De trpical

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Living in a world where she had never experienced the death of a loved one, her immaturity lead her to delude... Mais

0 | Prologue: Gifted Heart
1 | The Boy In The Rain
2 | Hot Chocolate And You
3 | The Eternal Tree
4 | The 'Innocent' Psycho
5 | The Dream Of Death
6 | What Do You Want?
7 | Time Capsules
8 | The Confession
9 | Humans And Puppets
10 | Eternity {PART 1 Finale}
11 | My purpose...?
12 | For Power
13 | Illusion
14 | A Thousand Petals
15 | Death to Life
16 | Back in your Arms
17 | Shards Of Love

X | ONESHOT: A Classmate Named Scaramouche

204 11 3
De trpical

A/N: I rarely ever write oneshots, because I find it hard to condense a story into a single chapter and make it actually flow. So I apologise if this is not that great! Anyways, thank you for clicking! Also, I just love this song so much :)


As I stared out the window with a blank expression, all that came to my sight were the unending drops of rain that fell relentlessly, accompanied by lightning that striked every few seconds. One hand served as a support for my chin, while the other simultaneously crumpled up pieces of paper then chucking them into the bin, scoring a goal every now and then. I took any piece of paper I could find on the cluttered desk, seemingly out of boredom. Each crinkle echoed the simplicity of a bored mind seeking a distraction, as if it was the only command playing in my mind. 

Then as I scored my last paper that became crumpled heavily by my two hands, an agitated expression suddenly became plastered to my face, and became hugely troubled. I stared at my two hands as if they were perpetrators of a gruesome murder, and a sensation of anxiety filled my stomache as my eyes shifted to the trash can. 

"Crap, that was my homework!" I choked as my hands trembled as they rummaged through the pile of trash and crumpled papers, and sighed in relief as I found the right one. The teacher wouldn't mind if it's been crinkled a little, would it? As soon as I thought that everyone would be okay, my eyes scanned around the surface of the paper, and immediately took a step back in shock as I discovered a detailed drawing of a certain ginger haired boy in my class. 

"Childe? When the heck did I draw him?" I thought to myself as I quarelled with myself in my head, trying to remember the exact moment I drew him on my homework paper. Then again, I seemed to always unconsciously draw him in my books too, always reminded by his blue, sparkly eyes that had captured my heart ever since the day I saw him. 

As I continued to argue with myself internally, I glanced at the doodles in my textbooks, revealing a recurring theme - Childe, it was always Childe. His presence felt like a secret I couldn't keep, a manifestation of my infatuation with my crush who had somehow ended up appearing before my eyes, whether it was in reality or a simple drawing. 

I knew that my love for him was destined for disappointment - Childe already had a girlfriend, Lumine. But even knowing that, the sensation I felt when I saw him could never escape my heart, as if it was just a fixed fact for me to love him. Perhaps it was the way he spoke, the way he laughed, or the vulnerability hidden behind those confident eyes. Love, it seemed, defied rationality, weaving a tapestry of emotions that refused to be unraveled. I couldn't escape the fact that, even though he belonged to someone else, my heart insisted on loving him. Everytime I told myself that my feelings for him was destined to never return, my mind would always bring back the feeling I felt when I was with him. 

The drawing of him had already taken over half the page, and now the fact that the paper was crumpled seemed insignificant. The teacher would certainly think I was a weirdo who only cared about boys. The temptation to simply not submit the homework tugged at me. Maybe it was the most plausible idea, sparing me the awkward conversation that was bound to follow. However, the consequences were clear - detention, a punishment for my refusal to meet the academic expectations set before me. I pulled the ends of my hair, stressed over the drawing, but concluded that detention would be heaps better than embarassing myself like this. 

"Whatever... I'd rather just go to detention." I sighed, gazing at the drawing of Childe, tracing around the outline with the tip of my fingertips. 


