Random Zelda/ Linked Universe...

By AthenasGirl2028

819 42 56

Okay I am basically a crazy person who copes by coming up with stories that are kinda (not kinda, completely)... More

Zelda's Dragon Song
TotK Wild Rejoins The Chain
Yiga Encounters Are, Interesting...
A Broken Man
Special Someone
Nightmare Memories

What. Just. Happened. (O/C)

106 8 14
By AthenasGirl2028


So this is kinda part of a book I'm working on, and I don't plan on making it a Linked Universe book, but I keep coming up with stories of my own character in Linked Universe. I might change the book's future plot after this.

I thought about the pattern of Eponas and Impas, and I thought maybe if the Hero's Spirit, Zelda, and Ganon/Ganondorf are always reincarnated, what about them? I figured that there was commonly these same people reincarnated. So I came up with the 'Protector of the Hero' as an addition. She's someone who came be multiple different people in a single Hero's journey, and is reincarnated to help the Hero, you know, not die. They also act as guides or were just someone that I thought was important in their journey.

Some examples are Midna, Saria, Malon, Proxi, Navi. The reason I didn't say Fi is because she never died, she stayed in the Sword. She is sort of the Protector, because she was able to help Sky, who was also the only one to speak to her. The Protector can be either a sibling, friend, guide, or other that I didn't think of while making this poorly done summary.

The character I made up is named Illia, and she's Wild's twin sister. She died protecting their little sister in the Calamity, and she has the scars too, even after Hylia sent her back. Her and Wild actually remember every one of their former lives, including most details of the others' journys, and Illia has the ability to transform them into their former selves.

For example, she can turn into Midna and Wild into Time if she wants. But she also somehow has the Hero's Spirit. So she can become Time if she wanted too, and can use his masks by simply willing herself to. Or she could use Hyrule's fairy form without becoming Hyrule. Or Wolfie. Basically, she can use any and all prior forms.

(This story is kinda crappy, yes, but what I threw together gave me a lot to work with in my head. And it sounds better in the story, much less slapped together like in this Godess awful summary.) Anything I forgot to explain here, either I'll type it in later or you can ask. Enjoy!

Time was getting kind of tired of Tech (Illia's nickname is Protector, but Tech shortened because screaming 'Protector' in a fight is fun. Also, a lot less weird sounding in a normal conversation than Protector.) and Wild acting crazy. Them and Hyrule just stormed a monster camp and blew it up! He decided that he was saying something this time and giving them a lecture. Tech instantly knew what was happening when Time called the three over. One day they could actually get hurt! Sure, not today. Or anytime in the past with Tech and Wild's practically feral fighting style, but one day they might underestimate their foes.

She looked over to Wild and seemed to use the weird twin-link thing that they had, which Wars was insanely jealous of. He had a twin sister back home, named Linkle. They always joked how uncreative their parents were. Time and Hyrule assumed that she was saying how they were probably in trouble. Time saw Wild's slightly annoyed reaction, his expression seemed to say Don't you dare, but Time couldn't be sure.

He started to talk about how they could get hurt, how irresponsible this is, blah blah blah, how danger-blah blah blah. Tech was just soooo bored. So instead of getting lectured, she figured that she could mess with Time and Hyrule. So she did what any sane, shapeshifting, incarnation-remembering, bored person would do.

She turned into a Deku Scrub and quickly scurried away backwards like she was possessed.

Normal, right?

Time just stood there for a second, mouth hanging open. Hyrule didn't know what just happened. The two were both replaying it in their heads. Tech was just standing there, looking rather bored, admittedly. Then the light seemed to bend, the air near her shimmered a pale gold, and a thing  stood in her place. "What. Just. Happened." Hyrule asked.

While Hyrule was wondering what the hell it was, Time was wondering how in the world she'd turned into a Deku Shrub. Both were wondering what just happened. But Wild seemed somewhat unfazed. All he did was turn to face the woods that the Scrub had run into, and shouted "Coward!" into the trees.

As if it couldn't get any weirder, the same thing happened to Wild. But instead of the wooden creature from before, a glowing fairy was there. They heard a small sigh and what sounded like "I can't stand my sister's sense of humor" as the tiny ball of light floated away. Time and Hyrule just stared at the fairy, and realized vaguely that the rest of the Chain had seen it too. They all had their mouths hanging open. At least they weren't hallucinating.

"How did he do that?!" Hyrule exclaimed. How had Wild become his fairy form? "Twi? You're their mentor." Time questioned. "In the future, apparently, but I have no fucking clue." Twilight said.

No one said a thing about his language.

Meanwhile, Tech and Wild were cracking up in the bushes. "Totally worth having to explain this, Ills." Wild choked out through laughs. "Agreed!"

(Wild calls Tech 'Ills' because they are twins and have known each other each other forever. It's the nickname that he made for her when they were little, and they still use it often. The rest of the Chain doesn't use it. Tech might turn into Wolf Link or a Goron or something, and she's just as crazy as Wild, if not more so.)

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