Whispers of the Victorian Hou...

By thebookhoundwriter

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In the attic of her old family house, Diya Isabella Brown discovers a dusty box containing an unopened letter... More

Chapter 1- Discovery in the Attic
Chapter 2- Shadows of the Past
Chapter 3- The Diary's Deception
Chapter 4- The Book of Shadows
Chapter 5- The Mysterious Diary
Chapter 6- Mansion's Mystical Inheritance
Chapter 7- The Forbidden Chamber
Chapter 8- Lost Secrets and Burning Photos
Chapter 9- A Desperate Sacrifice
Chapter 10- The Devil's Grip
Chapter 11- The Silent Temptation
Chapter13- The Untouched Shrine
Chapter 14- The Book of Shadows pt 2
Chapter 15- Secrets Hidden within Symbols
Symbols from Emily's Diary: Decoding Secret Symbols
Chapter 16- Mystery of the White Devil
Chapter 17- The Blood Moon Day
Chapter 18- Whispers in the Shadows
Chapter 19- Mysterious Residents of the Mansion
Chapter 20- The Mysterious Bride in Black
Chapter 21- The Forbidden Basement
Chapter 22- Sleeping Beauty Effect
POV: Diya's Dream
Chapter 23- Lost in the Silent Realm
POV: Diya's Dream Part 2
Chapter 24- The Veiled Mystery
POV: Diya's Dream Part 3
Chapter 25- The Mysterious Sound in the Basement
Chapter 26- The Forbidden Ritual
Chapter 27- The Haunting Melody
Chapter 28- The Mystery of the Veiled Woman
Chapter 29- Deciding the Fate
Chapter 30- Unearthing the Secrets
Chapter 31- The Manors's Dark Ritual
Chapter 32- Heartstrings Unraveled
Chapter 33- The Unforeseen Kiss
Chapter 34- Unexpected Sparks
Chapter 35- Beneath the Hooded Moon
Chapter 36- The Key to Freedom
Chapter 37- Unspoken Confessions
Chapter 38- Shadows of Suspicion
Chapter 39- Twists of Fate
Chapter 40- Break the Mansion's Curse
Chapter 41- Forbidden Knowledge
Chapter 42- The Blood Moon Curse
Chapter 43- Shadows of Mockery
Chapter 44- Bonds of Destiny
Chapter 45- Ethereal Embrace
Chapter 46- Eternal Embrace

Chapter 12- Unraveling the Mysteries of Roselle Manor

34 26 2
By thebookhoundwriter

Diya's uncertainty shone through in her flickering eyes, yet she appeared to be pondering Caleb's words. "So, what's your suggestion?" she asked, her voice quivering slightly.

Whispering into Diya's ear, Caleb outlined his plan. "First and foremost, we need to keep this cursed book locked away."

She quickly got ready, putting on her favourite dress and grabbing her purse. Before leaving, she turned to her closest friend, Tabitha, who was still lounging in bed. Diya instructed her to give her a call immediately if anything urgent came up before their return. Tabitha nodded in agreement, a look of concern spreading across her face. She reminded Diya to stay safe, warning her that peculiar things had been happening at the house ever since they found the photo and the book.

"Hey, if Brianne starts acting like a wild raccoon, give me a call," Diya quipped, trying to bring some humour to the situation.

Tabitha let out a chuckle as she watched them hop into Caleb's car. Once they were out of sight, she carefully closed the front door. All of a sudden, a wave of terror crashed upon her like a clumsy surfer wiping out on a massive wave. She stood there, frozen in fear, realizing that she was now the star of her very own horror comedy film. Alone in this colossal Victorian house, she couldn't help but imagine the lifeless body upstairs doing the macarena or playing a game of hide-and-seek with a mischievous ghost.

"Great," she muttered sarcastically, "Just what I needed. A haunted house party with a corpse as the guest of honour!" She couldn't help but chuckle nervously at the silliness of the situation. Who knew that her life would take such a comically spooky turn?

As she tiptoed through the creaky hallways, she couldn't help but imagine the house playing a game of "Guess Who?" with her. "Hmm, is she the one who screams at every shadow? Or maybe the one who trips over her own feet while running away from imaginary monsters?" she wondered, trying to keep her wits about her.

As she reached the staircase, she couldn't help but imagine the lifeless body upstairs suddenly springing to life, doing a lively tap dance routine. "Well, at least I won't be alone in my awkwardness," she thought, trying to find humour in the dreadful.

