
By TiffanyVaychilingum

843 24 99


Character sketch.


52 2 15
By TiffanyVaychilingum

Kapoor mansion.
Raj room
Raj look at photo of Maahi
Raj: What should I do! Should I forgive you... I am lost.! You betrayed me! I never thought my own daughter will betrayed me and elope to get married. She didn't trust me to come and tell me about her and Abeer relationship. I fail as a father.

"No uncle you didn't fail.."

Raj look at Kavya.
Kavya: Maybe she was scared. When people is scared they don't think. They tend to do the thing that more easy. Maybe that's why maahi elope thinking after her marriage you two will accept it.

Raj: Kavya beta...

Kavya: and I don't know Maahi or Ansh for long but I can say that Ansh love her. I could see the love for her in his eyes. Maahi is lucky to have someone like Ansh...

Raj: I don't know Kavya... I wanted to choose maahi groom... maahi didnt know that she insulted me and Abhir and we had fixed her marriage with a close friend of mine son... and she accept it! Then she run away with Abeer. My friend make fun of me. They insulted her and maahi!

Kavya: We shouldn't care about people uncle! People will talk but we just have to ignore it! And if maahi had got married to this guy she would have been miserable as she didn't love him..

Raj: Yes but he should have rejected the wedding proposal! She accept it...she didn't think about Abhir and I will face! She didn't care! They insulted my upbringing as maahi mom is no more.

Kavya: Uncle I....

Kavya turn and look at Abhir.

Kavya: Abhir...

Abhir: Kavya please. You weren't here when we face everything! It's our family matter. And it's dad decision to forgive her. Don't force him.

Kavya: Abhir i didn't mean it like that. I was just trying to make uncle understand.

Abhir: Enough Kavya please.

Raj; Abhir please! Kavya is going to be the daughter in law of this house. She has the right to give her advice.

Abhir: Yes but dad...

Kavya: It's okay uncle. I am sorry Abhir. I won't ever got in your family matter...!sorry. I need to go uncle. I will come visit tomorrow.

Abhir: Kavya...

Kavya: Bye Abhir..  bye uncle.
Kavya left.

Raj: what's wrong with you Abhir. She is going to be your wife.

Abhir: I don't know dad. I just come Okay.
Raj nodded...
Abhir left.

Next day.
Goenka mansion.
Maahi was baking a cake... she was baking a red velvet cake.
Maahi mix all the ingredients then but it in the oven....

She was washing the dirty bowl.
She was happy today as today was Abhir birthday. She knows Abhir is angry with her but he is still her brother.

Ansh enter the kitchen.... He stand behind maahi and envelope her arm around maahi waist... his lips were near her ear....

Maahi: Ansh what are you doing... this is the kitchen...

Ansh caressed Maahi naked waist gently.
Maahi: Ansh!

Maahi shivers...
Maahi: Someone will come...

Ansh: And let them...

He kiss maahi ear.

Maahi: Ansh!

Ansh: Before going to work I want to be close to my wife.

Maahi: You are finally going back to work after a long of time..

Ansh: Yes... the patient need me...

Maahi: Okay Mr doctor. I will come to visit you.
Ansh nodded.
Ansh kiss maahi forehead..

Ansh: I love you...

Maahi: I love you too..
Ansh left.

Maahi smile....
Maahi: Should I tell Ansh i am going to meet Bhai today after what happen yesterday. No he will be angry...

Maahi take the cakes out of the open and put the icing on it... she put the cake in a box then in a bag....

She went outside. She saw her mother in law.
Maahi: Mumma i bake some cake... i keep some for you and papa... as today is Bhai birthday I am going to visit him then i am going to visit Ansh from the hospital to give him some cake.

Sejal: Okay beta. Be safe.

Maahi nodded and hug her.
She left.

Ahuja mansion.
Living room.
Laxmi and Dharam were waiting for Dev and reema.

Laxmi: You love reema right.

