: Act Two : My Eternal Spring...

By king_flowerboy

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The Star-crossed lovers may have defied Fate, but that only meant their journey forth would be completely unc... More

: 2.1 : Why Does Everything Still Feel So Weird?
2.2 : Lost In Sad Memories Of The Cruel King
2.3 : Somehow We Became Fathers?!
2.4 : Where Did He Go?
2.6 : I Know Everything Is Wrong, But I Love You
2.7 : Things Have Changed, But You Still Haven't
2.8 : My Nightmare Came To Life, PT. 1
2.9 : My Nightmare Came To Life, PT. 2
2.10 : From The Ashes...
2.11 : ... Our Love Glows Ever Brighter

2.5 : Just Be My First, My Last, My Everything And More

276 8 1
By king_flowerboy


"Kiyoi, I hope you don't mind me saying that you seem off today." Anna-san carefully broached the topic as she, Kiyoi and Manager Yamada settled at a restaurant to eat after work.

"What makes you think that?" Kiyoi asked Anna-san through gritted teeth after simultaneously stubbing his toe against their table's leg. How could she not wonder though? Just twenty minutes ago he was cursing out a driver that dared to flip off Manager Yamada in traffic. Then he kept bumping into furniture as they were seated, and they hadn't even started drinking yet. He was always the epitome of someone with a cool swagger, unless things were devastatingly wrong. When Anna and Yamada exchanged a curious look, he gave up the truth with a heavy sigh. "Why are men so difficult?" He miserably lamented, then tossed his head back as he slumped in his seat.

"Shouldn't you be asking yourself that?" Both women pointed out in unison.

"Oi!" Kiyoi exasperatedly dragged his hands over his face, then continued to fuss, "No, I mean why does my fiancée in particular have to be so difficult? He's so damn weird!"

"Uh-oh, what happened this time?" Manager Yamada asked, then turned and whispered a request for extra beers to their waiter.

"I know he's mad at me," He explained, "But won't admit to it and it's making everything worse."

"What makes you think that?" Anna-san was genuinely shocked to hear that, she always admired their relationship. Even when they fought it never seemed as gravely serious as Kiyoi was making it out to be that night. She noted, "He's always sounded too obsessed with you to ever get angry!"

"I thought so too."

However, ever since the incident with Iruma, then Ito's appearance that followed - things were not so certain. Slowly but surely, their interactions lessened in passionate intensity, devolving into awkward small talk. Hira adopted a new, distant way of carrying himself. He always lurked around a little oddly, but Kiyoi noticed his eyes trained on the ground far more often. Even more unpredictably, and the more damning piece of evidence he gathered; Hira began investing more time in other people.

On multiple occasions, Kiyoi caught sight of his Knight sharing lunch in the agency courtyard with one, particular co-worker. Each time, those two were sat close together on the same small bench, laughing about whatever stupid inside joke they shared. Hira smiled around that guy in ways he never did with Kiyoi, and that part was what hurt him the worst. On top of all that, despite how close they seemed, Hira never mentioned who the jerk was. He'd just come home from work, they'd vaguely chat about their days for a bit, then quietly go about the rest of their evening.

The horrors didn't end there either! The frequency which they had sex plummeted against all expectations, considering Kiyoi was gone for so long before. Perhaps the previous amount was a little overboard, but it was like Hira secretly Pavlovian Conditioned him to expect it as soon as he came home. There wasn't a single spot in their apartment they hadn't done it. He could barely make it from the door to the fridge, or from the bathroom to their couch, without naughty memories popping up to nag him about how long it'd been since their last time. He didn't share that part with the two women of course, but a serious case of pent up sexual frustration was definitely part of his problem that night. Damn it! Kiyoi cursed himself for worrying about all of those stupid, annoying, weird, perverted things, I'm so gross now!

Whatever their situation was, it made Kiyoi's stomach turn. The Star was being forced to just helplessly watch as other shining lights started flickering around their universe. Their universe, the sanctuary they created to only harbor each other, was suffering an infestation. Those two devastating situations tore a rip between them that pests took advantage of to slip their way between the Star and his beloved, and to threaten everything they built. Hira's face was becoming blurry. It was like he finally looked away, and was consumed by another radiant light. He was being lured in by the other newer, shining Stars.

Hira was just becoming like everyone else.

