the anti hero of metropolis (...

Autorstwa Tupac2003

8.6K 128 75

In the underbelly of Gotham City, cloaked under the dark mantle of night, prowled a figure feared by the wick... Więcej

the workers in your house
sweet justice
sweet justice 2
red hood vs DC villain girls
hate triangle
meet the cheetah
shock it to me
she might be a giant

sweet justice 3

648 13 12
Autorstwa Tupac2003

Zatanna: Ladies and khalil, after a night like tonight, there's only one thing that can cement this friendship. Frosting!

Kara, Zatanna, Karen, Jessica: Sweet Justice!

Kara: You do not wanna miss this.

Babs: How did I not know about this?

Barry: Hey, guys. So, what's the haps, what's poppin', what's the latest? Can I get you something sweet? Sure hope so, 'cause that's what we have. It's sort of our specialty.

Jessica, Kara, Karen, Zatanna: Hi, Barry.

Barry: So, what'll it be? The usual? The usual? The usual? The usual? The usua-

Zatanna: khalil will have the strawberry bomb Berry sundae, Babs will have the candy cake triple ripple tower with the rainbow sprinkles, and Diana will have the death by chocolate. Figure of speech, Diana.

Barry: Here you go. Oh, hey, nice to meet you, Diana.

Diana: It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I shall await your text message in three days' time.

Khalil: it's her way of greeting people.

Barry: oh.

Khalil and the girls sat down at a table as he and the girls but Diana ate you treats.

Jessica: Well, what are you waiting for?

Diana grabbed a spoonful and tasted it as she was in shock of the flavor and began to eat her dessert.

Diana: [gasp] [munching] [gasp] Never have I tasted such wonderment. More. I must have more of this magical concoction. Do you intend to eat that?

Karen: Uh...

She grabbed Karen's shake and drank it, then Jessica pushed her pie to Diana as she began to eat it, then she grabbed Babs' cake and Kara's
sundae. Diana began to eat the desserts then passed out.

Karen: Diana...

Diana: SISTERS! and Khalil! This food is more delectable than ambrosia, this place more perfect than Elysium. I declare that we must celebrate our every future victory here and thus!

Babs: Sweet Justice for the win!

Diana: I do not know what that means!

She then sees you still eating your strawberry sundae you then look up and see her giving you puppy dog eyes.

Khalil: wassup Diana?

Diana: can I have some of your sundae please?

Khalil: (sighs) ok

Diana: feed it to me please?

Khalil: open wide.

Diana opens her mouth then he feeds her some of your sundae.

Diana: mmmmm thank you

Khalil: here you can have the cherry.

Diana: (blushes) really?

Khalil: open wide

Diana then opens her mouth then you put the cherry in her mouth then she closes it then you pull the stem. The others turn away with blushes of jealousy.

Diana: your so kind for a killer of criminals.

Khalil: dee don't be saying that out loud you trying to get me caught.

Diana: sorry.

You then hear voices behind you.

Sweet Justice owner man: Hey, what are you doing? We turned down the offer. Get out of here, please.

Sweet Justice owner woman: We said we wouldn't sell. Barry, go get our lawyer.

Jessica: Lawyer? Why do they need a lawyer?

[woman screams]

Demo-bot foreman: Attention, citizens. This business or dwelling has been categorized for immediate destruction.

Sweet Justice owner man: No!

Man: Huh?

Boy: What?

Demo-bot foreman: By order of the city of Metropolis, you must vacate before structure removal begins. You have 30 seconds to comply.
[crowd screaming]

khalil: (sighs) Ill hand this.

He then sneaks up behind one of them and put a control device on of them. Then he sneaks behind another one and put a control device on another. He then quickly sneak back to his seat.

Karen: khalil what you just do?

Khalil: just watch.

He then pulls a controller out of his jacket and then he turns it on. The robots eyes turn green and now under his control.

Jessica: are you controlling them?

Khalil: yup

Babs: thats so cool but how?

