him gave way. Debris of small stones littered around the impacted area, with some hitting Iren in his naked face.

Satisfied that the Paladin was finally doing his job, the female Onfae left to torment other prisoners. The soldier stared at her retrieving form with disgust, silently casting all sorts of bad juju on her for being so infuriating.

His work mining at the ground went on for about half an hour when the tip of the tool managed to pierce through several layers. Deeming it okay for planting, Iren then set his tools aside and focused on the cart that lay beside him.

Metal crates were stacked above each other, each overflowing with red plant-like species. As far as he was concerned, these plants would be planted on the floor and would be able to be cultivated in a few months or so. Though with how dead the plants looked, Iren wasn't sure if they would be able to survive.

That's how Movnosa worked. The planet was larger than Ahnerova but it didn't provide a healthy living for its population. Danger seemed to lurk at every corner, and that didn't stop at their native fauna.

Movnosa was home to some of the largest volcanoes across the galaxy. The soil was naturally ashy because of them, and the heat emanating from them reduced their chances of finding water. The only way one could find it was digging through the soil, so not only was surviving a feat but could be considered down-right impossible.

Onfae had evolved so their bodies didn't rely on liquids. Unfortunately, their plants did. So, without sustenance, the aliens wouldn't survive through the harsh reality of their planet.

His hands clawed away at the dirt trying to stockpile on the small hole he'd created, while he used his still fragile back tendrils to hold onto a long red plant. Iren grew frustrated at trying to remove falling pebbles from the spot, and when a particularly large rock fell in, the soldier let out a growl.

"Stupid, no-good, motherfu-"

A bit ways away from him, an alarm blared to life. Voices sprung to life, causing the Paladin to look up from his sad excuse of a hole. Iren's eyes registered how the rest of the prisoners looked up from their tasks too, all eyeing each other in curiosity.

"All camp workers, take ten minutes from work," a voice called through an invisible communicator. "Whoever doesn't enter for lunch won't eat until tomorrow."

The orders were clear, but everyone felt as if they were a threat more than anything. Because of this, everyone stood up from their spots and hurriedly made their way toward the main building, tools littering the fields.

Iren was about to follow suit when a large weapon sprung up in his line of sight.

Upon making eye contact, the soldier gritted his teeth at the female alien, whose tusky grin screamed devil.

"You're not going anywhere," she laughed. "You didn't do your work right. I see no hole."

The Paladin looked down at the clearly obvious hole on the ground, then turned to look at her with an almost deadpan expression.

"So, not only are you extremely annoying, but you're also unbelievably stupid," Iren said. "Were you dropped many times as a child? I'd check my brain if I were you. Or, maybe not. I'm sure you'll just find air."

The female hissed dangerously, raising her hammer in the air in an attempt to hit him yet again when a male guard came running up to her.

"Hasa, leave him be," the Onfae said. "We need you inside. A fight's broken out."

The female Onfae, Hasa, hissed yet again and lowered her weapon so it rested at her side. Glancing at the Ahnerovan male with hatred, she finally resigned from torturing the abductee and stomped her way toward the facility. The other guard followed suit, not before throwing Iren a nasty-looking glare of his own.

The Paladin followed their forms until they disappeared through large metal doors.

He sighed out, fatigue taking control of his injured body.

There was little covering from the unbearable heat of the planet. Long metal pillars tried to shield the field workers from the outside, but with the open squares that let light filter through, there was no chance the prisoners could escape the weather. It almost seemed like the Onfae were mocking them; having a structure erected so there could be roofing over their heads, but in reality, the metal bars had large holes in them that still let anything get through.

Sweat rained down his forehead and his limbs cried out in protest. Being from a very cold planet, the Ahnerovan wasn't used to the weather. In fact, he knew the other prisoners weren't used to it either. Everyone seemed to be having a difficult time working in the fields, even more so since Onfae were torturing them whenever they pleased.

"By Kos," Iren breathed out. "What's who could ever live in this infuriating heat?"

The soldier was sure he'd developed blisters by now. The sizzling heat enveloping his skin was beginning to hurt. Iren could swear he saw steam rising from his body.

A drop of sweat landed on the ground and boiled instantly. Looking at his hands, he hadn't realized how long he'd left them on the flooring until he saw how dry they looked.

Another sigh escaped him. And knowing that he wouldn't be eating until later on, his hands clasped the metal tools, hissing at how hot they'd been after being left out in the open. The soldier didn't complain further and instead focused on creating a new hole.

Well, he was midway through creating another hole, until movement in his peripheral caused him to look up.

The skin around his eyes rose upon the sight.

A smaller alien- a species he didn't recognize, had just exited the main building in a hurry. Their smaller head turned to look behind them, as if they were panicked someone was following them. Its body was similar to Iren's, though on a much smaller scale. Even at this distance, the Paladin could make them out as possibly being the smallest alien species in the campsite.

A strange yellow-red color flowed freely behind their head. Their skin, a pale color. Iren didn't know this specimen's origin.

His eyes never left them, though. Infinitely curious of the shorter being, he allowed his sights to follow their every step. Their frail body pushed them onwards until they disappeared behind a wall separating the fields.

The soldier blinked.

Had he imagined the scene? Was this alien real? Or was it a figment of his delusion?

Had the heat finally messed up his brain completely?

