The Anarchic Consort (1)

By sofiziv

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Not my story. Not my translation. Just for offline purpose. Got this translation from Alternat... More



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By sofiziv

Chapter 478: His Highness' Tyranny And Duplicity


Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

"Magistrate Liao and Old Master Yan also went to the provincial capital, they're probably speaking with Lord Chen about the road construction now. Ah, I just remembered. Lord Wei doesn't know who Lord Chen is right..."

"Who is he?" Helian Wei Wei playfully asked him.

"He's the new governor of three provinces, sent from the Capital. You may not know this, but Lord Chen and Magistrate Liau are very close. In my opinion, this road construction project should be smooth-sailing! When that happens, as long as we stay put and don't trouble Magistrate Liao, we'll have chances to get promoted!" Private Advisor Zhang spoke as if he personally saw how close Governor Chen and Magistrate Liao were.

Chen Liang cursed silently. F*ck!

Of course, I know who is close to my dad!

My dad absolutely detests Magistrate Liao. He merely meets with him to maintain an amicable relationship. How are they close?

If they are close, how can this servant not recognize me as Governor Chen's son?

Helian Wei Wei smiled cunningly.

Chen Liang looked at her with teary eyes and said, "Boss, don't stop me. Let me destroy him!"

Helian Wei Wei patted his shoulder, trying to calm him down.

How can I not be agitated? These people are clearly slandering my dad!

"Boss, please tell the Third Prince. My dad is definitely an honest official. Although it is not obvious, he is really different from these people!"

Helian Wei Wei wanted to laugh when she saw his teary eyes, but the situation was inappropriate for that. She merely glanced at Baili Jia Jue.

Baili Jia Jue ambled toward them, speaking so softly that only Chen Liang could hear his voice, "If you make her touch your shoulder again, believe me, I will make sure you leave here as a crippled man."

Chen Liang immediately stood straight, but he felt deeply wronged. Boss is merely comforting me, isn't the Third Prince being a little too possessive...

Private Advisor Zhang did not know what was happening, but he assumed that both of Helian Wei Wei's followers were simply discussing the issues, and boastfully continued, "Lord Wei, listen to my advice, I have been in Fuping County for many years. What you're doing now is a waste of effort. Why don't you listen to Magistrate Liao and do some practical things? You will even rise through the ranks quicker."

"So according to you, being an officer is all about being promoted and not serving the people of this country?" Helian Wei Wei casually threw a question back at him.

Private Advisor Zhang's expression darkened, forcing a fake smile as he replied, "That is all up to Lord Wei yourself. It's late now, I still have some things to attend to. Lord Wei, please get some rest. Maybe someone will give you the silver for the drought in your dream."

His words were dripping with sarcasm, clearly implying that Helian Wei Wei was simply trying to achieve the impossible, and it was all merely a pipe dream.

Private Advisor Zhang did not wait for Helian Wei Wei to answer, he immediately left with his servant, brushing his sleeves on his way out.

Chen Liang was fuming with wrath. "After all these years, this is my first time seeing a private advisor talking back to a county magistrate. This Fuping County is lawless! Boss, how did you hold it in?"

"I have no status yet, it's normal to be in this situation." Helian Wei Wei asked a yamen runner to prepare some tea. When he left, she continued, "I will get rid of these people one day. What's the fun in taking out just one of them, it would be better to eradicate all of them in one strike."

Chen Liang was frustrated, but his anger turned into excitement, coursing through his veins when he heard what Helian Wei Wei mentioned. When he recalled the methods used by Boss in the past, every one of them was a shocking surprise. He wondered curiously what she would do this time.

"Boss, when are you making your move? Count me in! Their eyes are too focused on the money, they're not worthy to work for the people!"

Helian Wei Wei knew that he had an honest heart. As she touched her ring, a cold light shone from her eyes, she then uttered, "Don't be impatient, they're the ones who should be anxious..."

Magistrate Liao and Old Master Yan were indeed terribly anxious, like a cat on a hot tin roof. They knew the funds were arriving soon, but the carrier informed them that the superiors had ordered him to pass through Fuping County to deliver it.

