Normal Girl

By iGotHighhopesz

3.7K 178 0

I never thought that I would fall for a woman at first sight and she would have me jumping through hoops just... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 29

58 2 0
By iGotHighhopesz


It's been a month since Olivia went missing, a fucking month and I feel like everything has been falling apart without her. I couldn't understand how a person could go missing for a month and there were no leads. I have been pulling my hair out trying to get as much information as I can to figure out her whereabouts but the person who took her left no traces in my room. The blood left by the window was only Olivia's and the police just thought she left by herself then made it seem like there was a struggle. I fucking hate the system, they can't never do shit. I told Tyree don't even call me unless he figured something out because he is a part of the law too and still ain't no help. I just hope that my baby is not suffering or dead because my heart couldn't take seeing her in the morgue lifeless. Shit I feel lifeless and dead inside without her in my arms or hearing her voice to comfort me.

I let my anger get the best of me when Tyree tried to accuse me of getting her kidnapped by some ex of mine. When I should've just walked away and went after Olivia, now she's nowhere to be found and it's all my fault for not being her man to protect her like I'm supposed to do. I got a feeling that her ex best friend is behind all of this because it's nothing like a woman's scorn and both of them had love for the same dummy. I just can't put the pieces together then it's no coincidence that her brother escaped jail either. I promise I'm going to find you baby if it's the last thing that I do and I'll never let you go. God please bring my baby back to me, back home to be in my arms. I have been ignoring everybody's calls and texts, I even asked my mom to watch my children until I can get my mind right. I told her my mental health wasn't good at the moment and I needed some time to clear my head.

I walked downstairs to try to get myself to eat something when there was banging on the front door, it went from being loud to stopping completely. I ran to the door and looked out to see nothing until I opened the door to see a bloody Olivia laid out across the welcome mat. I scooped her up and yelled through the house for a maid to come.

"Help me please!"-I yelled

"Chris what's wrong?"-Symone said walking in

"Sy get help, call my private doctor please"-I yelled

"Oh my god what happened to her?"-Symone

"I'll explain later just please do something, I can't lose her"-I said with tears in my eyes

"Okay I'm on it now, hi yes Dr. Mann. Chris needs you to come to his house right now, yes okay, please no other people to come with you, this is a family matter and yes thank you see you soon."-Symone

"Thank you"-I said holding Olivia tightly

"You have to put her down, you don't know how severely she's hurt. I know you probably want to hold her in your arms but she needs to be laid on a flat surface. Tell me what happened just in case this might get pinned on you."-Symone

I started running down everything that happened over the past few months but left out the key part of her being married just said she was kidnapped by a stalker and they failed the first two times but succeeded the third time then she was missing for a month.

"So she had a stalker that attempted to kidnap her twice and the third time they did why didn't yall report this to the police?"-Symone

"Because the fucking law couldn't do shit to find her, I don't even know how she managed to even escape when she's so badly beaten like this. Not even her brother could and he's an officer himself. That's why I haven't been answering anybody's calls or texts because she went missing and I've been lost without her."-I said still holding her

"You still have to lay her down Chris, I understand now why you don't want to let her go but you could be making everything worse. Please Chris put her down on the couch, here I'll put these sheets down."-Symone

"You're right, thank you for being here please don't tell anybody about this not even my mom"-I said gently laying Olivia on the couch

A knock came on the door and I just sat stuck in the same spot so Symone got up to get the door.

"Right this way Dr. Mann"-She said after closing the door

"Oh wow what happened to her?"-Dr. Mann

"I'm not sure but I have to tell you this so you can know what happened"-Chris

"I'm listening"-Dr. Mann

"A month ago she was kidnapped by a stalker and they could've caused all of this to her body. She has been going through a lot these past few months because of this stalker and tried everything to get them in jail but they escaped. I was coming downstairs when I heard a knock on the door and when I opened it she was laid across my mat unconscious. Please tell me you can do something to help."-I said frustrated

"I can but I need more equipment, I rushed here with just what I could grab"-Dr. Mann