"And where's your homework, Y/N?" The teacher glared at me with eyes that pierced me with a single glance, something I had never seen. I fidgeted with my fingers, entwining them from the anxiety. Being the goody-two-shoes that I was, it was a first for me to experience such a nerve-racking situation like this, especially because of the fact that it was over homework over anything. 

"I'm afraid that my worksheet has gone missing, I can surely complete it by next week if you give me another copy." I pleaded, though expecting not a single ounce of leniency from the teacher who was well known for being extremely strict with deadlines. My statement was basically equivalent to 'please give me detention!', and I knew that full well. Emiko, my best friend, eyed me suspicously, knowing that I hadn't ever skipped homework submission for the last few years. 

"Detention it is." The teacher said while clicking her tongue, their tone neutral. I nodded, accepting the consequence with a stoic demeanor. As I turned to leave, I caught a glimpse of my classmates exchanging whispers and glances, the aftermath of my missing submission not going unnoticed. It was embarassing for a moment, but knowing that Emiko was by my side seemed to calm me down even just slightly. 

"Did you actually just 'lose' your homework? No way. No way the princess of submitting homework just lost her streak! Whatever, I'm assuming you were too busy fantasizing about that idiot who lacks a brain." Emiko teased, and my gaze automatically turned to a pair that seemed to shine as if they were the only ones in the room. Their gentle laughs as they played amongst themself as if they had just been confessed to moments ago seemed to spiral across the room, and everyone's gaze turned to them instead. Childe, the popular kid who seemed to dominate the classroom with his cheerfulness and looks. And Lumine, the girl that shone like a star even in a dark room, happily living her life with the boy that I loved. If they were the main characters of this world, then surely the rest were just side characters existing to strengthen their love. I peered at them with jealousy, but I knew that I was just part of the couple dozen girls that became head-over-heels for a boy with a girlfriend. 

"Well, you're not completely wrong about the part about Childe." I was already disappointed to have to be in detention after school, but seeing Childe with Lumine being so blissful only deepened my cut. Maybe it was time I gave up on him after two consecutive years of loving him. 


As the bell rang which signified the end of class, all the students stormed out the class like a herd of sheep trying to escape the room. The teacher's voice, attempting to issue some last-minute reminders, was drowned out by the collective noise. I remained in my seat quietly, thinking about what I should do during the 30 minutes of detention. 

"Sorry Y/N, I would love to wait for you but I have a guitar lesson in twenty minutes!" Emiko yelled as she got up, and I nodded back while smiling, waving her goodbye. I sighed, and soon the room became empty - peaceful. The teacher had left after giving me a quick glance, then shut the door after scanning the room. The sigh that escaped me seemed to fill the vacant space. The room, bathed in the soft glow of afternoon sunlight, took on a serene quality. 

I glanced around at the scattered desks and the remnants of the day's lessons. The room was silent, and I sat still, clicking my pen while staring off to the distance, lost in thought. I truly believed I was alone. The silence wrapped around me, a break from the usual school chaos. The click of my pen provided a gentle rhythm in the stillness. The leftover traces of the day's activities - notes, papers, and scattered desks, were like silent witnesses to the efforts of students. It was peaceful and serene - until a harsh voice broke the silence. 

"Tch, looks like miss goody-two-shoes isn't so 'good' after all." The snarky comment cut through the quiet, disrupting the calm vibe of the room. I turned to face the back of the classroom to find an indigo-haired boy sitting in his chair, arms crossed, smirking. I flinched slightly, not expecting that I was indeed not alone. I glanced back at him, a mix of surprise and annoyance on my face. The tranquility of the room had been shattered, and I felt a twinge of discomfort at the uninvited scrutiny. 

His appearance felt familiar, yet I couldn't quite recognise what his name was. Well, over the years, the only name other than Emiko and Lumine was Childe, and only Childe. The rest of them just seemed to fade away, and I couldn't care less about them - my eyes had only followed Childe. He seemed to be my classmate and he seemed to know who I was - but perhaps it was because of unique apperance, I felt that I recognised who he was more than others. 

