Paw Patrol Unofficial Story B...

By RehanFrontiers

333 14 15

Paw Patrol Unofficial Story, Episode Idea, Fanfiction That I Make Will Be Here More

OC Information
Mighty Pups: Power Swapped Heroes
Rehan Frontiers Become A Pups
Pups Save The Town Hall
Paw Patrol & Blur Rush: Snow Of Alchemy

Pups Save Everest

64 3 1
By RehanFrontiers

At the jake mountain it and seem the weather is good

Everest: Ready Jake?

Jake: Of course Everest!

Everest & Jake Checking around the mountain

Jake: Nothing Wrong so far

Everest: Yeah, but we don't know when storm gonna coming

After a while of walking a storm coming

Everest: Whoa!, We better get back jake!

Jake: you right Everest!

The storm getting worse

Jake: Whoa! I can't see

No respons from Everest

Jake: Everest? (Look around) Where are you?!

Scene Change
Meanwhile at Everest

Everest: Jake! Where are you! (Looking around), We separated! (The strom getting even worse) Whoa! Better find a shelter! (Looking at the cave) there!

Everest enter the cave it's a small cave

Everest: At least I save here

Scene Change
Back at jake

Jake enter a cave

Jake: Need to wait the storm calm down first

After sometime

Jake: The storm stop, better call the paw patrol!

Scene Change

Ryder pup pad ringing

Ryder: Oh hi jake!

Jake: Dude Emergency!

Ryder: What wrong jake!

Jake: I'm and Everest got Separate because of storm when we checking around the mountain! Can you find him?

Ryder: Do worries jake!, no storm is to big, no pups is to small!(touch the button on pup pad) Paw Patrol to the Paw Patroler!

All pups: Ryder need us!

All pups running toward the paw Patroler

Chase: Marshall Lookout!

Marshall slip

Marshall: Whoa (bump into pups) Did i just slip on a air?

All pups laugh, door closed, all pups on their gear, all pups into their seat

Chase: paw patrol ready for action ryder sir!

Ryder: Alright pups!, jake told us that Everest and him get Separate by a storm when checking around the mountain

Skye: Oh no

Ryder: So for this mission I need, Chase I need you to track down Everest scent to find him

Chase: Chase is on a case!

Ryder: And skye!, I need you to search from the sky

Skye: Take to the sky!

Ryder: Alright Paw Patrol is on a roll!

Scene Change
The paw patroler arrived at Jake mountain and all pups are on their vehicle

Ryder arrived at jake

Jake: Ryder!, finally you arrived

Ryder: don't worry jake we sure gonna find Everest!, chase!

Chase: *nod* (chase found everest scent) toward here ryder!

Scene Change
Back at Everest

Everest leave the cave and looking around

Everest: I need to find a way home!

Everest Looking around and notice a pup

Everest: who is that

????: (Bought a dead animal and eating it)

Everest: *Slip* Whoa! Huff

????: huh?, (looking at Everest) are you okay?

Everest: (Look up) I'm okay who are you?

Blur: I'm blur nice to meet you!

Everest: I'm Everest!, you wild here?

Blur: Yeah, I been here like a month now, so what you doing here?

Everest: I get lose, *stomach growl* and I'm hungry

Blur: here some! (Putting raw meat), well it's raw but it's all I can do

Everest: (nervous) Well I have no choice! (Eating the raw meat), taste bad!, you eat this everyday?

Blur: Well, yeah

Everest: It's most be hard

Blur: By a look at it you have an owner right?

Everest: Yeah

Blur: actually I have an owner to but....

Everest: But what?

Blur: We got Separate because of a fire back then
*Cry a little*

Everest: don't worry!, i got Separate a moment ago

Blur: well I sure they finding you right now

Everest: *nod*

Scene Change

Ryder: Found anything skye?

Skye: Not yet Ryder!

Ryder: how about you chase

Chase: huh?!

Ryder: what wrong chase?

chase: I found a unknown pup scent with Everest ryder

Ryder: hmm maybe he meet here, alright keep searching guys!

Scene Change

Blur help Everest find Jake cabin

Everest: Thanks for accompanying me to the cabin

Blur: No problem!

Everest and blur walking when suddenly a rumbling sound was hear

Blur: what was that?!

Everest: An avalanche!