Governor Chen is a villainous and cunning man. He always behaves disinterestedly and ambiguously, not wanting to reveal anything important to anyone.

This slightly irked Magistrate Liao. When he returned to Fuping County, he sent his men to invite Helian Wei Wei for a meal again. However, at the table with several other county magistrates, he spoke vaguely without naming anyone, covertly implying that someone should look at the big picture and not worry about unnecessary details. From the Fuping County to the surrounding villages, the most crucial agenda was the road construction. Only with that, the people in the country would prosper!

"Don't worry. As a magistrate, I won't take the lion's share. When the road is done, the people and the imperial court will be elated. Don't bother yourself, there's no need for you to do any troublesome things!"

Helian Wei Wei purposely ignored his words, smiling slightly as she rotated the cup in her hand.

Magistrate Liao glanced at her from the corner of his eye and added, "Lord Wei, let's hear your opinion on this."

"My opinion?" Helian Wei Wei nonchalantly drank her tea and replied, "I've already told Magistrate Liao last time. The second drought is coming soon, I'm just thinking about how to prevent it."

Magistrate Liao mockingly said, "Lord Wei is such a kind officer, always putting the people first. However, you need to be more open-minded sometimes. Maybe no one actually wants you to do that."

The rest of the officers joined in the laughter. Magistrate Liao was secretly hinting that Helian Wei Wei had overestimated herself. From their eyes, she was not even worth a mention.

Helian Wei Wei merely squinted and smirked, "We shall wait and see."

They burst into a fit of laughter again when they heard her.

They heard that this new county magistrate ignorantly went to the provincial capital despite having no influential connections. In the end, she failed to meet anyone and returned disappointedly. What gave her the confidence to go against Magistrate Liao like this? She even thought that she had the power to turn the table by herself. Hahaha, this bumpkin! Such recklessness!

However, they were oblivious to what was currently happening. Governor Chen had just returned to the provincial capital when he received a very important letter.

"You're finally back, Old Master!" The servant stood at the door, quickly passing the letter to Lord Chen and said, "This is from the private advisor of young master's friend, he asked me to give it to you."

"A private advisor of my son's friend?" Lord Chen thought to himself about how complicated this relationship was as he opened the letter. There were merely a few words written on it- 'the dragon soars as the phoenix dances, filled with spirit and bursting with grandiose'.

But, that isn't the important thing!

What's important is the sender's name at the bottom of the letter!

Chapter 479: Isolating Wei Wei

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

Why, why... why is he here?

Governor Chen's expression changed in a blink of an eye, it felt like a bolt from the blue to him.

The servant saw his old master's expression transforming instantly, from seeming exhausted to unbelievably intense.

Suddenly, Old Master Chen grabbed onto the servant's sleeve and demanded, "Where is the person who wrote the letter!"

"I, I'm not sure." The servant could not understand the reason why his old master, who was usually calm and composed, suddenly became so agitated. He stuttered, "But, but the servant told me that he is a private advisor that followed the county magistrate of Fuping here. He should've gone back to Fuping County by now."

Governor Chen smiled bitterly and shook his head, "How can he be a private advisor, he is actually a..." As he was saying that, Governor Chen suddenly froze, as if a lightbulb lit above his head. He exclaimed regretfully, "Sigh! Why didn't I receive that letter earlier?"

"He isn't a private advisor? Then, who is he?" asked Xiao Feng, confused.

Governor Chen could not stand the people working for his son, they were simply becoming dumber and dumber!

But wait!

"Where's young master?" Governor Chen asked.

Xiao Feng scratched his head and said, "I think he went to Fuping County with the private advisor."

Governor Chen beamed with joy when he heard it. Then, he said with a huge smile on his face, "He finally did something right! Quickly go and prepare a chariot for me. I'm taking a trip to Fuping County now!"

"But Old Master, it's getting dark outside. It's not safe to embark on a journey at night, especially in these rural areas." historical

Xiao Feng pondered to himself. What could be more important than my Old Master's safety?

Governor Chen was extremely persistent, he ordered, "Hurry up! If there's any delay, I will punish you!"