"If you leave then she might not wak---

"Chris, ow"-Olivia

"Shh baby be still, it's going to be okay. I have my doctor here to look at you."-I said stroking her hair and there was blood on my hand

"He tried to take advantage of me Chris, he drugged me and tried to take advantage of me."-She cried

"Who!"-I said angry and scared her

"Chris you have to stay calm, you're scaring her"-Symone

"I'm sorry baby I'm just glad that you found your way back to me."-I squeezed her hand

"Jerome tried to and his sister Kyra kidnapped me, she's the one who's been tracking me. I let my guard down."-She cried again

"I fucking knew it, is she going to be okay?"-Chris

"There's no internal bleeding but you're hurt pretty bad, nothing rest and a prescription won't do but it's a good thing you escaped before anything got worse. Here's some ointment for your scars to heal up, apply this 3 times a day to get the full effect of it. If you need a therapist I know a good one, she's my wife actually. I know it'll take you some time to open up but she's the best in the business. I see Chris here will take good care of you so I have nothing to worry about once I leave here, just try to stay stress free and if anything else happens call me right away. Use these eye drops to clear out the blood in your eyes, continue to change your bandages on your arm when they get dirty. Take baths instead of showers and try not to get them wet, you'll probably have to stay downstairs until your leg heals up. You might have to make an appointment to see your dentist to get that tooth checked out, I'm sorry this happened to you. I am a father myself and I would kill anyone who physically hurt my daughter. I'm heading out but don't do anything physical by the way."-Dr. Mann

"Thank you for coming"-I said walking him to the door

"Of course, keep me updated and Chris be by her side every step of the way she'll be having nightmares soon of what she's been through. Be gentle with her and be patient, she needs a lot of love and comfort right now."-Dr. Mann said before walking off to his car

I nodded and closed the door then went to Olivia's side.

"I'm sorry for being so stubborn and not letting you protect me"-Olivia

"None of this is your fault baby, you don't have to talk just get some rest and I promise that I won't ever let you go."-I said hugging her softly in my arms

"I'll go, Li I'm sorry for what happened to you and I hope that whomever those people are get what they deserve and I know Chris will make sure of that. Guess you don't want that place after all, seems like you got comfortable here"-Symone said the last part smiling

"Thank you for being here Sy"-I said looking up at her

"Of course we're family and yall should start planning a wedding because yall love for each other is beautiful"-Symone said smirking

"I don't know about that"-Olivia said blushing

"I'm sure he'll propose soon"-Symone said smiling

"Maybe, you never know but you'll get the first invite"-I said smiling for the first time in a month

"See yall later, I'll be back to check on you and have a girls night"-Symone

"See you Sy"-We said in unison

Symone walked out after locking the door behind her and I just picked up Olivia in my arms.

"We gotta get you cleaned up"-I said almost in tears looking down at her

"I love you"-She said crying

"I love you too"-I said with a tear coming out of my eye

I walked her into the guest bedroom and sat her on the toilet to run a warm bath, I threw in some soothing bubbles that were good for the skin, turned on some music, and went over to Olivia.

"You ready?"-I said grabbing her hand

"I guess"-Olivia

"Do you want me to leave? I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable"-Chris

"No, please stay I need you"-She said low

"Is it okay if I help you with your clothes?"-I said softly

"Yes, it's fine"-Olivia

"I'll be gentle okay?"-Chris


I inch slowly towards her so she doesn't get scared and help her take off her shirt and bra, I eased down softly to her pants while she was watching me.

"You sure this is okay?"-I said softly

"Yes, I'm okay"-Olivia

I unbutton her pants one button after the other and pulled them off her trying not to hurt her leg then eased her panties down. She stepped out of them trying not to stand up too long but fell into my arms.

