Hell's Swordsmen (Ocs Include...

By tok-kun5147

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Long ago there was destructive race called the Megiddo who were trying to take over everything but was stoppe... More

Kamen Rider Saber Bio
Kamen Rider Blades Bio
Kamen Rider Espada Bio
Kamen Rider Buster Bio (SONOW0409)
Kamen Rider Kenzan Bio (ShinzaGodWarrior)
Kamen Rider Slash Bio (Blitzdiamond)
Kamen Rider Durandal Bio (Evolto456)
Kamen Rider Saikou Bio
OC lists
Prologue: The Story's Origin Part 1
Prologue: The Story's Origin Part 2
Kamen Rider Storious Bio
Prologue: The Story's Origin Part 3
Chapter 1: The Three Swordsmen's Beginning
Chapter 2: A helping hand and first meeting
Chapter 3: New Members & A Unexpected Reunion
Chapter 4: The Royal Goetia Ball/Meeting of Two Swordsmen
Chapter 5: Win in the End/Lessons with Experienced Riders

Chapter 6: Loo Loo Land/Interview with a Bitch

425 13 19
By tok-kun5147

[Narration Time]

Tassel was seen outside of his house while watering a plant in the garden, then he looked up to see the readers.

Tassel:"oh, hello everyone. Bonne Lecture~ my name's Tassel"

Tassel:"Previously of the chapter before, Tenma & his friends were encountered by the Megiddo who came to attack"

Tassel:"then later, two new riders have appeared. Kamen Rider Buster and Kamen Rider Durandal"

Tassel:"they teamed up with the trio then all of them decided to work together, with their powers combined. Now the Megiddo won't be able to stand a chance!"

Tassel:"that's all I have to say, now let's begin!!"

[Narration Over]

*11 years ago*

{3rd POV}

It was located at the Goetia Palace at night, where the camera located Stolas & His two wives sleeping in their bed.... Then all of the sudden.

Two Girl Voices:"Mommy! Daddy!!!"

Stolas is roused from his sleep.

Stolas:*sleepily* "mmph. our daughters are calling us, girls"

Stella:*sleepily, annoyed* "you get up"

Stolas sighs then turns to see Selina getting up.

Selina:"come on, hun. Let's see what's up with the girls"

Stolas nods as they both got up then dressed in robes, and went to the girls' room as they opened the door.

Selina:"Via? Sarai?"

Stolas:"what troubles you our owlets?"

Something was under the bed covers which opens to reveal younger versions of Sarai and Octavia.

Octavia:*Sobbing* "Daddy! Daddy!"

She got down and ran up to him which he picks her up, then Sarai did the same as Stolas picked her up too.

Sarai:*sobbing* "we had a dream!"

Octavia:*Sobbing* "a really bad dream!"

Stolas:*yawns* "a nightmare" as he wipes both of their tears.

Octavia:*Sobbing* "I was looking all over the palace, and... I couldn't find you anywhere! You weren't there!" As she hugs him.

Sarai:*Sobbing* "I had the same dream too, and I couldn't find Mama" then she hugs him as well.

Selina:"oh, you poor girls"

Then all of the sudden, she felt something tugging her leg, which she looked down.

It revealed to be a child version of Blake, as he was tugging her stepmother's robe while he's crying too.

Stolas:"Blake?" As he and the girls see him.

Selina:"what ever is the matter?" As she picks him up.

Blake:*sobbing* "I.... I had a horrible dream, a really horrible one" as he tears up.

Selina:"aww, what happened?" Which she wipes his tears.

Blake:*Sobbing* "i-i.... I saw... Everything disappearing, and even you four disappearing right in front of me. Y-you were all gone!" As he hugs his stepmother.

Selina:"aww, my little shining star. Hush now" as she stroke his back in a calming gesture.

Stolas had a idea as he motions his head with Selina, which she gets the idea and they took the kids somewhere. Stolas uses his magic to levitate a book with them while Selina uses her levitation to collected the childrens' stuff toys.

They went to a empty bedroom as the two parents place their (step)kids down, while they were still scared a bit.

Selina:"you three are okay"

Stolas:"when you three are scared, and you don't know where we are, you must remember" as he brings the book and opens it.

Selina:"no matter what happens to us, we will never be far away"

Stolas & Selina:"from our precious little comets" as they nuzzle the childrens head which they laugh a bit.

Stolas opens a portal as they're now in the cosmos, then he and Selina starts singing a lullaby.

[Music begin, and skipped a few minutes until at the part with creation dies]

Stolas:🎵It always seems more quiet... in the dark. It always feels so stark...🎵 As he walks with his daughters

Selina:🎵how silence grows under the moon, Constellations gone so soon🎵 as she walks with her stepson.

Stolas:🎵I used to think that I was bold"

Stolas & Selina:🎵I used to think love would be fun🎵

Selina:"Now, all my stories have been told🎵

Stolas & Selina:🎵except for one. As the stars start to align, I hope you take it as a sign that you'll be okay🎵 as they shows them the cosmic stars.

Stolas:🎵Everything will be okay🎵

Selina & Stolas:🎵And if the Seven Rings collapse, Although, the day could be my last. You will be okay 🎵 as they began to levitate.

Selina:🎵when we're gone you'll be okay🎵 as the three children began to get sleepy and went to sleep.

Stolas & Selina:🎵And when Creation goes to die, You can find us in the sky, Upon the last day. And you will be okay...🎵

they've now returned back to the room as the portal closes up, then the two parents tuck their (step) children into the bed as they sleep, then they tuckled up with them.

The Camera zooms in on Octavia's sleeping face, until a crash was heard and the screen instantly changed to Octavia waking up in the present.

Stella:*shouting outside* "I can't believe you slept with an imp, in OUR FUCKING BED!" As baby cries were heard.

She got up and was groaning in annoyance.

Stolas:*outside* "It was unexpected! I didn't have time to go to a motel!"

Stella:*outside shouting* "A motel?! Like a fucking PLEBEIAN?!" As she growls in anger.

Octavia got her phone out and puts her earphones in as she began to play a song, then she got up and changes her outfit.

Then she got outside her room, which she saw her brother Blake who's wearing his usual wear.

Blake:"Mother got you up?"


Blake:"Same.... Come on, then" then they both started to head towards the kitchen as Plants were thrown all over the place.

They arrived to the room as their mother Stella is holding a imp by their wrist.

Stella:(💢)"you want to fuck this one too?!" Then she throws the imp at Stolas which he dodges.

Stolas:"No! Of course not!"

Stella:"You are a goddamn embarrassment! I'm not spending another moment looking at your pathetic, IMP-SUCKING FACE!!"

Then she storms out of the room, shouting angrily the entire time, and smashing more potted plants.

Stolas sighs in exhaustion as he turned to look at Selina feeding the twins with bottles of milk.

Selina:*sighs* "I swear, she's so very grouchy"

Stolas:"I'm so sorry about that"

Selina:"no, it's fine. If anything, I wish that Karma will go through her way"


Then Blake and Octavia came into, and sat down as Sarai was already there with cups of coffee and gave it to them, Stolas had suddenly noticed them.

