The Silver Star

By MushroomMantis

968 36 1.2K

A dark hedgehog is at the low point of his life. But it soon is turning around as he got a job as a bodyguard... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8

Part 4

99 4 196
By MushroomMantis

After breakfast Silver went to his room to chill before his coach would arrive. Shadow took a quick moment to take a shower after their run, to get into his suit afterwords as was required. He looked at himself in the mirror and fixed his tie, he never was much into formal wear but he had to say, that he didn't mind how it suited him. That morning he felt rather proud of himself, to have a talk with Silver that way and to set a first step in getting to know each other better.

He had a walk around the area as was required, to check the surroundings and making sure nothing was wrong. He felt still rather surprised to walk around this area, to get a job like this after such a long time. And maybe this all wouldn't be so bad after all, now that he and Silver were actually talking.

He was reading the newspaper when he suddenly perked up by hearing the doorbell. He had a quick look at his watch, to see on the screen the visuals of the intercom at the gate. A tough looking man saluted to the camera at the gate, for Shadow to press the button to open it.

Shadow stood waiting at the entrance to see a big pick up truck driving his direction and got parked at the front of the mansion.

"What's up Dave!" The coach shouted as he got out of his car and took his bag out of the trunk.

Shadow frowned slightly as he watched this guy. He turned around and went his direction, who started to frown as well. He lowered his sun glasses and looked Shadow up and down.

"You're not Dave."

Shadow cleared his throat, "I'm Shadow."

"Where's Dave?"

"Uhm, well if Dave was the bodyguard," Shadow said as he wondered, "Than he did quit yesterday."

The coach made an understanding gesture, "Well at least he could keep up for four weeks."

Shadow raised his eyebrows surprised, "Wait, the last one only stayed for four weeks?"

The big guy let out a chuckle, "Don't be so surprised," He said and hit Shadow hard on the shoulder, "It's not like you will keep up longer for sure," He said with a meaningful expression.

"What do you mean by that?" Shadow asked a bit daring.

"You met the kid right?" The coach said with a grin. "He is a terror for sure," He whispered.

Shadow frowned at his remark, "Than what are you still doing here?"

"Well you know, it pays well and besides I'm only here for 6 hours a week. You have him all the time, I would definitely not be in any state to handle that," He said with a grin and went inside of the mansion.

"It's not that bad," Shadow said stubborn, he somehow didn't want to give into this guy. He seemed full of himself and looking down upon everyone else, especially Shadow himself.

"Don't fool yourself," He said while placing his sunglasses on his head and went through the hall to go to the gym.

"I will go get him," Shadow said through gritted teeth. He went up the stairs to get to Silver's room. He knocked as the door was closed. Silver didn't answer which made Shadow frown, but opened the door anyways, "Silver, your coach is-"

"Jeez! Never learned to knock!" Silver shouted.

Shadow quickly shut the door, he looked shocked at what he had seen for just a split second. "I'm sorry," He said through the door. It stayed quiet for a while, so Shadow cleared his throat, "I just wanted to say your coach has arrived."

After a few minutes the door of Silver bedroom opened. Silver looked angry, "Don't you ever enter my room like that," He snapped at him while poking his chest.

"I won't," Shadow said with bright red cheeks, "I'm sorry."

"And learned to fucking knock!"

"Well, I did knock."

"Knock harder," He grunted frustrated and walked passed Shadow through the hallway. "Idiot," Shadow heard Silver say under his breath.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" Shadow apologised towards Silver's back who only raised his middle finger towards him and turned the corner to go down the stairs.

Shadow let out a sigh and rubbed his temples, trying to get rid of the image he saw just a few seconds ago, not expecting to walk into Silver pleasuring himself. He could understand Silver would be angry for getting busted while enjoying some private time, but still, he did knock.

He followed Silver down the stairs towards the gym where his coach had already prepared a few things.

