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By StrayJeans

23.1K 844 552

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52
Chapter 53/Epilogue
News: A New Book?

Chapter 51

285 14 15
By StrayJeans

After leaving the airport, succesfully welcomed Yongbok back home, Hanni and you brought both Haerin and Yongbok to a traditional general Korean restaurant as Yongbok's been craving for homemade meals after being away from home for a while. Throughout the car ride, Haerin didn't even turn her camera on as all that she wanted to do was being in Yongbok's arms where she felt safe and knowing that this time, this warm hug would forever stay with her, hopefully.

Hanni at times would be sneaking a few peeks at them from the front mirror and all the time she was all smiles as seeing her friends back together again always brought joy in her as she's happy for them. "I'm happy that you two get to be together again. I genuinely am. Just want to let that out." Hanni's words spread smiles across both Haerin and Yongbok's face. 

"Thank you Pham Pham... Haerin's soft voice echoed in the car as you're secretly smiling. "I swear the next time we're hanging out at Minji's will be a blast now that everyone's here. Don't forget to claim your free waffles and ice-cream Yongbok~" Hanni's words reminded Yongbok of Minji's promise from before, making him laughed lightly. "I'll be sure to claim it once I get to the ice-cream shop."

"While we're on the topic about Minji, who's the guy she's going out with? Have you seen him?" Yongbok asked calmly as Haerin shook her head after he looked down at her. "I haven't. I mean Minji had shown me a picture of him back in Australia. I can't really remember his name, Yang Jeongmin or something" Haerin replied. "I certainly have zero ideas about the guy and if Haerin didn't tell me beforehand, I wouldn't even know about them." Hanni answered before looking over to you. "How about you honey? You know the guy?" She whispered at you as your eyes remained looking straight ahead. "Me neither." You lied as you in fact knew about Minji and Jeongin.

"I mean it doesn't really matter if we knew the guy or not... I guess it's best if we just let her be. It's about time for that lady to be happy as well right?" And just like that, the three agreed with you before you finally reached your destination and in no time, the four of you were seated down and were about to order. "Pham Pham and Yongjae, just order anything you two want to eat okay? Today's my treat." Haerin's words left Hanni squealing lightly yet filled with excitement. "Really~ Kang Haerin's treating us~"

"Wait are you going to record here?" Haerin just nodded to Hanni's question and made her gasped rather teasingly. "...then we shouldn't order too much honey or else people would see how much food we could eat..." And her next words just made Haerin let out a soft whine. "Just eat a lot okay~" Haerin's flustered voice made the rest just chuckling as she's setting up her camera on a certain angle by the table. In the end, the four of you were having a feast on the table while the camera's recording them eating and laughing and talking with each other like they normally do.

"By the way, congrats on getting a new home for the two of you. How's life been going for you two now that you're living together?" Yongbok asked from across of you. "I mean..." You then glanced over at Hanni who's smiling while she's chewing her food before looking back at Yongbok. "...We certainly are enjoying it and it's not to say that everything's perfect and all that because it's not. There are times where hardships tend to come around and a lot of things needs to be considered." You answered your friend honestly and Hanni agreed with you as she nodded.

"Me and Yongjae are very thankful and blessed that we found ourselves a great home but yeah... Getting into our second month living together and I could say that it's not all sunshine and rainbows to be honest. But now that we're living together, we're continuing to grow as a better person for one another, being there for each other. Having that sense of responsibility really does help a lot but above all things is that we know that we got each other's back, no matter where, no matter when." Hanni continued as you gave her a look with a soft smile.

"You hear that Haerin...?" Yongbok looked over to Haerin as she hummed lightly. "...you know that they're meant for each other that even Hanni's now using deep and emotional words in her talking. They're like mirrors now, perfectly reflecting each other." Yongbok's joke made the two of you laughed slightly but deep inside, even Hanni agreed that her way of speaking, her mannerism in her words nowadays were influenced by your love for poetry and literature and she had nothing to complain about it.

"I mean if you asked me what I've gained after being with Haerin is..." Yongbok then looked over at Haerin who's slowly blinking her eyes while gazing back at him. "...I got myself a cute cat who loves cute frogs." Expecting Haerin to whine at him, instead she let out a satisfied laugh rather softly.

As their lunch continued, Haerin who tends to eat slowly was taking turns in eating and checking on her camera from time to time. As soon as she done checking her camera, she went back to her seat and noticing Yongbok's watching something on his phone. Upon closer look, Haerin just let out a light whine at him as he's apparently watching one of the vlog she posted before when she had her vacation in Japan earlier this month.

