The Teaching Assistant (A My...

By Memeyqueeny69

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Amelia Tano got a strange call at 3 am by the principal of UA, Nezu! Strangely enough he offers her a job in... More

Before You Begin!
Mystery Letter
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Not a Chapter: Let's Talk Costumes
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
New Years Special
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 20

156 4 20
By Memeyqueeny69

If someone would have told Amelia she'd be staying with a guy who she's only known for like almost 3 months, she'd have embarrassingly laughed and said who decided to tell a joke. But here she is wearing his clothes, sitting sandwiched in-between him and the other guy she known the same amount of time in the other guys mustang.

"I think it's time you trade her in." Aizawa grunts as he shuts the door of the mustang and Amelia just winces in pain

"Hey I know it's a tight fit but we all made it in." Yamada states managing to get his seat belt on, "plus it's only 15 minutes, I'll drop you guys off then I'll swing by the drug store to pick up meds."

Amelia just groans in pain, "your lucky I'm still drugged up or this would be torture." She tells them

"It'll be over before you know it Precious~" Yamada winks through his glasses and drives off.

This should be illegal/this is totally illegal

It was a antagonizing 15 minutes, in reality it was 21 minutes because traffic sucked. The moment Yamada pulled into the apartment garage he actually pulled up to the doors to so Amelia wouldn't have to walk far.

It was painful getting out and moving around, she was slower than she was leaving the hospital. Now she's just hurt and in pain.

*I wanna use my quirk so freaking bad, how do normal people function?*

It was kind of Aizawa to open the door into the apartment building for her, she was to out of it to see Yamada drove off to go grab her pain meds. It was when she still had 20 feet to go that Aizawa just sighed, "stand still."

Amelia looks confused as she holds her hand on the wall as Aizawa goes behind her and one big motion is holding her bridal style. She doesn't have time to be embarrassed as she just grunts in pain and curses.

"A little warning would have been nice." She says in pain

"Sorry, it would have taken us far to long to get to my apartment, so bare with me for a moment." Aizawa states plainly his cheeks are a tad bit red as he thinks, she's really small reminds me of a cat.

They make it to his apartment quickly, Aizawa struggles grabbing his key out and unlocking the door while holding her. He refused to put her down.

No need for her to be in pain.

It's once inside, with the door kicked shut he doesn't even bother to take his shoes off as he treks through his house to his bedroom.

I can't let her stay in the guest room, Its to disorganized.

The guest room is practically a storage room, boxes filled with random stuff, usually when Yamada or Kayama come they crash on the Sofa or sleep in the recliner.

I should really clean that room.

He pushes open his door with his shoulder and walks her over to his bed very lightly putting her down, he's thankful he didn't turn the lights on otherwise she would have seen the mess of clothing and a few cat toys his cats scattered over the floor of his room.

"Thanks." Is all Amelia could think to say as shes laid down in that bed.

*Man is this bed soft, it's also kind of firm,  it's perfect.*

"Don't mention it, and I mean that." He states plainly as he unties her boots

She blushes slightly and would have put up a fight over this kind of treatment if she didn't feel like shit. Aizawa slides them off and puts them on the floor, "your going to stay in that bed unless you need to use the restroom or you need to get up and walk around." He states beginning to mother hen which is weird cause that's Amelia's thing, "I'll leave you alone and I'll try to keep my cats out of here. As for clothing, later tonight if your up for it I can walk with you to your apartment to grab your clothes, I know if you felt anything like I did you'll want to shower. My shower does have a seat I expect you to use it, if I have to go in there to pick you up because you decided to push yourself, your the one to blame."

Amelia just has wide eyes listening to him ramble as he drags his socks off her feet. She does blush thinking of him seeing her naked and just does a stiff nod of understanding cause she would literally die if he had to come pick her naked ass off the floor of his shower.

"G-Got it." She mumbles relaxing into the bed

Aizawa grabs the boots and truges out the door looking back at her once to make sure she isn't gonna call out for him an exits his room. He puts the boots by the door grimacing noticing the dried blood on them. He removes his shoes as well and proceeds to eye the place, it isn't dirty by no means but.. it's.. definitely not what he would want it to look like for a guest. I mean Yamada and Kayama are fine but someone else, no. So he proceeds to clean up the place making it look better than it was.