"I'm sorry"-Olivia

"Don't be baby, I got you"-I said picking her up and slowly easing her into the tub

"Thank you"-She said half smiling

"You're welcome, just relax and I'll be right back"-I said about to walk out but she grabbed my arm

"Please don't go baby please. I don't want to be alone ever again."-She said with tears in her eyes

"Okay I won't, I just was going call your brother"-I said wiping her eyes

"I don't want him to see me like this, please give it a few days. I just want to be with you right now if that's not too much to ask for"-Olivia

"No not all, I'll do whatever you want as long as you're okay"-Chris

"I'm not really okay but I'm glad that I can be back with you"-Olivia

"Same here, I lost my mind not knowing where you were and it was my fault for not protecting you."-Chris

"Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault and let's just be in the now"-Olivia

"Let me help you wash off all this blood for you, I promise I won't hurt you"-I said grabbing a wash cloth and soaping it up

"Thank you"-Olivia

"For what? I will always take care of you"-I said gently wiping her down

"For being gentle with me after what he---

"Don't talk about it baby, trust me he'll get his. I'm just glad you're here and I never stopped looking for you."-I said wiping the rest of the blood off her body and washed her hair

I checked every inch of her body to see scratches, open wounds, bruises, and cuts on her wrists. She had a busted lip, her right eye was black, bruises on her ribs, ankles, scratches on her thighs as if someone was trying to attack her, he probably tried to. She had blood under her nails but they were clean after the bath. Dark circles were under her left eye as if she never slept, she must've been hungry or dehydrated. I grabbed her out of the tub and sat her back on the toilet to get a towel.

"I'm going to dry you off you ready?"-Chris

"Yes, I feel light headed"-Olivia

"You probably need to eat and drink something, I think both of us do. I haven't eaten since you were gone."-I said drying her off, wrapping a towel around her body and hair

I picked her up and took her to the room then put her under the blanket.

"I'll get someone to bring us some food, I'm not going anywhere. I'll call my chef to come by"-Chris

"Okay"-She said laying on me

"Hey Dre you free? Aight cool I need you to come over right quick to cook me and my girl something. Yeah man I just wanna lay up with her, aight I'll give you the Viper after Tae done with it. Bet see you soon."-I said hanging up

"Baby you sleep?"-Chris

"No just laying here"-Olivia

"How did you get home? If you don't mind me asking"-I said kissing her hair

"I ran into a busy street and a woman helped me get here. I don't even know her name but I appreciate her and how she actually cared enough to help me. She even was talking to me to keep me awake, she brought me up here then that was the last that I could remember."-Olivia

"I'm glad she helped you and eventually she will probably find you again"-I said caressing her back

"Can you sing to me?"-She said looking into my eyes

"You've got that smile that only heaven can make. I pray to God every day that you keep that smile."-I said singing

"I love this song one of my favorites"-Olivia

"Yeah, you are my dream (You are my dream), there's not a thing I won't do. I'll give my life up for you 'cause you are my dream. And baby, everything that I have is yours. You will never go cold or hungry. I'll be there when you're insecure. Let you know that you're always lovely, girl. 'Cause you are the only thing that I got right now. One day when the sky is falling. I'll be standing right next to you, right next to you. Nothing will ever come between us. 'Cause I'll be standing right next to you, right next to you."-Chris

"Your voice is so soothing"-She said yawning

"You have to stay awake baby so you can eat"-I said looking at her then my phone

"I'm trying but I'm so exhausted and drained"-She said yawning again

"I know but I want to make sure you have something in your stomach before you go to sleep"-Chris

"I'm here just give me a few minutes to cook something."-Dre

"Make it quick my baby is trying to go to sleep, she needs something in her stomach"-I yelled to him

"Got it boss, take these steak tacos I made before I came here"-Dre

"Good looking Dre, baby sit up so you can eat"-I said leaning forward

"Okay what's in them?"-Olivia

"Steak, sour cream, tomatoes, shrimp, shredded cheese, spinach, and my family's spicy sauce"-Dre

"I'm allergic to shrimp or anything seafood"-Olivia

"I'm sorry, I'll cook something right away"-Dre

"I'll be right back, stay up for me okay?"-I said getting up

"Okay, don't be long"-She said blushing

"I won't promise"-I said winking

I walked past a mirror and saw that I still had on the blood stained t shirt from holding Olivia in my arms so I took it off and threw it in the basket then grabbed a fresh one from the folded laundry. After I put it on I walked into the kitchen to see Dre cooking.