"Uh.... Who are you?" The question slipped out of my mouth, a natural response to the unexpected disruption. The indigo-haired boy, still smirking, seemed to revel in the surprise he had caused. His presence in the back of the classroom, seemingly observing my quiet moment, raised a curiosity I couldn't ignore. 

He leaned back in his chair, the smirk widening into a playful grin. "Hah! Of course you wouldn't recognise me, you're always only looking at that idiot Childe. Why do so many girls like him anyway?" 

Watching him mocking my love for Childe seemed to upset me, making my stomach swirl in agony. But as I stared at his face for longer, it came to me that he seemed too familiar for him to be just another classmate that I had no intentions of talking to. As I closed my eyes to try to think of when I may have seen the indigo-haired boy, a picture suddenly came up in my head - it was a vision of Childe and Lumine, flirting with each other as they stood in each other's embrace. But next to them in the shadows, was the boy in front of me, looking at them with a blank expression. The realization hit me like a wave. This indigo-haired boy was no stranger. He had been a silent observer in the background, a witness to the moments that unfolded between Childe and Lumine. 

"You're Childe's friend, aren't you? What was your name again? Scamouche? Scaraman? What was it, oh - it must be Scamarouche-" I asked as I opened my eyes, leaning forward as I used the table behind for support, but my words were quickly interuptted. His glare on his face seemed to burn me down, as if he was extremely annoyed. 

"Scaramouche. It's Scaramouche!" He groaned as he dug his fingers into his hair, clearly frustrated. "Gosh... seems like miss goody-two-shoes only remembers maths, not names." His revelation came with irritation, and I couldn't help but flinch at the intensity of his frustration. 

"Sorry," I mumbled, feeling slightly sheepish. "I guess I've been too focused on other things."

"Yeah, and by other things, you mean Childe." I first blushed slightly at his words, but a sensation of dismay gradually seeping into me. I slowly began to realise that besides from studying, I put most of my thoughts and efforts into my delusions that I could truly be with Childe. My face slightly dimmed - I knew that it was impossible for me to be with him, but I couldn't let go of that string of hope that one day I would be in his arms. It was a belief that I found hard to believe, but when found daydreaming about the event, it was a feeling of joy that returned back to me. Did it hurt for me to love him? 

"Whatever... I don't want to talk about Childe with anybody right now, I've talked about him countless times." He said as he rolled his eyes, tapping his pen on the table. 

"'Countless times' ?" I reluctantly asked, suddenly curious. 

"All the girls talk about him, you'll only get your heart broken. He only has eyes for Lumine, and I doubt that it will change." Scaramouche's words hit me like a bucket of cold water. His straightforward warning made my heart sink a bit. Childe, the subject of so many daydreams, only had eyes for Lumine - it was like a reality check that I wasn't quite prepared for. As the room settled into a quiet that felt more heavy than peaceful, I couldn't shake off the sinking feeling. It was like a bubble burst, and now I had to face the truth – a truth that Scaramouche, of all people, had thrown right at me. I wanted to deny his words and say that there was hope - but I knew that he was right. There was no hope. 

When Scaramouche saw how dejected I was, he suddenly stiffened, as if he didn't mean to upset me. "Anyways, I'm assuming you're here 'cause you didn't hand in your homework?" He said as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. 

"Yeah. You?" 

"I accidently punched someone. He was getting on my nerves." The sudden shift in topic caught me off guard, and I couldn't help but blink rapidly in surprise. From discussing matters of the heart to a casual confession of punching someone - Scaramouche was full of surprises indeed. 

"Accidentally punched someone?" I echoed, eyebrows raised. He shrugged, a nonchalant grin returning to his face. 