"I even overheard the guy call him Kazu-kun," Kiyoi physically recoiled as that memory plagued his mind. When he overheard that, he was passing through the area and that mystery guy was talking to someone else. Kiyoi overheard him joking, "I'm staying for lunch with Kazu-kun. Just tell Director Shima that I said to stop being so needy."

"That was the most disgusting thing I've ever heard," Kiyoi coolly spat, cursing that stupid face in his mind.

"I wonder if it's Amano-San that he's talking to? Is he a fluffy-haired tall guy, kind of like a sweet, over-sized puppy?" Yamada described, and Kiyoi begrudgingly nodded even though he wouldn't necessarily use those words to describe him. Manager Chika Yamada made a knowing sound and she suddenly seemed less worried. "Amano-san's a really great guy! I can understand why Hira and him get along. He's great at making newbies feel welcomed and cared for. Don't worry about him!"

"Damn, I'm awful." How was he not supposed to worry about that?! Her words felt like a punch to the gut, because those were the exact same things Hira always worshiped him for. After accepting a beer from Anna-san, he sourly laughed, "I feel like hearing that only makes me feel worse."

He was realizing how replaceable he was again.

Anna-san patted his shoulder and tried to be of comfort, "But Kiyoi, none of that sounds like he's mad at you. To be honest, you're reminding me of myself when I feel insecure. I'm sure everything is okay. Have you tried to talk to him about it?"

"No. I know this is also my fault. I'm jealous, but I'm pushing him away. I don't blame him entirely, but..." He trailed off in thought, Still, it's his all fault...

Life was so much simpler, and safer even, before he fell in love. It was easy to use people for what he needed, then let them go when they got too troublesome. Things would be much less complicated again if Hira would just go away, yet the harder Kiyoi pushed, hellish pains tormented his chest. It was like ripping off the world's strongest band-aid; he couldn't keep it forever or else the wound would only fester, but it hurt too much to peel off.

"Maybe you two need to take a break from this city to spend some time reconnecting?" Yamada-san suggested, then pulled out her phone to show him a contact number labelled 'Family'. "My parents own an inn on a private waterfront, and everyone there is very discreet about things. My family hates the media. Kiyoi-kun, you work so much and from what I've heard, Hira does too! Let the world's best manager do you another favor!"

Reconnecting? I've never done that...


A second heat wave blasted the city near summer's end, and that was when Yamada worked her magic to ensure both dots were given the week off. Kiyoi internally buzzed with nervous and excited energy as he anticipated that week. When the time came and Amano also told Hira to take a break, the peasant didn't think twice about the fact that Kiyoi had received a similar call. He was just ecstatic to get so much alone time with his King again. The only thing he worried about was how impossible it'd be to cuddle the entire time in such extreme heat, when that was all he wanted to do. He urgently wanted to hold Kiyoi again.

Ever since Iruma and Ito, Hira noticed that his King was more on edge than usual. It worried him, but he was careful not to pry too much in fear of salting an open wound after witnessing how badly Kiyoi was affected. So Hira just hoped that Kiyoi would soon feel comfortable enough to approach him about it first. In the mean time, he figured it would suffice to just make sure he was okay from afar and give him some space. So he spent his time waiting for Kiyoi to say when he was needed again, but being so distant was becoming painful for the needy peasant.

As usual, the two dots were falling victim to tragic misunderstandings; one needed the other more than they could ever fathom. Fate didn't even need to meddle with their situation at that point, they ran the circus all on their own.

The evening before Yamada's plan set into action, Kiyoi and Hira lounged by their living room window. They left it wide open to catch a breeze, with two standing fans pointed at them, and Hira diligently working to cool Kiyoi even more with a hand fan. The weather was already reaching sweltering highs.Even Usagi-chan was sapped of all her energy and refused to make contact with either of their hot human bodies. Kiyoi hung his upper body out the window to observe the streets below as he suggested, "We should get out of the house and go somewhere." He looked to Hira from his peripheral and hinted further, "Like a beach."

"Y-You want t-to go t-t-t-to the b-beach?!" He reacted as if that were an unimaginable idea; like such a thought overheated the cogs in his brain and made steam billow from his ears.

Kiyoi proceeded to detail Yamada-san's trip proposal as screws flew loose from the creep's head until Hira was about to self-destruct. "What? Is the idea really that bad?" Kiyoi tried to act unbothered, but braced himself for a disappointing rejection.

"N-No, I just haven't seen Kiyoi-kun at a beach before."