Stolas:"good morning you three, did you sleep well?"

Sarai:"the twins woke me up a bit, but it's all good"

Blake:"I had earplugs on, so I slept like a log"

Octavia:"is that a serious question?"

Then Stolas opens the fridge to retrieve a chunk of Zebra Meat.

Stolas:"Mm-hmm... What's that you're listening to, Via?"

Octavia:"This song is called "My World is Burning Down Around Me". Made by fu- *notices the twins* F you dad.... It's a band"

Stolas:"ohh, how charming" as he closes the fridge and feeds the Zebra Meat to the pet plant which it ate the food.

Octavia:"so, are you and my bio mum done screaming for today?" Then she sips her coffee.


Stella lets out another scream of anger and another potted plant is heard shattering in the distance.

Selina growled in annoyance as she pats the twins' back, after they had their milk, and they burped at the same time.

Selina:"Stolas, hold the twins please" as she gave Nicole and Nita to Stolas.

Stolas:"okay?" Which he holds both the twins, as Selina went to the direction where Stella is.

Stella:(distanced)"what do you want?! You goddamn Who-" then a slapping noise is heard as Stella yelped in pain.

Selina:(distanced)"People are trying to have good morning sunrise! So, shut up! And go to your room!"

Stella:(distanced)"pah! You're not my moth-" then a slap was heard again and Stella yells in pain.

Selina:(distanced)"but I'm still your older sister, now go to your room, Missy!" As footsteps were heard going far.

Stolas:"oh, how I love her when she does that" then he felt hands on his face which he looks down to see the twins wanting attention from their father.

Stolas:"awww, did my little Jewels want attention from Dada?" As he nuzzles the twins' heads which they started hooting while giggling.

Suddenly Selina came back from her "conversation" with Stella, and saw the twins Bonding with their father.

Selina:(adored)"awww, they're definitely daddy's girls. Just like Sarai and Octavia"

Sarai & Octavia:(embarrassed)"Mom!/Stepmother!"

Blake:"heh, Daddy's Girls" as he drinks his coffee.

Octavia:"oh you're one to talk.... *Smirks* Mummy's Boy"

That got Blake to choke on his coffee a bit and glares at Octavia a bit, while she smirks in triumphant.

Selina:"hey, no Fighting you two" which stops their sibling "fight".

Octavia & Blake:"sorry"

Selina:"...hey, isn't today that our little girls turn 10 months old?"

Stolas:*gasps* "oh my gosh, you're right!"

Sarai:"we should celebrate something for them"

Blake:"like what, exactly?"

Nita and Nicole were Cooing while looking around, then they saw some that got their attention, as they started reached their hands out.

Stolas:"what is it, you two?"

Nita & Nicole:"ah! Ah!" As they were pointing at something which Stolas looks at what they're pointing.

What they were looking at was a old picture of Stolas with both his wives and hid older kids when they were younger in a park, which was titled: Loo Loo Land.

Stolas:".....oh! I think I know what we could today"



Sarai:"what are we doing?"

Stolas:"well, it's something that we haven't done in a long, loooong time. We are all going, to Loo Loo Land!"

The Twins Squeals in excitement of wanting to go to a theme park.

Selina:"Stolas, that's a great idea!"

Octavia:"but dad, we're not five anymore"

Sarai:"but it'll be a experience that our younger sisters could visit"

Stolas:"exactly! Hands up for a trip to Loo Loo Land!" As five hands were raised up, the only ones who didn't were Octavia and Blake.

Selina:"guess it's 5 against 2"

Stolas:"oh, we were always so happy when go to Loo Loo Land. Now we're going to go there together, as a family"

Selina:"yep. I'll go get the supplies and get these little girls dressed up" as she takes the girls and went to get stuff for today.

Octavia:"I'd... rather kill myself"

Stolas:"There we go! Anything but staying in this house. Now, I'll arrange our security" as he reached for the phone from the butler Stella threw at him.

Blake:"um .. security for a theme park?"

Stolas:"We are rich, and we're hot. People want our money and our bodies!" As he starts dialling the number.

Octavia & Sarai:"our money, maybe"

Stolas:"speak for yourself, princesses"

Selina:"but Stolas and I really like our bodies~" as she suddenly came back with the supplies.

Then twins arrived which they were dressed in mini dresses, as they were crawling towards their father and stopped at his feet.

Stolas:(really adored)"AAWWWW, You both look so adorable!!" As he was heartstrucked by them.

Selina:"um, honey. Don't you have a phonecall to make?" As she picks the twins up.

Stolas:"oh! Yes, of course *starts dialling* now, I'm calling the only man who protect me, and us! Being part of the Goetia Family is more valuable, you know?"

Octavia groans a bit as she pulls her beanie down a bit.


[Different Location, in a office]

The Camera cut to a office, as Blitzø was in the room with crude representations of Millie and Moxxie made out of office supplies, while he acts with them like puppets.

Blitzø:*impersonating Millie* "Oh, Blitzø! You're such a good boss! *Starts impersonating Moxxie* Yeah, I really want you, sir *back to impersonating Millie* Me, too! *Back As himself* Let's three-way!" He lowers his "employees" below his desk to crotch level, looking momentarily pleasured before being interrupted by the ringing of his phone as he answered it.

Blitzø:*angrily* "WHAT?!" As he drinks a cup of his coffee.

Stolas:*lustfully* "Why, hello, my big-dicked Blitzy"

Blitzø spits his coffee out as the camera cuts to Octavia spitting hers out.





Blake:"are you serious right now?!"

Luckily Selina covered the babies ears at the swearing happened the uncovers them.

Stolas:"Language and calm down, everyone! *into the phone* I have a special request~"

Blitzø:"Aw... Look, I just had a chemical peel. So, you'll have to find someone else's face to plant that feathered ass"

Stolas:"it's for my children"

Blitzø:"....Ah.... Well, make sure they wash it" as he places a mini crown he have on his head.

Stolas:*taken aback* "No! No, no-no-no. I'm taking my children to Loo Loo Land, and I was hoping you brave little Imps would accompany us!"

Blitzø:"We're assassins, not bodyguards, 'kay? Don't invite us to shit unless someone's gonna die"

Stolas:"I'll pay you~"

Blitzø:"Pay me what?"



Blitzø hangs up and accidentally slams his phone down on the desk hard enough to smash it to pieces. After a brief annoyed glance at it, he pulls out a megaphone.

Blitzø:"M n' M, get in here! We're goin' to Loo Loo Land!"

Then Moxxie came in through the office door.

Moxxie:"Loo Loo Land?"

All of the sudden, Millie excitedly smashes her head straight through the office door's glass.

Millie:*excitedly* "Loo Loo Land?!"

Blitzø:"Loo Loo Land!!" As he yells through the Microphone.

Loona:*shouts offscreen* "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!"

[Back with the Goetia Family]

Stolas' phone has cut off after Blitzø broke his phone which he doesn't know.

Selina:"must be broken"

Stolas:"hmm, maybe"

Octavia:*muffles* "this will be a embarrassing disaster"

Sarai:"calm down sis, think about how our little sisters will have fun"

Then Octavia uncovers her beanie from her face.

