Shattered Into Pieces | TMF |...

By ZanderIsOreoButAro

745 27 206

Lander Angst More

I Don't Wanna Lose You
Who Is She?
Are you crying?

Are we boring?

261 8 14
By ZanderIsOreoButAro

Just another ordinary school day as always.

Zander ties his shirt, Hailey brushes her hair and they both prepare for the day.

Hailey waves goodbye to Michael, her dad, while Zander waves goodbye to Shannon.

"Bye dad."
"Bye mom."

Bethany quickly runs and holds Zander's leg tight, pleading for him not to go.

"Moomm! Me and Zander were gonna play Tag today!"

Zander sighs and Shannon raises her hand to her forehead as she sits on the Table.

"Honey, you can play when Zander comes back Home, Him and Hailey have to focus on their Grades."

Hailey shortens herself to reach Bethany's height.

"I'll make sure we come quick, alright Bethy?"

Bethany looks to the side and Zander gives her a thumbsup as an approval.

Bethany sighs and grunts as she runs to her room mumbling the word,


Zander rolls his eyes and finally says his goodbye to his parents.

The Parents wave back while Shannon follows Bethany.

"So what's with you and Jake recently? You've been hanging out with him a lot lately."

Zander asks Hailey questioningly.

"Don't be weird, we're just talking about rehearsals and the duet."

Zander raises his eyebrows at Hailey.

"Oh? And I thought last time you said it was 'none of my business'."

Zander teases.

"Listen, It's too early in the morning for you to remind me what I told you days ago Zander."

Hailey grunts.

Just as they continue walking, Luke would be standing there, texting on his phone next to a Pole.

Both Zander and Hailey wave Hello and so does Luke.

Like the lovebirds they are, Zander approaches Luke and his lips touches his.

"So, How have you been?"

Zander starts the conversation.

"I'm better now."

Luke flirts and Zander giggles.

"Alright, come on you two, I don't want you two flirting being the reason were gonna be late."

Hailey persists.

"Hailey, stop being such a goody-two-shoe, we still have 20 minutes."

Luke laughs at Zander's comment.

"Zander, we promised Bethany we'll try to get home as soon as possible."

Hailey tries forcing Zander


Zander sighs and starts walking in the middle, Hailey walking in the right side and Luke on the left.

Luke continues texting with an unknown number, but Zander sees that the number is from Canada.

"Who are you texting?"

Luke's eyes wide and turns off his phone.

"Oh, It was no one."

Zander looks confused.

"What do you mean 'no one'?"

Luke puts his hand behind his neck.

"It was just my mother."

Luke puts a forceful smile at Zander


Zander says and glances at Hailey trying to ask what's wrong with him in sign language.

Hailey shakes her head and raises her shoulder.

And so the Bell rings.

"Oh crap, we're late.."

"Come on guys, we can't be late."

Hailey starts running to her classroom.

"Ugh, do we have to run?"

Zander sighs but Luke quickly picks him up and starts running with him.

They reached their classroom and take the backseat and work on their Presentation.

Time flies and class is over.

Hailey, Zander and Luke pack their things and they head to the Music room.

Just like that, Mrs Jones bust in and approaches the Trio but mostly just Luke.

"Luke! You wouldn't be such a dear and help me carry these books to the History classroom with Jake for next class period?"

As always, Luke kindly accepts and carries the books while Mrs Jones carries the other half.

"Oh uh..would you guys mind waiting?"

Zander nods and Hailey responds.

"Sure, and actually I'm gonna head to the vending machine, I forgot my drink at home and I think I really need water right now."

Zander sighs knowing he has to wait for Hailey and Luke now.

"Whatever, If you need help, text me."

Hailey smiles and off she goes.

Once everyone is out of Zander's sight, an unfamiliar Student approaches Zander with a grin.

"Hey! Zander right?"

The Student shouts.

"Huh? Oh uhm, Hi?"

Zander confusingly answers.

"So, How's it with Luke? I've seen you two all over the Internet. You guys are like two big celebrities!"

The Student says and Zander puts on a weak smile.

"Uhm yeah, He's great."

Zander awkwardly says. He's not sure why but he feels kind of uncomfortable with this kind of conversation.

