Awaiting Your Return (Azur La...

By HistoricReader21

7.4K 224 178

-Book two- The latest attack on Azur Lane had left all stationed there in a state of sorrow. With the fall of... More

Royalty and Vampires
Drunken Friendships
The Eagle's Sorrow
Prey Fever
The Good Ol' Hockey Game
Unexpected Guest
To Be Merry -Christmas Special-
New Recruits
Tea Cakes
Family Bonding
The Mental Game


178 8 2
By HistoricReader21

HMCS Haida's P.O.V

The sound of artillery resounded across the waves as the new batch of destroyers dashed across the ocean surface, trying to hit the distant targets. From what I was told, they were trained back home during and after their sea trials. However, with the disastrous accuracy and poor maneuvers they displayed, it was clear they either didn't receive enough or didn't pay attention.

A sigh slipped through my lips while I watched their frustrations rise with each round they fired. I don't know why the hell I was put in charge of training them; I'm not teacher material. 

Right now, I could've been lounging back while watching TV or out on patrol hunting the little rat bastards that invaded our home. Instead, my day was ruined trying to get these ships to hit at least something.

"Alright! That's it!" I gained their attention. "It's clear we have to start from the basics; just fire at them while stationary for now. Get a sense of your guns and their trajectories, or something. . . Just practice your accuracy!" 

The ships all shared looks before nodding. While they lined up and began to aim at the distant target buoys, I let out another sigh while scratching my head. The destroyers opened fire, only to miss each of the targets yet again.

"You're not very helpful." Micmac pointed out from beside me.

"Wha- of course I'm not! I don't know how to teach! I'm a warrior!" 

"A warrior, eh?" 

"How many kills have you chalked up then, sister?" 

Micmac waved off my challenge while rolling her eyes. "It's always about scores with you."

"Damn right! That title is mine and mine alone. Gotta remind people who's the queen of our class, ya know?"

"More like the queen of egotism."

"Shut up"

Micmac snorted at the sudden change in my tone. While stifling her laugh, I shook my head and looked back at the destroyers to see their accuracy finally get tighter around the targets. 

For a month, my sister and I have been assigned to train these destroyers! a month! 

If we started with them at a better skill level, then I may not have been as cranky as I am now, but that doesn't mean I would've enjoyed it.

So long as they do well in their classes, then the chance of them improving rapidly is high. However, if they don't pay attention to Pennsylvania's studies, then I'll be sure to smack the information into their skulls myself.

"Got it!" Ortona threw a fist in the air as the orange buoy in the distance began to sink. It was then that all eyes turned to me for a response, making me a little uncomfortable. 

"W-well, keep going! In battle, you need to be able to hit a target dead center in a matter of seconds; otherwise, you're dead. Keep training your accuracy."

Once more, the ships all nodded and faced the targets with their turrets ready to fire. Continuing to observe their work, I crossed my arms while trying to think of a topic to cure the boredom that was taking over.

"Guess I'm glad I'm not the one teaching them tactics."

"Of course you're not. What tactics do you know other than charging in like a maniac?"

"Oh, you're asking for it." 

"Ah, ah, ah! We need to set a good example for the kids: no violence." Micmac waved a finger in my face while holding a smile. I let out a huff and backed away as I realized she was right.

While the destroyers continued to dial in their turrets, scoring more hits than before, I found myself getting restless. My finger instinctively tapped my arm while my hips began to sway, begging for just a smidge of action. I became distracted by the thoughts of getting a bit of training in myself or even just going on a rampage against the targets we had. Oh, maybe a mock battle? Or I could challenge one of these girls to a duel! No, I would just squash them and then get yelled at by Ontario. This sucked.

My shoulders drooped, and I began to grumble out of irritation. The sound of their cannons only enticed the idea further, and I started to sway faster.

"You think the alliance allowing us to marry is weird?" I was caught off guard by Mac's sudden question.