When he heard it, Xiao Feng became increasingly curious about the two people from Fuping County.

Logically, they were simply a small, insignificant county magistrate and a private advisor.

How can they make both young master and old master act so peculiarly?


Xiao Feng came to a sudden realization, his eyes brightly lighting up.

Unless both of them have some sort of powerful identities!

Who are they exactly, hiding their identities with so much secrecy?

The only person who was more powerful than their old master was that person from the Capital... Xiao Feng dared not probe any further, as a trembling fear suddenly overtook him.

The sky outside began to fade and darken.

The atmosphere of the hotel had changed drastically. Quite a few people started to isolate Helian Wei Wei, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

Private Advisor Zhang was full of himself after he gained the upper hand.

Old Master Yan fearlessly announced that he would give a serious beating to anyone who dared to arrest his men.

However, it was merely noise from an empty vessel. As long as Da Xiong was guarding at the Liu family's house, no one would dare to even go near it.

However, before a problem was solved, another one arose.

The funds had arrived, but Helian Wei Wei had not signed her approval yet. Naturally, Magistrate Liao became greatly irritated. This Wei person was giving him a severe migraine, but he could not get rid of her directly. After all, all his relatives, close or distant, would be severely punished if he murdered an official from the imperial court. However, he was on pins and needles when she blocked his grand scheme of laundering money. If I don't teach him an unforgettable lesson, I will never be able to swallow my anger!

Private Advisor Zhang noticed his expression and whispered, "Magistrate Liao, please don't worry. The people from the provincial capital will come tomorrow. Once they arrive, I will have a great surprise in store for that Wei fellow to give him a stern punishment! He's just a newcomer, he doesn't understand Fuping County and the people here. He will finally learn what price he has to pay for disrespecting us!"

A smile broke on Magistrate Liao's countenance when he heard Private Advisor Zhang's evil scheme. As he had a toast with him, he advised Old Master Yan and him again to sell the provisions in the storeroom as soon as possible.

Magistrate Liao already had all his plans in order, never to return to Fuping County in the future. Once he was promoted, he would embezzle as much money as he could. Only a fool would leave all that valuable provisions for the next person to steal. I might as well take them all to the Capital so that I can use them to butter up my superiors...

Unlike the others, Helian Wei Wei merely had one thing in mind, which was to prepare for the drought.

She brought a few shadow guards with her to inspect the location and understand Fuping County's surrounding geographical features. Then, she went to survey the riverside.

Chen Liang could not comprehend it, asking, "Boss, there is indeed water here, but it is too far from the paddy fields. If we force the villagers to come here to collect water, they'd probably die from exhaustion. It would be fine if they are strong like me and Da Xiong. Each of us can carry four buckets!"

"Make it 10 for me!" Da Xiong chuckled and said, "I'm stronger, I can carry more."

Suddenly, Little Bald Head appeared behind them. Biting a meat bun in his mouth, he smiled and declared proudly, "Just 10?"

"Is 10 not enough?" Chen Liang jumped as he was extremely surprised. When he turned around to have a look, he was dumbfounded by what he saw.

Why is Little Uncle here?

Little Bald Head glared at his frozen expression arrogantly and turned his head around to face his Third Brother, beginning to rant endlessly, "Third Brother, Eunuch Sun kept nagging me. He doesn't even allow me to come out and see you. He doesn't allow me to eat the red-crowned cranes in the backyard as well. I can't handle the stress anymore, so I snuck out."

Chen Liang was equally astonished... Wait a second. Do people eat red-crowned cranes?

Baili Jia Jue reacted differently, being very calm and collected. He glanced at the figure behind Little Bald Head and calmly asked, "Did anyone tell grandfather that Little Seventh Master came out?"

"Reporting to Master, the Eleventh Shadow has already informed Old Master and he is quite furious. However, he still asked us to inform you to take care of Young Master." Shadow was clad in a completely black disguise, hidden in the dark. If Baili Jia Jue had not called for him, he would not have revealed himself. Even when he appeared, he addressed Baili Jia Jue differently on purpose.