"You don't have to follow me through my own fucking house," Silver snapped when he noticed Shadow following him, which made him stand still right away. He watched as Silver went to the gym hall and Shadow sighed frustrated, it went so good this morning. 'Did this small event turn everything back to how it was yesterday?' He wondered. 'Did he lose Silver's trust and will they need to start over again?'

He took another stroll around the area and heard a bleep coming from his watch, meaning that the window repair man could be here any minute.

It indeed didn't take long till the bell rang and he could see the window repair van through the intercom and let them enter.

"Dave resigned?" The repair man asked as he noticed Shadow at the entrance, who looked surprised that a window repair man would know Silver's bodyguard by name.

"Yes he did."

"Don't look so surprised," The repair man said, "Believe me, this won't be the last time I come here to repair a window," He explained with a wink. "So dining hall?" He asked.

"Uhm, yeah," Shadow said, closing the door behind him and guiding the way even though this man knew were to find it. "So, he breaks windows more often?"

"For sure," He said and took his measuring tape to measure the broken window. "So how are you holding up with him?"

Shadow cleared his throat, "Well I'm not allowed to talk about it," He said as it was described in his contract, that he shouldn't talk bad about his client, as it could be the cost for image damage.

"Don't you worry, what I talk about with clients stay in this room," He promised.

Shadow looked doubtful as the repair man wrote down the sizes. "It's going okay," He only said.

The repair man looked at Shadow from over his glasses, "You sure? I bet that window didn't break itself." Shadow bit his tongue as he didn't know if he wanted to break his contract on the first day. "I get it, you don't have to say it," He said with an amused smile. He took his papers, "I'm going to cut the glass in the van and I will install it," He said with a friendly smile.

Shadow let the window repair man do his thing but kept an eye on him. It wasn't that he didn't trust the guy, but it was necessary for his job, if someone would visit, there was a protocol to keep an eye on them and not let them wander around by themselves, of course it was different for the working staff, coaches and teachers.

After the window repair man left Shadow went to the kitchen to get Silver's lunch for his work out break. He frowned as in the kitchen stood a plate with sandwiches for the coach and himself, a plate of cucumber slices and a banana for Silver. In the kitchen nobody was present and he hadn't see anyone come in or leave to prepare it, which seemed strange to Shadow. He shrugged his shoulders and made some coffee and tea. To take everything with him to the gym hall. He looked down at the pile of sandwiches on the platter and wondered if he should offer Silver one as well, Because he had only see them eat three bites of steamed veggies and some yoghurt with strawberries since he got here.

"It's time for your lunch break," Shadow announced as he entered the gym. Silver quickly shut off the treadmill he was using, which was on full speed. He was panting heavily and seemed relieved that this session was interrupted.

The coach shook his head disapproving, "Cool down first," He said stern and turned the treadmill on again, but at a lower pace. Silver rolled his eyes frustrated and started to run again even though he seemed rather tired. "You know, you shouldn't stop right away but slow down," He said and came Shadow's way who placed the platter on the table in the gym hall.

The coach flopped down on the chair, placed his feed on the table and took a sandwich. He watched as Silver kept running and took a bite. Shadow frowned at the scene. "Put it at fifty percent and keep it up for fifteen minutes," The coach shouted with a grin.

Shadow looked at the coach, "You know five till ten minutes is enough for a cooldown," He suggested.

"Shh, don't let him hear that," He said quietly and winked.

Shadow frowned at the situation but sat down as he didn't want to get involved between Silver and his coach. As he started on his lunch. Shadow waited for Silver to be done, but sipped his coffee.

After a while Silver turned off the treadmill, took a towel to dab the sweat from his face and came their way to flop down on one of the chairs. He didn't look so arrogant and superciliously as before. He looked tired, delicate and even, something you might call, weak.

"Here you go," Shadow said and passed Silver his tea.

"Thanks," He said and took a sip, but immediately spit it out. "What the fuck is this?" He said disgusted.

Shadow raised his eyebrows surprised, "Uhm, your tea?"

"Where is the milk?" He said and looked in the cup.

"Oh sorry, I didn't know-"

"Who drinks this stuff?" He said and pushed away the cup, completely grossed out.