Octavia:".... Okay, but only for Nita and Nicole"


Blake was a bit bored as he decided to watch TV, which he turned it on as it showed News 666 and shows both Katie & Tom.

Katie:"why good morning! I'm Katie Killjoy!"

Tom:"And I'm Tom Trench! Today, we have gotten some news about the three Swordsmen that had appeared when the Megiddo attacked after the extermination"

Katie:"that's right Tom! Apparently, those three Swordsmen had revealed themselves again at the Goetias' Equality Party!"

Tom:"and this time, we got to see who they are. they're actual-" his head gets slammed on the desk by Katie.

Katie:"the three Swordsmen are revealed to actually be humans!" As she smiles darkly.

Then she lets go of Tom as he holds his cheek bone.

Katie:"what a crazy turn of events, right Tom?"

Tom:"uh, yeah?"

Katie:"exactly! But the question, how long do you all think they survive here? Cause there's no way humans could survive in hell" as she giggles for the fun of it.

Tom:"but, you just said tha-" then suddenly he got hit in the dick by Katie as he gasped in pain.

Katie:"we'll tune in next time to find juicy Intel about the three Swordsmen, too-da-loo~" which she turns to start to beat the shit out of Tom.

Then the news got cut, and all of the sudden a remote was thrown at the TV which the area was placed in the living room of the Hazbin Hotel, and the person that thrown the remote was Aiken who looks very, very pissed off by this.


Wren:"Aiken! Calm down! It's probably not that bad"

That made Aiken pause for a sec and turned to Wren.

Aiken:".....not that bad?..... *Gets Furious* NOT THAT BAD?!?!"

He was about to shout more until a eclair was shoved in his mouth, which Wren was the one that did it, Aiken chews it a bit and immediately calms down.

Wren:"you calm now?"

Aiken:*takes it out his mouth* "...I am"

Wren:"good" as he eats a eclair of his own.

????:"yeah, it's not very easy being a Rider if the news is over you"

Which they turned to see Nero and Evan as they were drinking.

Aiken:"what? You guys were on the news?"

Nero:"yeah, but it didn't last long.... so it probably won't be that big of a deal for you guys too"

Tenma:"um, I don't think so" as he came in while looking at his phone which Charlie gave him and his two friends since they're in hell.

Evan:"and why not?"

The four of them looked at Tenma's phone to see the website of the 666 News that says: trying to search for the Swordsmen Trio for a interview.

Aiken:"....you got to be fucking kidding me"

Nero:".... nevermind then"

Then all of the sudden, Vaggie came in the living room.

Aiken:"yes V?"

Vaggie:"did someone order a uber van that has I.M.P on a door?"

Evan:"Blitzø? What the hell is he doing here?"

Nero:"I don't know, come on"

[Outside the Hotel]

The experienced Swordsmen, Vaggie and the Trio came outside to see the I.M.P Van, which Blitzø was waiting in his driver's seat and the others saw Charlie too.

Blitzø:"yo N! Evy! We got a job!"

Nero:"really now, who's the client?"

Blitzø pulls the windows down from the middle row of the van, to reveal the Goetia Family inside.

Evan:".....did you kidnap them?"

Selina:"oh! Of course not, my husband simply asked you all to accompany us to secure us on Loo Loo Land"

Nero:"Loo Loo Land?" Then Millie pops her head out of the front seat window.

Millie:"yeah! Now hop in!"

Evan:"mmmm.... Well, at least we don't have to kill anyone"

Nero:"yeah" as he and Evan went to go inside the Van.

Aiken:"welp, good luck with your job then"

Octavia:"Aiken?" Which she shows herself from the window.

Aiken:"oh, Hey Octavia. Would've expect to see you here"



Stolas:"what is it, Blitzy?"

Blitzø:".... How about some of you guys come with us?"

Others:"...... WHAT?!?!"

Moxxie:"Sir! Are you crazy?!"

Vaggie:(💢)"are you trying to expose my cousin?!"

Aiken:"Vags, too late for that. The news had already caught who we are"

Vaggie:"what?! Ho-"

Wren:"someone from the equality party had recorded us when we were transforming"

Vaggie's eye twitched in anger after hearing that.

Stolas:"you know.... That would be a valid idea"

Charlie:"why's that?"

Stolas:"well, since the trio are gonna stay here and fight the Megiddo. They should at least know of how the rings of hell work"

Charlie:".... that, is a good point"

Nero:"we'll be sure they'll stay out of trouble, if that's what you're worried about"

Vaggie:"...you better"

Aiken:"well, that settles it then.... Tenma, you're staying here"

Tenma:"huh? Why?"

Wren:"Ken, you know that Tenma's a Supernatural Fanatic"

Aiken:"yeah, but what if a Megiddo comes to the hotel and we're all not there? Someone's gotta stay behind"

Tenma:"well.... When you put it like that, you make a fair point"

Charlie:"okay, good idea"

Aiken:*nods* "we'll be able to send photos of how it goes"

Tenma:"alright, good luck"

Aiken, Wren and the experienced Swordsmen went into the van as it then starts driving away, while it was on its way to Loo Loo Land.

Tenma:"....so where's Loo Loo Land located anyway?"

Charlie:"in the Greed Ring"

Tenma:"I see"

He went silent for a second until Tenma realised what Charlie said.


[Located at the Megiddo Base]

Storious was seen writing on a book, while Legeiel & Zooous was still recovering from the fight and Calibur was silent.

Zooous:"Argh! I wish our damn wounds will heal already so I could eat those Swordsmen!"

Storious:"oh, don't worry Zooous. You will recover soon enough"

Legeiel was silent until suddenly he felt something, which he looks up and got the others' attention.


Legeiel:"...I sense those Swordsmen going to a different ring"

Storious:"really now, where to?"

Legeiel:"... The Greed Ring"

Zooous:"...why the hell would they go there?"

Storious:"who knows.... I recommend you two stay while you recovered"

Legeiel:"then who the hell is gonna dealt with the Swordsmen?"

Storious:"simple, we have Calibur to do the job"

Zooous:"tch, of course you let Calibur do it"

Storious:"yep, Calibur is the only person that didn't get damaged too much during the fight*to Calibur* Calibur, you know what to do"

Calibur nods as they went to go out to the Greed Ring, but not before.

Storious:"hang on, you won't be going alone" as he throws something at Calibur which they catches it and looks at the item.

Zooous:"ooooh, is that what I think it is?" As he smiles manically.

Legeiel:"I think so too" as he smiles sadistically.

Storious:"yep, one of the successful Alter Ride Books. Time to see how it goes against the Swordsmen"

Calibur grips the Alter Ride Book as they left the area.

[Located in the Greed Ring]

The Swordsmen, I.M.P Gang and the Goetia all arrived at Loo Loo Land.

Moxxie came out of the Van and opens the door for the Goetia Family and Swordsmen can come out, the Riders came out first then the Family came out last.

Stolas revealed himself to be wearing a Loo Loo Land outfit.

His wife and his Children came out of the van, just wearing their attire while the twins wore their cute outfits.

Selina giggles a bit at Stolas' outfit as she brought out a stroller for twins, then puts them in and straps them in.

