In a different world{BOOK 1}L...

By ihatereality_21

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{ Hello }
chapter one- How it started
chapter two- The training grounds
!Sorry not an update!
chapter three- Lady of the stars pt.1
chapter three- Lady of the stars pt.2
chapter four- An expected unexpected encounter
chapter five- Feast and conflict
chapter six- The Orc attack
chapter seven- The trip to Lake-Town
chapter eight- Elf traitor
chapter nine- The men on the lake
chapter ten-Dragon Fire
chapter eleven- No more secrets
chapter twelve- Gundabad
!!!NEW BOOK!!!!

chapter thirteen- Betrayals and Goodbyes

90 8 2
By ihatereality_21

Chapter 13 Betrayals and Goodbyes

The group wasted no time and started running through the roads of Dale to go to Ravenhill. The men of Lake-Town had managed to kill most orcs in the area with the help of the elves. Eliriel as well as her friends slashed the few orcs that were attacking them slowly making their way through the town. The elleth didn't notice when she and Tauriel got separated from Legolas and Laerornel but they still continued.

That was until they saw a familiar figure in front of them.

Thranduil, together with the chief of the guards and what was left of his company were walking away from the battle leaving the fate of Middle Earth to everyone else's hands.

Tauriel takes a step forward. "You will not go further." She yelled at him as Eliriel looked at her with wide eyes. She knew it before hand but still, he was a king and she admired her bravery. "You will not turn away, not this time." Tauriel continued with tears forming in her eyes.

The snow falling only added to Thranduil's cold gaze as he looked at both of them. "Get out of my way." He simply said in a cold tone. "The dwarves will be slaughtered!" Tauriel insisted and stood her ground in front of the King holding back her tears. "You cannot hide in the safety of your kingdom while others die to save Middle-Earth!" Eliriel added sending a glare towards the king, emphasizing the word die. But Thranduil's gaze remained cold. "Yes. They will die. Today, tomorrow, one year hence, a hundred years from now. What does it matter? They are mortal."

Since they are both banished from Mirkwood he speaks to them as such. As people who have no say in this, no right to accuse him.

Tauriel suddenly snaps and aims her arrow at Thranduil's head making him widen his eyes in shock. Eliriel held the hilt of her sword, prepared to attack if something went wrong. "You think your life is worth more than theirs...when there is no love in it?"Tauriel's voice trembled as she spoke, anger taking control. "There is no love in you..."She said her voice low in anger. She was going to attack him Eliriel knew that but in the blink of an eye Thranduil broke her bow in half with a single strike.

"What do you know of love? Nothing!" Thranduil snapped pointing his sword at Tauriel's throat. Eliriel's muscles tensed. Tauriel was wrong to say that about Thranduil. It was because of love and grief that he acted like this. "What you feel for that dwarf is not real." He added tears now streaming down Tauriel's face as she looked in shock up at the elven king. His words made Eliriel remember something. Kili didn't give Tauriel his rune stone. Maybe things have changed so much that her feelings were one-sided now. She didn't have time to feel sad about her friend's feelings because the elven king was threatening her life.

Just then, as if on cue, Legolas appeared lowering his father's sword with his own, shortly followed by Laerornel. "If you harm them will be harming me as well." Legolas growled, slowly facing away from his father. He walked towards the elleths. "Let us go." He nodded at them and they all turned away leaving Thranduil behind.

Eliriel, Tauriel and Laerornel finally made it to Ravenhill. Legolas got separated from them when he grabbed the legs of one of those massive bats they saw in Gundabad and flew away with it. The three were currently running through the rocky terrain. Even though it snowed heavily, Eliriel felt warmth as the snowflakes landed on her skin. Suddenly group of goblins appeared ahead of them, charging towards them. Eliriel acted quickly and crouched down. Her friends looked at her confused as she put both her hands in the snow on the ground and with glowing eyes she made the snow move and swallow the five goblins whole, making them dissappear completely. Some of them though were left unharmed and started attacking the elleths again. Eliriel drew her long dagger as her friends did the same and cut through the goblins like butter. She cut through one's chest before turning to slash another, stabbing it in the heart.

