Beneath The Cross

By TheRealBertMccracken

833 40 0

Gerard Way, the son of the richest man in town, faces pressure from his family and community after coming out... More

You Use My Love Against Me
I Can't Keep Pretending Your Love Doesn't Hurt
You Drain My Energy Every Single Day
I Can't Keep Walking On Eggshells To Keep You Happy
I Feel Like I'm Losing Myself Trying To Love You
You Turned Our Love Into A Battlefield
I need To Love Myself Enough To Leave You
You Make Me Feel Guilty For Things I haven't Done
I shouldn't Have To Fear The Person I Love
Letting Go Of You Is My Self Care
You Keep Talking Without Ever Giving
It's Not Love If It Hurts
You Make Me Doubt My Own Reality
You Never Appreciate Anything I do For You
I Shouldn't Have Fight For Your Attention
I Need You to Need Me, Even If It Hurts You
I Enjoy The Power I Have Over You
I Don't Want You To Realised Your Worth, Cus Then You'll Leave
I Keep You Guessing So You Won't Leave
I Push Your Buttons Cus I Love Your Reaction
I Love You In The Way That Destroys You
I Break You Down To Keep You Close
Isolation Keeps You Mine
The Ghost Of You
Chaos Within You Becomes My Playground
Cus I Feel Safe In Your Arms
You Can Run Away With Me
Creating Chaos In Your Life Gives Me Peace
My Chemical Romance

You Always Find A Way To Make Me A Villain

15 2 0
By TheRealBertMccracken

*TW: Bestiality/ pup play*

Frank's fingers danced across Gerard's sides, eliciting peals of laughter from him. "Stop, Frank!" Gerard protested between fits of giggles, squirming beneath Frank's playful assault but Frank only grinned as he continued to tickle Gerard mercilessly.

"You know you love it," he teased and Gerard squirmed and writhed beneath him, his laughter ringing out loud and unrestrained.

"Frank, please!" Gerard pleaded between breathless bursts of laughter, his cheeks flushed with exertion. "I can't take it anymore!" But Frank only laughed harder, his own joy mirrored in the sparkle of his eyes.

"Oh, come on, baby," he teased and despite his protests, Gerard couldn't help but grin through his laughter, the sheer absurdity of the moment washing over him in waves of exhilaration.

Finally relenting, Frank ceased his tickling assault and collapsed on Gerard, his chest heaving with laughter. With a contented sigh, he laid his head on Gerard's chest.

Gerard's laughter gradually subsided into gentle chuckles as he wrapped his legs around Frank's waist, drawing him closer.

With a soft smile, Gerard traced circles on Frank's back and in this simple cuddle, he found a sense of peace he hadn't felt in days.

Frank lifted his head from Gerard's chest and stuck out his tongue in a playful, mocking gesture. Gerard responded with a giggle, rolling his eyes in mock indignation.

"Oh, very mature, Frank," Gerard teased as he playfully nudged Frank's shoulder and Frank grinned mischievously. "Hey, you started it with all that tickling," he retorted and their laughter filled the room once more as they engaged in a lighthearted exchange of teasing and jesting.

Gerard reached out and gently held Frank's face between his hands. "You know, Frankie," he began, "you're truly amazing. I don't think I tell you that enough." Frank's eyes softened, touched by Gerard's words.

"Thank you, Gerard," he replied. "But you're pretty amazing yourself."

A small smile tugged at Gerard's lips as he gazed into Frank's eyes. "I mean it, Frank," he insisted. "From the moment I met you, I knew there was something special about you."

Frank's brow furrowed in curiosity. "Really? What made you think that?" he asked, genuinely intrigued and Gerard's smile widened as he recalled their first meeting.

"I don't know, Frank," he confessed. "It's hard to explain. It was like... like my heart recognized you instantly, like we were meant to find each other."