Iren blinked again, breaking him from his reverie. Instead of looking at where the alien was, he willed his sights on the ground, where his hands had stopped their task. Although he was fully intent on working some more, his mind was stopping him from doing so.

Who was that? Why did they look so different from the rest of the aliens? How was it so similar to him, yet not at the same time?

He grunted at his inner battle. He could either, stop thinking about it and go back to slaving away under the harsh weather, or get up and investigate.

It didn't take him long to make a decision, as fate decided for him. Alarms blaring through the open sky indicated that the laborers' lunchtime was over, and they had to return to the fields. Little by little, aliens began to filter out of the large facility and into the rocky landscape.

Like automatons, everyone went back to their original spots and continued their work. The clinking of metal against rock filled the quiet area yet again. Several Onfae guards had repositioned themselves, weaponry held tight in their hands and barking insults at the prisoners.

What stood out to Iren, was a male Onfae guard gripping an alien's arm, an angered look on his face. The prisoner was hurt, as far as Iren could see from a distance. Blue spots marred his light red skin, a particularly long line going from the top of his head to the underside of his chin. In front of them was the infuriating Hasa, who looked like she'd rather be smacking laborers with her hammer than having a conversation with her brethren and the injured alien.

After a few words were exchanged, they walked in the same direction Iren had seen that strange small alien run to and disappeared.

Questions began to bomb his mind at this weird interaction. Was the alien part of the aforementioned fight? Did he cause it? And why did that warrant both Onfae taking him away?

More importantly, where were they taking him? And why in the same direction as the smaller alien?

"Hey! Get back to work, Ahnerovan scum!"

The Paladin made eye contact with an Onfae guard, his beady stare on his made the soldier stop opening his mouth. As much as he wanted to choke the life out of the male, Iren knew he should keep a low profile, at least for the time being.

He hated having to play along with doing labor work, but it was a necessity if he wanted to escape the campsite. The Paladin had no idea how, at least not for the time being. But if his captors got the idea that he was weak or complacent, he wouldn't endure torture during his stay in Mova. At least, not a lot of torture.

Working outside was torture enough.

In the meantime, he'll lay low. He'll gain knowledge of his surroundings, of the alien species surrounding him. And as much as it pained his ego, Iren would try and keep fighting out of the equation.

So, gritting his teeth in resignation he forced himself to look down at the small dent in the ground before slumming away the day's work. It was monotonous and somewhat automatic, but by the end of the day, the soldier had made twelve holes in the ground.

Sweat cascaded from his body now, and his current clothing didn't make it easier. Being made from a synthetic leather that warmed the skin, he was so close to tearing it off when an Onfae soldier delivered him a warning glare that stopped him from doing so.

He relented. Which might've been for the best. For all Iren knew, this could be the only pair of clothes he'd ever receive from the Onfae.

It wasn't that they were uncomfortable to him; quite the contrary. He was surprised at how soothing they were the first moment he put them on. It fit his body almost perfectly. The only issue had been his back tendrils, which weren't that common amongst alien kinds across the galaxy. The soldier had to tear through the fabric to accommodate his limbs so they weren't smushed against his back.

But having a long-sleeved shirt under the scorching hot weather... Iren was going insane.

Heaving one last breath to release some of the heat, his hands palmed at the soft soil so the plant wouldn't tip over. Almost as a response, the red-leafed vegetable rose, suddenly regaining life in the presence of humidity. Iren gathered nearby pebbles and placed them on top of the dirt in a circle so they acted as a stone wall protecting the plant.

Not before long, the same guard who'd given the Ahnerovan a look came over to analyze his work. His beady black eyes roved through the multiple holes he'd created, his fingers absentmindedly hitting the long pole in between his hands.

"Primitive," he muttered to himself, though it didn't go unnoticed by Iren. His blood boiled at the Onfae's dismissal of his work. "Anything to complete today's quota, eh? This might be your first day on the fields, but engrave this in your Ahnerovan brain: if you make holes as shitty as these, I'll make sure your stay in Mova makes you regret ever living."

He then laughed. "But I might be mistaken. Being exiled from your kind is like a knife to your hearts, right? Not only are you Ahnerovan scum. You're traitorous Ahnerovan scum."

Iren hadn't realized he was growling until the male's dark eyes narrowed at him. Without another word said, the soldier's body met with the blunt end of the Onfae's pole. As much as the blow pained him, Iren refused to let the other one see his agony.

Instead, a dangerous scowl clouded his features.

He didn't say anything though. The Paladin only let his rage show but didn't prod the guard on. He had to remember his plan, even though it was slowly tearing him inside.

The guard saw how the laborer was holding back, and smiled a demented smile. "That's right. You no longer have the upper hand, Ahnerovan. You're on our planet now. Enjoy our pain and suffering."

He spat at Iren's face before spinning on his heels and walking away. The Paladin's temper rose, his tendrils wrapping to form tight knuckles. Muscles tensed as they usually did when he was about to lash out, breath filtering in and out erratically.

'Breathe, Iren,' he thought to himself. 'He's testing you. Stick to the plan. Keep yourself steady. You'll have plenty of time to bash Onfae heads when you find a way out.'

His ever-changing eyes stuck to the guard's back like glue.

'Just remember his face. You'll kill him. Eventually.'

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