Regal | Taennie

By jjeninii

10.4K 1.3K 496

"I, Jennie Ruby Jane of House Asteria, pledge my loyalty to his royal highness, Taehyung Ares Delrico, The Cr... More



560 70 15
By jjeninii

The atmosphere in the Valorian imperial palace buzzed with anticipation as preparations for the official knighting ceremony reached their climax.

The sun cast a warm glow as it broke through the stained glass murals lined against the walls, creating an ethereal backdrop for the impending ceremony.

Excited prospective knights who were now set to become officially knighted littered the room, surrounded by family and friends as the most exciting moment of their lives was soon to commence.

Draped in a resplendent attire adorned with the symbols of the Asteria Dukedom, Jennie stood composed in the banquet hall, surrounded by a sea of nobles and distinguished guests.

She politely conversed with those who congratulated her on reaching the ceremonial stage while politely ignoring those who questioned or berated her choices.

She simply chose to not give any non-progressive minds a fraction of her time, and it seemingly worked out well, for her.

Her knighting ceremony was finally here. On top of that, she was sharing it with new knights who would be joining her command.

The crowd suddenly hushed as the banquet hall doors slowly opened, presenting the emperor and the crown prince.

Jennie froze as her eyes met Taehyung's, the memories of last night still freshly ingrained in her mind. Thankfully, he was the first to look away, as she let her eyes wander to the older man next to him.

The sickness was evident in the emperor, his frail body adorned with lighter clothing to lift the weight off of his frame.

His eyes sunk into his skull, the fatigue presenting itself. She noticed how the rest of the nobles chose to ignore that image and let the emperor be remembered as a mighty figure instead, their eyes darting anywhere other than him.

The atmosphere in the banquet hall shifted palpably as the ceremony began. Jennie, standing tall and poised, could feel the weight of history upon her shoulders.

She was not just any noble; she was the crown princess of the Dukedom of Asteria, the empire's beacon of strength and determination.

As soon as the emperor's speech was over, Jennie's turn to be knighted approach.

As the crown princess of one of the golden Dukedoms, she was to lead the ceremony. Her knighting was monumental after all, as now she would succeed to be the first female commander of an army under the Valorian Empire, and would be initiated as the new face of Asteria. 

She would also be the first sorceress to possess knighthood. Her knighting was about to be etched in history.

The room was silent, all eyes fixated on her. She stepped forward, her heart pounding yet her face a mask of serene confidence.

Taehyung, the crown prince, stood before her, his expression unreadable. As his succession had begun, he was set to lead the knighting ceremony this time.

Despite the tension of their unspoken feelings, Jennie's resolve did not waver. She knelt before him, her head bowed in respect.

Her eyes fixated on the ground as the ceremonial vows of knighthood passed, until finally they reached her pledge to knighthood.

"I, Jennie Ruby Jane of House Asteria, pledge my loyalty to His royal highness, Taehyung Ares Delrico, The Crown Prince of the Valorian Empire." She stated firmly, eyes finally meeting his, as Taehyung could do no more than freeze.

A gasp rippled through the crowd.

It was a bold move, unprecedented in the history of these ceremonies.

Traditionally, the empire's knights pledged their loyalty to a family member or a romantic interest, symbolizing personal bonds and allegiances.

But Jennie's pledge was to the empire itself, to its future leader. She was making a statement: her house would always prioritize the greater good over personal desires.

The implications were clear. By pledging to Taehyung, she was also subtly renouncing any ambition to be Empress.

It was a sacrifice, a testament to her commitment to her duties above her personal feelings.

Taehyung's reaction was inscrutable. His eyes met hers as she pledged her loyalty, sword mid air as the entirely of the banquet hall watched on. He didn't know what to think.

Of course, he never expected for her to candidate to be Empress, or even a queen. But the public renouncement was sudden, too sudden and too real.

He paused for a moment, then placed the ceremonial sword on her shoulders, completing the knighthood ritual. "Rise, Lady Jennie of Asteria," he intoned, his voice steady but his eyes betraying a flicker of emotion.

As Jennie stood, the crowd erupted into applause, some in admiration, others in shock.

Whispers filled the room, speculating about the future implications of her pledge. Duke Regan beamed with pride, while others looked on with envy or concern.

The emperor, surprisingly, nodded in approval as their eyes met.

The ceremony continued, but the tone had shifted.