"Tch!" And then he felt offended, "What does that mean? Do you think I don't have the body for it?"

"T-T-The opposite!" Becoming senseless in his heat-induced fugue, Hira dreamily rambled, "I'm imagining how perfect it'd be! So great! Kiyoi-kun coming out of the water in his bathing suit, wet and-"

That's too much! Before he could keep saying embarrassing things, Kiyoi smooshed his cheeks and lips shut. "Stop imagining it then, creep," - Kiyoi smirked, his pride fully replenished once again - "And let's just go."

"B-But Umsa-cham!" Hira's voice was smothered as he discussed the logistics. He dreaded over the havoc she'd reek alone, and with his luck, she'd find a way to destroy his newly renovated King Kiyoi House of Worship. "M-M-Mmwell I could ask Maho-cham if Tomoya mm-would like to play mwith her."

"So it's settled." Kiyoi released Hira's cheeks, then sprung onto his feet. "Come on, hurry up. Let's pack tonight and leave tomorrow."

"Kiyoi-kun!" Hira was stunned by his Star, his heart thumped with glee.Thank you for coming to me! He hugged Kiyoi's leg. "Okay. Wherever you want to go, I'll go too."

"Hira..." Those annoying, little butterflies had Kiyoi feeling winded all of a sudden. The King stared down at his Knight and smiled without realizing it, as he relished in such an unabashed display of affection. This man, who had all the power over his heart, still prayed on his knees as if it were the other way around. I told you to be more selfish, He realized, but I'm kind of glad you're not good at listening. Kiyoi petted his hair and faintly remarked, "That's weird."

"I-I know, but Kiyoi-kun is worth it."


The next dawn they rode a bus out to the quaint seaside village where they were to escape for the week. During half the ride, Hira shot photos of his Star by the window as the scenic roads passed by. Kiyoi kept offering cute little smiles and finger hearts, too, humoring his peasant's odd habits. Even though he wore a head scarf and sunglasses to conceal his identity, it was undeniable how head-turningly attractive he was.  As they rode further away, all of their worries seemed to be left behind. Maybe, Kiyoi hoped, I was just overthinking everything.

Hira eventually dozed off, and his head drooped onto Kiyoi's shoulder. The Star felt a new kind of rush as Hira's body leaned against his for everyone else to see. A rush that felt dangerous, but absolutely divine. He knew Hira would never dare to be so openly comfortable and touchy, and should've been woken up. Still, Kiyoi couldn't bring himself to interrupt the moment; to do so would be depriving himself of a pleasure he'd only ever dreamed of. He sat rigidly still, before daring to slither his hand into Hira's. There they were, on a long bus ride, cuddling together with intertwined hands. It was a moment that every other couple in the world had the luxury to experience regularly. One that Kiyoi was desperate to steal, at least once, and it was finally happening.

Coincidentally, that was also when an elderly woman seated ahead turned and saw them. She made a complicated noise and stared very hard, as if trying to decipher whatever it was she witnessed. Push him off now and pretend it was a mistake, Kiyoi knew his Knight would've done something like that. His thought process would've been something like, "I just want to keep you safe, my King".

But I want the world to know you're mine... to know I'll never let them take you away.

Kiyoi pretended not to see her, and rested his head atop Hira's. She stared for the rest of the ride, occasionally whispering remarks to the other passengers. It didn't matter to him. None of them mattered at all.

I'm so sick of being afraid.


Once they'd arrived at the inn and unlocked their room, Kiyoi didn't stall another minute to ditch his travel garbs. He removed everything, including his disguise pieces, while Hira panicked as Kiyoi stripped right in front of the sliding glass doors. "W-Wait! -"

"Hm? We don't have much time here. I'm not wasting any of it." Kiyoi tore his shirt off then spared Hira one last, devilishly playful look. "I'll race you to the shore."

"B-But -"

"Fine," Kiyoi tossed his shirt at Hira's face and teased, "It's too bad my shorts are kind of loose. I hope the waves don't take them off. It would be bad if they got lost in the water without you there."

"D-Do you think that could really happen?!" While Hira struggled to remove his own shirt, Kiyoi already broke into a sprint outside. Hira yelped, then chased after him.

