Blooded Mate

By rhycce

109K 4.5K 732

[[MATURE CONTENT]] Pack, family, mate. Loyalty, respect, honor. These are the words that form the foundation... More

Chapter 1 - Pre-Moon Flushes
Chapter 2 - Heir Apparent
Chapter 3 - Payback
Chapter 4 - Mating Call
Chapter 5 - Shame of Defeat
Chapter 6 - Recovery
Chapter 7 - Intruder
Chapter 8 - On Guard
Chapter 9 - New Normal
Chapter 10 - Dead Chemistry
Chapter 11 - Excursion
Chapter 12 - Willow Creek Lodge
Chapter 13 - Unstable Wolf
Chapter 14 - The Brewery
Chapter 15 - Blood Rage
Chapter 16 - First Bite
Chapter 17 - Riotous Body
Chapter 18 - Uncomfortable Truth
Chapter 19 - The Back Up
Chapter 20 - First Moon
Chapter 21 - Uncontrolled Emotions
Chapter 22 - Introductions
Chapter 23 - Forgotten Family
Chapter 24 - Family Pride
Chapter 25 - Revelation
Chapter 26 - Midnight flight
Chapter 27 - The Marked Motel
Chapter 28 - Lost self
Chapter 29 - Brother's Respect
Chapter 30 - Beta's Welcome
Chapter 31 - Reunion
Chapter 32 - Mating Ritual
Chapter 33 - New School
Chapter 34 - Training Unstable
Chapter 35 - Tall Tales
Chapter 36 - A Vampire's Weakness
Chapter 37 - Past Battles
Chapter 38 - Wasting Away
Chapter 39 - Angry Wolves
Chapter 40 - Pacification
Chapter 41 - First Connection
Chapter 42 - Sensual Pleasures
Chapter 43 - Reverberations
Chapter 44 - Feeding Habits
Chapter 45 - New Allies, New Enemies
Chapter 46 - Catching Flies
Chapter 47 - Home away from home
Chapter 48 - Recognizing Human
Chapter 49 - The Pledge
Chapter 50 - Vampire Security
Chapter 51 - Borrowed Fist
Chapter 52 - The Great Adventure
Chapter 53 - Loss Of A Father
Chapter 54 - Hunters and Defenders
Chapter 55 - First Run
Chapter 56 - Infirmary
Chapter 57 - Non-existent praises
Chapter 58 - Fetish
Chapter 59 - The Chesapeake Date
Chapter 60 - Horsing Around
Chapter 61 - Native Cousins
Chapter 62 - Your Chicken
Chapter 63 - Scent of Home
Chapter 64 - An Angry Mother
Chapter 65 - Chemistry Goddess
Chapter 66 - Heartbreak
Chapter 67 - Wild Cat
Chapter 68 - Slow-Roasted Pork
Chapter 69 - Thanksgiving
Chapter 70 - Confession
Chapter 71 - Biting Kiss
Chapter 72 - Work of Art
Chapter 73 - Clarification
Chapter 74 - Walk Of Shame
Chapter 75- Battery Pack
Chapter 76 - VIP
Chapter 77 - The Next Alpha
Author's Note
Chapter 78 - Vanguard Precision
Chapter 79 - Courtship Games
Chapter 80 - Damsel In Distress
Chapter 81 - Insurance
Chapter 82 - Licentious Passengers
Chapter 83 - Blood Ceremony
Chapter 84 - Dark Past
Chapter 85 - Prime Suspect
Chapter 86 - Battle of Wills
Chapter 87 - Investigation
Chapter 88 - Meet And Greet
Chapter 89 - The Truce
Chapter 90 - Agreement
Chapter 91 - Fight For Honor
Chapter 92 - Sex Ed
Chapter 93 - Missing And Unwanted Guests
Chapter 94 - Mine
Chapter 95 - Regrets
Chapter 96 - Bad News
Chapter 97 - Homecoming
Chapter 98 - An Alpha's Challenge
Chapter 99 - The Cabinet
Chapter 100 - The Warehouse
Chapter 101 - The Interrogation
Chapter 102 - Snakes In The Mind
Chapter 103 - Enemies At The Door
Chapter 104 - Foul Weather
Chapter 105 - A Warrior's Death
Chapter 106 - Flames vs Flames
Chapter 107 - Battle Cry
Chapter 108 - The Beast
Chapter 109 - The Shimmering Lake
Chapter 110 - Restored Honor
Chapter 111 - Lost Child
Chapter 112 - Mourning
Chapter 113 - Hope For Future
Chapter 114 - Troublemakers
Chapter 115 - The Plea
Chapter 116 - A Generation Of Betas
Chapter 117 - Rekindled
Chapter 118 - Awake
Chapter 119 - Yearning Gaze
Chapter 120 - Friendly Foes
Chapter 121 - Heart And Soul
Chapter 122 - Familiar Stranger
Chapter 123 - Date Night Schemes
Chapter 124 - Drowning Man's Breath
Chapter 125 - Training Two Novices
Chapter 126 - Tomcat
Chapter 127 - The harem
Chapter 128 - Chosen
Chapter 129 - Soul Bound
Chapter 131 - Pack Prestige
Chapter 132 - Blessing Ceremony
Chapter 133 - Blooded Mate