Khalil: itll take long to explain just watch.

He then make the robots turn to the other robots and fire there guns at the other demo bots destroying them. He then make the 2 last robots fire at each other making them destroy each other.

Khalil: well that was fun.

Babs: that was awesome. How did you do that? How did you make a device that controls robots?

Khalil: ladies I'm a genius my IQ is 5150.

They all look at him with eyes wide open.

Jessica: so your really really really smart?

Khalil: yup and I put that with brawn, gymnastics, and a bunch of other things.

Karen: so you could help me with my suit? Help me grow into a giant?

Khalil: yeah it's really easy I have growth shrink tech on my suit.

Karen: you do?!

Khalil: yup. Now let's find out what caused all this.

He gets back up and notice a L badge on the floor he then picks it up and notice it's lex Luthor symbol.

Khalil: hmm why would lex Luthor want to destroy sweet justice? He owns this place.

Zatanna: maybe to make more room for another building.

Jessica: maybe this place was costing him too much.

Khalil: hes a billionaire Jess he wouldn't care about how much he this would cost. It's probably not him. I heard he goes to and orders from this place a lot he wouldn't get rid of it clearly he loves it.

Kara: how do you know all this?

Khalil: oh um I saw him last year at the billionaire country club. All the desserts came from this place.

Zatanna: your a billionaire?!

Khalil: well secretly my family are the first trillionaires.

Zatanna: trill trill trillions? (She then faints).

Khalil: come on girls let's go

Kara picks up zee and they follow you outside. Only to see a giant ship in the middle of the road.

Diana: oh no

Babs: whats that?

Diana: it's my mother.

Hippolyta: Diana prince!

They all see a big woman come down a plank board and stop in front of you.

Hyppolyta: By impersonating a warrior and entering the tournament without my permission, now we come to take you home Diana.

Then you came in front of Diana as you faced her mother.

Khalil: I'm sorry Diana's mother but she's not leaving she has a team now.

Hippolyta: your not gonna stop me.

She then drew her blade

Khalil then push the button on his neck and he transforms into his red hood outfit.

Red hood: bring it.

The first move was sudden, a blur of motion as Hippolyta charged forward, her sword drawn and ready to deliver justice. Red Hood, anticipating the attack, dodged to the side with an agility born from countless battles against foes both mortal and supernatural.

Hippolyta swung with precision, her every strike a dance of deadly intent, but the Red Hood moved like a shadow, his red helmet slipping under and around each blow. You wasn't just dodging you was studying, learning the rhythm of Hippolyta's swordsmanship.

The Red Hood threw a handful of pellets to the ground which exploded into a thick smoke, temporarily obscuring Hippolyta's vision. She responded not with her eyes but with her senses, her Amazon training allowing her to predict the next attackyet Red Hood was not where she expected. Utilizing your stealth training, you outflanked her, relying on soundless footsteps and the distraction of the smoke.

A bright spark surged as the Red Hood drew a short blade, the metal alight with the same energy as your helmet. It clashed against her sword, a ring of metal singing through the night air. Hippolyta pushed forward, her strength monumental, but the Red Hood was not there to match it; he was there to counter it.

With each blow from Hippolyta, the Red Hood responded with precise, targeted parries, aiming not to overpower but to outmaneuver. Your blade found the straps and buckles on Hippolyta's armor, slicing through them with calculated precision.

One by one, pieces of the queen's armor fell away, each clattering onto the stone with the finality of a bell toll. Hippolyta, ever the warrior, adapted to her decreasing defense, but her opponent was already several steps ahead.

Red hood: I dont wish to fight you.
But I can't let you stop us tonight.

Hippolyta: this is non-negotiable.

her stance readying for the next wave.

The dance continued, but now the Red Hood had found his opening. With a swift, acrobatic leap, you vaulted over a wide swing from Hippolyta's blade. As if in slow motion, you targeted the final clasp of her chestpiece. Your blade slipped through the gap and with a quick, strong tug, the armor was removed, leaving Hippolyta momentarily surprised.