Amelia's body is pulsing she itches around her wrist at those cuffs so nicely stuck to her with their fine little needles.

"I just gotta put up with them.. I just.. got too." She says softly through the irritation and pain she's feeling, "how do people put up with pain like this? I guess I've just been blessed with the quirk I have.. would Aizawa-san have.. felt this way if he didn't soak in my blood? Ew bad train of thought." She says grunting as she shifts in the bed

The sheets are dark as night and silky to touch, the blanket is a lighter grey comforter. She covers up hissing as she moves her body around and finally relaxed again.

"Yamada better be coming with those pain meds soon.." she mumbles before taking a deep breath and letting it out. The smell of fresh linens fills the room as she pulls the blanket up to her face she can smell the scent of coffee underlining it. She relaxes into the scent as she tries to remember where's she's smelled that before, it's unique and smells nice, relaxing even.

It's when it clicks where she's smelled this before; it was in Aizawa's office, and in that sleeping bag aizawa sleeps in. (don't ask why she smelled his sleeping back). Her eyes snap open as she looks around the room. The room is dark but the sun shines just enough into the room making it possible for one to see still. The floor has clothing in the corner, a dresser, it's a bigger room meaning this is probably the master bedroom. Her heart starts the hammer as she pulls the covers up to her nose with shaking irises.

*Oh God I'm in his room!? I've never been in a man's room before. Okay calm down Amelia it's not big deal, your just in your coworkers bed, resting, in his clothing, oh god this sounds so bad.*

She closes her eyes tightly as she tries to calm her heart, "n-nothing is going to happen your fine.. everything is under control."

The door opens slightly and to her surprise she hears a meow. A silky short haired brown and white cat patters in curiously, then jumps on the bed. The cat sniffs as it's tail twitches around.

"O-oh, I forgot Kayama-san said Aizawa had cats. I wonder what your name is." She says holding a bandaged hand out to it.

The cat sniffs then bumps it head against it and begins purring like a motorboat.

She smiles tiredly as she scratches behind the ears and the cat flops over satisfied with her approach to greet her. A jingle of a tag shows the name Bastard.

She snickers then winces before saying, "so your Bastard, you seem pretty sweet for such a crude name."

She jumps at the door opening fully this time as Aizawa eyes the cat with disdain, "she's a asshole. Causes more trouble than Cupcake and Sushi."


"Sorry, I thought the door latched I'll.. have to get it fixed." Aizawa states coming over to the bed to grab Bastard who proceeds to eye him before giving a hiss and wacking his hands. That caused Aizawa to get scratched but low and behold the scratch heals within seconds and Aizawa has a dumb founded look on his face for just a moment before he proceeds to grab the cat which is stopped but Amelia.

"H-Hold on she can stay with me. She isn't to bad."

"You have no idea the menace she can be, you should be resting not being bothered."

"A-about that." She stutters slightly her face sweating and going red, "why am I um in your bedroom?"

Aizawa is silent as his face goes blank before he states, "the only room I have available at the moment. So your gonna have to put up with it."

She just nods and grimaces in pain again as she tries to get her mind off it and talk to him, "where are you going to sleep? I can't just take your bed-"

"You can and will take my bed, if your worried about me having a bed to sleep on, don't. I have a bed to sleep just have to make it through the clutter." Aizawa states crossing his arms looking at her


"Y-you know I could just stay in my apartment and you could come check on me every now and then." Amelia states not feeling comfortable in his bed

"No." He states bluntly watching her closely


He sighs and bends down to pick up a small sparkly ball that Bastard is now eyeing, "it would be to much work, plus this way I know your not going to try overworking your body. If I put you there, what would happen if you slipped and fell or knocked yourself out? You could lay there for hours, and the stitches you have could come undone, then you'd really be screwed."

"Why.. are you being so.. so nice?" She asked

Aizawa stands up rattling the ball and throws it out the door and Bastard chased it out of the room, "because I'm.. sorry. I've been told I'm an ass, I've always struggled with emotions even more so when I was younger. Think of this as a apology, I know youve forgiven me, but.." he trails off as he goes and shuts the door to the room so the cats don't come in,  "I owe you this much."