Chapter 130 - Seeking Support

708 28 7
By rhycce

Ethan tightened the velvet, navy robe around his waist as he strolled down the following morning. He had not wanted to leave his mate, but the loud grumbling of his empty belly might wake Jan up. And he needed to replenish his energy stores to feed his mate.

A familiar man rose from an armchair to Ethan's right as his bare feet descended the last three steps. "Ahem, good morning, Alpha."

An embarrassed grin spread on Ethan's face. "Morning, Simmons. Sorry, I forgot you were waiting. Kindly extend my sincere apologies to your team."

Captain Simmons cleared his throat again, trying to hide the smile on his lips. "None needed, Alpha. Just doing my job. Besides, the circumstances were... understandable."

"Understandable, my ass!" Eri griped, walking in from the living room. His short hair stood on end on one side, and the white shirt under his tracker's uniform looked crumpled as if he had slept in it. "You could've waited till we got home."

Surprised, Ethan stared at his friend. "What are you doing here? Thought you'll be at the motel."

Eri glared at him. "You dropped a pin last night, remember? We all thought something had happened to you, especially when Jan sprinted out. Everyone dashed here, nearly running people over in the street. Only to find out something happened alright, but it wasn't to you, Alpha."

Eri emphasized the last words, causing Ethan's ears to heat up. " Oh... You heard?"

Simmons lost the battle on his laughter. "Everyone did. Zyga, the cabinet, the Gray Oaks alpha..."

Ethan closed his eyes, though he could not wipe the smile on his face.

"Don't look so smug! Shadow's mad at you." Eri straightened his jacket with short jerks.

Ethan's hazel eyes flew open. "Where's she? I didn't see her last night."

"I believe she's out hunting for food or something," the captain of his guards answered. "I'll send someone to call her back."

While Simmons' gaze unfocused as he spoke over the channel, Eri griped in a manner most reminiscent of Zyga. "Poor girl howled after you and Jan abandoned her until we brought her here. She climbed upstairs, heard you both, and decided to spend the night under the stairs, which was good. At least she didn't have to listen to what you were up to. I need to find a church and wash my ears with holy water."

Ethan scoffed. Eri lost his innocence way before the alpha ever met Jan. Five years later, he and Brent had not slowed their marathon on women.

"Aww, c'mon. You're just mad that I got some, and you slept alone," Ethan teased, tossing an arm around his best friend.

Eri sniffed. "It's bro code, Ethan. I'm your wingman. You can't make a move and then cockblock me at the same time. I mean, you could have made the girls stay the night, at least. I heard one was a belly dancer!"

Ethan vaguely remembered the minx Lady Bryant had trained. He had indeed told Simmons to clear the house. However, he felt little remorse over it. "It's not my fault they left last night. I gave them a few days to get their affairs in order."

The captain chuckled. "Chris came and rushed them out in the middle of the night, Alpha. Your mate ordered him to get the girls out within an hour and put the lady on the next plane to England."

