Dusk til Dawn | n.mikaelson (...

By kmstories1001

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*BOOK ONE OF THE 'TIL SERIES* In which Briana Forbes is full of life, but didn't know what it felt like to tr... More

I: The Last Dance
II: Klaus
III: The Last Day
IV: The Sun Also Rises
V: As I Lay Dying
VI: The Birthday
VII: The Hybrid
VIII: The End of the Affair
IX: Disturbing Behvaior
X: The Reckoning
XI: Smells Like Teen Spirit
XII: Ghost World
XIII: Ordinary People
XIV: Homecoming
XV: The New Deal
XVI: Our Town
XVII: The Ties That Bind
XVIII: Bringing Out the Dead
XIX: Dangerous Liaisons
XX: All My Children
XXI: The Murder of One
XXII: Heart of Darkness
XXIII: Do Not Go Gentle
XXIV: Before Sunset
XXV: The Departed
XXVI: Growing Pains
XXVII: The Rager
XXVIII: The Five
XXVIX: The Killer
XXX: We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes
XXXI: My Brother's Keeper
XXXII: We'll Always Have Bourbon Street
XXXIII: O Come, All Ye Faithful
XXXIV: After School Special
XXXVI: A View to a Kill
XXXVII: Into the Wild
XXXVIII: Down the Rabbit Hole
XXXVIX: Stand By Me
XL: Bring It On
XLI: American Gothic
XLII: The Originals

XXXV: Catch Me If You Can

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By kmstories1001

The sunlight crept through the cabin window the next morning causing Briana to stir awake. It was much too early for her liking as she noticed through foggy eyes the sun was just starting to rise. She rolled over to see Klaus fully sitting up, his finger tips lightly stroking her bar shoulder. 

"We're you watching me sleep?" Briana questioned groggily as she snuggled into his side, propping her head up on his chest to look into his eyes. 

Klaus shrugged with a playful grin, "Maybe a little bit. You were so peaceful and... quiet." Klaus joked with a wide smile. 

Briana scoffed jokingly as she playfully hit him in the chest, "Hey!" 

Klaus chuckled at her response, his smile growing as her's did. His eyes never leaving her. Like he was taking in every second. The feeling of pure bliss being in her company. 

Briana noticed he continued to stare in admiration as she propped herself up on her elbow, "You know I would say, take a picture it will last longer, but since we have forever..." She trailed with a smile as she leaned up to meet his lips. 

"Forever, indeed." She spoke lowly, her voice deepening with love and lust. 

Briana's hands immediately found their way into Klaus hair, tugging at it slightly as their kiss deepened. Klaus rolling Briana on her back as he towered over her. 

Briana's phone buzzed from the table beside her. She groaned pulling away from Klaus' lips to reach for it. He continued pressing soft kisses down her neck as she opened a text from Damon filling her in on Klaus' latest quest for the cure. Briana rolled her eyes upon reading that after she fell asleep Klaus snuck out to turn a bunch of bar flies just for Jeremy to kill them, and now he compelled them to go after Matt. 

Briana placed her phone back on the table and let out an annoyed sigh. Klaus stopped kissing her neck realizing her sudden change in behavior. 

"What's wrong?" He questioned with concern lacing his voice. 

Briana looked towards him with a stern tone, "Do you want to tell me what you did last night after I fell asleep or should I tell you what I already know?" She spoke with irritation as she stood, collecting her clothes from the floor and putting them on. 

"I take it Damon told you.." Klaus spoke knowingly. Briana placed her hands on her hips giving him an annoyed look, waiting for an explanation, or excuse. 

Klaus sighed, "I did what needed to be done to find the cure. Jeremy needs to kill vampires to reveal the map. It was an act of service." 

Briana rolled her eyes, "You can not possibly believe that." She spoke as she put her shoes on. 

Klaus shrugged with a smug grin. He didn't care who needed to die to find the cure. He wanted the cure more than ever, and he wanted it now. His expression turned to confusion as he watched Briana make her way toward the door of the bedroom. 