Then a taller goblin with a heavy sword showed up and charged at Eliriel, swinging its sword to cut her head. The elleth quickly dodged and took advantage of the goblin's slow movements. She stabbed it in the stomach, black blood splattered all over her face as the goblin stumbled backwards. She finished it off by slashing its head off with a swift motion. But no matter how many they killed more showed up. 'There's no time for this.'

"Hey, can you cover for me?" She yelled at her friends and wiped the blood off her face with the sleeves of her dark green tunic. "Yes. Go!" Tauriel nodded at her while Laerornel was preoccupied killing a goblin. Eliriel immediately run off after they agreed. She had to find to dwarves before they got killed.

She run and run and finally made it to a clearing with Dwalin, Thorin and Bilbo standing still. She quickly approached them and grabbed Bilbo's shoulder. "Bilbo where is Fili and Kili?" She hurriedly whisper-yelled in worry. Bilbo turned to look at her in shock but didn't answer, he stayed quiet as no words came out of his open mouth. The dwarves were about to notice her presence but then loud drums were heard and everything seemed to slow down.


Soon, Azog the Defiler appeared at the highest floor of the watch tower a bit further ahead of them. But he wasn't alone. He dragged Fili from his hair along the ground. Eliriel as well as the rest took a few steps forward. Instead of the shock that was displayed in the dwarves' eyes, Eliriel's displayed sadness. She didn't make it in time to warn them. "This one dies first." Azog said holding Fili in the air over the edge of the tower. "Then the brother. Then you, Oakenshield. You will die last." He smirked wickedly as Fili struggled to get away. "Go!" He managed to say to his uncle -who had tears in his eyes- as Azog raised his blade that was attached to his arm. Eliriel's mind at that moment was clouded by anger. 'How dare that bastard...' In an instant an ice shard almost as long as a spear materialized from the snow and started levitating next to her. Before Azog could stab Fili and kill him, she released a small battle cry and threw the ice spear with all her strength. The spear cut through the air and before he could react, it pierced Azog's shoulder.

He let out a shriek in pain and instinctively let go of Fili to clutch his shoulder. Fili  screamed as he fell but the elleth moved -with her powers- some of the snow below to act as a pillow and smoothen his fall. It was the only thing she could think of at that moment. Fili fell on top the pile of snow in a soft thud. As his brother, Kili run towards him to see if he was okay, Azog pulled out the ice spear and crashed it while glared at the elleth. "You she-elf will die." He snarled at her and then turned to one of his minions. "Bring me her head." And then he turned around and left. Eliriel wasn't bothered by his threats, she will make sure he gets what he deserves.

She turned her attention away from him and run towards Kili with Dwalin. Thorin had already gone after the pale orc. "Is he alright?" She asked when she got there and Kili nodded at her as he helped his brother stand. "Do you know this elf?" Dwalin asked the brothers not really pleased with her being there with them, even though she saved Fili. "She saved Kili when he was shot, and now she saved me. We wouldn't be here if not for her." Fili told him, his voice sounding tired. And then he turned to her. "I can't thank you enough." He smiled but groaned slightly as he stumbled a bit. His body did hurt a little from the fall but at least none of his bones were broken. Eliriel smiled. "You don't have to-" Eliriel got interrupted as more Gundabad bats flew near them shortly followed by Bolg and his army. The orcs filled the area fast. An orc growled and charged at Bilbo who stood alone but got frozen on the spot before it could hurt him. Bilbo released a breath and smiled in relief as Eliriel appeared behind the frozen orc.

"Stay behind me." She sternly told him and attacked the orcs with Dwalin, Kili and Fili's help. Dwalin cut through them with his axe while Eliriel shot them with her arrows before they got too close to them. Kili and Fili stayed together to protect each other. Arrow after arrow she shot but she missed one orc as it run towards her. Before she pulled out her dagger the creature fell down after Bilbo threw a rock at its head. Eliriel smiled slightly amazed by his bravery. She turned after putting her bow back and pulled out her blade as she run and jumped to stab another orc. Blood was splattered on her face and clothes but Eliriel didn't care as she slayed her enemies.