Jennie's actions had set a new precedent, one that spoke of loyalty and sacrifice.

The rest of the ceremony then continued, as the knights joining each command were knighted together, as opposed to the singular knighting that Jennie had received.

Jennie watched as the soon-to-be first command knights walked ahead, already adorned in the ruby red ensemble for the first command.

"You always have to cause a scene, don't you?" A voice beckoned from beside her as Jennie turned around.

Once her eyes met his, she could only roll her eyes, despite the smile that betrayed her.

"Don't be a pain today, Cassian." She muttered, her eyes glaring pointedly.

"What? My childhood friend gets knighted and I can't even speak? I think the authority is getting to you Jennie." He grinned as Jennie sighed.

"Jungkook, I have to set an example as a general. A dignified general. Not a glorified babysitter to the Crown Prince of the Mazocar Kingdom." She muttered lowly, her eyes darting to the curious eyes of other nobles.

"11 years later, still snarky." He commented with a grin, loving the feeling of getting under one of his best friends' skin.

"You two do realise that we're not nine anymore, right? If you two keep whispering around here these nobles are going to imagine a marriage has been decided." A new voice separated the pairs back and forth as Jennie looked over his shoulder to spot the new figure.

"Just like it did for you and Jisoo?" Jungkook smirked while Jennie smiled as well.

"Please stop talking." The latter responded, gently nudging him with his elbow to make a point.

"If you want me to keep from flinging him across the hall, help me." Jennie remarked as she was passed a glass of champagne.

"Yes, Seokjin Abel Eberon the great, please use your third prince power to confine me in one of your prisons." Jungkook retorted rather sarcastically.

"I actually happen to think the Ignis Dukedom is better than your little kingdom." Jennie teased as Jungkook gave her an offended look.

"Excuse you?!" He protested.

"It's true. At least the Duke of Ignis isn't acting like the emperors puppet 24/7. Can't say the same for the Mazocar King." Jennie motioned, jutting her thumb to the throne where indeed, Mazocar's King was a puppet.

"My father isn't the sole representation of the kingdom! Once I come to power the emperor will be the least of my worries." Jungkook protested.

"Well obviously..." Jin began as Jungkook turned to him with a semi-grateful look.

"He'll be the Crown Prince's puppet instead." Jin smiled as Jungkook let his jaw hang for a moment.

"Leave the poor boy alone, it looks like he's ready to dive off of the floor." Jisoo appeared with a smile, letting her hand encircle Jennie's waist with a smile as she effectively closed their little circle.

"Would be doing us all a great favour." Jennie smiled as Jungkook simply scoffed.

"You two give me no respect in this friendship. At least Jisoo appreciates me." He resigned.

"Pity. I pity you." Jisoo corrected, and enjoying the teasing herself.

"....You may go pledge your loyalties as an official knight." Taehyung's voice resonated through their little pause in conversation.

"I'm not ready for the empire's winter. Chizar is miles away but their winters are way less harsh than...what. Why are you looking at me like that?" Jennie paused mid rant as she took in her three friend's looks.

Only, they weren't quite looking at her. They were looking right past her.

Slowly, she turned to look, her eyes widening at the sight in front of her.

Only a little under a hundred knights, clad in their knight uniform, were currently kneeling on the floor below them.

Kneeling to her.

Jennie's gaze swept over the knights, a mix of disbelief and awe coloring her expression.

Each one, without exception, was kneeling in allegiance to her.

"I won't attempt to change your minds, but I will tell you this. I have no expectation for you to pledge your loyalties to me because of my earlier actions. If you choose to change your mind, I will personally ensure not a word will be said about this. So, are you sure about this?" Jennie's voice carried the weight of her astonishment and sincerity.

She needed to know that their decision was made with full understanding of its implications.

Not a single knight wavered.

Their expressions were resolute, their eyes unwavering as they looked up at her.

It was clear that their decision was not made lightly; it was a conscious choice; a result of the astonishingly limited interactions they had since her arrival.

Even the emperor scrutinised the current scene with an indecipherable emotion. His authority had just been tested, yet the act was so commendable he was in a speechless state himself.

The profoundness of the moment wasn't lost on anyone in the banquet hall.

A hush fell over the room as the reality set in – she had just redefined the very essence of loyalty within the Valorian Empire.

As the knights rose, applause and murmurs of approval filled the hall.