"Yeah, he was trying to draw on me. It was absolutely disgusting, I should have punched him even more. I don't understand why such weird people exist in this world, like do you really have to draw on me?" I couldn't help but chuckle at his matter-of-fact attitude. It was a bizarre turn in the conversation, yet strangely refreshing. The heaviness that lingered from our previous discussion lifted, replaced by the unexpected humor of Scaramouche's confession. 

"Pff... Who was the poor guy?" I asked in a joking manner as a series of chuckles couldn't help but escape to the room, and suddenly detention didn't feel so bad. 

"That blue haired jerk, Dottore. Honestly, he deserved it. He's been trying to draw on me for years, like since primary school." He complained as he went on about how annoying Dottore was, and I burst out laughing with every sentence he said. I wiped a small tear away, my stomache slightly hurting from laughing too much. How long had it been since I felt such joy without needing to worry about how I appeared to others? 

Scaramouche's rants about Dottore were unexpectedly funny, and I found myself caught in a fit of laughter. It was the kind that echoed through the empty classroom, the kind that didn't care about judgments or appearances. With every exaggerated complaint, I laughed harder. The image of Dottore attempting to draw on him for years was just too much. It was a moment of genuine joy, a break from the serious stuff we were talking about earlier. 

Then, his attention turned towards me - there were no more rants about Dottore, but instead he looked genuinely curious about a certain matter. 

"How about you? Don't you have a funny story too? Even though you probably bury your face into textbooks, there's got to be a funny incident that happened in your life." His tone of voice still carried the essence of a brat, but I could tell tat he was sincerely interested in my life. This was the first time we had spoken, yet there was a connection between him and I that flowed almost naturally. 

"Well, there was this one time during a group project..." I began, and the story rolled out with each laugh and shared glance. As I spoke, there was this camaraderie building between us. It was a connection born out of unexpected confessions and shared moments of laughter. It hit me how weirdly comforting it was, realizing that connections could pop up in the most unexpected places. With his chin laying on his palm, his eyes looked at mine, smiling at me in a manner than put me at ease. As I talked to him more and more, I regretted not spotting him before previously - I realised that my love for Childe had simply become a growing barrier placed against others, becoming caged in my delusions. But now, as I conversed with Scaramouche, it felt like I had been released from that cage, letting go of all frustration and talking freely. It was a surprisingly liberating feeling, sharing laughs and stories with someone who had been a stranger just moments ago. 

Or perhaps it was because of the fact that the boy I was speaking to was Scaramouche. As we shared laughs and stories, it hit me that he had become a breath of fresh air, a welcome change from the tangled emotions I had with Childe. In Scaramouche's company, I felt free, unburdened by the constraints I had placed on myself. 

Perhaps... this was what real love was. I didn't feel trapped in any way, but instead felt free like his nature. 

"We should talk more often at school, talking to you is a breath of fresh air." As he said those words, it made me feel happy. A sense of euphoria filled my body, and a slight blush gradually took over my cheeks. 

"Of course!" I replied with a smile, embracing the warmth that his words brought. It was a simple invitation, but it held the promise of something new and exciting. 

As my words lingered, we stared into each other's eyes, as something new entered me. As we remained fixed in that gaze, I couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity and anticipation. It was like a door had opened to a realm of possibilities, and I was ready to step through, eager to see where this unexpected connection might lead us. 


'I had found someone to love, and truly love. I didn't know it right this instant, but could we become something more in the future? Only time could tell what our relationship was about to become...'


A/N: Wow, this seriously took so much time to think of an idea for this oneshot. I ended up just using the classic 'alone in detention' trope... ha..ha.. 

This took a week to think of the actual idea, and a day to write. This was 3088 words. 😢

Again, I'm sorry if this wasn't paced too well, like I said, I struggle with oneshots a lot. And yes, the title was absolutely cringe, but I had no idea what to name this. 😂

But still, thank you for reading! Your comments and reactions mean a lot to me. This is still a fanfiction in the making and not so popular, so your support means a lot. 

Thank you!

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