The fight continued endlessly but a familiar voice distracted Eliriel. "Kili! Eliriel!" Tauriel yelled in the distance. "Here!" Eliriel shouted back in hopes her friend would find her. "Be careful." She told Bilbo before running up some stairs to find Tauriel. 'She must be close.' Just then, she met Kili running towards her after killing two orcs. "Kili!" Tauriel yelled again this time sounding a little closer. "Tauriel?" Kili looked at Eliriel confused but then started running away to her. Before he could do so though, Eliriel pulled him back. "No, Kili. I'll go. You go find your uncle, he will need your help. Trust me." She run away before he could refuse.

"Tauriel!" Eliriel shouted as she jumped over a gap in the ground and then turned to run up more stairs. "Tauriel!" She said in relief and smiled when she saw her friend standing outside a half destroyed watch tower. Her smile quickly faded though as Tauriel got kicked and thrown to a wall by Bolg. "Noo!" Eliriel yelled as she run as fast as she could. She released a battle cry and jumped from a higher platform onto Bolg to push him away from Tauriel. Her plan was successful until Bolg grabbed her from her left arm and threw her off of him. Eliriel let out a groan when she hit the ground hard but got up again. Tauriel swung her dagger at him as fast as she could but Bolg dodged most of her attacks. He grabbed her arm and twisted it making the elleth release a small cry in pain. He then hit her head with his fist, Tauriel fell unconscious on the floor with a loud thud. Eliriel furious swung her blade, forgetting to use her powers. She just wanted to make him bleed and managed to slice his arms a couple of times, making him stumble back and growl.

Tauriel was starting to regain consciousness and slowly got up only to see her friend back away in a corner, her chest armor piece was thrown off of her -leaving only a black leather vest for protection- and a big cut was bleeding from her shoulder. Despite her dizziness and pain she grabbed her dagger from the ground and run to stab Bolg in the back. But Bolg had noticed her coming. "Tauriel! No!" Eliriel shouted but she was too late. He turned and kicked Tauriel in the stomach, making her fall on her knees. He then grabbed her throat from behind and pulled off the ground. Tauriel struggled to breathe as he squeezed her throat and tried to kick her feet in the air to get away but to no avail. Eliriel's eyes were wide, her face pale and the world seemed to slow down once more. "I will kill your friend first, she-elf. So you can watch her die." Bolg sneered with a wild grin and then raised his hammer-like weapon to reveal a sharp blade at the tip of its handle. "No..." Eliriel breathed out as tears formed in her eyes. Her blade fell from her hand as Bolg sliced Tauriel's neck. She was frozen in place and could only watch in terror as her friend choked on her own blood. Bolg satisfied, smirked as he threw Tauriel's body on the ground in front of Eliriel.

The elleth immediately fell on her knees and grabbed her friend's cold hands. "No, no, no. Please..." Eliriel cried, so much that her vision got blurry, her tears were falling on Tauriel's now lifeless face. Eliriel buried her face into Tauriel's chest as she sobbed, her loud cries muffled and she felt a sharp pain in her chest. She slowly lifted her head and sniffled loudly and slowly closed Tauriel's eyes with her trembling hand. 'She's...gone.' She thought as more tears fell down her face and her lips were trembling.

"How does that feel now, she-elf?" Bolg sneered with a twisted grin as he took a step forward. The elleth's eyes widen at his voice. She slowly got up, her now messy hair covering her face as she still looked down at her friend's dead body. Eliriel's grief was slowly being replaced with rage as the tears on her face suddenly started freezing, creating small crystals. Her heart beat loudly in her chest as she felt new power surge through her body. The atmosphere around her got colder.

Bolg took this chance to finish her now that she was unarmed and run at her with full speed. He raised his big hammer aiming straight for her head and smirked as his weapon came closer and closer to her face.

But the hit didn't land.

