Renewed Passion (Completed)

By writerlove03

12.8K 1.3K 785

One fateful night that is all it takes. Icy roads and a blown tire causing events to tear down the happiness... More

Disclaimer & Author Notes
2. Winning Champ
3. Flip The Buns
4. Milkshake Machine
5. Invisible Ghost
6. The Stove
7. Weclome To
8. Days
9. The Park
10. Wedding
11. Phone Buzzes
12. Changed
13. Beyond Happy
14. Caramel
15. Socks
16. Bicycles
17. Toy Trucks
18. Just Pout
19. Bobble Head
20. Children
21. Milliseconds
22. Tantrum
23. Witty Remarks
24. Memories
25. Dinner
26. Flying Ball
27. Like Old Times
28. Popcorn
29. Company
30. Loose You Again
31. Broken
32. A Stud
33. The Walk
34. Brightens
35. Make Food
36. Tenderly
37. Joys Of Vacation
38. Lunch
39. Handmade
40. Mini
41. Rolly Bolly
42. Disco Ball
43. Tap On The Window
44. Giant Animal
45. Back
46. Raccoon
47. Toy Ring
48. A Cape
49. Very Prestine
50. Humorless Laugh
51. Heart Patters
52. Other Than
53. Cake
54. Computer
55. Old Oak
56. Something Blue
57. Pineapple Milkshake
58. Epic
59. Bride
60. Years
61. Unhealthy Foods

1. Is A Part

284 24 8
By writerlove03

Ten years later...

"What do you think?" Daryl asks while Sadie holds up two different options in front of her for the color theme she is able to offer.

I give a tight smile and look to Sadie. "That one is nice, thank you."

Sadie smiles and nods. "It is a very lovely choice. So this should be the final piece that I needed before your wedding set for next month."

Daryl takes my hand and squeezes. I can feel his happiness and I try to feel the same but there is a part nagging at me.

It has been ten years since the accident and I woke up to find out I lost the love of my life. Even though I do love Daryl it isn't the same but he knows this too and has been understanding. I love him enough to marry him but it isn't the true passion I had with Erik. Even though we were only teens at the time it is like my soul knew he was the only one I would truly love with everything I have and have the passion.

There is one important thing in my life to show for the passion and love Erik and I held for each other.

"They look the same though." Samuel leans closer to Sadie's desk.

Sadie laughs. "There is a difference. Here let me show you." She smiles and goes to explaining it to my son. Mine and Erik's son.

It turns out my stomach was off because of morning sickness. If the wreck hadn't happened we would have probably found out together within a weeks time from when I had thought my period should have been. Little did I think my counting was wrong and I had been pregnant for seven weeks when the accident happened.

My mom was not happy at all for a month she tried to talk me into doing the one thing I refused. I wouldn't loose the last part I had left of Erik. So I became a teen mom and still finished high school with high grades. A baby and my job kept me busy throughout the last year of high school, but I moved to take my courses online to where the stares would stop. I couldn't handle the stares in school and by going online I was able to work more to support my son.

Erik's parents don't even know of Samuel. Not that I kept my son a secret but because they moved immediately after the accident from what Mom told me and things I heard at school.

Now though, I have tried living my life because I know Erik wouldn't want me to be alone. I had met Daryl two years ago. We became friends fairly fast when he would come to my diner for coffee every night after work. He had recently got the new job and would work on papers in the corner of my diner every night for a week before we got up the courage to talk.

Daryl is nice and Samuel is close to him but never has made a move to call him dad. Daryl has never pushed for it either and rather they keep the friendliness between them. Within a month Daryl knew of my past when he asked me out and I was reluncant at first because my love for Erik is still there. Never once has Daryl said a thing about it and says I will always hold a love for Erik and it doesn't bother him at all. He has said he loves me and wouldn't change me for anything.

"Oh perfect timing Uncle Dwight." Sadie's voice gets a bit louder and I look over to see a man bring in a tray. "Kaira. Daryl. This is my Uncle Dwight he is making the food for your big day and because the menu was a bit different he wanted to try making the macaroni salad to the way you described it before the big day to see if he needs to adjust anything."

I smile and stand. "Thank you for this. I could have made it and brought it though."

"Not a chance. It is your big day and I will not have a bride cooking on her day. That is why I am here and living it up making the food to your dreams." Dwight almost seems to sass and I don't even know him.

I laugh and take a spoonful of the offered food. I chew it and my taste buds explode. The moan can't be stopped. "Oh my God, Dwight. I think that is even better than mine and I make it a lot for my diner."

His smile is wide and he bows lightly. "Thank you. Thank you. I was holding my breath because I just realized the peppers weren't normal jalenepos but the sweet ones." He grimaces.

"I'll take this and may take that idea for making mine better at the diner." I laugh.

"Take the idea girl." He laughs and then leaves the office as quick as he came.

"Can I try it?" Samuel asks.

"Sure." I move and he takes a clean plastic spoon to take one bite.

He chews and swallows. "I'm sorry but this is still not good but neither is yours."

I laugh and pat his back as he stands close to me. "I bet that mac and cheese will be all yours then on your moms big day?" Sadie asks and Samuel nods.

"Thank you for everything Sadie it is going to be beautiful." I smile and she hugs me.

"It is my pleasure." She smiles and then walks us all out to the car. "You take it easy and just give me a call if you need anything before your big day. Okay?"

"I will. Thank you again." I smile and she waves me off as Daryl closes Samuel's door and then opens mine for me.

We get on the road and Daryl talks with Samuel about some new video game that just came out he is ready to play. It is uncanny how Samuel is so much like Erik in some senses and never got to meet his dad. Daryl is into video games but not good at playing but still better than I am.

"When is Uncle Josh going to make it here?" Samuel asks and I turn my head to him.

"He will be here within a couple days."

"Oh boy! I can't wait."

I laugh. "I know because you love spending time with your uncle by playing video games."

"He also lets me play games you don't." Samuel laughs and I shake my head while laughing lightly.

I sigh as I focus on the scenery going past us.

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