"Well, What does he buy you? Did he buy you a car once? A new Piano? Tell me everything!"

Zander was really confused by this question and didn't know what to say.

"Oh, It's nothing big. We just hang out and go to school and walk back home together."

Zander mutters each word.

"That's it? Just hangout and go to school? Wow, That's boring."

Ouch. That hurts. Imagine how painful it would feel knowing you've been in this healthy relationship for a while and someone calls the things you two do boring.

"Well I- It's special for us."

Zander mumbles.

"Riiiiiigghttt, Just like every couple right? Tell me, has he been doing anything fishy lately?"

Zander wasn't sure whether if he should answer this question or not, but this guy seems to know something and Luke has been acting weird too.

"Well, The only thing he's doing is texting some random number and not telling me who it is, he never did that before."

Zander adds and the Students eyes widen with an evil smile.


"Texting other people and not telling you who it is? Dude, It's wrapped up!"

"Wrapped up like a Present with a Bow on top."

The student objects and throws his prediction to Zander.

"Wh..What do you mean?"

Zander asks for confirmation.

"I think it's best you think about it yourself instead of me just saying it."

"But hey, If you need confirmation, the name's Max, Text me!"

Max walks away leaving Paranoia alone with Zander.

Hailey, Luke and Jake come back to Zander and walk to the Music Club and Zander follows while he looks at the floor thinking about this relationship.

"Alright everyone! Next Friday is the competition and we still have a lot to prepare so let's try and make it the most we can for today!"

Hailey encourages the Group.

Everyone goes to their set of Instruments while Zander isn't even considering playing a Note on his Piano.

"What's wrong Grumpy? Didn't get your 10 Minute beauty sleep today?"

Milly annoys Zander.

"Oh shut it you."

Zander answers to Milly.

"No, but seriously, are you alright? You haven't played a Note this whole rehearsal."

Hailey asks worrying about Zander.

"I'm fine, Just thinking about things."

He finishes his sentence before Luke interrupts him.

"Yeah, He's fine."

Wow. What kind of boyfriend just assumes how his partner feels like.

"Hey, don't interrupt. Zander are you sure you are alright?"

Sean cuts off Luke and tries to assure Zander if he's okay or not.

Zander looks at everyone while everyone stares at him waiting for a response.

Zander's pressure become intense and he starts acting furious deciding a unnatural decision.

"I'm going home."

Zander says angrily as he swings open the door not listening to everyone pleading for him to stay.

"Zander wait!"

Hailey goes out the Music room and shouts his name in the Hallway but Zander is already gone.

"Does he always act like this?"

Jake asks and looks at Luke.

"Nope, This is the first time."

Time passes by and Zander is alone in his room, He informed his mom that he doesn't wanna play with Bethany yet and he needs some privacy.

Zander starts feeling guilty for making a whole scene by leaving because of a simple question.

But he's still unsure about Luke
Zander grabs his phone and goes to his messages with Luke.

Luke hasn't replied or said anything to Zander ever since the last time Luke didn't act so strange.

"Luke we need to talk."

Zander sends the message and Luke starts typing.


Luke leaves a short and simple response.

Zander starts typing again, this time just dropping the bomb and asks him..

"Are we boring?"

Zander nervously sends as Luke starts typing an hour later.

"wdym by that"

Luke responds clearly not taking this conversation seriously.

"Luke, that person you were texting was not your mom. And we both know that."

Zander types trying to get to the bottom of this.

"Okay fine, It wasn't my mom but still, It's no one. And besides, who I talk to on my phone is none of your business so just stop asking.

Luke says going offline right after he sends that message. It sounded really aggressive.

Zander was a bit devastated and heart broken. He doesn't even consider saying anything back to Luke anymore.

Throughout their entire childhood relationship, Zander would've never expected the words 'Leave me alone' or 'It's none of your business' to come out of Luke, especially towards Zander.

Zander can't stop thinking about what's gonna happen tomorrow, what does this mean for him?

Is he still in a relationship? Was Luke talking to that Max person?

Zander gets a headache thinking of it overall.

He puts his phone under his pillow and rests himself to sleep.


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