Crushed Chimere

By Mxxnchild07

789K 50.3K 10K

The world lays at his feet but his world is her. The king bows to no one except his queen. ☆°•°☆☆°•°☆ " How c... More

00. love the connection we can't explain
01. Things go wonderfully right (or horribly wrong )
02. 50 shades of pain.
03. Grumpy beginnings
04. How to escape from the mess you didn't made.
05. T is for Trauma.
06. spoiler alert: you will see me in pain.
07.Emotions? how about no.
08.Bee stung heart
09. Cactus flowers
10. The God of Mischief
11. Mr bright side pleasing the storm.
12. Cupid screwed up
13. Thanks, I hate it.
14. Shadows and Secrets
☆Author Note☆
15. Bittersweet
16. Sour endings
17. The art of miscommunication
18.Mis(understanding) each other
19. Ferris wheel of emotions (1)
20. Ferris wheel of emotions (2)
21. Veil of darkness
22. The twilight of Innocence
23.lessons learned, bonds forged
24.In the grip of envy
25.Hard feelings
26. elle est un rêve
27.Glimmers of past
29. Paint the town red
30. Is that a coping mechanism?
32. Colour me red
33. Drunk words=sober thoughts
35. Reverse icks
36. Make me blush
37. Me, him and the moon.
38. Show me.
39. Glazed breaths
40. The way I loved you.
41. Draped in your love.
42. Let me show my love.

34. Pretty boy

11.8K 1.2K 318
By Mxxnchild07

☆Arhaan's pov☆

I groaned as a sharp pain shoots immediately in my brain as I open my eyes, blinking them slowly.  I shakily raise my head, as consciousness creeps back into my foggy mind.

Least to say that this is the aftermath of whatever I did yesterday, that I barely remember. With a heavy sigh, I force my head back into my pillow. Digging myself into it it a little deeper, I don’t know if it’s my mind playing tricks with me but this pillow is literal feels like heaven right now. 

A jumbled memory keeps fighting for my attention as I sniff into the sweet scent, why does this feels like a déjà vu?

A rhythmic sound almost lulls me back to sleep, the headache that I once had slowly starts to reduce as if the sudden blissful oblivion I’m in right now, cured my every regret, my every recklessness.

This feels like my own personal haven.
I’m trying very hard to get up, too hard. But like a magnetic pull, my every senses are numb. Every tiny details that once I felt a minute ago are now substituted.

Again this feels too similar.

But I’m slowly starting to forget all these mindless questions, just embracing the tranquillity of the moment. It’s like floating above the troubles of the world, a place where worries are forgotten and serenity is all that exists.

Pressing my head a little more, a soft breath fans my head as I slowly start to get aware of every little things surrounding me.
Like I said, a déjà vu.

Holy fuck.

I’m- I’m sleeping on-

Yeah, I’m wide awake now. Raising my head a little again from Inayah’s chest, I look at her.

Her skin glows under the soft sunlight peeking out of the curtains, her eyes softly shut, hiding the little hazel flames that ignites my whole being.

The tiny freckles on her nose are more visible now. Aligned like a perfect constellation on her skin, as if stardust sprinkled leaking off them with the goldest colour into my cold darkness. So forbidden, so charming.

I raise my hand to tuck in that lone hair strand behind her ear, my fingers hesitantly grazing her cheeks softly. I swear she’s an angel.

My girl.

My girl.

My girl.

My girl.

My girl.

Someone who feels like home, someone who is too hard not to love.

I close my eyes in despair as a rushed memory of yesterday hits me.

If- If y-you ever love someone in the future, pick me, choose me, love- uh love me."

Oh fuck.

Why? Just why? I groan, fighting the urge to kill myself. This is so embarrassing.

Why would I even said that?

I try my best to calm myself and think rational but how could I? When I literally opened my desperate state in front of her like a hopeless fool, not that I mind being a hopeless for her but why?