"You don't know how heart warming it was for me the first time I watched it..." Yongbok leaned his head closer to her as he whispered calmly. "...I was so happy and proud of you. I could see your determination in getting this dream of yours to work. Now that I'm here, I will do whatever I can to help you with it. I promised you that before right?"

Haerin when from flustered to smiling softly with light blush on her cheeks. "I know you will." She whispered back to him as now that they're back together with each other again, side by side, Haerin's confidence somehow got a major boost knowing that even if there's no one that would support her, Yongbok would.

After their lunch, you and Hanni drove both Yongbok and Haerin back to his old house and helped him with his luggage and belongings. Even though you and Hanni wanted to stay for a while and help him with some cleaning, Yongbok insisted that he'll be fine as he knew you and Hanni had other commitments to do. In the end, Haerin stayed with him and you and Hanni got back to the car and were about to head for your next plan of the day. Getting groceries.

"You didn't forget the grocery list right honey?" She asked as you fetched the list from your pocket and gave it to her. "Oh~ there's not much that we need it seems..." Hanni was surprised by how the list was not as long as she had expected. "We still have some that your mother sent to us before. I double checked everything before but feel free to add anything in the list okay~" You got the car on before driving your way to the usual supermarket you and Hanni goes to.

"First on our list is..." Hanni got the list out as you're pushing the cart next to her. "...rice." She stopped at the rice display area before you got a sack of rice into the cart. "...and then we need..." And just like that, you and Hanni walked around the market, getting the cart filled with foods for the two of you and upon finishing up on the dry food section, the two of you continued to the wet food section. "Honey should we get this brand of tofu or this new one?" She walked over to you, holding two packets of tofu from different brands. "...we usually got this one." She shook the one on her left hand gently. "...but this one's a new brand." She looked over at the tofu on her right hand.

"Hmmm, that's alright, we'll just get them both." You then got the tofu from her hands before placing them into the cart. "You do know I love your Kimchi tofu stew so much right?" Hanni instantly smiled by your remark. "You want me to make you the stew tonight?" She asked as you couldn't help but nodding your head eagerly. "Can we have it for dinner tonight? If can then yes please~"

"What do you mean we can't? Of course we can okay~ I'll make it for dinner tonight." Hanni gave your nose a light pinch before eventually you and her got everything you needed then safely got them all purchased. "I want coffee~" Hanni pursed her lips the moment you and her walked past a vending machine. Then the two of you got back and got warm coffees from the vending machine to ease off the coldness of the weather. After getting back to the car and got the groceries loaded at the back, you went in the driver's seat with Hanni's already sitting next to you and was on her phone.

"I've sent you half the money for the groceries before into your bank account... Did it get through?" Hanni asked as you went on and checked your phone before nodding. "Yup, it got in. Thanks honey." Hanni just smiled before you drove off from the supermarket while Hanni opened up the cans of coffee before handing one to you. This is how you and Hanni are living your lives together, everything is a shared responsibilities and by doing so, made the economic perspective of you and Hanni well in the balance.

"Did I give you the rent money at the start of the month? I forgot..." Hanni asked after taking a sip of her coffee as you just hummed with a nod. "You did. I put them and mine in the safe box inside the closet." You clarified and Hanni just heaved a sigh of relief. "Okay. Thank you honey, I'll make you the best tofu stew tonight. I promise~" And the moment you tried to squeal the way Hanni always does was when she burst out laughing, a long good and satisfied laugh that made your day. "That is so funny yet so adorable. And I don't sound like that now do I?"

"Maybe~" You teased her and earned a side-eye glare from her but soon replaced by a chuckle before she finally realized. "Where are we going?" She asked as you're taking a different route than the usual one. "We're getting a new television remember?" And then another squeal escaped Hanni's lips. "Right now? Are you serious honey?" You just nodded at her as Hanni couldn't hide her excitement but somehow her mind's a bit restless.

"But are you sure we're okay this month? I mean we can get a television in next months after getting our next pays." Immediately Hanni was worried and you just shook your head with a smile. "Well, I've done a few calculations before and I'm positive that I can afford a television right now. I'm paying for it by the way." You joked as you knew what she would say next to you.

"No, no, no, you are not paying for OUR television alone okay? You pay it alone then I won't cook you the tofu stew..." She then crossed her arms on her chest as she pursed her lips into a pout, lightly sulking at you as she looked away from you. "...we already said we're doing things together..." Her soft sulking whisper echoed in your ears.