Frank's expression softened as he listened to Gerard's words, his own heart swelling. "I felt the same way, Gerard," he admitted. "From the moment I saw you, I knew that you were someone special." Their eyes met in a silent exchange of understanding.

"Gerard," Frank said, "are you ready to call your mother and tell her about your spiritual journey?"

Gerard's heart skipped a beat at the reminder. "I... I think so, Frank," he replied. "But what if she doesn't understand? What if she tries to stop me?"

Frank reached out, his hand finding Gerard's and squeezing it reassuringly. "Gerard," he raised his eyebrows and with a deep breath, Gerard nodded. "Okay, Frank," he said. "I'll do it. I'll call her."

Frank sat up as he reached for Gerard's phone and with a smile, he handed it to Gerard, their fingers brushing briefly. "Here you go, Gerard," Frank said. "You've got this. I'll be right here if you need me."

Gratitude swelled within Gerard as he accepted the phone. "Thank you, Frank," he murmured. "For everything."

Before Gerard could say anything more, Frank leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to the top of his head. Then, with a final nod, he rose from the bed and moved to sit on the edge, giving Gerard the space he needed to make the call.

With a trembling hand, Gerard pressed the call button and waited anxiously as the phone rang on the other end. When Donna, answered, Gerard forced a smile into his voice, trying to push aside the guilt inside of him.

"Hey, Mother," he greeted. "I, uh, I wanted to talk to you about something."

"What is it, dear?" Donna asked, her maternal instinct kicking in and taking a deep breath, Gerard launched into the carefully rehearsed lie, telling Donna about his decision to embark on a spiritual journey.

As he spoke, Gerard couldn't shake the feeling of deceit that gnawed at him from within. When he finally finished speaking, there was a moment of silence on the other end of the line, followed by Donna's hesitant response.

"Gerard, are you sure about this?" she asked and forcing himself to sound confident, Gerard replied, "Yes, Mother. I'm sure. This is something I need to do for myself."

As he ended the call, a pang of guilt gripped Gerard's heart. He knew he was lying to his family, but for now, he couldn't bear to shatter the fragile peace that had settled over their lives. He would do whatever it took to protect their happiness, even if it meant sacrificing his own truth.

Frank turned to face Gerard, a knowing smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Did you see that, Gerard?" he asked. "How easy and happy life can be when you obey me?"

Gerard's stomach churned with guilt at Frank's words. "I... I saw," he replied. "But..."

Frank cut him off with a dismissive wave of his hand. "No 'buts', Gerard," he insisted. "You made the right choice. And look at us now, happy and content."

Gerard couldn't deny the truth in Frank's words. Their relationship had flourished in the wake of Gerard's obedience, their bond stronger than ever before. And yet, a part of him couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness.

With a forced smile, Gerard nodded in agreement. "You're right, Frank," he murmured. "I made the right choice."

Frank stood at the center of the room as he beckoned Gerard to come closer with a subtle gesture of his hand.

Without hesitation, Gerard obeyed, crossing the space between them and as Gerard approached, Frank's expression softened.

"Come here, Gerard," he said and responding to Frank's call, Gerard closed the distance between them, his heart fluttering. Frank's tone softened as he looked into Gerard's eyes.

"Kneel for me, Gerard," he commanded and Gerard obeyed without hesitation, sinking to his knees before Frank.

As Gerard knelt before him, Frank's expression softened even further, a tender smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Your obedience is my greatest reward, Gerard," he murmured.

Gerard's heart swelled with pride at Frank's words, a sense of fulfillment washing over him. "I will always obey you, Frank," he vowed.

"I want to perform a little sacred act, Gerard," Frank said as he looked into Gerard's eyes. "To prove to God that you were meant for me."

Gerard's heart skipped a beat at Frank's declaration. "What do you mean, Frank?" he asked. With a gentle hand, Frank reached out and brushed Gerard's hair away from his face.

"I want to bind our souls together, Gerard," he explained. "To forge a connection that transcends time and space."