Bolg stood dumbstruck as the elleth in front of him blocked his attack with her bare hand. Eliriel had caught his weapon before it could hurt her. She then slowly raised her head to look up at him with gritted teeth, sending him a deadly rageful look. Her eyes locked with his as a small strand of her front hair turned from black to white, making him look at her in shock. Despite all that, Bolg continued to push his weapon towards her with more force, but it didn't budge. He watched helplessly as Eliriel slowly pushed his hammer away from her making him take a few steps backwards. His weapon started freezing from her touch as she still pushed it away together with him towards the edge of the tower they were in. And before the frost could reach his hand, she released a battle cry as she run and pushed him with a powerful ice wave off the edge. Bolg unfortunately survived the fall, rolling on the snowy ground before he got up and stepped away from that spot. His hammer was now broken into pieces scattered around him.

Just then Eliriel landed in front of him creating a powerful wave that made him stumble. She run at inhuman speed towards  him while her eyes glowed and Bolg knew this would be the end for him. Before she was a small, pathetic elf, but now she has changed into something terrifying. He never felt fear before, until now. Before he could even think of running away, she sliced his right arm with an ice blade, sharper than anything he had ever seen before. She then kicked him in the stomach with full force sending him flying further away as his black blood was splattering on the white snow. He screamed in agony as he tried getting back up, but she was faster. She swung her sword and cut his left arm as he was on his knees. With every strike she released a terrifying cry that sent shivers down his spine. Before he could react, she attacked again, slicing both his legs and before his upper body could fall over she plunged her sword into his chest, finally delivering the finishing blow. She breathed heavily as she looked at Bolg's lifeless eyes and pulled out her blade, his body falling on the ground with a thud.

She looked at the mess around her and fell on her knees. Never before has she been so overcome with rage. She took a few heavy breaths as she looked down at her bloody hands. Tears started forming in her eyes  again but she didn't have time to grieve. More orcs appeared, running at her and she felt pain in her chest again. The orcs continued running, growling as they charged. Eliriel with tears streaming down her face, raised her hands in the air and suddenly the orcs stopped. Their bodies twitched but couldn't move closer to her. The elleth then dropped her hands to her sides and watched as all the orcs fell down choking on their blood. This new power Eliriel felt must have been unlocked by her intense emotions. 'Could I this?' For the first time she felt terrified of herself, of this new ability.

Her thoughts were interrupted only when she saw Laerornel appear as she fought two orcs.

Eliriel quickly got up and run to assist her but thankfully Laerornel had killed them before she could reach her. "Laerornel, are you okay?" Eliriel asked a bit out of breath while she was facing her friend's back. Laerornel flinched slightly at her voice and didn't turn around. "Laeror-" Eliriel only took steps closer to her and went to reach for her shoulder before she felt sharp pain in her side. Laerornel had swiftly turned and stabbed her with her sword. Eliriel couldn't understand what was happening and stared at her in shock while Laerornel's expression changed into a dark smirk.

"If you want something done, I guess you should do it yourself." She stated as she pulled her sword out of Eliriel's stomach, making her stumble back clutching her wound.

"W-what..." Was the only thing that came out of Eliriel's mouth as her blood was dripping down staining her already dirty tunic. "It hurts doesn't it? Now you know how I felt all those years." She chuckled darkly looking at Eliriel with a look she had never seen before-of absolute hatred. "What...w-why would you do this to me?" Eliriel cried and fell down her knees. She felt her heart break with betrayal. "Because I'm tired." Laerornel said in a low voice.

"Of what?"

"You!" Laerornel snapped and raised her voice. "You and your perfect fucking life! Always doing everything so perfect, it made me sick!" She yelled. Eliriel was speechless. "Why can't you be more like her they said. Wow Jude did this so well you should be inspired by her example to improve! How did you become friends with a girl like her!" Laerornel shouted as she circled around Eliriel. "I had to live my whole life in your shadow. Heck, even my parents paid more attention to you instead of me! Their real daughter!"