Octavia was a bit embarrassed from this, then all of them got into Loo Loo Land as Blitzø was talking to Stolas.

Blitzø:"Now, remember: this is work and work only. Me and my crew are not here to satisfy your perverted bird needs, alright?"

Nero:"Blitzø! You should know that I'm already with someone"

Octavia:*disgustedly* "Hey... Dad... Do we have to--?" Then gets cut off by Blitzø.

Blitzø:"Okay, yeah. Hold on right there, sweetie. [turns to Stolas] If you try fuckin' my little ass in that park, I swear to--" he then gets cut off when Stolas bends himself down to him.

Stolas:*flirts* "You are so cute when you are serious!"

Octavia:"I'm literally gonna be sick"

Moxxie:"Oh, crumbs! I knew today would be a lot! What do you need?"

Which he brought his Fanny pack out to show different types of medicines.

Moxxie:"Anti-acids? Ibuprofen? Morphine?" As he showed green filled needles.

Octavia:"That was figurative, old man" as she walks away.

Moxxie:"oh, right"

He chuckled sheepishly as he threw the needles in a nearby baby carriage where a baby imp sees them and thinks they're toys.

Selina gasped in horror when she saw that and replaced the needles with a Teddy Bear from her magic.

Wren:"wow, good eye at that"

Selina:"thanks.... It's horrible to see a child near hazardous stuff"

Wren:".... it's surprising how demons can also cares about others"

Blake:"hey, we're maybe demons but we can decide on who we want to be and what we want to do"

Wren:"I can see that now, and I apologise"

Then the camera cuts with Aiken and Octavia.

Aiken:"I'm surprised that your father is having a affair with our mentors' boss"

Octavia:*sighs* "I know"

Aiken:"....but.... Your stepmother, Selina joins in too?"

Octavia:"ugh, yes. She read books which contained threesomes, and my stepmother apparently has a kink of that which she always wants to experience in.... And it came true for her"

Aiken:"ah, I see..... Should I stop talking about it?"

Octavia:"that would be appreciated"

Then the two of them heard crying which came from twins as Sarai checks on what's wrong, which the two went to see what happened.

Aiken:"um, is something wrong?"

Sarai:"the twins started crying and I don't know what's wrong"

Then Selina came and went to see what's happening.

Selina:"what ever is the matter with the twins?"

Octavia:"we don't know, they started crying for some reason"

Selina:"let me check" as she picks them up, then sniffs something.

Sarai:"what is it?"

Selina:"oh, the twins had soiled themselves. I'll go get them change" which she went to the nearest restroom with the twins.

Aiken:"ah, so that's what was wrong with them"

Octavia:"apparently, yeah"

Selina came back with the twins who were calm again, as they were Cooing.

Selina:"there, I got them nice and changed up" as she straps them back on the stroller.

Then all of the sudden, they heard screaming as they turned to see Moxxie who got scared by a mascot.

Mascot:"I'm Loo Loo! Welcome to Loo Loo Land! If y'all get hurt here, just try and sue us!" Then Stolas came in.

[Mascot to Loo Loo]

Stolas:*gasps* "Look! Kids! It's Loo Loo!"

Sarai:"we see that, dad" as Blake came into the scene.

Blake:*makes a glum face* "oh great, the mascot"

Nita and Nicole were cooing at Loo Loo.

Octavia:"I have a question"

Loo Loo:"Well, ask away, little girlie! A-hyuk a-hyuk a-hyuk!"

Aiken:"did he straight up did a Goofy laugh?"


Aiken:"he's.... Um, nevermind"

Octavia:*snarky* "Is it true this park is just a really shameless spin-off of Lucifer's far more popular Lu Lu World?"

Loo Loo:"...no?"

Octavia:"This place reeks of insecure corporate shame"

Stolas:*nervously chuckles* "Why don't we go check out the rides?" As he takes Octavia as the other family went with them.

Loo Loo:"That chick's creepy, huh?" Which he's talking to Blitzø.

Blitzø:"Eh, wait till her dad tries to diddle your holes" as he went to the family to bodyguard them.

Loo Loo:*to Millie and Moxxie* "what does that mean?"

Moxxie:*points threatenly* "don't talk to me! I know you're a pervert under there" as he walks away with Millie.

Loo Loo:*hungs his body* "yeah..."

He suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder, which he turns around and received a punch in a face by Aiken, as he fell face flat on the ground.

Aiken:"never call Octavia creepy.... Bastardo pervertido" as he walks back to the others.

Evan:"damn, didn't think you had it in you"

Aiken:"Lo siento, just don't like it when people insult my friends"

Evan:"I see ..."

Wren:"I wonder how Tenma is going?"

Nero:"eh, who knows"

[With Tenma]

{Tenma's POV}

While the guys were bodyguarding the Goetia Family, I took my time to write on new ideas for a book..... But I have no idea what to write.

Me:'....*sighs* God Dammit'

????:"you okay?" That jumped me a bit as I turned to see both Charlie and Vaggie.

Me:"oh, yeah.... Just trying to figure out what to write for a book"

Vaggie:"and you haven't come up with anything?"

Me:"....no, I have not"

Charlie:"aww, I hope you figured something out"

Me:"same..... Maybe I need some fresh air" as I stood up and went to go outside.

I eventually arrived outside as I took a deep breath, I heard footsteps which I turned to see both Charlie and Vaggie again.

Me:"um, why are you two following me?"

Charlie:"oh... Well" then Vaggie spoke for her.

Vaggie:"we're keeping an eye on you"

Me:"huh? Why?.... Do you guys not trust me?"

Charlie:"no! no! It's not that.... We heard about the news and we wanted to make sure that you stay safe"

Vaggie:"yeah.... What she said"

I sighed again as I pulled out my Hellphone.

Me:"again, Charlie. Thank you very much for the Hellphone"

Charlie:"it's no problem at all, I just thought it would be useful for you and the others"

Me:"Gotcha" I looked at my Hellphone and looked at the 666 news article about finding me or my friends for a interview.

Vaggie:"a interview?" Which she saw the screen of my phone.

Me:"yeah, don't get why they want a interview"

Vaggie:"probably wants information for the views"

Me:"right....." Then I began to think about something.


Me:"....Charlie, this might sound crazy.... But what if I actually attend the interview?"

Vaggie:"what?! Why?!"

Me:"well, since I was sent here to defend hell from the Megiddo..... I could use the news to say that there will be people that will be defending them...... And probably promote the hotel as well"

Charlie:"huh? Why?"

Me:"Charlie..... You took me and my friends in while we needed help..... I think It's about time that I do the same for you.... As a way to say thanks"

I saw Charlie looking at me as her eyes started glistening.

Me:"Charlie?" Then all of the sudden I was hugged by her, hard.

Charlie:"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!"

Me:*choking a bit* "n-no problem, b-but I need a-air" which I was let go by her.

Charlie:"sorry, but thank you so much. I'll go call them right now" as she went on her phone and began to call them.

{Changed to 3rd POV}

While Charlie was getting a call from the news studio, Tenma waits patiently but unknowingly that Vaggie was staring at him with suspicious.... And jealousy.