Kiyoi dove into the water just as his Knight finally caught up. They splashed around and played like school boys on summer break, cracking into smiles that reached their ears. Before Kiyoi could escape underwater again, Hira caught him by the waist. He held Kiyoi tightly to pause and catch their breaths in each other's embrace. When Kiyoi pushed his wet bangs out of his eyes, he registered how close their faces were; how amorously Hira clasped onto his sides under the open sky instead of somewhere hidden. His next breath caught in his throat, and he instinctively checked over Hira's shoulder, nearly pushing him off - but the shoreline was desolate.

There was nothing to fear, but so much at the same time.

As if he read his mind, Hira reassured, "I-I already made sure you're safe," Hira brushed his thumb over Kiyoi's bottom lip, then gently drew the plump skin down. "Kiyoi-kun, I-I can't wait to kiss you right now. So..." He slipped his tongue into the sweet space, offering a small lick in exchange for entry. Without hesitation, Kiyoi wrapped his arms around Hira's shoulders and eagerly sucked his tongue as his bid for 'more'. The ocean rocked against their bodies, and they desperately grabbed at each other's slippery skins. Both the King and his Knight swore that moment was the closest to heaven they'd ever get. They refused to break for even a second, even as air became scarce, until a colossal wave crashed overhead.

The ocean sent them tumbling back to the shallow end; both silently laid there light-headed and blushing. Then, Hira laughed, and Kiyoi did too.

"I swear you make me insane," Kiyoi accused through his grin.

"You make me worse," Hira rolled over until he was on top of Kiyoi, and pressed another kiss on his forehead. "Y-You're right. I want to be able to do this more often."

"So when will you stop holding back?"

"I-I-If only, Kiyoi-kun... the rest of the world was beautiful like this."


As the sun rested over the horizon, they strode along the shoreline, out to the rocky cliff side. Kiyoi found a small cave and beckoned Hira to follow him in, even as the Knight relentlessly nagged at him. "Be careful, Kiyoi-kun!" He fretted as his King recklessly crawled over pointy rocks and slicked-over slopes.

When they both made it through the cave's mouth, Kiyoi spotted something shiny lodged between two large rocks. He got on his knees and reached for whatever it may have been while Hira warned more frantically, "C-Careful! You might get your hands pinched!"

Just as he predicted, something clutched Kiyoi's finger and a searing pain erupted through his hand. Kiyoi swore and tore away, but only suffered a small cut. A trickle of blood ran down the tip of his index finger. He didn't mind much after his adrenaline subsided, but Hira turned white and gasped dramatically as if the universe assaulted his one true love. The peasant dropped to Kiyoi's side and grabbed his hand, then kissed the wound until the pain went away. Kiyoi watched, his emotions scrambled all over again.

That dot was always so attentive to his every need, no matter how small or big it was. Hira remained entirely selfless even when things got awkward between them. Earlier, when they kissed outside for the first time, Kiyoi noticed the looming anxiety in Hira's face that he tried to push aside. He knew Hira's kiss wasn't fully driven by his own desire, that his King's selfish requests must've been dancing around in the back of his mind for quite some time. For Kiyoi, he would do anything even when there was a risk of hurting himself. He never changed at all, Kiyoi recognized that now, but why can't I truly believe that? Before he got completely lost in thought, Hira reeled him back in as he asked, "A-Are you okay?"

Everything was quiet in that cave. The ocean waves were muffled, and the rhythmic chime of  stalagmite drippings bounced off the walls. Rippling blue water reflected off their faces, as it suddenly felt like the temperatures dropped. The only heat Kiyoi sensed came from Hira's hands which held his.

Heavily, Kiyoi nodded and said, "You don't have to do things like that for me."

"I know." Hira smiled the way he always did while under the light of his Star. It was unlike the one he wore around others like Koyama, Amano-san or anyone else. It was a weird one that Kiyoi still couldn't fully grasp the meaning of. "Kiyoi-kun, I like to."

"I hate it."

And the cave fell silent again as they stared at each other. Hira was taken aback, but he didn't budge. Instead, he steadied his breathing and dared to search the King's face for his unspoken reason for such a random lashing. That's when he saw that Kiyoi's pupils were shaking.

Ah, Hira could've burst with the sheer amount of love that overwhelmed him then, this must be my favorite side of my perfect King.

