His girl || 1996 - 2011

By onlyposersfuckingdie

62.5K 2.2K 199

Spencer "Spence "macher is the best friend of Billy loomis, ever since childhood. The two friends would do an... More

36. Wedding Special


469 26 3
By onlyposersfuckingdie


Billy didn't know what to do. His hand was caked in his daughter's blood, her terrified blue eyes stared into his, her grip on his jacket was tight, and her body was trembling in his hold.

The blood wouldn't stop, and Billy didn't know if his hands were shaking or if it was just Eden that was trembling so bad that Billy's hand shook with her.

His vision clouded for a second before something warm slid down his face. Tears, it was tears. He was crying.

Spence was fighting with Sidney, and Spence was winning. There was nothing more dangerous than a mother's rage.

Sidney wiped the blood off her mouth, and she looked over at Billy, her eyes saddening as she noticed his state.

She never wanted to hurt him. All she wanted was him. He did this to himself.

Spence looked behind her. Her daughter was still alive, but she was still in danger.

She turned back to Sidney before rushing at her and tackling her, Sidney let out a scream as she and Spence fell over the railing.

- -

Randy knew that he should've stayed at home with the others, but he felt that something was wrong.

So, he went to the loomis house. The front door was wide open, and he could hear noises, and he walked in.

His eyes widened as two people landed in front of him. "What the fuck!?" It was Spence and Sidney.

Spence groaned, "Randy, upstairs, Eden." She breathed out, and Randy looked hesitant to leave her, but he rushed upstairs and paused by the top of the stairs.

"Shit! What the fuck happened!?" Randy ran over and kneeled beside Billy who looked at him.

"Help..i..I don't.. I don't know what to do." Billy told him, and Randy was a bit shocked because Billy never asked for his help before, but Randy would guess that he's in shock.

Randy looked at Eden. She was still alive. "Billy, we need to take her to the hospital, like right now."

"Spence -"

"I'll take her! Hey, I promise you that I will get her to the hospital, Billy. She's gonna be alright." Randy told him, taking Eden from Billy, who nodded.

"If she dies, I'll kill you." It was an empty threat, but Randy just nodded before he rushed down the stairs and out the door with Eden in his arms.

Randy put Eden in the passenger side of his car before he got into the driver seats.

Tears streamed down Eden's face. She wanted her dad. She wanted to scream for him just to hold her, but all she could get out was whimpers.

As Randy drove off, fast towards the hospital. Billy went downstairs. He was over the shock, and he was fucking pissed.

Spence was slowly getting up using a desk as support. Billy helped her up, "I'm okay, just got the breath knocked out of me." Spence told him, both turning to look at Sidney, who was slowly standing up.

Once Billy knew Spence was alright, he went over and grabbed Sidney by her hair,titling her head back, and Sidney let out a small scream. "I should've killed you a long time ago." Billy said, taking the gun from Sidney and passing it to Spence.

"Billy, please, I love you, and we can be together, me, you, and my son. He needs a father, and you could be his father." Sidney pleaded

"Well, I feel kinda bad for your son, I mean having a mother like you must be fucking exhausting, I mean, if my mom was obsessed with some guy she used to date in high-school, I'll find that pretty fucking delusional. You fucking lost your mind,sid," Billy took the knife from her and stabbed her in the side.

Sidney gasped, "first, you pushed Spence off the stairs, killing our unborn child , then you sent someone to try and kill her, " Billy pulled out the knife and stabbed her again, twisting the knife before pulling it down and stabbing her again.

"Then, you fucking slashed by my little girl throat open! No one fucks my kids, you fucking delusional bitch!" Billy pulled out the knife and threw her against the wall.

Sidney let out a yell of pain, falling roughly on the ground. She looked up at Billy with tears in her eyes, and Billy crouched down in front of her, hearing sirens in a distance.

Randy must've gotten to the hospital already and called Dewey.

Spence stood next to Billy, taking the safety off the gun. She aimed it at Sidney.

"No, please, wait, what about my son?" Sidney questioned, and Billy sighed, "Well, let's just hope he gets adopted by a nice family and let's hope his mother doesn't turn out to be a delusional psychotic bitch."

"This is for our unborn baby and Eden, have fun in hell, Sidney." Spence pulled the trigger, blood sprayed against the wall and Sidney laid dead on the ground with a bullet hole between her eyes.

Spence dropped the gun, "Eden, Billy, we need to get to Eden." Billy stood up and nodded, both rushing out of the house just as the cops arrived.

Dewey rushed out and ran over ,"it was Sidney. We took care of her, and we need to get hospital right now. It's Eden." Billy rushed out, and Dewey nodded.

"I'll drive."


Word count - 903

Hope you enjoyed.

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