"Where are you?" He questioned from the bed, "We we're just getting to the good part." He smirked. 

Briana turned around with an annoyed look, "Per usual Nik, I'm going to clean up the mess you made." She spoke as she made her way out of the cabin and down the street to the Gilbert house. 


Elena stood in the Gilbert cabin living room with Damon, Jeremy and Matt devising a plan to stop the compelled vampires. 

"He killed someone!" Elena told Damon, upset by the night's event's and Jeremy's involvement, "These were innocent people." 

"But the mark grew, didn't it?" Damon questioned knowingly as he sipped his drink.

 Elena was furious at him for his teaching techniques, but Damon didn't care. He was willing and ready to do whatever it takes to get the cure, fast.

Elena sighed in defeat realizing there was no point in fight about what had already been done, "Okay, look, we need a plan." 

Briana walked in the cabin just as the words left Elena's lips, "I see I'm right on time. What can I do to help?" She spoke as she made her way next to Damon. 

Matt stood from where he was seated at the recognition of Briana's voice, "What are you even doing here? This is all Klaus' fault." Matt spat angrily. 

"Hey. Watch it." Damon demanded the human. 

Briana shifted uncomfortingly knowing Matt had every right to be upset. Klaus was sending an army of vampires after him for no real reason other than to get back at Jeremy.  

"She's with--" Matt started. 

"Damon's right. Briana's not a threat to us. All she's ever done is try to protect us when it comes to Klaus." Elena spoke. 

Briana and the doppelgänger exchanged gracious smiles. 

Briana sighed, "Look, I know there's no explanation for this. There's never an explanation when it comes to why Klaus what he does. I'm not here to defend him, I'm here to help. So what can I do?" 

Matt lowered his defenses after hearing the sincerity in Briana's voice. 

"Here's the plan. Elena, you take the least most valuable player home. Bri, you keep Klaus occupied, buying me and, big Jer here, some time to go on a hunting expedition. We'll finish this." Damon said as he walked over to Jeremy, placing a firm hand on the boy's shoulder. 

Briana crossed her arms over her chest as Elena was stunned by Damon's plan, "I'm sorry, a-are you saying that I should leave him here with you?"

Briana stood next to Elena, "I know he's not one for great plans, but he's not going to let anything happen to Jeremy." Briana reassured Elena. 

She looked to Damon for confirmation. 

"I promise you will I keep him safe." Damon told Elena who hesitantly nodded in agreement, "Now, get Matt out of here. And Bri--" 

"I know, I know. Keep him occupied." Briana rolled her eyes. She wished she could do more to help. 

"Shouldn't be too hard considering you're still in yesterday's clothes." Damon retorted. 

Briana looked for the closest thing to her, spotting a book on the table. She grabbed it and threw it at Damon's head for his comment. He just barely dodged it before giving Briana a smug smile. She rolled her eyes as she made her way out of the cabin. 


Klaus and Briana made there way back to Mystic Falls and let's just say there was plenty of occupying happening. She loved Klaus, don't misunderstand, but she was angry. She was trying her best to clean up yet another one of his unnecessary messes and trying to get her friends not to hate him for it. 

She was taking it out on him in an unconventional way you could say. For the first time, she was showing dominance over him. She was pushing around on the bed with confidence. Her eyes demanding him to do whatever she wanted as she glared at him with daggers. It was different than the sex they had before. It was heavy and fierce. It was angry. 

She laid next to Klaus both of them breathing heavily, catching their breath from their latest round. 

"Well that was fun." Klaus smiled pressing kisses up Briana's shoulder, "I suppose I'll have to anger you more often.." He smirked. 

Briana scoffed rolling her eyes, "Who said I was angry?" She spoke coldly. 

Klaus couldn't help but let a chuckle escape his lip at her behavior. Who was she trying to fool? 

"Well for starters.. the box spring of this bed." Klaus smirked. 

