The Glimmering Sea

By JMMurray

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It's 1501 and near Venice, Italy, 16-year-old mermaid Armida is torn between saving the ocean she loves and t... More



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By JMMurray

Armida practiced mindbreathing, as she had come to name her calming, imagined breathing technique. It would not help Paolo if she provoked Erastus. He could play these games for days, leaving no profit in agitation. She had traveled alone many months and spent many nights in dark caves and survived worse threats. Imprisonment here would be no different. In some ways her stay in Thalassa was better. They brought sufficient food to her, and she was safe from predators.

And Delfina was alive, although in what condition was not clear. Erastus had checked on her twice, but Armida closed her mindpath to him. That was difficult without knowledge of Paolo. She was desperate to know but it was better to seem less anxious. She would learn soon if he would leverage Paolo against her and what his intent was.

Let his thoughts be like churnwater.

Theo brought her krill twice each day. He had kind eyes, purple like Erastus's but not as intense. His brow furrowed when Armida refused to open her mindpath. He tried signing to communicate, but Armida ate her food and would simply nod when she gave him the empty basket when she was done.

The third day of isolation was easier than the previous days. Her drag injuries had healed and the regular meals had brought strength back. A guard floated outside her small detention cave and she noted every detail of schedules and behaviors.

Movement drew Armida's attention. It was Theo in agitated conversation with the latest guard. Theo's words came first. ≈...other one. She found out Armida is here and is angry we've kept them separated. They need our help controlling her without injury to her or anyone else.≈

≈I can't leave this one. Erastus said she can't be trusted.≈

≈ Don't question me. Just come.≈

And with that, Armida was alone.

She hovered in the corridor and watched the two mermen as they followed a channel to the right and were gone from sight. Except for the distant subsurface current, silence hung in the water. The lumes were spaced to provide enough light for Armida to progress safely, but she paused to deliberate.

Staying close to the wall, Armida swam to the end of the corridor with minimal use of her tail, allowing her to move with a lower likelihood of detection. If someone was nearby, she didn't want to raise an alarm. When she reached the intersecting passage, she peered around the edge. No merman was in sight. Brighter lumes and movement were visible in an open space further into the cavern.

When Armida glanced up, she noticed an opening in the ceiling through which a wayward shrimp or two drifted in. An escape route. She would be free. However, Paolo would not. Armida would never leave without Paolo. They understood that.

She would break if she did not see Paolo. They were cruel not to reunite them, if not for her, then for Paolo.

She would have to find another way.


When two mermen waited as a third tied Armida's hands, she struggled until it required all three to hold her still. She should not have revealed her strength, but submitting in the moment was impossible. Finally, Erastus arrived with displeasure shooting from his eyes.

He tapped the side of his head and then hers. Armida shook her head. With a gesture from Erastus, the mermen jerked her bindings tighter, and the cords cut into her wrists. The hatred on his face was mirrored by how Armida felt. She hoped he felt her fury. But she also feared for Paolo.

≈How do you feel, Erastus, to have not one but two mermaids captive and a pup? That is, if you have the ability to feel anything.≈

≈You are predictable, you know. It was destined you would come for Delfina.≈

≈Is this but a game to you? Why have you done this? I shouldn't be surprised you Thalassans have reverted to your barbarian roots. I state my position firmly. I will not leave without Paolo or Delfina.≈

≈We do not hold Paolo.≈

≈You beasts! What did you do to him? I will kill you.≈ Armida lunged against her restraints.

≈Paolo did not leave Marea with me. Why do you assume that?≈

≈He witnessed your argument with Delfina. You wanted to cover your tracks.≈

≈I was untroubled by a pup who dared yell at me. I wasn't surprised. Paolo is combative like you.≈

≈He is brave. His name should never be used by you.≈

≈And you are headstrong, which is attractive in certain ways. But Faro, who I admire for his honesty, warned me.≈

≈The Faro you so admire sent me to kill you should I be unable to return with my brother.≈

Erastus reached out to Armida, who flinched from his touch. It was Armida's second greatest fear—that coming to Thalassa was useless. If only she'd thought it through, been less rash. She directed her frustration at herself as much as anyone. Her greatest fear that Paolo was lost to her chilled her heart.

His arrogance grew fainter. ≈Truly, I'm sorry to hear the pup is missing. We were not involved in that.≈

The spell of sympathy was broken when two Thalassans entered at Delfina's elbows like she was a...Armida could not imagine what. A sludgeshark? Or the ridiculously tiny scorpionfish with its seriously poisonous spines? And not the docile, obedient basking shark Delfina had always been.

It nearly made Armida laugh, except for the storm bubbling through her like Terran air, which now shifted from Erastus to Delfina.