"I. . . where did that come from?"

Micmac shrugged before pulling her gaze away from the destroyers. "Just a random thought, really. I don't know what to make of it; it was so abrupt when they allowed it last year. I also heard two more couples were engaged recently: Another Union and a Sakuran. . ."

"Well. . ." I trailed off in thought. "It was abrupt, yeah, and maybe a bit weird between a ship and an officer. But it sounds a little cool to me 'cause it's like they're giving us more autonomy over ourselves. I mean, I don't blame them, particularly with how rowdy many ships have become over the years."

"That's fair, I guess. . . I have noticed, especially as of late, that we seem to be getting a little more mature. Kind of like our mentality is actually aging."

"What, you mean like the perverted stuff? You know several ships are, and have been, just as provocative as Meon since the day they came to be, right?"

"Well yeah, I know that! I'm talking about the rest of us; surely you've noticed it? Not just that stuff, but showing actual maturity as well."

I took a moment to think about it. "I guess. . . though really, I've just noticed hormonal changes in some. It makes me feel bad for the commander. I'm sure he noticed it back then, but so many girls just kept looking at him. If he were here now, I'm sure they'd finally pounce."

"Oh? Were you jealous?" Micmac tried to tease me.

"No. . ." I said flatly, "It just pissed me off. They kept ogling him like a piece of candy. It made me wanna bash their faces in."

"Settle down there guard dog."


Micmac burst into a fit of laughter, and I quickly followed suit as we leaned on each other for support. I found myself holding my stomach as the more I laughed, the more it began to hurt.

Eventually, we were able to control our senses of humour, and the laughter quickly died down. I managed to breathe again as a small chuckle came and went while Micmac straightened out her uniform.

"It is cool though, the more I think about it."

"About what?"

"How there's a noticeable difference in our mentality as we age. Just a few years ago, we were jumping around and acting like kids on a sugar high, but now we can relax with a better sense of communication. And I guess, go through something like puberty. Sounds as if we're human after all, no?"

As I thought about it, a smile began to form on my face. The characteristics she highlighted certainly sounded human. In a way, the thought of it was warming to the heart.

"Yeah," I said. "All the talk about love and romance going around is getting irritating, though."

Micmac nodded in agreement. "This subject is also a little awkward to talk about. If I'm being honest."

"What subject is that?"

The sound of a new voice made us jump in surprise as Thracian stood from behind. Pulling out a new dart from its pack, she watched our reaction with a look of suspicion as she placed the cigarette between her lips.

"The two of you sharing secrets?" She then pulled out a lighter.

"W-we uh. . . no. . ." As I fumbled to find my words, Thracian paused when the lighter was just below the end of the cigarette and looked up at me. The embarrassment I felt from making us look even more guilty made me shrink as she cocked an eyebrow.

"Uhuh. . ." Her eye studied the two of us before she lit the cigarette. "No. . . huh?"

"Mhm," I tried to reaffirm while Micmac nodded profusely. "Anyway, what are you doing here? Why aren't you training?"

"Because we took care of the targets already." She directed my gaze towards the group of girls engaged in conversations. The buoys that were once ahead of them are now gone, and I couldn't help but feel even more guilty for not noticing.

"So then, what's next on the to-do list, cap'n?"

I found myself at a loss for words as the destroyers began to look at me one by one. I tried to rack my brain for any kind of exercise I could have them carry out, but nothing came to mind. Instead, I looked at Micmac for help, to which she shook her head, knowing what I wanted.

I tried to convince her again with a pleading look and managed to get a sigh out of her. She looked at the sky in thought, trying to come up with something I had failed to do. 

"Uh, right!" To my joy, her gaze lowered as she found an idea. "All of your maneuvering was very sloppy earlier. I guess. . . everyone should. . ."

My stomach dropped as she began to trail off, leaving the destroyers confused. "Uh, y-yeah! Just scatter about and practice your balance as you make fast maneuvers. . ." Oh my god, we suck at this!