"I-I had no idea-"

"Of course you didn't!" Laerornel interrupted her. "You never noticed, I know deep down you enjoyed ruining my life!"
"What no-" Eliriel started but to no avail, it fell on deaf ears. "Constantly being compared to you over anything, my life became a freaking competition! And when I finally thought there would be a fresh start, that I would have a equal chance to prove myself, you mysteriously got powers!" She rambled on in one breath. "Well I had enough of you. I made deals with orcs to have you killed but I guess I should have done this from the beginning."

Eliriel's eyes widen. "You made deals...the orcs back in Mirkwood attacked me because of you?!" She yelled, her anger slowly increasing. "So that's why you run after me. You didn't worry about me, you wanted to know if I was dead or not!"

"He told me that he would give me powers if I gave him yours." Laerornel said with a twisted grin. "He, who?" Eliriel asked completely confused. Laerornel only chuckled. "The necromancer." She said making Eliriel's blood freeze. "He told me if I brought you to him, he would make me powerful, more than you." She paused as if thinking. Eliriel couldn't believe she made a deal with Sauron himself. Only because she was jealous... How did she not notice anything weird about her before. She was too blind.

Suddenly Laerornel stopped in front of Eliriel. "But I think I will just kill you now." She sneered as she raised her sword to strike Eliriel down. Eliriel with quick reflexes grabbed the blade before it could reach her. And with a powerful ice wave she sent Laerornel flying away and into a wall.

What Laerornel hadn't noticed as she talked was that Eliriel had already healed her wound.

Eliriel slowly approached Laerornel -who was just starting to get up- with a guilty look. " Laerornel, I don't want to hurt you." She said quietly. Laerornel gritted her teeth. "Too bad I DO!" She yelled and swung her sword like a maniac. Eliriel dodged and blocked all of her attacks not wanting to fight back. "Laerornel stop!" Eliriel shouted grabbing Laerornel's blade once more. She didn't want to fight her, didn't want to throw away all these years of friendship. But that's only how she felt. Laerornel never considered her a friend but someone she was constantly compared to. She never wanted to hurt her. "NO!" Laerornel screamed and kicked Eliriel in the stomach while she was distracted.

Eliriel groaned and stumbled back letting go of the blade, but moved away just in time to avoid Laerornel's attack. It was then Eliriel realized their relationship could not be salvaged. She blocked Laerornel sword with hers and sent it flying further away, out of her reach. As Eliriel stepped closer to her former friend, Laerornel backed away and tripped on a rock making her fall back on the snow. Eliriel's eyes held no emotion as she looked down on the elleth. Laerornel crawled back in fear.

"What is the meaning of this!" A voice bellowed near them.

Both girls turned to look. Thranduil with an angry look approached them followed by a few guards. "M-my lord!" Laerornel immediately cried, standing up and walking closer to the king. "I apologize for going against your orders, but I beg you! You have to help me! She attacked me out of nowhere!" Laerornel continued faking tears as she pointed at Eliriel. "She, she has these powers. She's a monster!"

Monster. The word echoed in Eliriel's mind.

Just as she feared, Thranduil looked at Eliriel's eyes and then at her blade made of ice before frowning his eyebrows.

"King Thranduil-"

"Enough!" Eliriel immediately closed her mouth at Thranduil's voice. "I saw enough of your little fight! I would have forgiven you for going against my orders if you begged for forgiveness. But now I find that attack your friend and you have been keeping secrets from your KING! You disappoint me. Despite the kindness I showed you-who knows, maybe you kept these powers of yours a secret because you planned to overthrow me!" He yelled furiously. Eliriel lowered her head in shame.

"I would nev-"


Eliriel felt helpless, empty. Her words meant nothing and she couldn't find strength in her to speak up anymore.

Thranduil's tone became cold as he spoke again. "Eliriel you are permanently exiled from Mirkwood for your crimes. If you ever dare come back I will have you executed!" He ordered. "Take her and gather anyone else you can find. We leave for Mirkwood immediately. I'll go look for my son." He told his guards after pointing at Laerornel and with that they took her and walked away, following their king. The elleth didn't even spare a glance at Eliriel.