"Oh," Ethan answered. His smug grin grew wider. "See, Eri? It wasn't my fault. C'mon, let's go get some breakfast."

His irritated friend scowled. "You'll have to wait. I ordered delivery."

Ethan paused. "What happened to the chef Lady Bryant boasted of?"

"He did." Eri nodded towards the dining room. "He said Louie was too friendly with the chef."

Unsurprisingly, Calvin walked in bearing steaming mugs. Three bandages were plastered on his neck, and the French vampire's scent lingered on him. He rolled his eyes and placed a mug in Eri's hand before answering. "He didn't need to be that friendly. Asking all sorts of questions and saying Louie this and Louie that. It's not like my boyfriend eats human food. I just didn't see the need for him to hang around."

Ethan smirked. He had no right to judge his friend, especially when he had been just as irrational last night. Calvin offered him a mug, and he shook his head. "Jan started feeding on me again. He doesn't like caffeine and stimulants."

Calvin nodded understandably and offered the mug to Simmons. "Well, the fridge is stocked with fruits and cheese. We can nibble on that while we wait."

"Sounds good." He looped an arm over his best friend, dragging him towards the kitchen.

Like old times, a smile bloomed on Eri's face. "Congrats, big guy. I was beginning to worry you two might never get around to it. I mean, I literally dragged Ivan out of the house two weeks ago. And... nothing."

Ethan glanced at Calvin, who suddenly found his coffee mug very interesting. They had told no one what happened that night, and the alpha intended to take it to his grave.

Thankfully, Zyga appeared, saving him from having to answer. Simmons' team helped him carry in a mountain of food. The retired wolf dropped a garment bag on the table. "Here. Given your track record, I suspect your uniform might be ruined."

Ethan froze, wondering if Zyga had somehow learned of what happened days ago when Jan ruined his first coat. He gulped. "How did you know?"

The old wolf scoffed. "I stayed with you two for months in Canada, watching you come down every morning in torn sweats. Your mate knows he can take them off you instead of ripping through them, right?"

Ethan let out a quiet sigh of relief. Across the room, Calvin heaved into his mug. The alpha grabbed a sandwich and stuffed half of it in his mouth, leaving Zyga's question hanging.

Joy and laughter circled the room as they wolfed down the mountain of food. Ethan ate enough to feed more than four brawny men, and he still had room for the chocolate cake Zyga had gotten him. After stuffing his face, the alpha did not mind that he was the butt of everyone's jokes. He suspected he would hear more when he later met Levi and his cabinet.


The call was so soft, but Ethan's ears perked up immediately. Jan was up.

"Gotta go. I'll be down later," he announced, dropping his fork.

Lewd cheers, whistles, and catcalls followed him as he dashed up the stairs towards the Prince Edward suite. He cracked the door open and slid in, pausing momentarily to let his pupils adjust to the low lamplight in the room.

"Mate," Jan called again, using the new pack channel forged between them.

The musky scent of sex and sweat hung heavy in the suite. It was their aroma, the smell of their passionate love. And underneath, Jan and Ethan's essence danced through, claiming ownership.

The alpha smiled as he walked through the dim living area. The bedroom was a mess, a true love nest. The top and bottom of Ethan's ruined uniform lay crumpled on opposite sides of the room, with Jan's clothes scattered in between. Half the bedding was on the floor, shredded and torn in many areas by their sharp claws.

His mate sprawled sideways on the wrinkled sheets. Loose golden tresses spread like a halo above him, and one arm clutched the pillow Ethan had slept on. The flat sheet the alpha had draped over him had slipped off and tangled between his long shapely legs, giving the horny wolf a fantastic view of a gorgeously curved derriere.

Even in the dim room illuminated by the soft lights flowing in from the living area, signs of their vigorous lovemaking covered the vampire.

Two pairs of five-fingered handprints on Jan's pale ass marked the brutish way Ethan had handled him last night. Reddish teeth marks and hickeys littered his mate's creamy skin, crowned by the new bond mark at his nape - two raised welts where the wolf's canines had pierced his skin.

Ethan's chest swelled with possessive pride. His. It was the only permanent scar on the vampire, and it would tell anyone who approached that Jan was taken. He was his.