Couldn't help but chuckling to yourself, you quickly leaned your head towards her and gave her cheek a quick kiss. "We'll buy it together then. I promise." You said and instantly she got her smile back as Hanni held onto your hand resting on the arm rest before giving it a kiss. "I love you honey." She whispered so lovingly and melted your heart every time. "I love you too sweetheart."

"Do you want the television delivered to your house or are you carrying it now?" The cashier asking for confirmation. "We'll have it delivered please. Thank you." You then proceeded with the rest of the process before eventually you handed your card over to the cashier and the television of you and Hanni's choice was purchased successfully.

"Thank you~" You and Hanni thanked the cashier before you made it out of the store and Hanni's arms were already wrapped on one of your arm, sharing the warmness of each other. "Thank you for today. I am genuinely so happy right now." She rested her head on your shoulders while you're making your way back to the car. "You're welcome. Anything for you Hanni." You gave the top of her head that's covered with a beanie a soft kiss as she giggled silently. You then made your way back to your apartment, got all the groceries up with you before placing them by the kitchen counter.

Hanni then quickly got herself changed in the bedroom before walking back to the kitchen where you're arranging the groceries to their places. "What time is it... it's 18:39, I'll start making dinner now." She told you as she's tying her hair up into a ponytail before taking the apron hanging by the wall then wearing it. "Anything you need from here?" You asked her as she's preparing the pot and everything needed by the stove.

"I need ummm, I need the tofu, kimchi, chili paste, green onions..." One by one, you're preparing the ingredients that she mentioned by the counter near her before she took any opportunity she could get in giving your lips quick kisses and you couldn't help but smiling in every smooch. "Thank you~" Hanni then arranged the ingredients you prepared for her by the counter next to the stove. "Oh you forgot the kimchi baby~"

As you're getting some groceries into the fridge, your eyes reverted at the container halfway filled with kimchi before you got it out and gave it to Hanni "We're running out of kimchi honey. Should I make a new batch of Kimchi?" You asked as Hanni immediately nodded her head. "Yes please that would be so helpful honey. Thanks~" Her voice were mixing with the sounds of her chopping down the ingredients before you got yourself a large bowl of cabbages and radishes and then proceeded in washing them thoroughly. "I'll add more radish in it than usual as well as I know you love them right?"

"Wow~ Yes please~" She let out a chuckle as she's getting the pot for the stew filled with water before getting fire below it and continued with cutting the tofu into smaller bite sizes while waiting for the water to boil. You on the other hand were brining the cabbages with salt to draw out the water from it after cutting them into smaller pieces. Because it's only for the two of you, the process of making the kimchi usually won't take that much of the time.

Hanni efficiently got the water slowly boiling up as she's adding the kimchi in, turning the colorless water into appetizing orangey red colored soup. "Honey do you want some meat in the stew as well?" She asked while she's by the fridge. "Sure~ Meat would be amazing as well." You answered her just as you finished brining the cabbages with salt and water before covering the bowl and letting it rest for a while. Then you quickly went over to her. "Need any help sweetie?" You asked as she took out a portion of beef meats you just bought earlier from the freezer.

"Can you cut these for me?" She handed the meat over to you before she got over to the rice cooker and got some rice into the rice cooker before bringing the metal pot over to the sink to wash down the grains of rice. While you're cutting down the meat, you could sense and feel Hanni's pacing back and forth past you so you turned around and the moment she was about to walk past you again, you held onto her waist, stopping her.

"Hey~ Slow down. Take a breather..." You whispered to her in a worried tone before she finally got the chance to calm down and took a few breaths in before chuckling. "...I'm here remember? What else do you need? I'm almost finish with cutting the meat." You asked as she just shook her head with a smile. "Everything okay for now. Thanks for the reminder~" She gave you a peck on the cheek before getting back to the slowly boiling stew.

You brought the meat over to her as she got a spoon of the stew before blowing on it to cool it down then feeding it to you. "Too spicy?" She asked as you just shook your head while giving her the thumb's up. "It's perfect. Do we get the meat in now?" She then nodded to your question as you finally got the beef meat into the stew, letting it braising themselves to perfection.

A few long moments passed by as you turned your attention back to the brined cabbages and got them rinsed over cold water a couple of times before setting them aside to dry and next was to make the kimchi sauce needed. Into the bowl, you swiftly added garlic, ginger, sugar, fish sauce, shrimp paste and a bit of water before mixing them slowly.