Dev: A lot mumma.. she also love me. I think we are made for each other.

Laxmi smile.
Laxmi: I am So Happy for you.

They saw Dev and Reema coming. Laxmi and Dharam stand up. He smile seeing Reema in a beautiful simple kurti... her hair was straight. She has a simple make up on her face.

Reema blushed feeling Dharam gaze on her... she look down...
Reema take the blessing of Laxmi.

Laxmi: Bless you my child...
She held Reema cheeks gently..
Laxmi: So beautiful.

Laxmi: Dharam why don't you show reema the house I will talk with dev Ji.

Dharam nodded.
Dharam: let's go reema.
She nodded and left with Dharam,.
Laxmi and dev talk about the wedding

Dharam bring Reema to the garden. Reema smile looking at all different type of flowers.

Reema: woww that's so beautiful.

Dharam smile looking at her happiness...

Dharam take a rose flower...!
He pull Reema to himself... reema look at him while blushing.

Reema: what are you doing Dharam Ji...

Dharam put the flowers near her ear.
Dharam: now you look more beautiful...

Reema blush....

They look at each other in the house....
Reema push him and giggled. She run... Dharam run behind her.

Dharam: I will catch you reema.

Reema laugh.
Dharam catch Reema hand and pull her to him they both down on the grasses. Reema fall on Dharam. They both look at each other.

Kapoor mansion.
Living room.
Raj look at his son.
Raj: Happy birthday my son...

Abhir smile.
Abhir: Thank papa...

Raj saw that Abhir was not that happy... he knew Abhir was missing maahi as every year for his birthday maahi always show him a lot of love and bake cake for her.....

Raj sigh..

Raj saw maahi coming and stand up...
Maahi look at her father....

Abhir look at her with a smile... but he hide his smile... he wanted to hug her but he stop herself..

Abhir: what are you doing here...

Maahi take the box out and take out the red velvet cakes..
Maahi: Happy birthday Bhai... you are the best Bhai I could ever have... even if you hate me I love you and everyday I think about you and dad....

Abhir look at her blankly...
Maahi smile with tears.
Maahi: It's okay. I hope you will eat the cake... I did it with a lot of love....

Maahi: hi papa. I hope you are doing well... I love you.. bye. I don't want to ruin the atmosphere here as it's Bhai birthday...

Maahi left with tears.

Abhir look at the cakes with tears.
It was written happy birthday to the world best Bhai on the cake...

Abhir call a maid.
Abhir: Throw this cake away or give it to someone.
He say looking down.

Raj: No.. keep the cake here and go.

Abhir look at her father...
Raj: I know you want to eat it... she did it with a lot of love Abhir...

Abhir sigh and cut the cakes... he cry while eating eat as it make him remember a lot of memories...

Ansh cabin.
Ansh was sitting. A nurse came inside.
Nurse: Doctor Ansh. Someone is here to see you. Can I send him in..

Ansh nodded. The nurse left. Maahi came inside.

Ansh smile
Ansh: Maahi. What an amazing surprise.

Maahi smile at him and went to sit next to him.
Ansh look at her.
Ansh: Why did you cry?

Maahi: I didnt. What are you saying!

Ansh: Maahi...

Maahi: Nothing.. here I brought something for you.
Maahi give Ansh some cake. He look at the cake and sigh.

Ansh; I don't want it.

Maahi: Why? I make this for you.

Ansh: Stop lying. It's Abhir birthday today and you made that for him right...

Maahi: Ansh..

Ansh: You went their again right? That's why you were crying!

Maahi look down.
Ansh: What did I told you yesterday.

Maahi: They are my family ansh..

Ansh: Maahi you will never understand... you can leave. I have to attend a patient.

Maahi: Okay i will wait for you.

Ansh: I will take a lot of time... maybe 5 hours.

Maahi; Okay i will wait.
Ansh sigh and left.

Maahi: Why did I make him angry...
Maahi sigh.

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