I watched the destroyers share concerned glances before sailing off in search of a space to practice. Thracian, on the other hand, continued to stay with us as she took a drag from the dart.

"You guys suck at this; you know that, right?" The girl read my mind, leaving me to sulk at the truth. Micmac, however, decided to raise a question. 

"Why haven't you gone with them?"

Thracian shrugged. "I already know how to move under fire. And besides, I don't have the same energy as them to pull such stunts."

Mac and I glanced at each other as the conversation fell silent. Thracian stood with a careless aura while she looked off to watch the ships in the distance, flicking the ash off the end of her cigarette.

She was an unusual type of ship, and her vast difference in personality from all the other ships I've met continued to puzzle me. She spoke with an experienced vocabulary, though she constantly used a bored tone. Her posture resembled that of an adult, straighter and more rigid.

However, she was still far from formal. She never seemed to care much about anything. She'd talk to you like you're just another person rather than a superior. Her body language consistently seemed disinterested in anything, and she would always hold a blase expression as she talked with you.

If I were to consider Micmac's theory,  then she's clearly been awake for quite some time. But I'm sure I could have noticed without it.

The surface was easy to decipher; however, there was something more to her that she hid rather well. Were it not for that Royal Cruiser the other day, I probably wouldn't have noticed it. She's a guarded individual, that's for sure.

"So, what is your story then?" My overwhelming curiosity blurted.

Thracian looked back at me with a raised brow as she flicked the finished dart into the water. 

"Me? Not much. . . was awoken years ago and stationed at Gibraltar the entire time till I was transferred to you." The basic answer she gave received a blank expression from me, making her shrug.

"You said you weren't Sakuran yesterday when arguing with that cruiser; what was that about?"

"Nothing that concerns you is what."

"Oh really. . ." My eye twitched at the curt response. Thracian just nodded before taking another cigarette between her lips. Cupping her hand around the end to block the wind, she lit the dart before letting out a sigh.

Her rudeness continued to get on my nerves as I tried to display a friendly smile. However, I must not have done a great job of it, as she gave me a concerned look. Micmac put a hand on my shoulder as if to settle me down, while she stepped forward to ask a question of her own.

"So what did you usually do in Gibraltar?"

"Patrols mostly." She continued giving short answers and shrugging. The repeated attitude made Micmac's grasp on my shoulder tighten when she felt me tense up in anger.

The old destroyer in front watched my figure with a curious gaze, a small smirk forming on her lips. This little brat was nothing short of a troublemaker; she looked to gain pleasure at the sight of my aggravated state. It was just a simple question! What did she have to hide?!

Her smug look only proceeded to irritate me further, and I was beginning to boil over. To make it even worse, that smirk on her face only grew as she continued to look me in the eyes. I was getting ready to throttle her for an answer when a sharp pain in my neck made me hiss as I was pinched by Mac.

"Excuse her, she can be a bit of a hothead." She apologized on my behalf while I rubbed my neck.

"That's obvious. She's not a specialist in hiding her emotions either."

"Why you!—" A swift hand put an end to my second attempt by striking me in the back of my head. The pain brought out a whine as I rubbed the spot where I was hit. 

Thracian fell into a fit of laughter from my suffering, provoking me even more. This time, however, I learned my lesson as I feared further abuse from my sister.

Next to me, Micmac sighed while pinching the bridge of her nose. "You need anger management."

"I don't!"


"I— Ugh!"

Giving up on fighting, I continued to rub the back of my head while she gave me a judgmental look. Crossing her arms, she then shook her head and slouched. Seeing her disappointed in me kinda hurt, not gonna lie.

"So then, can we get a move on with the training? They look to have gotten the hang of it now, so why not start over?" Thracian directed our attention towards the destroyers.