Then you add the main star of the show, the Korean chili paste, about three full spoons as you couldn't handle too spicy foods before you scoop a little bit of the paste with your pinky before you went over to Hanni. "Tell me if this is okay or just need anything else." You then showed her your pinky as she tasted the paste on your pinky.

"Hmmm, just a little bit more sugar, just a tiny bit will do. Oh and also a bit more of garlic and fish sauce." Hanni recommended as you nodded before doing what she told you and immediately rinsed the water soaking the cabbages before squeezing the remaining water from it. Placing them into a dry bowl, you then added in the kimchi paste in before getting some radishes in and scallions as well.

Getting gloves on your hands, you then took your time in coating the cabbages and everything with the paste, gently coating them all the way thoroughly and once done, you placed the kimchi into a new large container along with the juices before sealing it tight, allowing for the fermentation to take place.

You then walked over to Hanni who's making egg rolls for a side dish as you had your arms around her waist from behind, making her giggled softly. "I'm almost done honey~" She said as you're resting your chin on her shoulder. "Can I say something to you Hanni?" You whispered to her and she just hummed. "You okay? You hungry~? Wait a little bit okay~"

"You look so wifey material right now it makes me want to cry with happy tears..." Although she's chuckling, you could see her cheeks were starting to get a hint of blush on it. "You want to talk about marriage now? I mean we can have a heart to heart conversation about it." She asked you rather teasingly as you gave her cheek a kiss. "There's no need to rush things right?"

"You're right..." Hanni then tilted her head towards you before giving you a soft kiss. "...but just know this, whenever you are ready... I will be ready as well. Because it's you then I have nothing to worry about." Her words spread a smile across your face before your hand stretched out and turned off the stove before Hanni turned herself around, had her arms wrapped around your neck before diving in for another deep kiss.

Until came a point where she had to break the kiss to take a breath in while she let out a light snicker. "You know, if our life right now somehow got written down into a book, I bet our readers would be a bit sick to this point because of how frequent I'm kissing you on the lips. Especially the single ones out there..." Hanni's word made you laughed softly. "I bet they would. But hey, I wouldn't mind having a chapter written in that book where all we do is just kissing each other."

Chuckled by your remarks, Hanni gave your chest a playful smack. "Let's eat. I'll get the rice and you get the stew to the living room. Deal?" Her chuckles kept on coming as you brushed your nose with hers. "Deal." As you let her off the embrace, Hanni went on and cut the egg rolls into bitable pieces.

You carefully got the hot pot of tofu stew to the living room and placing it on top of the table before Hanni followed through with rice and side dishes. "I can't wait for the new television to arrive; we'll finally get to watch Netflix together in the living room." Hanni's excited voice made your heart warm as the two of you settled down by the table.

Hanni then filled up a bowl of the tofu stew she cooked, filling them with lots of meats and tofu for you before got a bowl to herself. And by that, their early dinner was a fulfilling one with you enjoying every single bite and not a single minute passed by without you saying praises for her cooking and Hanni was well and truly happy that she could make you delicious foods even though it's not everyday as she sometimes work during the night.

"Honey... There's actually something I've been thinking for a while now..." You let down your spoon while gaining Hanni's attention. "You okay? What is it?" She asked with a whisper clouded with concern. "No it's nothing serious actually but ummm..." You breathed in a light one before exhaling. "...I'm thinking about writing a poem book and then publishing it in the near future. Like making a real physical book with covers and everything."

Hanni's expression instantly brightened upon hearing that. "Really~? When are you going to start? Or is it already starting? Do you have a title for it already? Can I write a few poems for the book as well?" She asked full of excitement and that lifted up your spirit by a mile. "This is still just an idea of mine but maybe after University's finished or probably by our last year there then I'll start writing it." You clarified as she still had that joyous smile on her face.

"And you don't have to worry..." Hanni scooted over to you and had her arms wrapped around your waist, hugging you tight. "I am here supporting you all the way and I believe in you fully. Even if no one tells you that you could make it, screw them because I believe it only takes a person to fully have trust in you that you can do it and I'll be that person without hesitation."

"You're a soul filled with poetic wisdoms and enchanting magic..." Her whisper was so soft yet sent this wholesome warmth in your heart and you couldn't help but smiling yet a tear was running down your cheek. "...and I believe that you'll do great things in the name of poetry."