"You don't owe me anything-"

"Owe was a bad choice of words. What I mean to say is," he sighs for moment struggling to come up with what he wanted to say, "you saved my life, the least I can do is nurse you back to health, it's only for two days. You aren't being a bother if that's what your thinking, I'm doing this because.. because we're friends."

Her eyes shine a little as she blushes and grumbles, "fine you win.. can you at least help me up when Nezu arrives with Stubby. I'm.. anxious to see him."

Aizawa's eye twitched hearing about that damn cat, but then again he did state he would let them see each other. He'd much prefer if she stayed in bed and only get up with necessary. But one, he doesn't want Stubby in his apartment, and two he also knows better than to screw around with an intelligent, quirked animal, he should know his boss is freaking Nezu.

"Yeah, whenever they arrive I'll.. get you up." He clears his throat and looks at her, "Do you need anything, I'm gonna call Yamada to figure out where he's at with your meds, if it's gonna be awhile I have Tylenol, it's better than nothing." Aizawa states his hand sliding into his pants awkwardly

God this is awkward!!!

"I um.. would really appreciate you calling and seeing where he's at, I'm in some decent amount of pain and I don't want to move unless necessary, but.. can you let the cats in here..? I.. liked the company." Amelia states awkwardly

Aizawa eyes her for a moment before sighing and opening the door, "they might not all come.. Sushi and Cupcake are pretty shy and Bastard she's.. a character." He grimaces at the memories

"The one that was just in here was nice.."

"Well it's unusual for her to be nice but.. seems your weird."


Aizawa sighs, "just leave it at that, get some rest I'll be back when I have a definite answer about how much longer Yamada is gonna take."

She hums in reply and just shuts her eyes trying to calm herself as she hears him still for a moment then walk out of the room.

*You know.. when was the last time I was sick or really injured enough to have a day off?*

Her mind tries to think but she cant remember any time besides her childhood.

*It's.. nice to have someone care for me for once.. I need to make sure to return the favor if Aizawa ever needs it.*

"Yamada where the hell are you?"

"Well hello to you too, heh, so funny story."

"Just spit it out."

"Hey is that anyway to talk to your best friend Sho-Sho!" A female voice breaks through, he recognized it automatically as his sister Shino's voice

"Shino, can I ask why your with Hizashi..?" Aizawa asked

"Well, I was actually on my from the pharmacy getting medicine for you, since I didn't know how badly you were injured and imagine my surprise seeing Yamada Hizashi waltz into the same pharmacy. So I'm hitching a ride with him to come and see you, you big oaf! You had your older sister worried, and you didn't even call me I had to find out through your friends!" The feminine voice sounds through loud and clear

Aizawa can feel the sense of dread, "your only older by 4 minutes, and no you don't need to come, I'm fine. I would have called you later but I've been so.. busy." He says making a excuse

"Nu-huh, I'm already in his car, which by the way real nice, why don't you get one? your a hero and can totally afford it. Maybe you'd get a girlfriend, or if your into guys a boyfriend, I won't judge." Shino states, you can hear Yamada snorting in the background

Aizawa is hurrying around the apartment now, "no, Yamada you drop her off at her house don't you dare bring her here!" He states harsh and rushed into the phone

"I mean-" Yamada gets cut off

"No he won't, he's taking me to see you. Your older sister is coming over and can sense you got something to hide, is there a reason you don't want me to see you?" Shino states

Great my friend is being held hostage.

Name: Shinsou Shino
Maiden name: Aizawa Shino
Age: 31 (same as Aizawa)
Occupation: Therapist
Job Description: helps people with drug addiction lose the need to do drugs, helps the people who are refusing to cooperate (like people who are trying to commit suicide) to want to cooperate an or listen.
Quirk: Visual Persuasion
Quirk description: as long as she makes eye contact and holds it for 5 seconds she can influence their choices, her eyes glow red like her brothers when she manages to get them under her influence.
________END OF INFORMATION______

"How about you visit me tomorrow not now!" Aizawa states irritated into the phone as he paced

"Hmm, no."