Baili Jia Jue said yes nonchalantly and said, "You may leave."

Shadow respectfully got down on one knee and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes in a sudden flash.

"Come here," Baili Jia Jue said coldly, beckoning him over with his slender fingers.

Little Bald Head took a huge bite of the meat bun, and then dusted his clothes, removing the dirt that had accumulated during his rushed journey. Then, he approached Baili Jia Jue. He stood majestically to seem powerful like a tiger and roared, "Third Brother!"

"Stay here, and clear these boulders that are obstructing us." Baili Jia Jue gently persuaded, "I know you like to play. After you have finished playing, I'll feed you some meat."

Clear the boulders?

Da Xiong and Chen Liang exchanged glances with each other and then stared at the little rocky hill blocking in front of them. They could not believe it! Was it even humanly possible?

"Third Brother, other than meat, do you have big prawns? Recently, I've been craving for aquatic animals. I didn't even manage to eat the goldfish last time." Little Bald Head complained as he raised his soft, little fist. With a swift motion, he punched forward at the rocky hill!


A loud, trembling noise echoed through the air.

It happened in an instant. Before Chen Liang and Da Xiong had realized what had happened, there was already a gaping hole in the middle of the rocky hill.

Da Xiong stared goggle-eyed at Chen Liang, his head completely covered with gravel and dust, as he wore a puzzled and astonished expression on his face...

Chapter 480: The Prince Came Forward

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

"This is such a bruise to my ego! I'm no better than a little child!"

Chen Liang comforted him, "Little Uncle has always been so inhuman, you just have to get used to it." He had heard many rumors about Little Uncle when he was in the academy. As expected, Little Uncle, who has beaten up all the teachers, is not to be messed with!

Helian Wei Wei was looking at the topography of the surrounding mountains, thinking about the problem of the mountain slope at the same time. She walked over when she heard the noise. Little Seven was holding a steamed meat bun in his mouth, clenching his hands into fists while hitting the mountain slope. He managed to clear the pathway after a total of five hits, his little face was extremely calm.

Needless to say, Helian Wei Wei knew whose idea it was. She glanced at Baili Jia Jue and said smilingly, "Are you the one who called Little Seven over?"

"He can't sit still at home." Baili Jia Jue took out a handkerchief to clean the little one's hands and said, "He will come out sooner or later."

Which meant everything goes according to his plan... Helian Wei Wei coughed softly. If Magistrate Liao and the others know that the private advisor that they have been ignoring is actually so wicked and two-faced, would all of them have a breakdown?

Nonetheless. historical

"Now that the road is clear, we can start digging and burying pipes to channel water," Helian Wei Wei surely was in a better mood now as this was a load off her mind.

Old Man Liu was standing beside her, he was not as optimistic as Wei Wei. "Lord Wei, the position of the river is lower than the rice fields. It's impossible to bury pipes and channel water. Everyone knows that water flows to a lower place, how is that possible for water to flow uphill?" If it was just a simple act of burying pipes and channeling water, Fuping County would not suffer from drought for three continuous years. Even if the official could not think of such a method, they had been doing farm work all year round and knew the topography of Fuping County very well, which was why Old Man Liu dared to say such words.

"Don't worry, Old Man Liu. I'll fix all these problems," Helian Wei Wei did not explain much. After all, none of them would understand the concept of pneumatic water pumping system even if she told them. Thus, she just simply mentioned it.

If it was someone else who told him that, Old Man Liu would definitely think that the idea was a pie in the sky. However, since the words came from Helian Wei Wei's mouth, he believed that it was reliable and possible to do it.


"Lord Wei, you'd better be careful. People from the provincial capital will be here tomorrow to fix the road. I saw Private Advisor Zhang coming to the rice field when I was plowing. He was telling the folks about the benefits of fixing the road," Old Man Liu made a slight pause and continued, "many young people have believed him. They want to file a joint petition to ask why Lord Wei doesn't allow them to fix the road. They suspect that you're unwilling to use the allocated funds because you want to keep the money."