"Thank you love..." You whispered as you had your arm wrapped safely around her neck, giving her forehead a kiss and she curved a smile. "...and for that, I'll do the dishes tonight while you rest yourself okay?" And followed was her soft giggle as you could see her head nodding slightly.

"I'll get the heater up in the bedroom then..." Hanni gave you a soft kiss on the lips before standing up. "...and a nice warm shower would be nice right now." She said as she's making her way towards the bedroom. "You sure you don't me to join you in the shower?" You asked rather teasingly as her feet stopped and she tilted her head to you with a visible smirk on her face. "Then hurry up with those dishes and join me..."

January 2025

The new year arrived upon the world a couple days ago and it's been a busy couple of days for you and Hanni as you've celebrated new years eve with each other and the next two days after the new year with each other's parents. Now that everything's settled down, you and Hanni went on with your life like normal.

Having yourself a day off today, you spent a few early hours of the day by the gym alone as Mingyu's apparently were having a date. Finishing up your workout, you got a warm shower before you made your way back home. Once you entered your apartment, you walked past the kitchen and saw Hanni was making herself a cup of coffee before going for her morning shift for the day.

"Morning beautiful~" You greeted her as you entered the kitchen and she gave you a light wave as she's taking a couple of sips of her drink. "Morning~ How's the gym? No one's flirting with you right..." She asked as she's munching on some cookies for breakfast with her eyes squinted teasingly at you. "I really don't like leg days to be honest... and no, no girl's hitting up on me today thankfully." You had to sit yourself down by the kitchen table as the soreness in your legs started to kick in. That was before she went over and stood right in front of you with her squinted eyes remained and there's this teasing expression on her face.

"Really~?" She leaned her body down and her head was the same level as yours while you're trying hard not to crack a chuckle and have the calm yet composed expression on your face. "I mean we can go back to the gym and ask for the CCTV footages-" And instantly Hanni broke her character and began laughing then she had her arms around your neck. "I'm joking. Of course I believe you."

Then you playfully pursed your lips at her before Hanni crashed her lips onto yours but she forgot that your legs were sore as she slowly sat down on your laps. You managed to hold on for a bit before breaking the kiss slowly. "My legs are sore..." You whispered to her with a hoarse tone and she instantly stood up. "Sorry... Do you need a ice pack honey?" Then she went over to the freezer before fetching a freezing cold ice pack before bringing it over to you. "Yes please~" You gladly accepted it as you placed it over your lap hoping the soreness would lowered down a bit. "I'm going to my house this morning by the way, I have some books and clothes I wanted to bring here."

"You should have lunch with them while you're at it honey, I don't want you eating too much instant noodles and all that okay?" Hanni said calmly and her caring words made you smile with a nod. "Yup might as well. I bet mom would be cooking way too much and ask me to bring the foods here for us tonight."

"That's dinner sorted then..." She joked with a chuckle before finishing up her coffee and took another cookie into her mouth before glancing at her watch. "My, my look at the time, I have to go now honey~" Hanni brisk walked back to the bedroom before coming back to the kitchen with her bag. "I'll be back by afternoon~"

Even when she's rushing, Hanni never forgets to show her never ending affection towards you as she gave you a quick kiss on the lips before making her way to the front door while you followed behind. "Drive safe okay. If anything happen, give me a call right away and don't skip lunch." Hanni was chuckling yet her heart felt warm by your caring words. 

"I will~" After getting her shoes on, she leaned over for another kiss. "Love you." She whispered softly before making her way out of the apartment. Once you're alone, even though your whole body's sore and tired, you took your time in doing the house chores one by one. From cleaning the apartment, mopping up the floor to doing the laundry and tidying up the bedroom, eventually it took a couple of hours to finish.

"Hi mom..." Before taking another shower, you gave your mother a call to tell them you're coming over for the day. "...yeah I'm just getting some stuffs from my room. Yeah I'll probably stay for lunch as well because Hanni doesn't want me to eat much instant foods nowadays..." You let out a chuckle. "Alright. I'll be there soon. Bye."

So after everything's done, all the showering and that, fast forward and you're now sitting by your desk in your room at your house, getting over your literature books by the cabinet and picking up some that you needed for the start of the new University semester come February next month. While you're on it, you also picked out a couple of poem books that you thought Hanni would love to read.

While you're going over your closet, your mind kept on reminiscing about the past where your whole life was spent here in this very room and the memories, all the great and memorable memories were so sentimental that it brought a bit of tears into your eyes yet you're smiling and chuckling. "God, time's moving too fast doesn't it..." You let out a sniff as you're wiping off the tears in your eyes.