"Shino, this isn't up for debate." Aizawa states seriously, running his hands through in dark locks as he paced in the living room.

"Now you got me really curious. You have someone in your apartment, someone you really don't want me to see. You're not with Suki again are you?" He can hear her ask Yamada if he's with Suki, his ex before she speaks into the phone, "your friend here's pretty tight lipped but from just looking around the car-" he hears a bags being opened and Yamada scolding her for snooping, "hmm meds for Tano Amelia, I assume a girl, are you taking care of someone?"

"Listen it's none of your business-"

"It's totally my business! You keep shutting me out, especially after Suki. You opened up more over the past few years but only after Hiro died. Now I found out your class was attacked, you almost died! and to add the cream on top I wasn't even told by you, but found out by your best friend, and now you're denying me to come visit." Her voice sounded harsh and desperate

"Look I didn't want to worry you Shino, you got your own stuff to worry about-"

"You shut it! You don't get to decide when I get to worry and who I worry about! God Sho Im coming and that's final!"

The phone beeps indicating she hung up.

Aizawa just groans, "this can't be happening.. oh but It is."

He pockets his phone and just waits his impending doom as he flops onto the couch face first. His left arm dangles off the couch and his legs are over the edge of it. He didn't want to deal with his sister, bless her heart but she's a handful.  He curses under his breath into the couch cushion, only to curse louder when his hand is bit and scratched up but none other than Bastard for funsys.

He jumps off the couch craddling his hand expecting some blood but to find the small scratches and bite marks healing already. His eyes soften on the clear skin and his mind automatically goes to the woman laying in his bed.


He gets up and faces the music walking back over finding Sushi a fluffy red and white furred maincoon snuggled up to her side.

Amelia eyes him with tired eyes, "I heard you shouting.. is everything okay with Yamada and the medicine run?" She asked

You'd think she'd be focus more on the meds but seems she cares for Hizashi's safety even when she's in pain. How does she do it?

"No, just.. Zashi picked up another person I'm not to keen on seeing right now, she's worse than Nemuri.." he states plainly not bothering to call them by their last names he didn't feel like it at the moment, plus Tano had a good grip on their last names by now, "your meds are on the way to, give or take another 10 minutes."

She hums and it's awkward silence before she breaks it, "I.. can't sleep, and it's not because of the pain.. Everytime I close my eyes I.. just keep seeing that thing coming at me... Is it the same for um.. you?" She asked

Aizawa is silent for a moment he leans against the door frame and sighs before talking, "it's common with the trauma. Best you can do is breath deep, and ground yourself. Think five things you can see, four things touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing can you taste. Of course you can switch up what senses you use to the numbers but it's a grounding technique... Something I.. I use often on.. particularly bad days." He says surprisingly vulnerable, "best bet is to distract yourself, helps to.. have company."

*I sometimes forget.. he's a hero a underground hero. These types of heros see sometimes worse things than limelight or twilight heros. They might even have seen worse things than support heros like me.*

Child trafficking, human trafficking, drug cartels, you name it underground heroes probably seen it.

"I.. thank you." She says, "think you can um keep me company, at least keep my mind distracted...? I mean if you have other things to do-"

She cut off by Aizawa shuffling over sitting at the edge of the bed keep a comfortable distance, "you talk to much.. but if you feel better talking, then talk. Just don't make yourself sick, id rather not have vomit on my bed sheets from you coughing out a lung from talking so much."

She blinks as she looks at him and sends him a slight smile and a laugh which turns into a pain filled groan.

"Your being really nice, I might have to become your patient more often-OW!" She cries out as he leans over quickly flicking her forehead.

"Don't even think about getting hurt this bad again, I won't care for you, especially if you did it on purpose." Aizawa states though his tone sounds not as scolding but more teasing-more amused.

This isn't going to be so bad

__________AUTHORS NOTE__________

Hey guys, sorry for not updating got pretty bad writers block, still do a tad bit, but I'm updating still no worries!!

Thank you for all who are reading you guys are so awesome!

Until next time my friends!!

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