Chen Liang's eyes went wide upon hearing this. "Do you think our boss wants that little money? What are the folks thinking about? Boss doesn't let them fix the road because originally there are already two roads in Fuping County, there's no point in fixing another road. Besides, they may seize the opportunity to gain profit. Curing the drought is of utmost importance now, isn't it? Why are they suspecting our boss after listening to a few words of the others?"

Old Man Liu felt embarrassed as well. He had seen with his eyes everything that Lord Wei had done in these two days; Lord Wei did not deserve insult and slander.

That Private Advisor Zhang was shameless to a certain extent, those who did not understand the situation would actually be deceived by him and thought that fixing the road would help in changing the status quo of Fuping County.

Although Old Man Liu was just a farmer, he was not completely ignorant. He looked at Helian Wei Wei after some thought and said, "Lord Wei, do you want to look for someone else above you? You may not be able to explain yourself if you wait until tomorrow."

"There's nothing that I can't explain," Helian Wei Wei smiled and said, "a clear conscience is a sure card."

Old Man Liu shook his head and said, "Lord Wei, you're too young to understand how society works nowadays. Sometimes, people will swear black is white even though you're right."

"Old Man Liu is right," Baili Jia Jue picked up the sentence naturally. He curled his lips into a smile; his face was more eminent than heaven and earth. He used a handkerchief to wipe Helian Wei Wei's hands, looking at her with his deep, seductive eyes. "You've had enough fun. Starting from now, let me, your private advisor, to settle the matters in Fuping County officialdom. You only have to focus on channeling water to the rice fields."

The shadow guards who were standing in the dark exchanged glances upon hearing that, thinking in their minds that, His Highness can't take it anymore and finally decides to do it himself. Sigh, seriously, why did they push the princess consort aside... They will definitely have to pay for it, definitely!

Helian Wei Wei looked at Baili Jia Jue's side face, knowing that someone was going to be in trouble. She looked silently at the Little Bald Head standing beside her.

Little Seventh Prince looked extremely solemn, he said, "Third Brother, you must bring me with you if you want to beat up someone! You can treat me a meat meal after that!"

Helian Wei Wei was speechless.

"I haven't punished you for leaving home secretly." Baili Jia Jue looked at the little one from a height and stated clearly, "We will have a talk after dinner."

Little Seven had no intention to talk to his Third Brother at all.

Their conversation always ended with his butt dance!

He could not let himself lose face outside the palace!

Little Bald Head grasped his long pants tightly at this thought. He pattered to Helian Wei Wei, seeking protection from his Third Aunt.

Helian Wei Wei bowed down and pinched the little one's face, "What do you want to eat for dinner?"

"I did my research before I came, the jujube in Fuping County is the most delicious one!" Little Bald Head said earnestly.

All the Shadows who followed behind him could not help nodding their heads. They could testify for this, the little master cared the most about the local specialty food!

Helian Wei Wei broke into laughter and said, "You can't have jujube as a proper meal, let's eat the spiced beef, it's your favorite."

"Okay," Little Seventh Prince was never a picky eater. He felt happy as long as he had something to eat. He followed behind Helian Wei Wei, looking innocent and sturdy.

Chen Liang and Da Xiong were tactful, they did not accompany them. One of them went to the Liu family to protect Liu Yin while the other stayed at the rice field to keep an eye on the situation.

Soon, the night wore on. The two adults and one kid went for a walk to help with digestion after dinner.

The little one always restrained himself in front of his Third Brother. He tugged at Baili Jia Jue's sleeve, trying his best to move his tiny legs.

Helian Wei Wei's heart was melted by his cuteness, she turned around to look at him and said, "Are you tired?"

"No," Little Seven lifted his head and glanced at his Third Brother before looking at Helian Wei Wei. "If Third Aunt is tired, you can ask Third Brother to hug you. There's no stranger here, you guys can hug whenever you want."

"When did I ever say that..." Before Helian Wei Wei could even finish her sentence, Baili Jia Jue drew her in his arms and lifted her off the ground.

A whiff of special nobility wafted across her face. All Helian Wei Wei could see from her angle of view was his slightly raised thin lips.

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