So much had happened in the span of two years and looking back at it, it's surely has been an unbelievable experience, mixed with roller coasters of emotions and not even once you never felt thankful for everything that had come your way these past years. Once you got some of your clothes to bring, your mother knocked on your door before opening it.

"Lunch is ready Yongjae." Your mother said as you nodded before the two of you went downstairs and seeing that your mother cooked almost all of your favorite dishes made the lunch so fulfilling. Knowing that your mom's alone in the house as your dad's working, you helped her with the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen.

"I'll be packing up some of the foods before for you to take back to your apartment later, don't forget to bring them okay?" You nodded to your mother's request as now the two of you were sitting down by the couch at the living room. "How's the apartment? everything's good? Your foods are still stocked?"

"Right now everything's manageable mom. We still have a bit of groceries left in the kitchen, the new television really helped a lot and..." You leaned back against the couch. "...everything's going smoothly as of now compared to the first few months." You gave your mother a smile.

"Then when are you and Hanni going to settle down together? You two already talked about it?" Your mother asked calmly. "We did actually, once, but yeah it's just, we're both still in University and ummm we haven't even reach the one year mark together until next month. But Hanni did say that whenever I am ready for it, she'll be ready as well."

As you're mind's going back to that conversation with honey,  you couldn't help but snickering. "You know what mom, Hanni was so excited when we had that conversation and it got to a point where she somehow decided the names for our first child. She said that she's been thinking about it every now and then..." You were explaining and the happy expression on your mom's face was visible. "What did she choose then? The names?" She asked.

"Well if it's a boy... she chose Joshua and the Korean name would be Lee Byeongho... which represents the sky..." While you're explaining to your mother, your eyes couldn't help but building up tears. "...and umm, if it's a girl, then she wanted to name her Cherry and Lee Hayoon would be her Korean name, which means sunshine..." You then couldn't continue as you're wiping off the tears in your eyes before breathing out a long one.

"Are you ready for it then?" Your mother's next question left you in silence. "Let me tell you something about when your father proposed to me..." You then turned to face your mother. "...me and your father had only been dating for three months before he proposed to me." And you who didn't even know about it was left surprised.

"Three months? Really? After three months, dad was ready for marriage?" You're confused and your mother just shook her head. "Your dad was never ready for it but here's the funny bit of that story, the only reason your dad went on and asked me to marry him before was because Hanni's father was also getting married at the time..."

"No.... don't tell me..." You let out a surprised chuckle as your mother nodded. "Those two knuckleheads since their younger days were always doing things together with each other and when your father found out that Hanni's father was planning on marrying Hanni's mother that he was dating for three years already, your father came up to my house, late at night and he proposed right by my doorstep without even bringing a ring..."

"Oh god..." You're a bit embarrassed hearing the story yet you couldn't help but finding it cute at the same time. "So that explains why Hanni and I were born the same age I suppose? Did they planned on that as well?" Your mother just nodded and that just added to another list of things you're grateful for you father.

"So what I'm trying to say here... It didn't matter for your father whether he was ready or not. Despite him doing it because his friend was doing it, the moment we said our vows, he took those vows seriously and became a man for his new family. And all those years of our marriage was just like any other marriage. There's ups and downs, highs and lows, no such things as an easy road for us but we made it and we were blessed with you coming into our lives along the way." And just by hearing that, you're smiling yet your eyes were full of tears.

"Do you think I'm ready for it mom? Do you believe I have what it takes to lead my own family..." For a second you're hesitating and without even saying anything, your mother took your hand before placing something on your palm then closing your fist. You who noticed it immediately had your eyes widened. "No- no, no mom I can't take that, no... it's yours I cant..."

Your mother just shook her head with a smile. "You are ready. As your mother I rely on my instincts most the times when it comes to you and my dear Yongjae, you are more than ready. So think about it and whenever you're ready..." Your mother patted your fist. "...this will come in handy."

Writing this story as a single man really is something that I take pride in. I never dated anyone my whole life yet the sweet moments, the love wordings and those warm words of affirmation and affection that I've been using up to this point, I hope that someday I'll be able to deliver it to the person who would become my soulmate.

Fingers crossed and to those single ladies and gentlemen out there, stay strong, your other half is out there somewhere still and there's nothing that will come in your way because you're all connected by an invisible thread and will find each other sooner or later.

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