Why Would I say the most cheesiest shit ever?  Pick me? Oh please. Just kill me already. I might as well just die before seeing her disgusted reaction.

Nuzzling my head back into the crook of her neck, I breathe in the air she once exhaled.

Maybe I’m overreacting too much? Like maybe she doesn’t even remember all embarrassing stuff I said yesterday? Yeah she doesn’t.

As sleep tries to overpower me, I almost melt again as her hand finds my hair. Her fingers running through them.

I’m done, gone, vanished. Cause how I’m supposed to ever escape this pleasure again?

The once hesitant fingers stops out of a sudden making me grumble in protest.

Without even realising, searching for her hand I lift it up, settling it where it truly belongs.

“You are awake?” oh fuck. Maybe I should’ve just enjoyed the feeling of my face against her skin, rather than craving for more.

The best thing I can do is pretend, so that’s what I’ll do. Pretending to be dead asleep.

“Arhaan? I know you are not sleeping anymore. God get off me, I can’t move.” I can’t hear anything, you know why? Cause I’m still fast asleep.

“Arhaan, please?” nooo, finally raising my head to look at her, I loosen the grip of my arm on her waist. A single word, a single word is all what it takes from her for me to do anything she wishes.

“Yeah?” I forge confusion like I just woke up, when In reality I can feel my face heating up.

“Can you get up, it’s getting a little hard for me to breathe with all your weight on me.” Yeah, I didn’t realised that. Getting off her, I make sure not to make a lot of eye contacts, hopefully she doesn’t remember much from yesterday, and what all stuff I said.

“You were pretty drunk yesterday.” Oh fuck no.

“Umm, yeah. I don’t remember shit though.” Lies. All white lies. “Did I say anything, you know when I was drunk?” yeah let’s play it cool.

Trésor’s cheeks heats up at my sudden question, well look at that. Maybe that confession wasn’t that bad.

I get up from bed with a new determination in my mind when she shakes her head at the question.

It physically hurts me to even imagine about this but I think its finally time to go to Dhruv and follow the set of points that we made earlier.

This will be embarrassing.


☆Inayah’s pov ☆

Faint sound of shuffling of sheets gets me out of my sleep, I make a move to stretch but a weight against my chest stops me.

What? Please don’t tell me I’m having sleep paralysis.

Tilting my head downward, I’m greeted by a mop of fluffy, dark hair.


Analysing my surroundings for a moment, sleep finally vanishes off me as I realise that someone is literally wrapped around me.

That someone being Arhaan.

His face is snuggled into my chest, one of his hands wrapped around my waist. His leg is between both of mine.

His breath fans on my neck, sending tingles across my body.

Again with that same feeling, this is so so weird.

With each breath his grip loosens up, making me realise that he is literally on top of me with all of his weight.

I try wiggling out of his grip, but the more I squirm, the more his weight drops on my body. Its getting really hard to breathe. But he still hadn’t made a single sound, not a single movement. He is still sound asleep on my chest.

The nerve of this man.

Huffing, I glare at the ceiling.

My left hand is tucked underneath his chest, which I can barely move. I let my intrusive thoughts get the best over me as my free hand, settles on his head my fingers running through his hair- absentmindedly.

His hair are exactly how I envisioned them to be like. So soft, his each curls silky enough for my fingers to glide through them.

Realising what I was doing, I hesitantly pull my hand away, and then I hear a grumble of protest.
Arhaan grabs my hand, puts it back on his head, and then goes back to snuggling into the crook of my neck.

What? My jaw drops.

“You are awake?” accusing him, I squirm out of his grip a little more.

“Arhaan? I know you are not sleeping anymore. God get off me, I can’t move.” I chide, trying to unwarp myself from his grip, as he ‘pretend’ to go back to sleep.

“Arhaan, please?” I say, as he finally lifts his head to look at me.

“Yeah?” he finally speaks, his morning voice evident.

“Can you get up, it’s getting a little hard for me to breathe with all your weight on me.” Stretching my legs when he finally gets off me, I hurriedly try to change the topic so that he doesn’t see how much effect he has on me right now.