The coach looked at Shadow with a amused grin. "I'm sorry, I will make you new tea."

"You better," Silver sneered and took a slice of his cucumber. Shadow quickly took Silver's cup and left the gym hall to make some new tea. "Can you believe that cunt?" He could hear him say.

Shadow clenched his jaw and had to hold himself back from spitting in Silver's tea. 'How could I have known Silver drank his tea with milk and besides that, it's just a little mistake why make such a big deal out of it. It's not like it's poisonous when there isn't milk in it,' He thought frustrated as he walked back to the gym hall.

"Here," He said in a cold way and he placed Silver's tea on the table.

Silver rolled his eyes, "Was that so difficult?"

Shadow bit his tongue as he looked at Silver, wanting to say something inappropriate back, but he stopped himself and forced a smile, "I'm sorry, it won't happen again."

The coach smiled at Shadow in a way to say 'I told you so.'

Shadow took a sandwich and started on his own lunch in silence, to think he even thought about offering Silver a sandwich.

As the coach and Silver continued his training Shadow gathered the dishes.

"Let me," A kind voice said.

Shadow smiled relieved to see a friendly face as Blaze gathered the dishes for him.

"Hey Blaze!" Silver shouted enthusiastic as he was doing push ups, pretending that he didn't have difficulties by doing the tasks.

"Looking good Silver," She responded with a chuckle and a wink. A slight blush appeared on Silver's cheeks.

"Let me get that," Shadow said as Blaze wanted to take the platter.

"That's very sweet of you," She said as they left the room. Silver frowned to see them both leave together.

"So how is your first day going?" Blaze asked as they walked to the kitchen together where she filled up the dishwasher.

Shadow made a doubtful gesture.

"Don't you worry," She assured him, "It might be a bit much the first couple of days, but you will get used to it. I've to say, you seem like someone who knows how to handle him."

Shadow raised and eyebrow, "Well I don't feel like it."

"Silver isn't as bad as you think," She said caringly, "He's actually very soft and kind. He just doesn't easily trust others. But I have a feeling, that you might break through to him," She closed the dishwasher.

"I'm not sure."

"Believe me," She said and laid her hand on his arm, "I've an eye for certain things. You seem like a sweet, caring and patient man."

"Thanks," He said with an awkward smile.

She looked at her watch, "Oh, I've to go," She said and undid her apron. "Well it was nice to meet you Shadow, I will see you again tomorrow."

"Yes of course," Shadow said and looked at the time himself. It was already 12.50 which meant the choreographer would be here in about ten minutes.

As soon as the coach prepared to leave, the intercom called as a van was ready to enter the gate, Shadow noticed the logo on the van and knew it was indeed the choreographer. Silver looked quite burned up as he waited at the entrance. He leaned against his balloon dog statue as he waited. He stroked his hand through his quills when Shadow opened the door. He raised his eyebrows surprised to see an older lady and a buck load of girls at the door.

"Ah, new servant, I see?" The older lady sneered arrogantly.

"Bodyguard," Shadow corrected her.

"Yeah, same," She said and entered the hallway. Shadow looked at the girls who followed after her, they looked enthusiastic and down right good, Shadow thought impressed. They all had some what the same hight and wore the Starlight Silver merchandise. Shadow looked confused at all the girls.

"There are my girls," Silver said with a grin who walked their way. He didn't look as tired as before, he looked the girls up and down and wrapped his arms around the closest too, "Looking good, are those the new outfits?" He asked and a few girls turned around to show him all the sides. He bit his lip and Shadow could see his eyes resting on their behinds for just a moment, "Nice," He said in a cool way, which made the girls giggle.

The choreographer clapped her hands to make the girls go quiet, "Back up dancers to the ball room," She ordered, they all turned quiet and quickly did what she said. Silver winked at them and slapped a few of them on their butts.

'Oh, back up dancers, of course,' Shadow thought by himself as he watched how Silver turned around to follow the girls.

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