Then Charlie had got the phone to pick up.

Charlie:*calling* "hi, this is Charlie Morningstar.... Wait! I have one of the Swordsmen with me... Yes.... What time?!... Can't it be tomorrow?!.... *Sighs* alright, we'll be there" then she growls in frustration.

Tenma:"what happened?"

Charlie:"they said they'll do the interview.... But only if we arrive in 7 minutes"

Vaggie:"what?! They must be shittin' with us! There's no way we'll make it to the studio!"

They heard footsteps and turned to see Alastor walking towards them.

Alastor:"perhaps, I could help" then he summons his cane and made a circle which creates a portal.

Charlie:"phew, thanks for that, Al"

Alastor:"don't think too much of it, my dear. Though I am curious about how the interview will go"

Vaggie:"you just want to see Charlie get into a fistfight with the reporter again"

Alastor:"...Maybe!" As he smiles as usual.

Vaggie:*groans* ".... And Tenma, you better not do anything stupid"

Tenma:"of course I wouldn't do that"

Charlie:"let's go everyone" as she went in first then Vaggie goes in and Tenma, then lastly Alastor as he closes the portal up.

Husk & the others were there to witness that.

Angel Dust:"....well.... Now what?"

Husk:"....Poker anyone?" As he got cards out.

Niffty:"Oh! Oh! Me!" As she jumps a bit.

[At the News Studio]

The portal opened which the group came out of it.

Charlie:"phew, we made it in time"

Vaggie:"yeah, we're lucky"

?????:"well look who it is" they heard the voice and turned to see Katie Killjoy as she was smoking.

Katie:"the Disney Princess Wannabe, what do you think you're doing here? Trying to talk about your shitty redemption hotel idea?"

Tenma:"um, she's with me actually. She escorted me here and got me to have this interview"

Katie:"oh my~ what a handsome fellow. Reminds me the days when I used to be alive and human..."

Tenma:"um.... Okay?"

Katie:"anyway! We'll be live shortly so be sure to not to make me a joke or I'll make your girlfriend more of a laughingstock"

Vaggie & Charlie:"Girlfriend?! I'm/she's not his girlfriend!"

Tenma:"...alright then"

Katie then went to her desk as Tenma came and sat on the chair.

Cameraman:"3! 2! 1! And we're live!" As the Cameras started rolling.

Katie:"and we are back everyone! Along with a special guest, say hello to one of the Swordsmen!"

Which lights got onto Tenma as he waves a little bit.

Katie:"so, mind wasting time of telling us about yourself?"

Tenma:"alright.... My name's Tenma Kamijou.... Or Kamen Rider Saber when I transform, I was born in Japan.. oh! Also, I like to read and write"

Katie:"oh, a Swordsman while also a writer. That's so interesting" as she sounded sarcastic in the last part of the sentence.

Tenma:"yeah, and the book that I published first was called: Lost Memory"

Charlie:"wait, Lost Memory?"

Katie:"Lost Memory, huh? What's it about?"

Tenma:"well, the story is about who has himself amnesia and had a goal to try to get them back"

Katie:"uh huh... I see... So I heard that you're associated with the Princess of Hell, is that true"

Tenma:"well.... Yes"

Katie:"hah! And why would you be with that princess?"

Tenma:"well, since me and my friends were transported here. We needed some place to stay"

Katie:"is that so?"

Tenma:"yes, that's all.... Why? What did you think I do?"

Katie:"oh a looot of things"

Tenma:"then say it, we got all day"

Katie:"if you insist~" then she started making a list of what he might've done.

[Back to the Greed Ring, at Loo Loo Land]

The Goetia Family, along with the Swordsmen were walking through the amusement park while having some food and Blitzø guarding the family.... Moxxie & Millie were doing their fun on their own for the time being.

Stolas:*strokes Blitzo's horn* "You know, it's quite thrilling to see you on the job, Blitzy"

Blitzø:"Save it, bitch. I'm working"

Selina:"well, I say you're doing a great job on it"

Octavia:"you three need to get a room"


Blitzø:"Hey, I am not a day-hooker!"

As a woman imp came with her baby heard Blitzø and gave him a judgemental look, then goes off with a huff.

Blitzø:"What? I just said I'm not one, prude!" As he flips her off.

Stolas:*gasps* "Sarai! Blake! Octavia! Look!"

He points excitedly at the circus tent. A demon mother is struggling to pull her crying son into the tent, which had a picture of a robotic clown that its titled Robo Fizz.

Stolas:"you three used to cry such tears of joy at this show"

Octavia:*panicked* "oh no"

Sarai:*scared* "my.... Satan"

Blake:*horrified* "no.... Anything but him"

Cut to a flashback to the triplets when they were young, as they got pushed against the stage by an excited crowd of imp children, as Robo Fizz sparks and cackles maniacally leering over the triplets, who soon breaks into tears and hugged each other. A younger Blitzo is seen in the background tending to a food cart, dressed and painted as a clown, scowling.

Cut to the present.

Blitzø & Triplets:"I hate that fucking clown"

Aiken:"...I'm... Guessing that he scarred you three"

Blake:"you have no idea"

Stolas:"oh Blitzy~"

Then the group turned to see Stolas, who has been captured and hoisted aloft by the crew of imps, which he then got his head covered by a cloth sack.

Stolas:*muffled* "I need my bodyguard please!"

A imp was about to stab Stolas with a Pitchfork, until Blitzo quickly brings his rifle to bear, shooting the imp in the torso, splattering blood while the other imps quickly scattered which they dropped Stolas on the ground.

Then the scene cuts with the Goetia Family sitting down in the tent, along with the Swordsmen while Stolas who's head is still covered was carried by Blitzø as he sets him down, then he walks off to go to his position. Stolas makes no move to remove the sack, until Octavia annoyedly rips it off her father's head.

Wren:"so.... Robo Fizz?"

Nero:"oh, he's just a animatronic version of Fizzarolli"

Wren:"ah.... And who's Fizzarolli?"

Nero:"a Jester/Clown"

Wren:"right, got it"

The show had started to begin.

Robo Fizz:*glitching and sparking* "Hey-hey-hey-hey-heyyyy, Implings! It's me, the Robotic Fizzarolli! Shipped from Big Ozzie's factory to bring you a wonderful show celebrating Loo Loo Land, spelled with Os, to avoid lawsuits! H-H-H-H-H-Hit it!"

Stage lights turn on and point at Robo Fizz as he begins to dance and sing a song of the same name as the park.

[Music begin]

Robo Fizz:🎵Loo Loo Land, Loo Loo Land! Everybody sing along with the Loo Loo band, Ev'ry boy, ev'ry girl, ev'ry woman, ev'ry man loves Loo Loo Laaand!🎵

Robo Fizz:🎵Loo Loo Land, Loo Loo Land! Everything is beautiful at Loo Loo Land, Ugly children holdin' hands in Loo Loo Laaand!🎵

Robo Fizz:🎵Everybody's friendly, And nobody is mean, No copyright infringement's ever seeen🎵 then he sat on a platform and sang this.