“You were pretty drunk yesterday.” I say, trying my best to lighten the situation and completely failing at that.

“Umm, yeah. I don’t remember shit though.” “Did I say anything, you know when I was drunk?” he asks, looking everywhere except my face.

Again with these weird feelings that erupts in my chest at yesterday’s reminder.

Shaking my head at his question, I quickly escape this situation and his presence before the memories of yesterday plagues my mind. Again. A single question revolving in my mind.

Is drunk words really sober thoughts?


12 times, the exact number of times he furrowed his brows as he focuses on the current page he is reading, like an invisible string threading me, I’m stuck. I can’t help myself to look away.

The way his hand gently brushes through his hair when he’s deep in thought, the way he turns pages. The faint rays of sunlight shines upon his skin, spreading a warm glow on his face, the sharpness of his jawline, the subtle curve of his lips, the depth of his eyes, holding so many feelings which are too hard to decipher.

I promise I’m trying too hard to look away, but I just can’t.

I mean he does have a pretty fa-

Why the heck?

One of the girls from our class room walks inside the Library, a smile on her face directed towards Arhaan.

Walking towards the table he was sitting on, they briefly start a conversation. And to my dismay I can't hear any of it.

It's not that I care about it or anything but it's still weird seeing her, Dia in a library.

Like I'm quite not sure what's the reason she's here. I didn't knew that she could even read, but never mind that.

She positions herself next to Arhaan, promptly pulling out her laptop and a notepad.

Looks like someone finally realised that it's high time and they should study now.

But the only thing I can't understand is why Arhaan is helping her? From the years I've known him, he hates people from our college. Like he can't stand them. So what changed now?

Oh, look at him go. The charming scholar, saving the day. How unpredictable.

Narrowing my eyes with an emotion I haven't experienced before, my attention from the book I was reading starts to drift away.

Wait- why do I even care?

Refocusing my gaze back onto my books, determined to regain my previously formidable academic grasp. I ignore them, atleast trying my best.

Suddenly, her laugh fills the room, grabbing everyones attention within earshot, including mine. Glancing up from my books, momentarily distracted by the sound. My eyes narrows yet again.

This girl.

Her chair is facing Arhaan's, she twirls her  hair laughing at which seems like a joke that he passed.

Mirroring her smile, Arhaan's eyes meets mine for a brief moment with a knowing look in them. A knowing look which I can't seem to grasp. And its making me loose my mind.

What are they even talking about, its not like Arhaan hasn't joked around me before, spoiler alert his jokes are not even that funny

As they embark on an animated conversation again I can't help but feel my heart quickening, a rush of conflicting emotions surging through my veins.

At his another unamusing  joke, she raises her hand playfully nudging  his bicep.

Feeling them.

Looking at her from afar it might look like a Friendly gesture, her simply finding the joke funny and expressing her appreciation for it. but I know her, oh how I know her and her ways.

The pat on the arm was Nothing but a subtle flirtatious gesture, indicating that she is interested in him.

By initiating physical contact, she is seeking a more intimate connection or demonstrating her attraction. I've read a book on body language, and I've read about this, alot of times!

That's it. Without even realising what I'm doing, grabing my belongings, and marching over to Dia and Arhaan’s table, determination glimmering inside me.
I clear my throat, causing the two of them to look up at me.

"Umm, I need to borrow your book Arhaan, it's really important. " Yeah good start.

Leaning towards the table, amusement blaring in his eyes, he looks at me.

"Actually I was explaining this topic to Dia, you see?" He says pointing towards the girl next to him, who can't help but smile at his comment.

Forcing a smile I glance down to look at the topic that they are reading.

"You know what I actually just revised this topic mind if I join in? I have a few insights that might be helpful."  Eww this is soo embarrassing, why am I doing this again?

As if the dart that Arhaan pointed, hit on the right spot, a subtle smirk stretches upon his lips.