≈Armida!≈ Affection rippled over Delfina's face with a warm smile. Her expression shifted to confusion. ≈Armida?≈

Armida's rage continued to throb. It wasn't only the Thalassan transgressions. Nor Delfina's naivete or her own. Not her parents' expectations or the oppressive nature of Marean tradition. It was all of them together. All the weight on Armida's shoulders.

Until she might break. Or explode.

As if Erastus saw into her, he waved a hand. The Thalassan guards swept Armida and Delfina out of the room. With a slight pivot, she saw Erastus follow, his face as grim as any she had ever seen. Delfina looked little better.


The mermaids were forced into a small sleepcave with sparse furnishings. Two hammocks hung from the ceiling. Armida realized they must have been preparing to put them together. The idea that Delfina might not be trustworthy struck her and Armida faltered. Delfina might be ready to provide them with information from Armida.

Once they were inside, Erastus blocked the door. ≈I'm sorry for confining you. This way you require no ropes. The situation in Thalassa is dire. I cannot gamble our future. I will have food sent to you. Then tomorrow, we shall talk.≈

≈You are sorry for nothing. It is apparent. Why do you imprison us?≈ Armida forced concern as she turned to Delfina. ≈Are you hurt in any way?≈ She had to determine what she was dealing with. Escape plans would depend on her condition and if they were on the same side. Armida was not ready to plan what she would do if they weren't. ≈What happened to Paolo?≈

≈No, I'm not hurt. But I'm scared. Why do you ask of Paolo? What has he to do with you coming here?≈

≈Did Erastus force Paolo to go with you?≈

≈What? With us?≈ Delfina's confusion read true to Armida. ≈No, I haven't seen Paolo since I left Marea.≈

Armida pitched to the cave floor where she beat her fists on the stone. All this way and Paolo wasn't here, had never been under the control of Erastus. She needed time to think, to figure out what had happened. But there was no time. She needed to get back to Marea. First, she would make Delfina tell her the truth.

≈Did you go with him willingly?≈

Delfina withdrew into a hammock.

≈Well? Was it willingly?≈

≈I was foolish and led him to think I would go. I didn't understand the seriousness. But after we passed the Watcher Station, I said I couldn't go with him. He became furious and we fought.≈

The distress evident in Delfina's slumping posture was oddly encouraging to Armida. ≈Have any of them hurt you?≈

Delfina's mouth quivered. ≈It has been awful, but I have not been physically harmed.≈

≈You lost your necklace. Your mother has it. She was distraught over what might have caused you to leave your treasure behind.≈

≈We argued over that as well. He had a gift for me, another necklace. But I didn't want to give up mine. We lost both in the confrontation. I was heartbroken because mine had been my grandmother's. Erastus was furious over the other. He said we had to leave them, that we couldn't delay because of the risk of our departure being discovered.≈

Exhaustion hit Armida. She clambered into a hammock. ≈What you are telling me makes no sense. Why was the necklace so important?≈

≈He wouldn't say. And then he...he...I was scared. He had a rope around his waist. He bound my hands and pulled me like a scavenger sledge.≈ Delfina's mindpath closed. She opened it again after shrinking deeper into her hammock. She stared blankly. ≈I'm incredibly sorry. You've had to come a great distance. And now we are both captive.≈

≈We are indeed. And Paolo is missing, and I am further away from finding him than I was when I began this trip. You have been very foolish. As have I, apparently.≈

Delfina buried her face in her hands. ≈Is everyone very angry with me?≈

Armida wasn't sure if it was worth continuing the conversation while she was unconvinced of sincerity from Delfina, who was good enough to manipulate her.

≈We did not have enough information though I admit my feelings have been severe. Your mother, however, was fearful about what had happened.≈

Delfina went to Armida's side and took Armida's hand in hers. ≈What have I done?≈

≈You want an explanation? Then I will clarify. Because Paolo observed your encounter and departure with Erastus and then disappeared, we assumed Erastus took you both. Without your ill-advised interactions with a near stranger, I would have remained in Marea. And we would have known there was a different reason Paolo was missing. That is what you have done. You have allowed a merpup to suffer unknown consequences.≈

Clutching Armida's hand tighter, Delfina's anguish registered in Armida's mindpath. ≈I was only having a bit of fun. I never imagined the direction Erastus would take things. I'm not as wise as you. I wish I could erase my actions along with your sorrow.≈

Perhaps it was wrong to place so much blame on Delfina when it was the behavior of the unbalanced Thalassan that was the true cause of this nightmare.

Rocking in her hammock, Armida trembled. She'd clung to hope that Paolo was in Thalassa and that had dampened her agony. She feared the worst now, and every muscle slackened with the wasted effort of the journey.

Armida pulled her hammock tight. ≈We need to sleep. Tomorrow will be here soon.≈

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