Jennie nodded once in approval, smile gracing her features as they exited the room, where she finally turned back to her friends.

"Wow, Jennie, first day on the job? Outdoing the emperor? That's impressive," Jisoo remarked, her tone a mix of teasing and genuine respect.

"I think you just outdid yourself," Seokjin added, shaking his head in disbelief. "You've always trained to be a leader, but this...This is something else."

Jungkook, though trying to maintain his usual playful demeanor, couldn't help it either. "I hate to admit it, but you've set a high bar, Jennie. I was supposed to be the one with the legendary knighting ceremony. 100 requests!"

Their banter was a welcome respite from the gravity of the moment, and Jennie couldn't help but smile, grateful for their support and friendship.

As the night progressed, Jennie found herself in a quieter corner of the hall, her thoughts a whirlwind of emotions and responsibilities.

It was then that Taehyung approached her, his expression serious yet gentle.

"Impressive ceremony today" he shocked her out of her thoughts, his voice a contrast to the liveliness around them.

"I, Lady Jane of the Dukedom of Asteria greet Your Royal Highness, Crown Prince Delrico" Jennie sprang up, mentally cursing herself of screwing up twice in front of him.

"Stop with the royal address now. We'll see each other everyday. It'll just be a hastle." He told her, his eyes purposefully ignoring the plethora of curious glances thrown at them.

Everyone wanted to know what was between the Crown Prince and the Lady of Asteria after today's unexpected loyalty pledges.

"It's not a hassle for me, your royal highness. It's m-" Jennie began to refute.

"It is to me. We'd waste precious time on unnecessary notions that I frankly do not care about. So drop it." He bluntly instructed without meeting her eyes as Jennie attempted to decipher any emotion from him.

Finding none, she sighed, "As you wish, Your Royal Highness."

"You surprised everyone today, Jennie," he said, his voice low.

Again, he used her personal name. Like they were close. Like this wasn't their second interaction since she'd left.

"It was the right thing to do," she finally replied, eyeing the people as well. "For the empire. The people would trust my loyalties to them, and Asteria would reinforce their loyalty to the imperial family."

"What about the right thing to do for you? Did you not have someone in mind to pledge to? It is a once in a life moment." He questioned, adjusting the sleeve of his ceremonial coat.

"I've been gone a long time. Even if I wanted to, which I don't, there's no one." She shrugged as Taehyung nodded.

"You sure? A lot of nobles have reported to the emperor that you're likely engaged to Crown Prince Cassian." He informed as Jennie's eyes snapped to his face.

"It reached the imperial throne? Well, no! Jungkook and I are nothing more than reluctant family friends." She informed him as he rose an eyebrow.

"...and?" He questioned, unable to understand his dilemma.

In fact, ever since he was a child, he'd be introduced to several ladies with the idea that they could be his current friend and future bride.

Clearly the scheme always seemed to fail.

"And nothing. He's nothing more than a pesky brother who I'd love nothing more than to dunk into a fire." She scoffed, finding her friend goofing off once more.

Taehyung's lips twitched into a half-smile, a rare glimpse of amusement crossing his usually composed demeanor. "A fiery relationship, then," he quipped, his eyes finally meeting hers with a hint of playfulness.

Jennie couldn't help but laugh, the tension between them easing slightly. "More like a fiery annoyance. But enough about me. What about you, Your Highness? Any romantic proposals you've taken a liking to?"

The question hung in the air, and for a moment, Taehyung's gaze lingered on her, a mix of emotions flickering in his eyes.

Then, he looked away, his expression turning serious once more. "My duties to the empire leave little room for personal endeavors," he replied, his tone firm yet wistful.

"Duty above all," she echoed, her voice steady but her heart aching with the weight of unspoken words.

Taehyung gave her a long, searching look, as if trying to convey a message he couldn't put into words.

Then, he inclined his head slightly, a gesture of respect and perhaps, a hint of regret. "For the empire," he said, echoing their earlier conversation.

"For the empire," she repeated, her resolve firm despite the turmoil inside her.

As they parted ways, each returning to their respective roles in the grand scheme of the Valorian Empire, the night continued around them, filled with laughter, music, and celebrations.

Yet, within both Jennie and Taehyung, there lingered a bittersweet realization of the path they had chosen, a path of duty and sacrifice, where personal desires remained unspoken and unfulfilled.

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