Blur: Everest Watch out! (While push Everest)

Blur get hit by the avalanche

Everest: Blur No!!

Skye: (Found Everest) Ryder I found it!

Ryder: after you skye!

After Ryder arrived

Ryder: Everest Are you all right?

Everest: I'm alright but blur not!

Ryder: Who?!

Everest: Ryder Pls help him, he got hit by an avalanche!

Ryder: Don't Worry Everest! (Touch it's pup pad) Rubble we need you here quick!

After Rubble arrived

Ryder: Okay rubble I need you to be careful because we finding a pup there

Rubble: Alright Ryder!

After Rubble take the snow

Blur get out of the snow

Blur: Puff it's so cold!

Everest run into blur and hug him

Everest: I'm glad you save!

Blur: Thanks Everest!

Skye: look who fall in love

Everest: *Realize* *blush* Sorry blur!

Blur: It's okay Everest!

Jake: Everest you save!

Everest: jake! (Run towards jake and hug him on his leg)

Jake: glad you save, and you?

Blur: I'm blur nice to meet you!

Everest: blur save me from the avalanche jake

Jake: thanks blur dude!

Blur: *nod*

Ryder: *Thinking* Blur why not you come with us!

Blur: Huh?

Ryder: I have something for you

Blur: What it's it?!

Ryder: later, Oh yeah I'm ryder!

Chase: I'm chase!

Skye: I'm Skye

Rubble: and I'm rubble!

Blur: Nice to meet you pups!

Scene Change at jake cabin

Marshall, Rocky, Zuma: Nice to meet you blur!

Blur: Nice to meet you to!, by the way ryder what something you talking about

Ryder: oh yeah, look at this pup tag

Blur: Yeah?

Ryder: I have this lying around the lookout never get use but now, Blur will you join the paw patrol?

Blur: Me?!, Of course ryder! I like to help people!

Ryder: Alright then, *realize* well maybe later I need to make your collar first

Blur: Oh man.

Marshall: it's okay blur just wait. ryder what blur gonna be?

Ryder: Engine pups! And Tech pups!

Blur: cool!

Everest Approach Blur

Everest: Blur Thanks for saving me

Blur: No problem!

Ryder: such a good pups!

Scene Change
Several Week Later

Blur: So what wrong Mayor Goodway?

Mayor Goodway: my car doesn't want to start, can you fix it?

Blur: don't worry mayor Goodway

Blur open the car lid and see that the cable to the Battery not connected

Blur: The cable isn't plugged in

After blur connect the cable

Mayor Goodway: (try to start the car) Oh it's working! Thanks pups!

Blur: You're welcome!

Scene Change At the lookout

Rocky: You done already?!

Blur: it's just the cable disconnected

Rocky: oh good then, let's play blur!

Blur: Yeah!

Ryder: Blur, Rocky!

Blur & Rocky: Yeah Ryder?

Ryder: Can you both help me

Blur & Rocky: Of course ryder!

While Rocky and Blur help ryder a snowcat appear

Everest: Hi Ryder can you look at my snowcat I think something wrong with it

Ryder: hm?, let me check

While Ryder Everest snowcat, Everest run towards blur

Everest: Hi blur! *Blush*

Blur: Hi Everest

Everest: Blur can we play together?..

Blur: of course why not!

Blur and Everest Run to inside the lookout

Ryder: huh, there nothing wrong with his snowcat?

Rocky: I think Everest come here just because want to see blur

Ryder: Maybe you right

Scene change
At Blur and Everest playing pup pup boogie inside the lookout while the other pups play outside

Blur: Great!

Everest: You good blur!

Blur: Thanks! (Blur try to tailspin but fail) Whoa! (and hit Everest accidentally kiss him)

Blur: *Realize* *Blush* I'm sorry Everest!

Everest: It's okay blur *blush*

Skye: whoa you two just kiss

Everest: you see it skye?!

Skye: I think I do! *Giggle* (whisper to Everest) don't worry you not the only who fall in love

Everest: so you have a crush on chase?

Skye: *nod*

Everest: Oh

Skye: If you want him, then go!

Everest: I not think I'm ready yet!

Skye: Just do it if you ready ok?

Everest: ok.

Blur: hm... Everest

Everest: Yea.. Yeah?

Blur: Wanna continue the game?

Everest: Yeah... for sure!


Written by Rehan Frontiers

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