" We already did this topic. Right?" Questioning the girl who shan't be named.

" And we are getting late for our next class, we were just about to leave." Folding his arms against his chest, he lazily glances up at me.

Gritting my teeth, turning I leave their presence as fast as possible.


From the past 2 hours, Arhaan has been getting on my nerves.

Everything related to him is irrating the fuck out of me.


His smiles.

His eyes.

His hair.

His voice.

His sarcastic comments.

His existence.



He is literally on some kind of streak to talk nicely to everyone, but me. After our earlier incident.

And it's annoying me even though it shouldn’t and now I'm getting annoyed thinking about why and how am I even getting annoyed by that. By him.

During our debate session today he was different. Soo soo different. No sarcastic comment thrown at me, no fighting, nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

I mean we were on good terms since that icebreaker activity we had.

And we didn't even had a big fight or something, so what??

As I was walking towards my locker to get my bag, I see him Leaning against his locker, talking to Dia again.

Ughh, not this again.

This has to stop, not because I care that Arhaan is talking to another girl or anything it's just that their are talking against my locker and I really want to confront Arhaan because of the behavior he has shown me today.

That's it, yeah.

Swiftly walking towards them, my heart pounding with both anger and something I can't name.

This sight had stirred something within me, something that I don't know yet.

Without wasting a moment, I reached out and grabbed his hand firmly, intertwining our fingers. As Dia shockingly gasps at our interaction.

Sensing the expected response, Arhaan turns towards me, surprise not evident on his face. Was he doing this all on purpose the whole time?

I lead him away from the bustling hallway, searching for a more secluded area where we can talk privately.

As we reach a quiet corner, I push him against the wall, creating a slight distance between us.

Our eyes locked, a mixture of smugness
and triumph painted across his face.

The silence lingered between us as I tried to gather my thoughts.

Finally, breaking the silence, I spoke up, "what are those little stunts that you've been doing since the morning? What’s going on?"

"What am I doing trésor?" He extolled, fake innocence danced in his eyes.

" You are being weird since the morning. And you know exactly what I'm saying. Don't try to act smart." Pushing a finger on his chest accusingly I fussed.

" Being weird? " raising his brows amused at my comment he questions.

" Yeah, being weird. You've been ignoring me since the morning, you weren't talking to me like you used to and then there was literally no fights during our debate session. It was like you were trying to cut it short."

Stepping away from the wall, he walks a little closer. I could feel his breath fanning my face, as he looks down at me now.

"Are you jealous love?"

The air feels charged with an intense sense of anticipation, crackling with a mixture of frustration and conflicting emotions.
My body involuntarily stiffen, my muscles becoming tense at his direct question.

Am I jealous?

No, I'm not. Like why would I be jealous?

As I glance back in Arhaan's eyes again. I'm greeted by emotions that I just discovered, emotions which are yet left behind for me to recognise.

His pupils are dilated, his mouth partly opened, his jawline clenched tight.

In the gravity of this moment that even the smallest movement or gesture carries immense weight, as if he is striving to maintain his composure.

As the seconds stretch into an eternity, his  breaths become shallow and rapid, the sound echoing loudly in the silence, further accentuating the building tension.

My eyes falls on his lips, as he leans in. 

This is going to be the biggest mistake of my life.


An: oooohhhhhhhh


That was the chapter <3
Took a little while to update cause I'm busy af, final exams almost here ;(

But I'll try my best to update as many chapter as I can before 15 Feb cause the schedule after that will be hectic like hectic af!!

Don't forget to vote you guys (☆) it gives motivation to continue writing..

Follow my account on instagram the link is in bio, I am regularly posting Crushed Chimere content there♡♡

I'll see you guys soon, and you can comment your views in the comments section, lets make this page a bit more interactive ♥️😚

Byeee humans 🪐🌩🌕
Peace ✌️
Treat people with kindness ( even the mean ones) jk kill the mean ones ;)

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