Briana scoffed,  "Okay, you know what, fine. I am angry." She admitted sitting up and pulling his shirt that was on the floor over her head. 

"You don't say.. and here I thought you were just trying to spice things up." He quipped in a joking matter. 

Briana wasn't amused shooting him a stern look, "Those we're innocent people, Nik. And Matt, annoying as he may be, is an innocent teenage boy. They don't deserve to lose their lives." 

Klaus rolled his eyes, "They weren't people when I was through with them. They were simply a means to get us to the cure as quickly as possible." 

Briana shook her head, "There's always another way Nik! Innocent people don't have to die." She spoke. 

Klaus stayed silent taking in her words. He could sense her anger when it came to fragility of human life. The life she once knew and would be saying goodbye to forever. 

A knock on the door interrupted their conversation. Briana and Klaus exchanged confused looks, neither one of them expecting company or even anticipating who it could be. 

Briana slipped on a pair of shorts under Klaus' oversized shirt and went to get the door while Klaus got dress. It was her surprise to see Elena standing there with fear filled eyes. 

"I tried calling you." The Gilbert girl spoke as she pushed into the Mikaelson mansion.

"Sorry I was.. occupying." Briana revealed with flushed cheeks. 

Suddenly Klaus appeared from around the corner, beyond confused by Elena's presence. 

"We need to talk." The Gilbert demanded. Briana could tell she was scared, but if she was willing to be in the same vicinity as Klaus, it must be something serious. 

The trio made their way to the couch. Briana sitting beside Klaus on one and Elena across from them. She explained how Kol had found Klaus' heard of vampires and Jeremy just nearly escaped, but he still had Damon. 

Klaus stared coldly at the doppelgänger, "A bit ironic you coming to me for help. Weren't your friends just trying to bury me in a cement tomb." 

"This is your fault." Elena spoke, "You started this when you forced Jeremy to kill those vampires." 

Briana looked between Elena and Klaus before whispering, "She has a point." 

Klaus shot her an unamused look, silently threatening that her commentary was not needed or appreciated. Briana shrugged in response, not caring. 

"And now my little brat of a brother has gone and made things worse. Well he never did like Damon." Klaus grinned. 

"Well, don't you think you should do something?" Briana questioned her boyfriend. 

"Call him off Klaus." Elena added. 

"You are in no position to make demands." Klaus spoke lowly at Elena, "Whilst I'd like to cure you, to make more hybrids.." He shot Briana a small grin, "I do have other reasons for finding the cure, not the least of which destroying it so you lot can't use it against me." 

Briana's perked up at the comment. She had no idea that was part of his plan with the cure. She wasn't surprised though. Klaus' paranoia would always be his own worst enemy. She could sense that about him since the day she met him. 

Elena looked helpless after hearing Klaus remark. Briana leaned forward from her previously relaxed position and placed a hand on Klaus bicep. 

"No matter your differences, both of you want the same thing." Briana intervened. 

Elena smiled softly realizing Briana was sticking up for her, and of course Damon. The young vampire leaned forward towards the hybrid, "Please, Klaus. I'm begging you." 

Klaus revealed a smug grin hearing Elena's plea. Knowing he held the power was all he needed. He looked toward Briana who was giving him a knowing look, her hand still placed comfortingly on his arm. 

He let out a breath before reaching for his phone. He threatened his youngest brother to stay away from Jeremy and return Damon or he would find himself back with a dagger in his heart. Briana rolled her eye at the threat. She hated that Klaus would do that to his own family, his siblings. 

The call ended with Kol admitting defeat and promising he would not lay a hand on Jeremy. Elena was beyond relieved and expressed her gratitude to Klaus, something she never thought she would do. 


As soon as Elena left Briana got a phone call she had anxiously been awaiting: Hayley. 

Briana gulped nervously before answering the phone and bringing it to her ear. She felt insanely guilty she hadn't been able to join Hayley yet. She promised her they would search for their family together but Mystic Falls was chaotic. Every time she thought it would be the perfect time to leave for a little bit, something else held her back. 