"What else is she allergic to I don't want to lose my job if I poison Chris Brown's girl?"-Dre said smirking

"I gotta ask her but you usually be prepared, that's shocking what new shawty got you wrapped up?"-Chris

"I mean winter is coming, I gotta stay cuddled up and I'm following in your footsteps. But I know I'm being nosy what happened to ya girl?"-Dre

"Follow my footsteps and you'll be in love"-I said ignoring his question

"In love not Breezy? I'm shook, she must've put a spell on you"-Dre said laughing

"I guess you can say that, I'm just going to grab a sandwich since you still taking long to cook."-I said going in the fridge and quickly making a sandwich

"What's her name? I mean you called me last minute, my bad you couldn't have it Dre way"-Dre laughed

"I'll tell you that later because you a little too nosy for me and you goofy. Let me get back to my baby right quick."-I said grabbing a plate with the sandwich on and walked back to the room

"Aye is she pregnant yet?"-Dre said laughing

"Mind your business bro."-I laughed and shook my head

I walked back into the room to see Olivia sitting up watching TV.

"Good you stayed up"-I said grabbing a table 

"Yeah I guess those vitamins Dr. Mann gave me put a little energy in me. Besides that I was waiting for you and got bored."-She smiled at me

"I'm sorry baby got caught up with Dre, he was being nosy and I made you a sandwich"-I said putting the table in front of her

"Uh where's yours? Thought you were supposed to eat too"-Olivia

"I wanted to make sure you were good first"-Chris

"Eat some with me then, you gotta take care of yourself too boo. You did say you haven't eaten since I was gone, you're going to have me worried about you."-Olivia

"You're right but you come before me and I thought I lost you so I couldn't even force myself to eat because I couldn't keep anything down. I was sick knowing that you got taken away from me in my own house and there was nothing I could do to find you. It was like my soul was taken away from me and I was lifeless. I couldn't even sleep in the room, so I tried everything to keep myself occupied. I even told my mom I needed to get my mental health together so she took the kids until I was ready to have them back home. Baby I'll find somewhere else to live if it keeps you safe and my kids safe."-I said kissing her forehead

"I don't want you to move because of me, this was your home before I came here and maybe I should move out to keep yall safe. I know how you feel I kept you in my mind so I could stay strong and find a way to set myself free. You were my strength and you got me through tough nights being in that cold place, I'm sorry I had you worrying so much about me."-Olivia said after taking a bite of the sandwich

"Baby you tripping if you think I'm going to let you go somewhere by yourself and I'm not with you that's basically saying you want out of this relationship. I'm not with that. I can only imagine what you have been through and whenever you're ready to talk about it I'm here for you."-Chris

"I would never want to leave you or get out of this relationship because this is the best relationship I have ever been in"-She said blushing

"Aww damn I came in at the right time"-Dre

"Ease dropping much?"-I smirked

"I only heard what she said but I got yall food ready, steak, potatoes only butter and salt and pepper in it, spinach, some chicken soup on the side and garlic bread sticks. I brought some wine also since I see ya man here didn't grab you a drink."-Dre

"Thank you"-Olivia

"You're welcome uh"-Dre

"Olivia but all of Chris's family call me Li"-Olivia

"Got it, I'm Dre nice to meet you and enjoy your food"-Dre said smirking

"You are the most smoothest niggas I met I swear, now get out"-I said laughing

"Aight, aight anything else you need I'll be in the game room."-Dre said laughing

"Nice meeting you Dre"-Olivia 

"Same to you"-Dre said walking out

"You need help?"-I said watching her struggling with one hand

"Yes please, I just need you to cut everything for me and I'll do the rest"-Olivia

"I got you baby."-Chris

I cut her steak and gave her the fork to eat, we were eating in silence when my phone started ringing. I got up to grab it to see a face time call from my mom, I knew eventually she would call me I just hope she doesn't come over yet to see Olivia like this. I do miss my children but I don't know how to explain this to them.