Gerard's breath caught in his throat at the magnitude of Frank's words. "I... I don't understand," he admitted, his voice trembling and Frank leaned in closer, their faces mere inches apart.

"Trust me, Gerard," he whispered, his breath warm against Gerard's skin. "This is something beautiful, something sacred. And I want to share it with you."

Gerard nodded in agreement, placing his trust entirely in Frank's hands.

With a solemn nod, Frank reached into the folds of his robe and withdrew a white silk scarf and Gerard watched in silence as Frank approached.

Frank stood before Gerard and he gently took Gerard's hands and bound them together behind his back with the silk scarf. The fabric wrapped snugly around Gerard's wrists, securing them in a gentle but firm hold. Gerard felt a sense of surrender wash over him as the scarf tightened around his hands.

"I'm ready, Frank," he whispered while Frank admired his handiwork. "You look beautiful, Gerard," he murmured.

"This," Frank said, "is the consequence of resistance."

With a swift motion, Frank tightened the scarf around Gerard's wrists and Gerard winced as the silk bit into his skin, a sharp pang of pain shooting through him.

"This is what happens when you refuse to obey, Gerard," Frank continued. "You only hurt yourself."

Gerard gritted his teeth against the pain, his eyes locked with Frank's. Despite the discomfort, he refused to back down. "I want to show you the difference, Gerard," Frank explained.

"The difference between what happens when you resist and when you obey."

Frank tightened the scarf even more, the fabric biting deeper into Gerard's flesh with each tug and Gerard winced as the pressure intensified, a sharp pang of pain shooting through him.

"Your obedience," Frank continued, "is an exquisite masterpiece. Precious and expensive. No amount of money could buy it."

The scarf dug deeper into Gerard's flesh but he endured the pain. With a final, decisive tug, Frank untied the scarf from around Gerard's wrists, the fabric falling away to reveal the deep impression it had left on his skin.

Gerard flexed his wrists, relieved to be free from the constriction and Frank ran his fingers gently over the bruised flesh. "Every bruise, every tear, every word," he murmured. "They're all mine, Gerard." Gerard met Frank's gaze.

"I belong to you, Frank," he admitted and Frank's expression softened at Gerard's words. "And I to you, my dear," he replied, showing a smile that took Gerard's breath away.

Frank pressed a gentle kiss to Gerard's bruised flesh and he felt a sense of peace wash over him. Frank's lips brushed tenderly against Gerard's face, planting gentle kisses along his cheekbones and forehead.

"You were so obedient, Gerard," Frank whispered, his breath warm against Gerard's skin. "I'm proud of you."

"Thank you, Frank," Gerard replied. "I'll always obey you."

Frank's eyes sparkled as he gazed into Gerard's eyes, his admiration evident in every glance. "You're a masterpiece, Gerard," he declared. "My masterpiece."

In Frank's eyes, Gerard found validation and acceptance, a sense of belonging that he had never known before.

"You're my one and only, Gerard," Frank declared. "And deep down, you know it."

Gerard's breath caught in his throat at Frank's words. "I do, Frank," he admitted. "I've always known it."

Frank's lips curved into a tender smile as he reached out to cup Gerard's face in his hands. "No one else can understand you like I do, Gerard," he murmured. "No one else can love you the way I do."

Gerard leaned into Frank's touch. "I believe you, Frank," he whispered. "I trust you with everything."

Despite Frank's flaws, his darkness, and his capacity for cruelty, there was an undeniable honesty in his love for Gerard and Gerard couldn't deny that, for all of Frank's faults, he had never lied about his feelings.

In the depths of his heart, Gerard was Frank's only, the one who held his heart captive.

Everytime Gerard looked into Frank's eyes, he saw the truth reflected back at him - there was no one else for Frank but him. It was a realization that filled Gerard with a strange sense of comfort, knowing that despite all of their pain, their love was true.