"Hey." Briana breathed nervously into the phone, "How are you? Did you find anything?" She rambled. 

"That's kinda way I'm calling. I haven't found much, but I think I found someone who might know something. I just wanted to check in with you." Hayley said. 

A small smile formed on Briana's face at the possibility of new information. 

"Are you doing okay? You're staying safe?" Briana said calming down, she sat on the arm of the chair beside her. 

Hayley chuckled lightly at her newfound sister's protectiveness, "I'm fine. Louisiana is big especially when you don't have much to go off, but I'm staying hopeful." 

"I promise I'm coming to help you, things just keep getting crazier around here." Briana reassured the younger werewolf, she could practically hear Hayley's relief through the phone at those words. 

"Good because it's been a stream of dead ends. I'll take all the help I can get." Hayley spoke. 

Briana felt herself smiling, "We're gonna find them Hayley. Someone somewhere has to know something about our parents. I just.. have this feeling this story is so much bigger than us. I wish there was more I could do to help." She said shyly. 

"Hey, what about Klaus?" Hayley asked as a light bulb went off inside her head. 

"What about him?" Briana inquired not understanding his relevance. 

"I don't know he's been around for like a billion years. He has to know people. Maybe he can connect us to someone who can help us." Hayley suggested. 

Briana furrowed a brow, "I don't think he knows anything. He knows how much finding out about our family  means to me he would've told me." 

Hayley sighed on the other end of the phone, "Maybe something slipped his mind, I don't know, I'm grasping at straws her. I'll take any lead I can get. Just think about it Bri, it might worth a shot to ask." 

Briana sighed, "Yeah maybe--" He phone beeped in her ear. She pulled it in front of her face to see she had an incoming call from Elena. She gulped knowing this couldn't be good. 

"Look Hayley, I gotta go. Call me if you find anything and I'll see what I can figure out around here." Briana spoke quickly into the phone. 

Hayley agreed, "See you soon Bri." 

"Stay safe okay? Bye." Briana spoke as she hung up the phone and accepted Elena's pending call. 

"What's wrong?" 


Briana raced to the Grill. She stormed past all the patrons making her way to the storage room and sliding into the secret entrance to the tunnels. Elena called panicking that Kol had compelled Damon to kill Jeremy and they were lost somewhere in the tunnels. Elena was searching for them but it was one giant maze. There was no way she could find them on her own. 

Briana found Elena in the tunnels, "Did you see which way they went?" She asked the Gilbert girl. 

Elena shook her head no as Briana sighed in frustration. 

"Okay. You go that way, I'll go this way. If you find them, finding a way to put Damon down. He's not going to be able to stop." Briana instructed Elena who nodded frantically before going in their separate directions. 

As Briana made her way through the tunnels, she heard a gun shot rang out. She sped in the direction of the noise. She didn't find Damon or Jeremy, instead she followed a path of blood that led her outside. 

She quickly texted Elena tell her to meet them outside before running through the woods. Briana spotted Damon in front of her. He was walking with no emotion, he was uncontrollable. 

"Damon stop!" She yelled out when she got close enough, freezing Damon in his place. 

"I know you don't want to hurt him. So stop." Briana said sternly, trying to use their friendship, their bond to break through to him. 

"I can't." Damon sneered. Briana could tell he was trying, but he was compelled. He was fighting as hard as he could but it wouldn't matter. 

"Yes, you can." Elean voice rang out as she stepped into view. Both girls looking at the Salvatore vampire with pleading eyes. 

"You're strong enough to resist the compulsion Damon." Briana spoke, Elena nodding in agreement. 

"Why? Because Stefan could." Damon sneered. 

Elena shook her head furiously, "Because I love you." She confessed. 

Briana took that as her queue to stay quiet. It was no longer her place to speak, she was there to support Elena and to help her put Damon down if things got out of control. 

Briana stepped back as Elena moved towards Damon. 