"Hey sweetie how are you feeling now?"-Momma

"I'm doing better"-Chris

"Good, where's Li? I can keep the kids for a little longer you don't look like you had any sleep"-Momma

"She's with her brother"-I said quickly

"Is everything okay between yall?"-Momma said concerned

"Yes just been busy working on my tour schedule and she has been working over time to  get her artwork out there"-I said lying

"Yall better find some time for yourselves and get yall self care back on track."-Momma

"We are I promise. How's my babies?"-I said missing them

"They're good as usual, missing you but I told them you need to get your health together and you know Ro understood so well."-Momma said smiling

"Let me see them"-Chris

"Ro, Aeko, Lovely come here your daddy's on the phone."-Momma

"Daddy!"-I heard them say in unison

"Hey my babies, I miss you"-I said smiling

"We miss you too"-They said in unison

"Daddy are you feeling better?"-Ro

"Much better and I promise when I get fully healed that I'll make up for lost times"-Chris

"That's great daddy but did Li get the shoes I asked for?"-Ro

"I'll ask her and baby girl take care of your brother and sister for me until I see yall"-Chris

"Thank you and I will daddy I promise but you take all the time you need and tell Li I said hi"-Ro

"I will and thank you baby girl for understanding I love you."-Chris

"I love you too"-Ro

"Talk to yall later, I love all of yall"-I said before hanging up

I sat my phone on the table and just felt bad for not being with them for a whole month. I felt like less of a father. I was in my head when I felt Olivia legs go around me and her head was on my back. I took a deep breath and felt myself calming down.

"It's okay, you are the best father you can ever be sometimes you have to step back to take care of yourself so they don't see you at your worst. Don't think that you are less than that because they know just how much you love and care about them. I saw it myself first hand that no matter how much time you spend a part from them they still adore you.  I just wish that all of this wasn't because of me then you wouldn't be keeping your kids away."-Olivia

I just sat there with her for a few minutes  feeling her hand rub circles on my chest so I laid down with her after we ate our food then lifted her head up so she could look into my eyes.

"Thank you for giving me that talk I appreciate you. Baby please stop blaming yourself because none of what happened to you is your fault, there's evil people in this world that want to make good people miserable along with them. In their mind they think that someone should suffer from what another person did to them instead of taking it out on the one who caused the issue in the first place. Yes you might feel like God gave up on you but he hasn't because he gave you strength to get back to me, he was here with me to give me the strength to keep looking for you. He brought us back together, he put you in my life for a reason and got you out of that situation because he knew you deserved so much better. You made me a better man, I can't see myself with nobody else but you. I know it'll take you some time to heal but I'm here with you every step of the way and we'll get back at them in due time. I promise baby once you heal up we are going to find every way possible to make all three of them pay. You're my priority right now and we are going to heal together."-Chris

"I know I'm sorry I just need to get back to me, I hate that I ever crossed paths with them. I wish I met you years ago then I could've been happier back then. My dad would've found some other way to pay off his debt, I did forgive my dad but it still hurts that he let me leave without any remorse. I needed him the most but he was worried about money instead of his only daughter. I just feel like he failed me and I was looking for that idiot to be a father figure instead of someone I was in a relationship with. With you I know what loving someone truly feels like and I wouldn't trade this feeling for the world. Thank you for never giving up on me and pouring all your love into me. I did think God was punishing me but then I realized that all three of them just need mental help. Just don't ever let me go."-She said trying to hug me

I wrapped both my arms around her body lightly and kissed her forehead. 

"I promise I won't ever let you go."-Chris

We just laid in each other's arms reminiscing about the past few months we had been together and she started laughing about how she fell up the steps trying to answer my call when we took a day to be a part from each other. I missed her laugh, I missed having her in my arms. I missed smelling her coconut scented hair, I missed seeing her smile. I missed her looking into my eyes and feeling my heart beat fast just like it was right now. I missed the way our bodies feel when we're close and I promise myself I won't let her go ever again. I do need to move out of this mansion because I don't want the bad memories of losing Olivia keep floating though my mind and we weren't safe here. We both needed a vacation or a few days away from L.A. 

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