Frank had never found anyone else attractive since he met Gerard, and Gerard knew that he felt the same way.

"Our relationship is different, Gerard," Frank murmured. "It's rare, special. And nobody else would understand us."

"Love is patient, love is kind," Frank recited. "It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud."

Gerard's heart swelled with affection as he listened to Frank's words. "I love it when you quote scripture, Frank," he admitted. "It's one of the things that makes you so unique."

Frank's expression softened at Gerard's words. "I'm glad you appreciate it, Gerard," he replied. "It's important to me."

Gerard couldn't help but marvel at the complexity of Frank's character. From possessive lover to devoted pastor, Frank encompassed a multitude of roles, each one as captivating as the last.

Frank's intellect was unparalleled, his capacity for manipulation and deceit unmatched. And yet, amidst the chaos and cruelty, there remained something unexpected - a deep-seated knowledge of the Bible and a reverence for the God he didn't believe in.

For while his mind was filled with darkness and evil, he possessed an uncanny ability to quote scripture and invoke the name of God with ease.

It was both thrilling and terrifying to be in the presence of such a enigmatic figure, never quite knowing what to expect next.

"Do you want me to shower you, Gerard?" Frank asked and Gerard's cheeks flushed at the suggestion, a surge of excitement coursing through him at the thought of Frank's touch.

"Yes, please," he replied. "I want you to."

Frank's smile widened at Gerard's response as he reached out to take Gerard's hand in his own. "Then come with me," he murmured and they made their way to the bathroom.

Gerard felt excited at the prospect of being showered with Frank's affection. With gentle hands, Frank helped Gerard undress as he peeled away each layer of clothing. Gerard's skin tingled under Frank's fingertips, his breath catching in his throat.

Once Gerard was completely disrobed, Frank led him to the bathtub. "Step in, Gerard," he urged. "Let me take care of you."

Gerard obeyed without hesitation, sinking into the water with a contented sigh. The warmth enveloped him, easing away the tension and as he settled into the tub, he felt Frank's presence beside him.

With practiced hands, Frank began to wash Gerard's body as he worked to cleanse away the cares of the day. Frank's demeanor softened as Gerard obediently followed his instructions, a genuine smile gracing his lips as he observed Gerard's compliance.

"You're so good, Gerard," he murmured and Gerard smiled at Frank's praise. "Thank you, Master," he replied. "I just want to make you happy."

Frank reached out to caress Gerard's cheek, his touch gentle yet possessive. "You always do, Gerard," he assured him. "When you listen to me, it makes everything better."

Gerard couldn't help but marvel at the transformation that occurred when he obeyed Frank's commands. In those moments, Frank was not the cruel and domineering man - he was kind, caring, and utterly devoted to Gerard's happiness.

Once Gerard was thoroughly rinsed, Frank reached for a fluffy towel. "Let's get you out, Gerard," he said.

Gerard nodded, allowing Frank to guide him out of the tub with careful hands. As he stepped onto the tiled floor, he shivered slightly at the sudden change in temperature, the cool air causing goosebumps to rise on his skin.

Frank wrapped the towel around Gerard's shoulders, enveloping him in its warmth as he began to gently pat him dry. "You're so beautiful, Gerard," he murmured. "I could never get tired of looking at you."

Gerard's cheeks flushed at Frank's words, a shy smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Thank you, Master," he replied. "You always know how to make me feel special."

With tender care, Frank continued to dry Gerard's body, his touch lingering on each curve and contour as if committing them to memory.

Frank took Gerard's hand and led him back to the bedroom, their footsteps echoing softly in the quiet of the house. Once they reached the closet, Frank began to carefully select an outfit for Gerard, his eyes scanning the array of clothes with a discerning gaze.

"I think this will look perfect on you, Gerard," Frank declared as he held up a shirt and pants ensemble. "You always look your best when you follow my preference."