"Because you love me. You'd do anything for me so please, do this for me." Elena was face to face with Damon, begging him to stop, inspiring him that he was strong enough to resist. 

And for a moment, he was. He was frozen, his eyes locked on Elena. They love they shared pulling him out of the compulsion and distracting his mind, but it didn't last. 

A drop of blood fell from the leaves of a bush beside them. Jeremy must have ran through here getting caught on it. 

"I'm sorry Elena." Damon spoke as they veins appeared under his eyes. 

Damon sped through the woods until he found Jeremy hiding behind a tree. Elena and Briana raced after him. 

Damon stood in front of the young Gilbert boy, instructing him to shoot. To kill Damon right there and end the compulsion. 

Suddenly Briana pushed through, slamming Damon into a tree. Briana knew there was one way she could put him down long enough to get Jeremy out of here. Damon was 150 something years old, he was strong. But she had one advantage over him, her venom. 

She grabbed his arm, looking apologetically into his eyes. Her own glowing golden. 

"Do it." Damon spoke, willing to do whatever it takes to stop this. 

Briana's voice broke, "I'm sorry." She said as her fangs appeared, about to dig them into his flesh. 

"Bri stop!" She heard Elena yell. 

Just as Briana was about to bite, Stefan appeared from behind Damon snapping his neck. 

Briana let out a sigh of relief watching as Damon's body hit the ground. 


Briana returned to Klaus' mansion. Beyond exhausted from running through the tunnels and woods. Stefan took Damon home and locked him in the basement until Kol's compulsion could be broken. 

"Where have you been?" Klaus spoke sternly when Briana entered the house. 

"I'm fine." Briana said walking further into the house. All she really wanted was a shower and to go to sleep. 

Klaus grabbed her arm turning her back toward him. He examined her for any sight of injury. 

"Nik, I said I'm fine." She said breaking out of his grip. Her voice softening seeing how worried he was, "I promise." 

"What happened?" He questioned. 

"Kol compelled Damon to go after Jeremy. Elena needed my help to stop him." She revealed. 

"And you thought that was wise? Putting yourself against a homicidal vampire? What if something were to happen to you?" Klaus questioned angrily, but his anger stemmed from fear and worry. 

"Damon would never hurt me." Briana said seriously, "It's fine. I'm fine. We put him down and Stefan locked him up. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to shower and then I'm going to bed." Briana said. The exhaustion written all over her face hitting Klaus. 

Briana started to make her way upstairs when the lingering thought in the back of her mind overtook her. 

"Hey." Briana spoke softly, causing Klaus' attention to turn to her rather than the drink he was pouring himself, "I talked to Hayley today. She's having trouble finding anything about our family and she thought since you've been around for quite some time maybe you would know something or someone who would know something." Briana spoke, her eyes were pleading with him. She knew it was a far cry that Klaus knew anything, but there was a glimmer of hope, even if it was just some sort of guidance. 

Klaus placed his drink down walking towards Briana cupping her face in his hand, "I wish I could help you with this sweetheart, but.. I don't know anything." He said, his eyes darting around herself. 

A sad smile formed on her face. She knew it was a long shot. If Klaus knew anything, he would've mentioned it by now. Klaus read her expression and sighed. 

"I know I just.. told Hayley I'd ask." She spoke quietly. Klaus placed a soft kiss to her forehead. 

"Come up to bed soon?" Briana questioned as she made her way towards the stairs. 

"Of course." He smiled innocently. 

Klaus watched as Briana walked up the stairs with a look of admiration on his face. When she disappeared down the hallway, he turned toward the lit fireplace. His eyes going wide as he rubbed a frustrated hand over his face. He gulped to calm his anxieties. A wave of overprotectiveness coming over him at the thought of Briana learning to truth. All he wanted to do was keep her safe, and this was the only way he knew how. 

a/n: we are so close to the originals plot I can TASTE IT I'm so ready but I don't know if you guys are 😈 consider this my apology in advance..

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