Seizing the moment, the Red Hood used his gauntlet's taser, aiming for a non-lethal spot on Hippolyta's body. The jolt was sudden, fierce, and it coursed through her, giving you just a second of opportunity. You sidestepped and swept Hippolyta's legs, grounding the formidable Amazon.

Red hood: yield.

Red hood said, standing over her, his blade at the ready but his intention clear he did not want to deliver the final blow.

Hippolyta looked up at him, her fierce eyes assessing and then, with an exhalation of respect for a worthy opponent, she yielded.

The Red Hood offered a hand to help her up, which she took after a split second of hesitation.

Hippolyta: you've won this battle Diana can stay.

Khalil: I know and I'm keeping your sword.

Hippolyta: you've earned it.

Hippolyta retrieved her fallen armor, she knew their paths woain, but the outcome would remain a question for another time.

Diana then turns to the others and had a look with excitement

Diana: eeeeeee!

Girls: yay!

The girls looked to see that the same robots from before as they were at the piers.

Red hood: first sweet justice now the pier what's going on?

Demo-bot foreman: You must vacate this business or dwelling immediately. You are interfering with lawful demolition protocols. You have ten seconds to comply.

Kara: Oh, yeah?! Well, you got ten seconds to say your prayers!


Kara: Huh?

Karen: Ah, what is that?

War suit: Come to have some fun, girls and boy?

Babs: Ah-ha! I knew it! I knew it was Lex! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! [clears throat] I knew it was Lex.

Lena: Lex? I am not Lex! I'm-[grunt] Hold on. I'm Lena! Lena Luthor. And all this? This is my plan, not my dopey brother's! He can never come up with something this good. Ugh... Oh, do I have to spell it out?!

Kara: Yeah, you kinda do!

Lena: Pfft, figures! You teenagers think you're so smart, with your staying up late, and your driving cars, and your commercials! But you're so dumb...

A flashback showed lex and Lena doing a commercial as it was over. Lex and Lena blew raspberries at each other.

Lena: can't even pick up on the most obvious of evil plots. Even when it's literally in front of your face! So first, I reprogrammed Lex's worthless VR glasses. Then, I hacked the Demolition Robots the city contacted my doofus brother to make. And finally, I used them to destroy every "fun" and/or "cool" place to "hang" in Metropolis, so you lame-o teenagers will have nowhere else to go for your mindless entertainment, trapped forever in my VR world, tailor-made, just for you.

Puppy: [sneezing]

Lena: Every last lame-brained one of you.

Teenagers: Aww.

Lena: With all you teenagers out of the way, children will rule Metropolis! [laughs maniacally] [laughs mockingly]

Kara: That's the dumbest plan I've ever heard.

khalil: like for real!

Lena: YOU'RE the dumbest plan I've ever heard! And once this pier is destroyed, you're next!

Khalil: you have no friends I can tell.

Babs: Your plan will never work, Lena! We teenagers are stronger than you think!

Puppy: [sneeze]

Karen: Aww!

Babs: Bumblebee!

Karen: Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.

Babs: Anyway, the point is, you can destroy our favorite places, but you'll never destroy our friendships!

khalil: got that right!

In the heart of a sprawling urban landscape, Red Hood found himself facing a colossal threat - a towering giant robot, its metallic limbs looming over the city. Undeterred, Red Hood swiftly activated his advanced weaponry, ready for the impending clash.

The giant robot unleashed a barrage of lasers and missiles, shaking the ground with each devastating attack. Red Hood, utilizing his agility and combat skills, deftly evaded the onslaught. His dual pistols spat rapid gunfire, aiming for vulnerable joints and sensors on the massive metallic adversary.

As the robot's hulking fists descended, Red Hood executed a series of acrobatic maneuvers, narrowly avoiding the crushing blows. Your suit's advanced technology allowed you to analyze the robot's movements, identifying patterns and weaknesses to exploit.