With a deep breath, she summoned her inner comedian and prepared for the unexpected punchlines that awaited her. After all, if she was going to be stuck in a spooky Victorian house, she might as well turn it into a comedy club. Who knows, maybe she'd even get a standing ovation from the ghosts in the audience!


Caleb and Diya were taken aback as they stumbled upon a house that could have effortlessly been mistaken for the infamous Adam Family's Haunted Mansion.

"Seriously, it had all the spooky vibes and eerie charm I could ever imagine," Diya thought to herself.

But, hold up, what caught their attention even more was the fact that the garden was ridiculously well maintained. It has perfectly trimmed hedges, flowers blooming like they were on steroids, and gardeners working their magic like they were auditioning for a gardening Olympics.

"It is as if the ghostly spirits of the Adam Family were secretly moonlighting as green thumbs! Who knew the afterlife had such a knack for landscaping?" Caleb joked as he entered the house lawn.

The eerie aura surrounding the place sent shivers down their spines, making it almost impossible to ignore the sense of mystery that enveloped the air. The dilapidated structure stood tall, its weathered walls and broken windows whispering secrets of a forgotten past.

As they cautiously approached, the convincing details became impossible to ignore. The overgrown vines snaking up the sides of the house seemed to have a life of their own as if they were guarding the secrets within. The creaking front door, barely hanging on its hinges, beckoned them to enter, almost daring them to unravel the enigma that lay hidden inside.

The convincing atmosphere intensified as they stepped inside. The dimly lit hallway was adorned with cobwebs, giving the impression that time had stood still within these walls. The faint scent of musty books and ancient artefacts wafted through the air, further fueling their curiosity. The portraits hanging crookedly on the walls seemed to follow their every move, their eyes piercing through the darkness with an uncanny intensity.

As they ventured deeper into the mansion, the convincing illusion of a haunted abode continued to captivate their senses. The floorboards creaked ominously beneath their feet as if echoing the footsteps of ghosts from a bygone era. Shadows danced eerily on the walls, creating an illusion of spectral figures lurking in the corners of their vision. The flickering candlelight cast eerie shadows, playing tricks on their minds and making them question the reality of what they were experiencing.

Despite their initial apprehension, Caleb and Diya couldn't help but be drawn further into the depths of the house. The convincing ambience seemed to possess a magnetic pull, urging them to uncover the secrets that lay hidden within its timeworn walls. As they kept walking into the mansion, they couldn't help but wonder what tales this haunted mansion held, and what mysteries they were about to unravel.

"Remind me, Caleb, what are we searching for?" Diya asked, taken aback by the dilapidated mansion before her.

"It is a shrine in the basement," Caleb replied, leading her carefully into the house.

"Whose shrine is it?" asked Diya, astonished.

"Roselle Manor's shrine," Caleb assured her, his voice filled with conviction. 

Diya was feeling a little bit like a detective but with a lot less skill and a lot more confusion. She had just received a one-word response from him, and it left her feeling like she had just been given a riddle with no answer. She couldn't help but wonder if he was just being a smart aleck or if he genuinely had nothing else to say. Either way, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was in the middle of a game of "guess what I'm thinking," and she was losing badly. 

Caleb's steady footsteps echoed through the empty rooms, each step bringing them closer to the answers they sought. Dust particles danced in the sunlight that streamed through the cracked windows, adding an ethereal quality to their surroundings. Diya's eyes scanned the peeling wallpaper and faded portraits, wondering what secrets they held.

After a long and arduous journey, they finally arrived at a grand door situated at the end of a dimly lit corridor. The door looked like it belonged to a basement, and it creaked open with an eerie sound. As they stepped inside, the room was bathed in soft, golden light, and Diya's breath caught in her throat. She felt a sense of mystery and intrigue as her eyes widened at the sight before her, wondering what secrets this place held.

As they walked into the room, Diya's eyes were immediately drawn to the multitude of books that covered the walls from top to bottom. The room was spacious, with a large oak desk taking up most of the floor space in the center. The desk was cluttered with papers, pens, and half-finished sketches, giving the impression that the owner was a creative and curious individual. The room was filled with the smell of ink and old parchment, which enhanced the intellectual atmosphere.


💕Hey there! You guys must be curious about Roselle Manor and what they're up to. Apparently, they're on a mission to find the shrine while carrying a cursed book. Any idea why?

Your feedback is highly appreciated. Thank you for reading! ❤️

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