Though people like Koyama thought his beloved to be cruel or vulgar in the way he acted out, Hira knew better. He learned long ago that the harder Kiyoi loved, he would act out of fear and would burn Hira every time he came too close. It was awful, it shouldn't be okay - but Hira wouldn't have it any other way. To be loved so passionately by such a beautiful man, after only knowing numbness for so long, was the greatest gift of all. The way his beautiful Kiyoi felt everything so deeply was the only way worth living. So he willingly stayed in the fire, again and again, just as he promised to forever.

"Kiyoi-kun," Hira pressed his lips against his King's knuckles and Kiyoi flinched, confirming his suspicions. "I-I-I may not understand everything that's going on, but I promise you don't need to be afraid."

"What are you talking about?" Kiyoi tried to deflect and pull his hand away, but Hira held him in place.

"You don't ever have to forgive me. You can do whatever you want with me," Hira relentlessly expressed his unceasing devotion, "I love you even when you hate me. J-Just please don't ever tell me to go. P-Please... l-let me in for now..."

Kiyoi couldn't bear the weight of his sincerity; it reminded him of the distance between them that still existed. That painful gap that he wished would just close on its own, but there were so many pains that had to be mended before they could ever truly reach each other again. This was Hira inviting him to take the first step in fixing things, but Kiyoi couldn't. His mind froze just imagining the way Hira would look at him if he knew the entire truth. What if I become more than Hira is willing to deal with?

Fear was beginning to control him.

... But maybe that was the greatest trait they had in common; the one that brought them closest together, and furthest apart.

"I've never been to the beach and had fun before," Kiyoi's voice came out more choked than he expected, but he kept on, "You're my first for more than you think.  I'm still learning everything from you, too. You better understand what I'm getting at." Then he said in his weakest voice, "It's embarrassing, so don't you dare take that for granted. I can't let you any closer, Hira. I don't know how."

"Kiyoi-kun, I -"

"I'm head over heels in love with you, Hira. Isn't that enough?"

Everything was easy to forget as Kiyoi spoke those maddeningly beautiful words. As if it were a spell, the syllables seized control of the peasant's body, and he dove in to caress those quivering lips with his own. As he pressed him against the wall, Hira padded the back of Kiyoi's head with his hand, allowing the rough terrain to scratch at his skin instead. Kiyoi grew warmer, until it felt like every inch of his skin was lit on fire. Hira breathed against the kiss, "You're my first, my only..." He softly groaned as Kiyoi caught his lip between his teeth, then said, "Kiyoi-kun, you're my last no matter what. I'll only love you forever."

"Don't say that." Kiyoi pressed his nails into Hira's back as the peasant played at his earlobe and the sensitive skin around. "If you ever change your mind, I'll kill you."

"I can't," An erotic sigh escaped Hira's throat, as he whispered into Kiyoi's ear, "I'd rather die."

TW: Smut incoming.~

Everything was happening so quickly, he hadn't noticed that Hira's other hand skirted its way down to the front of Kiyoi's shorts. Hira palmed the area as his own arousal jumped to life. Kiyoi protested, "Wait, we can't do that here!" Yet despite his own hesitations, his hips defied his better senses and began to press against Hira's touch.

The peasant read the mixed messages, too, and he chuckled bemusedly. "You're acting stubborn, but it's moving so excitedly in my hand. Does that mean Kiyoi-kun likes that kind of risk?"

"Don't talk like that," Kiyoi reprimanded, but it was his pride he was defending rather than actual denial. He wasn't sure if it was something he was into, but that meant it was something he might be into, and he could never admit to that outright. "You sound so depraved."

"Hmm? If Kiyoi-kun doesn't like it, then you can stop me," Hira was so far gone, utterly possessed by his libido, that he became bold enough to taunt the King. "You know I never mean to profane you."

"Liar." Luckily for him, Kiyoi also wasn't in the mind to stop either. He scorned himself for behaving so unashamedly lascivious, but what was he supposed to do after going without being laid for the past week? He desperately whined, "You can't just stop now."

"Mm, can Kiyoi-kun show me how to take care of him?"

"Hira, you know how," His stubbornness became even weaker until he was a whimpering mess, "Stop messing with me." Kiyoi madly blushed when he noticed himself becoming so docile, but he finally relented as Hira showed no sign to quit teasing. He guided the Knight's hand into his shorts and wrapped around his length, stroking all the way up from the base, then down again. His vision was already turning bleary from being touched again, but it was like being driven to the edge of madness, knowing that Hira was intentionally withholding giving him more just yet.