Robo Fizz:🎵I have a dream... (He has a dream) I'm here to tell... (He's here to tell) About a magical, fantastic place called Loo Loo Laaaaand!🎵

Wren & Aiken:'those lyrics were part of Charlie's song!!"

Robo Fizz:🎵Loo Loo Land, Loo Loo Land! Everybody sing along with the Loo Loo band, Ev'ry boy, ev'ry girl, ev'ry woman, ev'ry man loves Loo Loo Laaand!🎵

[Music End]

The show ends with a small pyrotechnic display as Robo Fizz cackles maniacally. The bear animatronic faceplants onto the stage and falls to pieces. Stolas claps and cheers even harder.

Stolas:"Ah hohohoho ho ho ho ho ho, how delightful!"

Nero:"...does anyone not like it?"

Aiken:"hell no"

Wren:"absolutely not"

Evan:"me neither.... And the baby twins aren't fans either"

The Swordsmen look to see that Nita and Nicole were crying as they were comforting by their mother, Sister and Half-Brother.

Behind Stolas, an imp armed with a kris dagger rises from beneath the seats ready to stab Stolas, but the top of his head is quickly blown apart by a shot from Blitzo, who has taken up a position in the gallery behind the back row of seats while Imps scream in absolute fear and run away.

Evan:"Jesus! Really Blitzø?!"

Stolas:*flirtatious* "Oh, my! What aim you have, Blitzy"

Then all of the sudden, Octavia couldn't hold her anger in.

Octavia:*furious* "Ugh! I can't do this anymore!" Then she stormed out of the tent.

Selina:*gasps* "Via!"

Stolas:*concerned* "Wait! Octavia! *To the Swordsmen* guard the rest of my family" as he starts going after Octavia.

Nero:"okay, right this way family" as he and the other Swordsmen starts escorting the family out of the tent, while Blitzø began to follow until.

Robo Fizz:"Mua ha ha ha ha hoho-oh! Is that Blitzo my sensors spot up the-e-e-ere? I bet the kiddies are still running away from you, huh?"

Blitzø:"The 'o' is silent now!"

The camera cuts to the Swordsmen who escorts them to the exit.

Wren:"alright, you five should be safe"

Selina:"but what about my husband and my step-daughter?"

Aiken:".... I'll go look for them" as he starts searching for them.

Evan:"hang on! Aiken!"

Nero:"I'll make sure he doesn't do anything stupid" which he ran after them too.

Wren:"huh, he seems concerned"

Evan:"well, he has the habit of being like a big brother to almost everyone. So yeah"

Then they heard the twins crying again as Selina & their older siblings holds them protectively.

Wren:"what's wrong?"

The older siblings points at a direction which Wren and Evan look, to their suprise, what they saw was Kamen Rider Calibur walking to them.


Calibur stopped for a bit, then brings out the Alter Ride Book which he opens it.

Alter Ride Book:*distorted* "Desast!" Which the Book summons a Megiddo that's unique than the others.

Megiddo:"woo! *Stretches* do I feel stiff"

Calibur:"Desast, we have business with them" which they pointed at the Swordsmen.

[Megiddo to Desast]

Desast:*looks* "oohh~ Swordsmen, heh. how thoughtful~" as he prepared himself with his sword.

Wren:"this Megiddo seems different"

Evan:"yeah, we gotta suit up"

Wren:"right" as he puts his Seiken Swordriver on.

Then the two of them brought their Wonder Ride Books out and activates them.

Wonder Ride Books:"Lion Senki!/Ocean History!"

The two of them put their Wonder Ride Books in their devices and began to transform.

Jikokuken Kaiji:"Kaiji Gyakkai!"

Seiken Swordriver:"Nagare Battou!"

Wren & Evan:"Henshin!"

Seiken Swordriver:"Lion Senki!"

Jikokuken Kaiji:"Ocean History~!"

The two of them had transformed into Blades and Durandal

Calibur sighs under their helmet then they brought something out and throws it at Desast who caught it.

Desast:"hmm?" As he looks at the item.

Blades:"a Wonder Ride Book?"

Calibur:".... So you won't use easily"

Desast:"...heh, I do needed a little boost" as he kept it and chuckles darkly.

Durandal:"Wren! Be sure to be careful!"


Then the four of them had started charging at each other.

{Aiken's POV}

I was running while searching for Stolas and Octavia, but I couldn't see them until I heard voices and went to check.

Then all of the sudden, I got bumped into some people as I stumbled a bit but I kept my stand.

Me:"ah! you could've watched where-" I stopped as I saw who I bumped into which were Moxxie and Millie.

Millie:"sorry, we're in a-" She stopped her sentence as she saw me then Moxxie saw me too.

Me:"Millie & Moxxie?"

Millie:"yep, You're.... Aiken?"

Me:"yeah.... What are you two doing?" Then I noticed green fire in the background.

Moxxie:"ignore that, Sir told us to bodyguard Stolas"



Millie:"oh, that must be them!"


the three of us went to where the voices are, which we saw Stolas still after Octavia as she's still running away but gets inside a some sort of Fun House.

Octavia:"Just Leave me Alone!" Which she went inside.

Stolas:"Octavia!" As he goes in after her.

Moxxie:"come on!" As we went after them, inside the tent.

The three of us got inside the house which we see Stolas as a Imp thug jumped on his back.

Stolas:*annoyed* "Umm, I think I'm supposed to be bodyguarded right now!"

Millie got a pistol and shot the Imp thug as they dropped dead, then we got in front of Stolas.

{3rd POV}

Stolas:*wipes the blood* "Ugh, that's better. Where is Blitzy? He's my knight in shining armor, not you three"

Millie:"He's, uhhhh... busy"

Moxxie:"being a fool" as he brought out a sort of plush out and Millie instantly hugs it.

Stolas:"what kind of fool?"

Moxxie:"The everything is now on fire kind"

Aiken:".....you two help Blitzø, I'll bodyguard Stolas and his daughter"

Moxxie:"you sure?"

Aiken:".... positive"

Moxxie:"... Okay" then he took Millie's hand as they headed out of the tent.

Stolas:*disinterested* "I appreciate it but I don't need any bodyguarding"

Aiken:"....oh, I know"

Stolas:*raises a brow* "then why did you stay behind?"

Aiken:"....so I can do this!" Which he instantly turns around and punched Stolas square in the face.

Stolas was sent to the ground in pain, as he hold his cheek.

Stolas:"o-ow... *Looks at him in anger* are you out of you-" then he stopped saying as he see Aiken's expression which his anger is gone.

Aiken:(💢)".... what.... In.... THE LIVING FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!"



Stolas:"wait, that wasn't how it was! I was just-" then gets cut off.


Stolas was silent after that, he began to felt guilt in himself as he realised that it was wrong to flirt at Blitzø in front of his children.

Aiken:".....do you love your children?"


Aiken:"Do you Love Your Children?!"

Stolas:"yes! Of course I do! They and Selina mean everything to me!"

Aiken:".....then make up with Octavia..... And don't you dare pull of what he did!"

Stolas:"he? Who's He?"

Aiken:"....it doesn't matter *turns his back on him* just.... Make it up to her" as he began to walk out the tent.

Stolas sighs then began to search for Octavia.