Eliriel stood alone as the snow fell down on her. Her eyes focused on the snowflakes. She wanted to scream, to shout, to tell them that she did nothing wrong. But she had no strength in her left. She lost so much in such a short time. Her thoughts suddenly drifted to Legolas. Who knows were he was right now, she wouldn't have the chance to say goodbye. It pained her. If she only had more time, she could have told him how she felt. After Gundabad she couldn't deny her growing feelings. Maybe he felt the same. But now it doesn't matter. Perhaps it's for the best, to stay away. She could hurt him and that would kill her.

She slowly dragged her feet to walk, leaving Ravenhill. After she finally made it down the icy hill, she found a broken stone piece and sat down on it. Her empty eyes gazed upon the open battlefield were the orcs first attacked. Now it was quiet, only the bodies of those who fought laid down on the ground. The elleth closed her eyes and put her hands together and prayed. She prayed to Varda to take this curse away from her, she didn't want it anymore. But the goddess of the stars did not respond.

"Is everything alright my dear?" She suddenly heard a voice and turned to look at Gandalf standing next to her. She must have not noticed him coming. His words though broke something in her. Tears started forming in her eyes as she nodded her head. "No, no its not." She started crying, burying her face in her hands as she sobbed. She could hear the wizard sigh before sitting down next to her. She sobbed quietly as the wizard softly patted her back. There was a comforting silence between them until the elleth stopped crying and wiped her tears. "You know, the world is sometimes unfair to us, even though we haven't done anything wrong. Such is the way of life. Do not fret my dear, not all hope is lost." He spoke softly with a small smile. "Things will change for the better."

The elleth sniffled loudly before looking up at Gandalf. "You really think so?" She asked, not believing him. Hope was exactly what she needed but she couldn't bring herself to think positive right now. "Why, yes I do. Now," He said standing up from his seat. "I'm glad I found you. Thorin has requested to see you."

Eliriel's eyes widen. "Thorin? He survived?" Eliriel asked. "Yes, now let us go to him. Bilbo is probably there as well as we speak." He nodded with a smile. Eliriel stood up and started walking with the wizard. 'At least he survived, that's a relief.'

After a long walk, they could finally see the dwarves laughing with Bilbo outside the gates of Erebor. "Eliriel you're here! Thank Durin you're safe!" Kili beamed at her and waved, smiling before they even approached closer. Eliriel forced a smile at him. It's not that she wasn't happy to see him, but she couldn't act happy after everything that just happened to her.

"Ah, there you are. I'm glad Gandalf was able to find you." Thorin's voice was heard as he took a few steps forward to look at the elleth. He had some bandages on him but none of his injuries were serious. Eliriel did a small bow as she faced the king. "King Thorin, you requested to see me." She spoke wondering the reason behind this request. "Yes, I wanted to properly thank you for saving my sister's sons. Fili and Kili told me about you. I'm grateful for what you've done for my kin." He said and thanked the elleth with a small smile. "You are welcome, but you don't have to thank me. I did what I had to do." Eliriel answered with a slight nod. This time Fili spoke, changing the subject. "So are your friends not with you?" He asked as he stood next to his brother. "Yeah, where is Tauriel? Did she leave already?" Kili added eagerly, making Eliriel's heart drop at his question. How could she tell him...

She nodded her head. "No. Tauriel, she..." Eliriel lowered her gaze on the ground. The grief in her eyes was enough for everyone to understand what she meant. "Oh..." Was all Kili said after realizing. Fili smiled sadly as he looked at the girl. Even Gandalf's eyes softened. "I'm sorry..." She looked up at Kili tears slowly forming in her eyes. He smiled sadly. "At least, you're alright."

After a small silence, Gandalf cleared his throat as the atmosphere was getting very grim. "Well, I think it is time we leave, my dear Bilbo. We have a long way till we reach the Shire." He said softly and Bilbo hesitantly nodded. "What, you're not staying? To celebrate? You're still part of the company!" Bofur suddenly spoke disappointed his friend was leaving so soon. "You're welcome to join if you want." He added looking at Eliriel, to which she smiled.
But she couldn't stay.