"Hmm, Kiyoi-kun, can I suggest something?" As Hira's thirst for Kiyoi's amorous neediness was at last quenched, he eagerly returned the favor. "Rub your palm over the head. Then with your thumb..."

That was it - the feeling Kiyoi needed to reach Paradise again. 

But he still wanted more.

He bit the back of his own hand, trying to stifle his sounds, and his next words came out muffled. "Hold it... tighter..."

"Like this?"

"Mm, Haah, Hira - yes!" Then Kiyoi removed Hira's hand from the back of his head, and instead pressed it onto his chest.

"Kiyoi-kun," Hira was mildly surprised but, more importantly, thoroughly intrigued, "I thought you didn't like when I touched you here?"

Kiyoi blushed, "Shut up. I just can't trust you there usually, or else you mess with me too much. We can't keep going for much longer out here, so just... quickly do what you want."

Of course he shouldn't have said those words, because Hira happily accepted the open-ended invitation. The peasant played with his chest, completely defiling the man carved by the Gods. As his thumb rolled over one of his sensitive spots, he remembered, "Ah, this one prefers my mouth." Hira pulled up Kiyoi's shirt and tucked the hem between his Star's teeth. "Kiyoi-kun, just don't make too much noise, okay? I'll try to not take too long, but..." Hira's eyes had that dark, glazed-over look that told Kiyoi he was lying. He was going to ravage him entirely before either of them would be allowed to stumble out of that cave.

~ End of smut scene. ~

The cave was set ablaze with their lovemaking; like gasoline, the fear of being discovered fed the passionate embers that scorched the ground beneath them. When they finished, Kiyoi could barely stand on his own as he trembled in Hira's arms. "You're crazy!"

"S-Sorry, I tried to finish faster for you," Hira tried to make excuses for himself but ended up sounding even worse, "But because of that... now I just want more. I-I can carry you back. We can continue inside, I think I can hold back for that long."

Kiyoi was so flustered by that proposal that he could barely believe Hira was being serious. He accused the weird dot, "You're trying to kill me! Are you actually some sex-crazed creep?"

"Kiyoi," Hira practically ignored him completely, as a much more fun thought crossed his mind. He curiously theorized, "This isn't the first time you let me do this somewhere we could get caught. D-Do you think you may like exhibitionism?"

"Exhi- what is that? Tch, never mind, shut up! If you really can't wait long to go again, then let's just head back now."

"Y-Yes, my King!"

After that adventurous first night, they decided to spend the rest of the week doing everything they normally couldn't. It was such a quiet countryside village, it was easy to navigate to all of the cute date spots without being interrupted. So they did; they went out to the local snack shops and souvenir boutiques, then to the hiking trails and forest parks. Hira shot an absurd amount of photos, so he began to consider recording everything instead. There wasn't a moment between them that he could stand to lose that week.

As Kiyoi sipped at his morning coffee on the fourth day, he noticed Hira toying around with the video settings and he joked, "Are you looking to start a vlogging channel?"

Hira chuckled, "Like those couples online?"

"That would be fun."

Hira looked up from the camera settings, wide-eyed in disbelief, but instead of replying he just weirdly smiled to himself.

For their last night at the inn, they set up a small bonfire pit picnic on the beach. Kiyoi wrapped himself in a blanket, as the weather was finally cooling down, as Hira poked the fire to life. "Damn, I forgot to charge my phone," He complained as he tried to put on some music.

Hira offered, "I-If you want, you can use mine."

"Mm, thanks," He reached over, grabbing it from Hira's back pocket, and snorted a laugh at the lock screen. It was a picture from his most recent set, but was clearly a fan edit with an obnoxious amount of hearts covering everything but his face. He wondered if Hira made it during one of the times he sat around, maniacally giggling on his phone, or if he just stole it from some random fan site. For some reason the first possibility seemed more likely.


"Nothing. What's the password?"

"I-It's the date I first saw you."

Kiyoi blushed as he muttered, "How could you remember that? So corny." ... But he entered the date without even having to ask.

As he searched for a playlist, a text came in from Aioki Eito. He knew he shouldn't have read it, but because it appeared in the middle of the screen it was hard to ignore.

"Hira, can we meet soon at my family's café? There's something..."

The rest of the message wasn't shown in the notification bubble, but that was enough to ruin his mood entirely. Every time he thought things were okay, the universe struck while his guard was down, landing perfect hits at his most vulnerable spot. Again? At his family café? Why was Hira meeting with the same person that tried to ruin their relationship? Kiyoi stared at Hira and watched as he innocently smiled, blissfully humming to himself the theme song to his Star's show. Why?!

