Trolls Band Together Floyd x...

By ZeraoraFangirl33

13.7K 250 19

I watched Trolls Band Together, and I loved it, Floyd is my favourite character, so I desied to write a boyfr... More

How you meet
When you meet again
When he's crushing on you
When your crushing on him
When he confesses
First date
First Kiss
When you meet his older brothers
When he meets your family
When you get kidnapped
When he rescues you
When it's his birthday
Prank Day

When it's your birthday

637 19 0
By ZeraoraFangirl33

F/c (favourite cake)

F/f (favourite flavour)

It was mid afternoon in pop village and you were busily filling out orders for customers, Floyd had planed to spend the day with his brothers and was hesedent at to leave you with the afternoon rush hour, but you persuaded him to go and reassured him that you would be just fine on your own and sent him off with a peck on the lips. After the events of Floyd's birthday John and the others asked you if you wanted to join the band which you happily accepted and had been performing with them when ever you had the time.

Ever since then the bakery had become more busy over the last few weeks, you were surprised to find out, that some of the trolls from the village had seen some of the performances you did with the band and word spread like wild fire, and some of the customers would come to the bakery to complement you on your voice and heck someone of them even asked of your autograph which you happily gave whilst feeling flattered, of course Floyd teased you about it, calling you his little superstar which made you fluster in embarrassment knowing that you had become a little bit of a celebrity.

After finishing another order the door burst open and Poppy came running in looking panicked.

"Hi Poppy, is everything okay?"

"No everything is not okay, we have a cake emergency and need your help"

"Whoa, whoa, now carm down and tell me exactly what happened"

"Okay, so I'm throwing a surprise birthday party for one of my friends today and we were going to make them their favourite cake, everything was going fine until the oven suddenly exploded, destroying the cake"

"Oh no, that's terrible"

"I know, and the party will start soon, so I was wondering if you could bake us a new one"

"How long do we have before the party starts?"

"About two hours"

"Hmm, it's cutting it close, but I think I can do it, I'll make a start on it right now and I'll text you when it's done"

"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, your the best Y/n"

"I know, so what's your friends favorite cake and flavour icing"

"There favorite cake is F/c with F/f icing"

"F/c with F/f icing, got it, that's actually my favourite too, now shouldn't you get back to setting up the party"

"Oh yeah, your right, I've still got so much to do, thanks again Y/n, see ya"

And just like that Poppy was gone in a flash of pink, you smiled whilst shaking your head in amusement before putting up a sign saying that you will be temporarily closed for two hours and headed into the kitchen to start making the cake.

It didn't take long, for you had completely finished the cake, which was a small three tiered F/c cake with F/f icing and decorative red roses, the word happy birthday written in curvie letters, you staird at the cake feeling proud of you delicious masterpiece. You took out your phone from you apron pocket, taking a picture and sending it to Poppy along with the text to come pick it up.

Poppy instently replied back saying she was on her way and that the cake looked amazing, you smiled whilst placing your phone back in you pocket and started to carfully place the cake into a white box before heading back to the front of the bakery to take down the sign, soon Poppy arrived and you went into the kitchen and came back with the box, carfully hanging it to Poppy.

"Thank you so much for this Y/n"

"Hey, no problem popstar, I'm glad to help, and if you need help with anything, just ask, okay"

"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind, I better get going the party will start soon and the party can't start with out the cake, thanks again Y/n"

"Bye Poppy, wish your friend a happy birthday for me"

"I will, bye"

You both waved goodbye and you continued serving customers and taking their orders. By the time you had closed the shop and turned the sign to closed, you felt completely exhausted and was just about to head up stairs to crashing on to your bed when someone knocked on the door, groaning you dragged yourself back to the door and unlocked it.

"I'm sorry but were-"

You cut yourself off when you saw that no one was there, shrugging you where about to close the door when you spotted a large light blue box with a white ribbon, an envelope stuck out from the ribbon and had the word 'open me' on the front, curious and confused you picked up the box and headed back inside, locking the door behind you, you headed upstairs to you and Floyd's bedroom and placed the box on the bed whilst opening the envelope and reading the note inside.

'A surprise is waiting for you at the bunker, that's your only clue, inside the box is a dress for you, so make yourself beautiful and come to the bunker, but don't be late for your surprise is at six'

Feeling more curious you set the note down and untied the white ribbon, you lifted the lid off and started in awe, inside was a beautiful blue and white glittery dress, you took it out of the box to get a better look at it before you glanced at the clock on your bed side table to see it read four thirty, so you layed the dress on your bed and headed into the shower.

After you had showerd you used your hair dryer to dry your hair before putting on your new dress and curling your hair, you had just finished doing your makeup when you looked at the time to see it was five thirty, quickly you exited your room and headed down stairs, locking the door behind you and started making your way to the bunker, wondering what this surprise was.

Soon you made it to the bunker and saw a piece of cloth stuck to the large rock with a sign that said.

'put on blind fold and knock three times'

Confused you did as instructed and tied the blind fold around your eyes and knocked on the stone three times, you waited for a minute before hearing the sound of the trapdoor opening, you flinched when you felt someone's hand on your shoulder before feeling both your hands be gently held and you were guided down the trapdoor, you heard the all to familiar sound of the platform lift and tried asking your guide where you were going but only got silence as you continued going down.

Suddenly you the platform stop and you continued to walking till you felt your guide came to a stop and let go of your hands.

"Hello?, what's going on?, Floyd?, anyone?" You said as you untied the blind fold.


You jumped in surprise and fright as confetti shot into the air as your friends and boyfriend jumped out wearing party hats and outfits, in the middle of the living room was a round table layed with food and drinks, with the cake you made as the centre piece and two speakers lay on each side of the room, that's when it hit you, today is your birthday and you completely forgot.

"Wait, today's my birthday"

"Yeah, don't tell me you forgot your own birthday"

"Hehe, well yeah, I've been so busy with the band and the bakery that it completely slipped my mind, still I can't believe you all did this for me, thank you so much"

"Your welcome, but it was really all Floyd's doing, he's the one who threw this all together"

"Really, Is that true, mi amor"

"Yeah, I knew how busy you've been lately and I felt like that you deserve to have the best birthday ever, and I wanted to surprise you, so I asked Poppy to help me set this all up"

"Aww, honey, that's so sweet of you, but you didn't have to do this all for me"

"I know, but I wanted to, you deserve it babe, after everything you've done for us, it's the least we could do"

You both hugged each other before giving him a kiss on the lips.

"So, you ready to party?"

"Heck yeah!, let's party!"

And that's just what you did, you spent the rest of the night opening presents, eating, drinking, playing games and dancing the night away with your boyfriend and friends, you were having a blast and was smiling from ear to ear the entire time, to the point where your cheeks started to ache, but as always the party soon came to an end and you exchanged thank yous and hugs before leaving the bunker with Floyd and headed back home, you both walked hand in hand, your fingers intertwined and with your head on Floyd's shoulder feeling tired but happy.

Once you got home you both yawned and headed upstairs to your bedroom, you both changed into your pajamas and crawled in bed and under the cover, you snuggled into Floyd's chest as he kissed your forehead and whisperd.

"Happy birthday Y/n"

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