"I would love to, but Gandalf is right. I have to return home. I'm afraid I've been gone for too long." He chuckled at the end. "But you're welcome to come visit anytime. Tea is at four, there's plenty of it." Bilbo smiled at the dwarves, briefly making eye contact with Thorin who too smiled. All the dwarves did a small bow for the hobbit, Eliriel couldn't help but smile at the scene. "Farewell, Bilbo." Said Thorin and Bilbo nodded, slowly turning away with Gandalf and Eliriel.

The three traveled a long way back to the Shire on their horses and pony. During that time Bilbo had asked Eliriel a lot of questions like why she was accompanying him and not the rest of the elves and she told him how she was banished for going against orders, to save the dwarves. She obviously kept some parts to herself. He was sad but glad at the same time, for she helped save the two dwarven princes. He also asked how she saved Kili from the arrow and she told him about how elves are really good healers. She smiled a lot at his curiosity. Gandalf also grew a bit fond of Eliriel and she liked his company as well. As expected of a very wise wizard. He was also curious about some things about her but Eliriel kept her powers a secret from them, answering very vaguely to his questions. She learnt the hard way its best to tell nobody about them.

Eliriel though was a bit glad she also got the chance to travel and see new places without having to worry about wars and battles. The forest at the borders of the Shire was truly beautiful.

Finally they got off their horses as they arrived closer to the woods. "Ah, the borders of the Shire." Gandalf spoke, making Bilbo look at him. "It is here I must leave you." He smiled. "That's a shame." Bilbo walked closer to Gandalf. "I quite liked having a wizard around. It seems they bring good luck." He chuckled and Eliriel smiled as she stood next to them. "You don't really suppose, do you that all your adventures and escapes were managed by mere luck?" Gandalf said knowingly and Bilbo's smile fell a bit. "Magic rings should not be used lightly, my dear Bilbo."

Bilbo tried to refuse and deny that he had found one but Gandalf knew it well.

"Farewell Gandalf."


They both shook hands and smiled. Bilbo then turned to Eliriel. "Where will you go now?" He asked. "You are welcome to come with me if you'd like." Eliriel smiled softly. "Thank you Bilbo but I'm sure you'll have a lot on your plate now that you've returned. I'm not sure where I will go, but I going to travel North I think. There is some unfinished business there." She said kindly declining his offer. Bilbo nodded and smiled before saying goodbye and leaving, to go home.

Eliriel was left alone with Gandalf as they both made their way to their horses. "North? You plan to destroy an orcish stronghold all on your own?" He asked the elleth as he figured out her plan. Eliriel sighed. "I am more than capable Gandalf don't worry." She told him leaving him wonder. She looked at him in the eye. "I have to do this." She whispered and Gandalf knew the reason why. "Stay safe my dear Eliriel. I have a feeling we will meet again very soon." He said sternly but smiled at her, grabbing the reins of his horse. Eliriel nodded and did the same.

"Goodbye Gandalf." She smiled and galloped away with her horse.

With her bow and arrows strapped on her back she rode. She was going to avenge her friend's death. She was coming for the orcs and they better hide, for she who freezes the darkness is coming.

AN: OMG! It's finally done guyss!! That was a really long chapter but I really enjoyed writing it. I worked on it for 3 days straight!💀Anyways I hope you enjoyed the finale of my first book and that you liked Eliriel as much as I do! It's funny how my inspiration for this story started after a school trip in a forest!!Thank you for all your support, with your comments and votes it really helped me and I really appreciate it!<33 There's going to be a second book a sequel to this so please wait for that!!!Until then, I hope you have a wonderful day/night!!!<333

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First book She is older than most. She was feared. She was a queen. One people believed to be dead. For ages she was never seen. Until a certain w...
813 42 10
Once the darkness rises once more, a girl from the stars is bound to fall. Upon her arrival the One will be revealed and the light will slowly start...