"You got a message." He put a random song on and placed the phone face down.

"Oh? W-Who was it?" Hira casually asked as the fire roared to life. He then poked two sticks through marshmallows, and offered one to Kiyoi.

"Photographer Aioki." Kiyoi answered flatly, trying to focus on his marshmallow as it crisped. He tried his best to control his jealous rage, because he needed to hear a reason, any reason, before it tore him apart from the inside.

Hira looked confused, but rather than getting upset that Kiyoi read his message, he just asked, "W-What was it about?" There was a slight guilt in his voice that Kiyoi didn't expect. 

"Something about you two meeting at his family café." He tried to not sound accusatory, but he was clearly frustrated.

"I-I'm sorry Kiyoi-kun, I should've told you sooner. I met with him a while back to get a reference for the job. P-Please forgive me!"

His plea filled Kiyoi's mind with shame for being so quick to assume. How could he take such an offensive stance, anyways, when he kept so many secrets himself? It felt even worse that Hira was so quick to accept blame when he didn't even do anything wrong. "Oi, don't apologize," Kiyoi shoulder-bumped Hira and lectured, "Just be more careful. You can't trust most people in this industry." 

Just look at what I do to you...

"I-I know. Kiyoi-kun, I just want to make it to a place that's beside you," Hira brought his knees up to his chest as he twirled his marshmallow over the fire. "Seeing you smile so much this week, Kiyoi-kun, has been a blessing. B-But it's made me realize I still have so much further to go when we return to the real world... I keep wondering how can I keep making you this happy..."

"Hira," He waited to speak until the peasant looked at him. "I've been smiling because you've been right where I need you. So just stay there. Stop going elsewhere."

"Kiyoi-kun, i-it's not like that. It's just because you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I want to try every day to be even better for you. To be worthy of that place. I can't help but think about it since I love you so much."

Kiyoi heard a plop sound, and checked to see his marshmallow had melted off while he was distracted. He swore, "Damn, seriously? This isn't as easy as people make it look. Just give me your marshmallow then, that's all I want. Mine sucks."

With the mood turned light again, Hira laughed and obediently exchanged sticks. As they ate, Kiyoi watched as a rogue piece of marshmallow stuck to the corner of Hira's lip. The King said, "Come here." Then he licked it off with the tip of his tongue, making Hira blush. "I want you to just keep being like this."


"Because," Kiyoi explained, then pointed out in a hushed tone,"You're beside me right now, aren't you?" Kiyoi wrapped the blanket around Hira, and had him rest between his legs. Hira stared up at his face with wide eyes, at a complete loss for how to respond. Kiyoi sat his chin atop Hira's head and closed his eyes.

The peasant gazed at the stars, and then a firework let off in the distance. As it crackled out a bigger, golden one followed, then another. Eventually, he remembered that day was the same as last year's Festival of Light. Kiyoi remembered the date, too, and commented, "Damn, I totally forgot about what was going on in the rest of the world." They both laughed at that. Kiyoi's experience during last year's festival was one he'd rather not recall, but the past seemed to not matter so much now that they got to spend it together.

"S-Same," Hira agreed, and they silently watched the show together. A tear rolled down his cheek, and collected at his lips as they curved into a small smile. "Kiyoi-kun, n-next time can we bring sparklers?"

"You still want to return here with me?"

"Mm, i-if that's okay." Hira awed as the glittery sky illuminated his Star's face. Gold, red, blue - every color reflected so vividly in Kiyoi's eyes. He swore that back then, at last year's Festival, the shades were so much more muted and boring. Ah, I was right, Hira held Kiyoi's left hand, and gingerly kissed the band on his ring finger.

Even the fireworks were ugly without him.


A/N: Thank you everyone for the well wishes! I'm still trudging through school and everything so the updates will probably be a biiiiiit more sporadic. I'm going to stick to only uploading on Tuesdays/Fridays for sure, though, so just look out for those days. ^_^ I took a while longer with this one because I really wanted to make sure everything was worded just right. ^_^ (With the few brain cells I have left LOL) Hopefully that goal was achieved.~



You're all just amazing I can't express just how thankful I am. <3 I'm just glad we all enjoy this silly BL so much LOL~

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