The Camera cuts to Aiken, who got to see Nero waiting for him.

Aiken:"... I'm guessing you saw that?"

Nero:"yes.... I don't blame you for why you did that .... But, my advice is that there are other ways than just using force"

Aiken:"...I know"

Nero:"....right.... Let's go back to the others, Octavia is safe from her father"

Aiken nods as the both of them began to head back to the others.

[With Blades & Durandal]

Durandal was fighting Calibur while Blades is fighting against Desast.

Blades was having a little difficulty facing Desast.

Desast:"heh, you don't seem to be that strong" as he kicks Blades away and stood back a bit.

Blades grip his Seiken in anger, then he yelled and starts running at Desast, who opened the Wonder Ride Book that Calibur gave him which activates a ability.

Wonder Ride Book:"Tenkuu no Pegasus!"

Desast's sword glows blue as horse sounds are heard, then he thrusts forward which landed a hit on Blades, who yelled in pain and got to his knees then detransforms from taking so many damage.

Durandal:"Wren!" He went to help but was blocked off by Calibur.

Desast:"hmph, you're not even that strong *sees the Goetia Family* let's see which one of you is strong" as he began to walk forward.

Blake & Sarai defends their family by blocking Desast's path.

Desast raises his sword up and clashes down, but he was suddenly blocked by Nero who immediately transformed into Kamen Rider Buster.

Buster:"you won't ... Hurt that family!" Then he swings him away from them.

Desast landed on the ground and looked at Buster with a fierce look.

Buster:"you guys okay?"

Selina:"yes, we're okay"

Buster:"good *turns to Desast* there some things that you should know about me, of what I hate and what I do"

Desast:"and that is?"

Buster:"One: evil bastards... Two: shall feel the earth's rage... Three: I'll pay you a visit, no questions asked!"

Desast:"heh, then come at me, Swordsman!" As they both started running into each other.

[With Durandal fighting Calibur]

Durandal were having a bit of difficulty against Calibur as they strike him across the chest, as he landed on his back on the ground.

Durandal:*breathes too* "Jesus, you're strong"

Calibur grunted then went to attack again, only to be blocked by Espada in his Lamp Do Hedgehog Form, then kicks them away from the others.

Espada:"you alright?"

Durandal:"Better, now that you're here"

Calibur got back up and saw Espada who's now here.

Espada:"let's finish this"

Durandal:"right!" Then the two of them started charging at Calibur as they did the same.

They began fighting as they clashed swords at each other.

[With Desast and Buster]

Buster was still fighting against Desast, But Desast showed himself to be stronger than Buster which he stood back from him.

Blake:"Nero! You can't beat him!"

Buster:"...now like this, I can't!" As he suddenly brought himself out a Wonder Ride Book.

Selina:"what in the?"

Buster activates the Wonder Ride Book as it announces the name.

Wonder Ride Book:"Jackun-to-Domamenoki *page opened* Toaru shonen ga futo te ni ireta omame ga kyodaina ki to naru fushigi na hanashi...

Then Buster replaced Genbu Shinwa with Jackun-to-Domamenoki and activates a new power.

Dogouken Gekido:"Jackun to Domamenoki! Ittou Ryodan! Butta Gire! Dogo! Dogo! Dogouken Gekido! Gekido Juuhan! Zettai soukou no taiken ga hokuhou yori ouinaru ichigeki o tatakikomu!" And Buster has gotten a arm attachment on his left arm, his new form is called: Genbu Jackun.

Desast:"heh, that's it? Just a attachment on your arm?"

Buster:"oh, There's more than meets the eye"

Desast:".... Well, let's see then"

They both started charging and clashes swords with each other, Desast began giving out lots of slashes at Buster while he parries the attack.

Desast then uses the powers of a Pegasus to sprout wings from his back and jumps up a bit, then brought himself down to deliver a downward slash towards Buster as he blocks it but was send back a bit.

Buster:"what in the? you have a Wonder Ride Book?!"

Desast:"yep. now let's finish this, once and for all"

Buster prepares himself for what's about to happen.

Desast:"... Calamity Strike!"

He leaps in the air as his sword lots up with Magenta Energy and executes multiple slashes while spinning at Buster, but he blocks it and began to skid back while Desast still continues his attack.

Buster brought the Jackun-to-Domamenoki Wonder Ride Book out of his Seiken then scans it.

Dogouken Gekido:"Jackun-to-Domamenoki, Dogon!"

Suddenly two green stalk-like vines came out and attached it selves to places that they stuck on to, which stops Desast's attack.

Sarai:"wait, what is he doing?"

Blake:"I think.... He came up with a plan"

Buster:"...heh, Dai Sendan!"


Then Buster activates his finishing move.

Dogouken Gekido:"Kaishin no Gekido Randoku Geki! Dogon!"

Buster launches himself at Desast and slashes through him with one cut, which he screamed in pain and exploded.

Sarai:"hell yeah! He beat him!"

Blake:"... But it's not over yet"

Selina:"he's right ... Calibur is still here"

Buster took some deep breaths after the attack, then saw the Tenkuu no Pegasus Wonder Ride Book on the ground and picked it up.

Buster:"....you did good, Buster, you did real good"

[With the Three Hero Swordsmen and Calibur]

Calibur was fighting against Espada while Durandal wasn't seen, then suddenly Calibur was impaled in the back by Durandal, who then throws them away which they rolled on the ground.

Espada:"now then, let's hit them with our two-way slash!"

Durandal:"...that sounded weird, but got it!"

The two of them surrounded Calibur as they started to activate their finishers.

Espada inserted his Seiken back in his Driver while Durandal had his Seiken into Sword Mode then they started their finishers.

Seiken Swordriver:"Hissatsu Dokuha! *Unsheathed Seiken* Ikazuchi Battou!"

Jikokuken Kaiji:"Hissatsu Jikoku!"

Durandal:"Tokui-ten Kaiyō Zan!"

Espada:"Trueno Mill Lanza!"

Jikokuken Kaiji:"Ocean Ikkoku Giri!"

Seiken Swordriver:"Hedgehog! Alangina! Hissatsu Giri! Th-Th-Thunder!"

The two of them delivered enhanced slashes at Calibur who blocks them, then they began to do some somersaults as the energy slashes began to collide with Ankokuken Kurayami.

Espada:"wait, what is Calibur doing?"

Durandal:"I don't know.... But I think it's best to take cover!"

Calibur landed on their feet and delivers a very powerful slash at the two Swordsmen, but they ducked down to avoid the attack which the slash had instead destroyed a area as cars had been demolished from it.

Espada:"what in the.... HOW?!?!"

Durandal:"....they must be more experienced than us!"

Buster appeared then stand alongside the other Swordsmen.

Espada:"Nero! I'm guessing you beat him?"

Buster:"yep, it was easy peasy"

Calibur grips on their Seiken then creates a portal and was about to go through, but stops a bit and turns to the Swordsmen.

Calibur:"..... Tenma should've been here too, then I could've taken you three out" then they went through it.

Espada:"what the? How did they.... Know Tenma's name?"

Durandal:"I don't know.... But we need to keep that in mind"


Durandal:"...oh Christ, Wren!" As he went to get him.