The other scruffs would fade and disappear, but the alpha looked forward to constantly reinking the temporary brands on his mate.

Just thinking of having his lips on Jan's soft skin caused heat to bloom between Ethan's legs. He ground his teeth and clenched his hands into fists before he acted on his indecent thoughts. He needed to let his mate rest today.

The soft, even breath said the vampire was still asleep.

Ethan did not blame him. The multiple bonding, Gaia's and Luna's, had knocked them out last night. He had only woken up because of his rumbling belly.

"Mate." Jan's soundless sigh echoed in Ethan's head, making his smile grow wider. The vampire must be dreaming about him, which was why he subconsciously called out through their link.

Reluctantly, Ethan withdrew his ravenous hazel eye from his mate's tempting body and walked into the bathroom. He turned the gold taps on the claw-footed tub. Hot water poured into the emerald-glazed tub, and soon steam filled the air around him.

Like the rest of the house, the bathroom was artfully fitted with gorgeous traditional decor. From the green and white mosaic tiles to the gold-plated faucets and hanging pendant lights, this was a style Ethan expected to see in some royal washroom. In other circumstances, he might have enjoyed the experience of being waited on, hand and foot, in this home. However, knowing his mate had a history here left a sour taste in his mouth.

He could not wait to get Jan back in his home, into his den and rub his scent all over him. Again and again.

With that resolution firmly engrained, he returned to the bed and slipped an arm under his mate's knees and the other around his spine.

Groggy, Jan groaned when Ethan disturbed his sleep by lifting him off the tangled sheets. Unwilling to open his eyes, he loosely hooked one arm around the wolf and buried his nose in his neck. Then the vampire nuzzled the soft flesh and trailed down, blindly searching until his swollen lips found the dark bud crowning Ethan's breast. The tip of a moist pink tongue flicked over it, and then Jan took the entire nipple in his mouth.

A soft rumbling sound vibrated against Ethan's chest. It was much lower than a wolf's growl.

He paused, listening. Then his eyes flared wide at his mate.

Jan Skyvar, famed vampire warrior and most lethal weapon known to man, was purring like a week-old kitten.

The alpha's heart melted at the cute, vulnerable way his mate behaved in his arms. He blinked back the tears stinging his eyes. They had come a long way, faced many trials and tribulations, and almost died. Finally, they were truly together.

He placed a soft kiss on Jan's temple and then his ear.

Tha-dum. Tha-dum. The drum of their heartbeats picked up pace.

The vampire's earthy pinewood scent, now liberally laced with wolf musk, swirled thicker between them. And he shifted, wrapping both arms around Ethan's neck and drawing himself higher.

By the time the alpha shrugged out of his robe, Jan's stunning molten silver eyes were open, and his tongue was playing havoc with Ethan's pulse.

The wolf carefully lowered them into the tub, with Jan straddling him. "I thought you were sleeping."

Long, slender fingers slipped into the water and wrapped the semi-hard dragon resting between his legs. "I was until someone woke me up."

Ethan gasped, drawing his mate tighter against his chest. Needless to say, none of them got much sleep after that.


Ethan groaned, rubbing his face. He was back in the conference room where he did not want to be. The soft glowing light from the chandelier was too bright for his eyes. And his mate's alluring scent wrapped around him, making his mouth water and his pants too tight.

All he wanted to do was to rip the navy suit off the vampire and fuck his tight little hole until he begged for mercy. Even then, Ethan doubted he could stop.

"Councilman Eisenhower, their... ahem, potent... scent bears witness to the bonding. That puts to rest your concerns, no?" Adams asked his colleague.

The sourfaced vampire grumbled incoherently in response.

"If he can't smell it over there, I suggest he step closer. I'm nearly choking on it," Aiyana suggested dryly from beside Levi. As predicted, the Sioux and Dakota pack had arrived at night, followed closely by the Washington Wolves.

Now, the Lycan delegation had doubled in size, matching the vampire numbers.

Ethan did not know who was more displeased: him, Levi, or the council.