Red Hood, with a calculated precision, deployed explosive gadgets that detonated on impact, causing the giant robot to stagger. Seizing the opportunity, he aimed for crucial circuitry, disabling the robot's defensive systems and reducing its effectiveness.

The battle raged on, the urban landscape echoing with the clash of metal and gunfire. Red Hood, using your tactical brilliance and arsenal of gadgets, outmaneuvered the colossal adversary. In a final, well-timed strike, you targeted the robot's power core, causing a spectacular explosion that rendered the metallic behemoth inoperative.

As the dust settled, Red Hood stood amidst the wreckage, victorious. The city, saved from the threat of the giant robot, bore witness to the prowess of the masked vigilante who triumphed through a combination of strategic thinking and advanced technology.

The girls all look with jaws dropped

Babs: he just took down a giant robot by himself.

Lena: [screaming]

Karen: [gasp] [grunting] [yelling]

Lena: What? How? No! You cheated! YOU CHEATED! You cheated, you cheated! Uh-oh.

Teenagers: [indistinct chatter]

Teenage boy: Wanna see a movie at my house?

Teenage girl: Yeah.

Other teenage girl: All right, sure.

Babs: Um, Bumblebee got out, right?
[all gasp]

Babs: Bumblebee!

khalil: omg are you ok?!

Karen: [squealing] Did we do it?

Zatanna: Nice highlights, what's your secret?

Diana: Courage.

Babs: Yaaaah!

[siren blares]

Lena: Oh, no fair! No FAIR!

Lex: There she is Mom! See? Told you she stole my stuff.

Lillian: Lutessa Lena Luthor, you get in this car right now!

Lena: You can't make me! NOOOO! No! No! No! [cries]

Lillian: Oh, I'm sorry about your warsuit, Lex.

Lex: [scoff] Don't worry, Mom. I'm just happy the little tyke is alright.

Lena and Lex: [blowing raspberry]

Lillian: Oh, you think next time you can get those cupcakes you promised?

Lex: Hah! Already on it, Mom. I'm not saying goodbye to the best snickerdoodles in Metropolis.

Lena: You'll pay for this, super teen jerks! YOU'LL PAY!

[crowd clamoring in admiration]

Man: Brand new superhero team and the red hood right here in Metropolis!

Girl Scout: And they're girls and the red hood!

Girl Scouts: [chanting] Super Hero Girls and the hood!

Crowd: [chanting] Super Hero Girls and the hood!

Super Hero Girls and the hood! Super Hero Girls and the hood!

3 months later

Zatanna: [sigh] This is the life. Good friends and good chocolate.

Jessica: It's nice to have everything back to normal.

Khalil: normal? I still have the smell of oil and explosives on my suit.

Babs: Blah, normal's overrated. [slurp] Mmm, remember when we first came here, and Diana said she wanted to be at this place all the time?

Kara: Yeah...?

Girls: Ow! Whoa!

Babs: Ta-da! It's our own home base! I took a few late night trips to the construction site while they were rebuilding.

Khalil: impressive Babs I Iike it.

Diana: Truly, this is a place of wonder.

Kara: [muffled] Not bad, Babs. Nice job.

Jessica: We can protect the whole city from here. No bad guy stands a chance!

Babs: Not with the Super Hero Girls And the hood on the case!

Khalil: we really need to work on that name.

Karen: Aww!

Babs: Super-awesome super-heroness, here we come!

Diana: oh yeah Khalil you have to change your ammo to rubber now.

Y/n: oh come on girls.

Babs: nope we proved that you could stop crime without killing.

Khalil: technically you didn't. All we did is hung out, eat sweets, I got into a fight with Diana's mom, then fight a giant robot, which turned out to be a little girl which I'm not gonna kill cause she's a kid.

Diana: still a deal is a deal.

Khalil: (sighs) fine rubber bullets.

Karen: Ill spend time with you helping change your bullets (blushes) it'll be fun.

Khalil: no more killing criminals? This is gonna be tough.

Czytaj Dalej

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