Gerard nodded in agreement, trusting Frank's judgment implicitly. "I'll wear whatever you choose, Master," he replied and Frank helped Gerard into the chosen outfit.

Frank smoothed out the fabric and adjusted the fit and Gerard stood before him, dressed in the clothes that Frank had selected.

"You look amazing, Gerard," Frank murmured. "You always do." Gerard smiled at Frank's words. "Thank you, Master," he replied and Frank leaned over, his lips trailing a path of kisses down Gerard's chest.

"Remember, Gerard," he murmured between kisses, "you exist for me." Gerard nodded slightly. "Yes, Master," he replied, "I exist for you." Frank got back up and cupped Gerard's face in his hands. "And I will shape you into perfection," he vowed. "You will be everything I've ever wanted."

"I trust you, Master," Gerard whispered. "I'll do whatever it takes to make you happy."

Frank pressed a final kiss to Gerard's lips and he felt a sense of peace wash over him, knowing that together, they would create a love that was truly perfect.

In the kitchen, Frank took charge as he moved with purpose. "Sit, Gerard," he commanded, pointing to a chair at the kitchen table and Gerard obeyed without hesitation, taking his seat.

"Carbonara pasta for dinner," Frank announced and Gerard nodded in agreement, his stomach growling in anticipation of the meal.

But before he could voice his appreciation, Frank grabbed his chin forcefully. "Use your words, Gerard," Frank commanded. "Speak like the good slave you are."

Gerard's eyes widened in surprise at Frank's sudden change in demeanor, but he quickly composed himself, meeting Frank's gaze.

"Yes, Master" he replied and Frank's grip relaxed slightly at Gerard's response. "That's better," he murmured.

As Frank focused on cooking, he would steal glances at Gerard, who sat at the kitchen table playing with his fingers, his lips slightly pouting. Frank's heart softened at the sight of Gerard, his beloved slave, lost in thought.

"Is everything alright, Gerard?" he inquired and Gerard looked up, startled by Frank's question, before quickly composing himself. "Yes, Master," he replied. "I'm just thinking." Frank nodded, accepting Gerard's response.

"Gerard," Frank said, "if you continue to be a good boy, I might consider taking you to see your parents."

Gerard's eyes widened in excitement at Frank's words, a smile spreading across his face. "Really, Master?" he exclaimed. "I would love that!"

Frank nodded. "Yes, really," he replied. "But remember, you have to behave yourself." Gerard nodded eagerly. "I will, Master," he promised. "I'll be the best boy you've ever seen."

As the minutes stretched on, Gerard began to grow restless, fidgeting in his seat as he waited for the meal to be ready. He turned to Frank, who was busy boiling the noodles, and let out an exaggerated sigh.

Frank glanced at him, a hint of amusement in his eyes at Gerard's impatience. "Is everything alright, Gerard?" he asked but instead of replying, Gerard let out a playful bark, his lips curling into a grin.

Frank raised an eyebrow at Gerard's antics, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Are you a dog now?" he quipped and Gerard nodded enthusiastically. "Woof, woof!" he replied, punctuating his words with another playful bark.

As Gerard continued to playfully bark, a nagging thought crept into his mind. He knew Frank had a dark side, a penchant for bestiality that occasionally surfaced in their intimate moments together. And although Gerard found the kink disturbing, he couldn't deny the allure of indulging Frank's desires, no matter how twisted they may be.

The years spent with Frank had taken their toll on Gerard, leaving him craving attention and validation in any form it came. And if pretending to be a dog was what it took to arouse Frank's desires, then Gerard was willing to play along, no matter how awful the kink may be.

On one hand, Gerard felt a sense of shame for indulging Frank's twisted fantasies. But on the other hand, he couldn't deny the thrill of being wanted and desired by the man he loved, even if it meant sacrificing a piece of his own dignity in the process.

Gerard slid off the chair and dropped to his hands and knees, crawling towards Frank's legs like a playful pup.