He groaned again, curling his hands as another tempting whiff brushed over his nose. This meeting would drag on forever, and the alpha did not want to waste time with these old stooges. He had a mate to attend to.

"Come now, Alpha Aiyana," the West Coast leader said, beaming. Despite the white at his temples, his smile transformed his youthful face into one no older than a middle-aged man. "Let's not bicker. This is the time for celebration. I propose Snow White quickly schedule the date of a formal ceremony for us to attend. It'll be a public celebration of our alliance. Hopefully, Gray Oaks won't be able to gatekeep this invite like the Thanksgiving Games."

This time, Eri and Levi's groans joined his while Aiyana's toothy smile flashed their way.

If Washington Wolves attended, then so must she. Naturally, Gray Oaks would have to be there, not to mention other packs, which might take offense at being left out. Ethan had not thought of hosting a national event when he walked out of the bedroom this morning.

Beside him, Jan shifted in his seat, uncrossing and recrossing his legs. The faint blush around his ears had not disappeared, and he kept twitching the knot at his neck as if his clothes did not sit right on his skin. The fading hickey peeked just above his collar, causing Ethan's groan to deepen into a lustful growl.

"Alpha!" Eri hissed over a private channel.

Ethan bit off the rumble and reluctantly drew his eyes away from his mate. Casually, he leaned forward and placed his elbows on the table before him, futilely trying to hide the bulge in his pants.

Calvin flashed him a knowing smile, seated next to the French vampire. From the rosy flush and the slight wince on Louie's face as he shifted in the chair, they must have also had an exciting night.

Celine cleared her throat from across the room. "Skyvar, congratulations are in order. In our formal celebrations, typically, a clan backs you to meet your mate's family. Have you considered which clan's support you would like to have?"

The question was casually put forward, but every vampire grew alert. Even Carson stopped chewing on his cigar and straightened in his seat.

Ivan stood up from the other side of Jan. "Actually, there's been a precedent where a clanless vampire sought support from a nearby village leader for his ceremony. It was in fourteen-eighty-three, in what is now known as Budapest. The council then acknowledged and recognized it. My blood-daughter found the records in Massachusetts."

Hushed whispers rose on the vampire side. Celine and Adams frowned.

Carson cocked his head in disbelief. "Petrovski, he's gonna need more than a small village, especially when walking up to a mighty wolf pack."

"Assuming this is even accepted," Joseph added. "Which local villager are you planning to ask?"

Ivan glanced at his brother, then faced the vampires. "Well, we were thinking of asking the council, especially since we're walking up to a mighty wolf pack."

Shocked whispers rippled through both sides of the room. Even Ethan raised an eyebrow at his mate's brother. When was this decided?

The clan leaders discussed quietly among themselves. Joseph's baritone sped up, getting excited during the exchange. He said more words in the following moments than Ethan had ever heard him speak. Even Celine's pout and Adam's retorts did not dim his fervor.

A sly hand slipped under the table and landed on Ethan's thigh, distracting him from the proceedings.

The alpha froze. He had not dared to touch his mate since they entered the room, afraid he might not stop once he started.

Now, his mate willingly fan the flames.

The slender fingers slid up an inch towards Ethan's crotch. His breath faltered.

"Well, if the whole council is backing him, then all the alphas will stand behind Reyn. We cannot allow the vampires to outshine us at our event!" Aiyanna declared.

"Yeah!" Three-quarters of the Lycan delegation jumped up in agreement.

All the clan leaders also rose. Having the decision made for them, they had no choice. Adams announced. "The council stands with Skyvar!"

The vampires jubilated. The wolves howled. The room erupted in chaos.

Ethan heard none of it. He sat motionless, his nerves tingling. His entire senses focused on the teasing hand inches away from his crotch.

Jan's pinky brushed the swollen cock.

Ethan exploded. His eyes flared red. A low growl rumbled through his throat. He grabbed his mate's arm and dashed out, searching for the closest bathroom.

Even a broom closet would do.


Hi lovelies, thanks for reading.If you loved it don't forget to vote, comment and add to your library.

I would love to hear your feedback on the story in general and this chapter in particular.

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Next chapter is already being edited. I will post it in a couple of days.


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