Strong can be Weak

By Lovermoon24

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Want to read a story of which the outcome may never be a happy one? Then let me share the story of a she-wolf... More

Raid on the Rouge Pack

Nothing but filth

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By Lovermoon24

Cassandra POV

I was born without a pack to call my own, my father and mother sold me off to a pack of rouges, I was simply just a tool. I was a very small she-wolf since my body has been neglected and treated horribly, I stand at barely 5ft tall. My wolf was called Pride, she was very weak but always tried her best to protect me but I had to protect her, if she died because of the punishments I received, I would truly be broken. "Cassie" a voice called me from my slumber and I looked at the other she-wolf slave and I stared at her, she was my best friend, her name was Jewel. "What Jewel?, it's the middle of the night" I whispered to her. "Alpha has summoned all the slaves to the whipping yard, something happened" she said in a shaky voice, I nodded at her and quickly got dressed and left with her, when I entered the yard I noticed the young she-wolf that I had recently helped and gave food too on the whipping block, my eyes lit with horror as she trembled in fear and she was exposed for all to see. I stood there and I knew what was going to happen to her and he brought all of us to serve as a warning.

I watched as a tall muscular brown toned chuck of man walked out with a spikey whip. He was none other than Alpha Jones, the worst wolf alive in my opinion. He stood on the stone as he looked down at all the slaves on the ground in fear of him. "Your fellow slave, seems to think taking what is the packs is your right!" He growled as he talked fear into our hearts and body. I heard his whip crack as he stared at the wolf chained up, she was just a child, barely even gotten to get to age. "Don't do it Cassie" Pride spoke to me, I shut the mind link off as she did not need to witness this, I quickly stood up before I even knew what I was even doing. "Get back on the ground you mutt!" Alpha Jones barked at me but I refused, I took a breath and all my courage and stared him in the eyes. "I stole everything she stole, she is covering for me as she knows I'm very weak!" I spoke with a booming voice so he knew I was serious. Jones looked at me and laughed at me like I was some joke or something, "you stole? Cassandra you are so brave for such a mutt" he spoke as he was assumed with my answer. I walked up to him before his wolves were able to grab me, I walked to the poor child. "Sorry pride" I told my wolf as I broke the chains with all the strength  I could barely gather. "I will take her punishment" I looked at our alpha as he and the other wolves laughed at me.

Jones quickly stopped laughing as he noticed I was serious, "for daring to speak back to me, you'll be chained and whipped for a month" he was assumed by me and I knew that. I growled as the bigger wolves chained me and ripped my clothes open to bare my back, I noticed Jones soaked his spikes in wolfsbane, this is bad, I panicked and regretted my choices at this point. CRACK!!!! The whip hit my back as I could feel my flesh get pulled off and my back began to hurt, I screamed loudly as all I heard was CRACK and CRACK! I lost count of how many slashes I received that day. My mind then lost its will to stay conscious and I fell completely into darkness.

I felt a stinging in my back and immediately woke up, "AGH THAT STINGS YOU IDIOT!" I hissed at whoever it was touching my back with such rough movements.

"I'm truly sorry Cassie but Alpha said to clean your wounds so you could heal, if you die you'll only anger him Cassie" Jewel softly spoke and my anger slowly left me.

"I'm sorry Jewel, you just spooked me, I know this is my fault, I couldn't let her get whipped, it wasn't right" I sighed as I stared at the ground in shame and disappointment.

"Cassie your a blessing, your truly strong willed, the wolf you saved was my sister and I appreciate you truly, if you didn't step in....she would have died, your punishment is far worse than anything he's ever given out" she whispered to me like she was being watched by visible ears and eyes. "Thank you, I brought you food" she said and slowly fed and gave me water.

~ Serval Weeks Later ~

This went on for days and I forgot when I lost count, surely a month would end by now, my back never healed properly since all he did was whip me and the wolfsbane in my system made it hard to even stay awake. My ears perked up as I heard the alarms go off, I began to try and free myself as my heart raced. We are being attacked but who would dare attack us? Alpha Jones was no sick joke, I heard wolves screams and howls around me. I twisted my hands until I felt both my hands break and I pulled them from the chains that held them. I stood up as I heard wolves paws, I began to walk as fast I could, falling every few steps. "Stop being so weak! I can't die!" I scolded myself as I began to limp, in pain as my back was bleeding badly from being whipped just hours ago.

I fell to the ground as I saw a black figure run at me, "p-...p..." My voice broke and my vision went back as I hit the ground. I went back to the darkness that kept me, not knowing who that wolf was, maybe I'll die was all I could think about.

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