Frank watched with a mixture of surprise and arousal as Gerard approached, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Well, well, look at you," he remarked. "Getting into character, are we?"

Gerard nodded eagerly as he nuzzled against Frank's legs, his actions mirroring those of a devoted pet. "Woof!" he exclaimed and Frank chuckled, his hand reaching down to stroke his hair affectionately. "You're such a good boy, Gerard," he murmured. "I love it when you're so obedient."

"Alright, puppy," Frank said, "you've made your point. Now sit."

Gerard obeyed without hesitation, settling back on his haunches with a contented sigh. As he watched, Frank plated their pasta, the aroma of the carbonara filling the air.

Once the plates were set on the table, Frank gestured for Gerard to join him. "Come on, pup," he urged, patting the chair beside him. "Dinner is ready."

Gerard eagerly complied, climbing back onto his chair with a wag of his imaginary tail. "Thank you, Master," he said and Frank smiled at Gerard's enthusiasm, a sense of warmth filling his chest at the sight of his devoted slave.

"You're welcome, puppy," he replied. "Now, let's eat."

Throughout the dinner, Gerard couldn't contain his excitement as he wagged his imaginary tail and let out playful barks. With each bite of pasta, he would let out a cheerful woof and Frank chuckled at Gerard's antics. "You're such a silly pup, Gerard," he remarked fondly.

Gerard's tail wagged even faster at Frank's praise, a sense of joy coursing through him at the validation of his playful behavior. "Woof, woof!" he exclaimed.

After dinner, Frank casually tossed a spoon towards the living room. "Fetch, puppy," he called out and without hesitation, Gerard sprung into action, dropping to all fours and crawling towards the spoon.

As he reached the spoon, Gerard seized it in his mouth, his tail wagging furiously with excitement. With a triumphant bark, he made his way back to Frank, the spoon clutched firmly between his teeth.

Frank chuckled at the sight of his devoted slave obeying his every command. "Good boy, Gerard," he praised, reaching out to ruffle his hair affectionately. "You never fail to impress me."

With a contented sigh, Gerard dropped the spoon at Frank's feet, his tail wagging happily.

"Gerard, stay inside," Frank instructed. "I need to check around outside. It's important."

Gerard nodded obediently, his curiosity piqued by Frank's cryptic words. "Alright, Master," he replied. "I'll wait here for you."

With a reassuring smile, Frank headed towards the door, his footsteps echoing softly in the quiet of the house. As he stepped outside, Gerard watched from the window, his heart pounding with anticipation at the mystery of Frank's plans.

Outside, Frank moved around, his eyes scanning the surroundings. He checked every corner, ensuring that the area was clear of any unwanted visitors.

When he finally returned to the house, a sense of satisfaction washed over him, knowing that he had cleared the way for what was to come.

With a nod of approval, he met Gerard's gaze through the window, a silent promise of things to come.

Frank knelt down beside Gerard as he leaned in close. "Does puppy want to make love with daddy?" he whispered and Gerard's heart skipped a beat at Frank's words. He had expected this moment and he knew there was only one answer.

"Yes, daddy," Gerard replied. "I want you."

A slow smile spread across Frank's lips, his arousal evident as he reached out to caress Gerard's cheek.

"Good boy," he murmured. "You always know how to please me."

Frank made his way to the bedroom as he retrieved a chain designed for pets and he approached Gerard, the chain clutched tightly in his hand.

"Hold still, puppy," he commanded and Gerard obeyed without question, his heart pounding with anticipation as Frank secured the chain to his choker. The metal links clinked together softly, the sound echoing in the silence of the room.

Frank took hold of the end of the chain, the cool metal slipping through his fingers as he led Gerard outside.

With a firm grip, he guided Gerard forward. "Come, puppy," Frank commanded as he urged Gerard to follow him and Gerard crawled alongside Frank, the chain trailing behind him.


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