Espada:"Wren? What happened?"

Buster:"I don't know, but we should check on him"

The two followed Durandal as they saw him carrying Wren who was heavily injured.

Espada:"Wren! What happened to him?!"

Durandal:"Desast did this to him"


Buster went up to Wren and checked his pulse.

Durandal:"how is it?"

Buster:"good news, he's alive. But he needs medical attention, luckily we have medical supplies in the van"

Espada:"then let's go!"

The three Swordsmen had detransformed back into themselves as Nero brought Wren in the van, while he found the medical supplies and started treating him.


Evan:"hey, from what I can tell, your friend is a tough person, he'll make it through this"


Then they saw Stolas and Octavia coming back to them, while Stolas was using his magic to levitate the I.M.P team.

Evan:"oh no, what happened?"

Stolas:"they're just injured, but I'm pretty sure they'll survive. What happened?"

Aiken:"....Calibur came, and had help with a Megiddo which injured Wren"

Stolas:"oh my!"

Octavia:"is he gonna be alright?"

Evan:"yep, Nero is patching him up right now"

Stolas:"that's good" then the rest of Stolas' family went up to them.

Selina:"oh my! Are they okay?" Which she was asking about the I.M.P team.

Stolas:"they will, since I know that you're here" as he smiles.

He puts Octavia down and levitates the team to Selina as she gave the babies to Stolas and she began to treat the team.

Nita and Nicole are cooing as they were looking at their father.

Stolas:"I'm so glad you two are safe" as he nuzzles them.

Nita & Nicole:"Da....Da"


Sarai:*gasps* "are they?"

Blake:"I think so"

Nita & Nicole:"Da....Da.... Dada!"

Stolas:"your first words!" As he cuddles them which the twins cuddles back as they were giggling and say Dada a lot.

Aiken:"welp, looks like your sisters have begun speaking"

Octavia:"yeah.... Hey, do you and the others want to come with us to Stylish Occult?"

Aiken:"what's stylish occult?'

Octavia:"oh! You'll definitely like it!"

[With the Megiddo and Calibur]

Calibur returned to the Megiddo base as they went to the room where the generals were assigned at, they didn't seem to do anything but Legeiel was changing channels.

Storious:"oh! Calibur, how was your journey with the fight against those Swordsmen?"

Calibur:".... Desast was able to Injured the Swordsman of Water"

Zooous:"hah! Music to my ears"

Legeiel:"Jesus, is there anything on right now?"

Then the channel had switched to 666 News which they saw Tenma.

Zooous:"wait! Wait! That's the Swordsman of Fire!"

Legeiel:"what in the hell is he doing on there?"

Storious:"perhaps we should watch" which the Megiddo watches while Calibur did the same.

[At the news station]

Katie:"and lastly, you could've sleep with the Princess since she's the prettiest princess of all the land!" As she laughs darkly.

Charlie felt hurt at all the comments that Katie sent about her, while Tenma..... Let's just say he didn't look so.... Happy.

Tenma:*takes his hat off* ".....well, Ms Killjoy"


Tenma:"...are you sure that it was you that had your way in the news?"

Katie:"huh? What are you talking about?" As she began to feel pissed.

Tenma:"I mean. sleeping your way, offered for sex, drug dealing... Are you sure that we're talking about me? Or are we talking about you?"

Which the audiences "oooh-ed" at what he just did at Katie while saying burn, and Tom chuckles a bit but gets hit by  Katie, even Charlie giggles a bit of what he just did and Vaggie was impressed.

Katie:"you fucking-! I did not sleep my way into where I am today! You goddamn!" She was about to attack but her throat was cornered by Tenma's Kaenken Rekka.

Tenma:".....Katie Killjoy, I maybe a human and have a kind heart.... But it doesn't mean that I'm not capable of doing things that I'm not happy to do! So I recommend not attacking me or else I might do something drastic"

Katie's eye twitched and does not listen as she was about to strike Tenma, but Tenma uses his Seiken to slash through her throat, as she began to choke on her own blood.

Tenma:".... *To Tom* Tom Trench, right?"


Tenma:"call the hospital to get her treatment"

Tom nods as he began to call the hospital, Tenma then turns his attention to the Audience and the cameras.

Tenma:"I know what you're all going to say .... And I am a protector, but she was going to attack me first which what I did was self-defence.... And let me ask you all this, why is it that you hated Charlie's idea? Is it because you think you don't deserve to be in heaven? Or you think because you deserve to be here? Well maybe, but what about the extermination that's happening? How many of your friends and family did you have to see dying from the exorcists? Or how you fear about dying from them cause once killed by the exorcists then you won't come back?!"

The Audience and the staff were speechless as they began to question themselves while being silence.

Tenma:"... that's what I thought.... But think about when going through the Hazbin Hotel, you'll be able to not go through the exterminations ever again, and you'll be able to reunite with your family when you were alive.... If any of you want to see them then come by to the Hazbin Hotel and try to rehabilitate"

Tenma:"....and you be safe from the Megiddo who's a threat at the moment.... But I promise you all, I! Kamen Rider Saber or Tenma Kamijou will protect you all! And I won't be alone as I have allies to fight alongside me"

He was about to leave before saying something to the camera.

Tenma:"oh, and don't drink, kids" then he leaves the cameras.

[With the Megiddo and Calibur]

The Megiddo Generals and Calibur were watching the news, then they got to that part of the news.

Tenma:*on TV* "I promise you all, I! Kamen Rider Saber or Tenma Kamijou will protect you all! And I won't be alone as I have allies to fight alongside me *leaves but say this first* oh, and don't drink, kids" as the TV has cut the news.

The Megiddo Generals were speechless from what Tenma said.

Zooous:"Tenma...." As anger began to boil inside him.

Legeiel:(in anger)"... Kamijou........ AARRGGHH!!!" then he suddenly smashed the TV into bits.

Storious:"....so *clenches his first* Touma has gotten himself a descendant" as he had a look of Anger.

Calibur looks the other way, as it's unknown what they're feeling.

[Back with Tenma]

Tenma has got back to the others as he looks at them.

Tenma:"so, how did I do?"

Alastor:"absolutely splendid! Tenma!"

Charlie:"well, besides cutting Katie's throat, you did great by promoting the hotel and giving my people hope"

Tenma:"I kept my promises"

All of the sudden, Vaggie's hand is on Tenma's shoulder.

Tenma:"huh? Yes?"

Vaggie:"....you... You did awesome... I thought you might blew it but you didn't"

Charlie:"thank you so much for this, Tenma. I don't know how to repay you"

Tenma:"you could get me a box of eclairs"

Charlie:"done, I'll bring two instead!"

Tenma:"now we're talking"

Alastor:"let's return everyone" as he created another portal and they all began to return back to the hotel.

[Narration Time]

Tassel:"my my, seems like everything worked out in the end. And Tenma was able to promote the hotel while reassures everyone in hell that he'll protect them"

Tassel:"and I think this has to lead to a end, but tune in next time, as I bid you all a adieu~!" As he waves goodbye.

[Narration End]

{Ending Begin}

{Ending Over}

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