No longer did I notice them tripping over themselves and falling over. Instead, I watched as many of them began to gracefully skate around, taking tight turns and even moving backwards at great speeds. Their moves fell similar to those of a hockey player weaving around his opponents and rushing down the ice.

Some even found fun in dancing around like figure skaters. Twirling like a ballerina or Mitch Marner during pre-game warm-ups.

"Alright, we still have more buoys. But you're going to tell them—second flotilla leader." I showed my sarcasm with a smirk. That was until I got smacked upside the head once more.

"Ah!. . . Er, please and thank you. . ."

Thracian had to suppress a snicker as she went to do what I asked, leaving me to grumble out of vexation. Micmac let out a sigh beside me as I began to whine once more while rubbing the back of my head.

"Do you have to be so hard?"

Mac just looked at me as if I were serious, which I confirmed with a nod. The reaction made her roll her head along with her eyes, sick of whatever I was doing.

"Do you have to get so mad?"

"She was being mean!" I asserted my reasoning.

"You can't just fight someone off the bat 'cause they're mean to you!"

"Yes, I can!"

"No, you can't! God, you are such a temperamental child!"

"Child!?" I shouted. "Does a child have a kill count as high as mine!?"

Mac threw up her hands in annoyance. "There you go again!"

"Go what again? You wanna go again? Is that what you're askin'?"

The sudden threat made her involuntarily chuckle while I put up my fists. The chuckling quickly evolved into a full guffaw while she leaned over to hold her stomach.

"What? What is it?" Her reaction made it hard for me to suppress a silly grin while I watched her run out of breath. Micmac couldn't give me a response as she had to lean on her knees for support, trying to calm down.

"You!. . . You are what!" She managed to speak through the laughter.

The sudden sound of the ships resuming their fire made me turn around to see how they were doing. The ships started strong, keeping their balance as they fired on the move. The initial shots came close to their targets before the structure of the ships began to degrade.

I watched them grow impatient the more they missed the buoys. Their balance wavered as they focused more on trying to hit the target than their all-around form.

"Don't you think you should step in and give them pointers?" Mac managed to get over her fit.

"No. . . I'm done with this. I can't teach!" I said. "What about you? You were assigned to teach them too!"

"Well, I can't teach either." Mac's shrugging led me to scoff.

"Then why are we here!?"

"I don't know! Maybe she just assigned us because of how efficient we are."

"That's because we're Tribals! Of course we're efficient! That doesn't mean we can teach!"

Once more, Mac shrugged as she gave up trying to think of any more reasons. She simply scratched her head and watched the destroyers continue to struggle. All except Thracian, who stood behind them, looking as if she were taking a smoke break.

Out of all the buoys, I only noticed one of them was hit yet remained afloat. The shells that landed all around them looked to spread further away each time, leaving me to hang my head in defeat. 

Charlotte would have been a good pick to teach them, even if she's not a destroyer. Ontario knows I'm not capable of this. Sure, I handle a leadership role well, but I can't instruct for shit!

"You think we should read up on human biology?" Mac spoke up.

"Are you still on that topic?"

"W-Well I'm just saying—psychology too. It might help us understand these new feelings better."

Micmac found it hard to hold contact while she squirmed ever so lightly. I found myself staring at her in disbelief as she caressed her lower lip with her thumb while a red hue highlighted her cheeks.

"Are you seriously hot and bothered like the rest of them?"

"Don't say it aloud!. . . It's embarrassing."

Mac became tense while I continued to watch her expressions. I couldn't believe what I was seeing; this issue was like an epidemic going around the base.

"Wait. . . You're not gonna start acting like Meon ar—"

"NO!—I'm not ever gonna be like that pervert!" Mac's face flushed red as she quickly shot down what I was saying. I couldn't help but laugh a little at her neurotic state, earning me a small glare.

"That's odd; I haven't been feeling anything. Do you think the alliance is aware of this?"

She shook her head. "Probably getting to the point where they're starting to notice cases of it, but I doubt they're fully aware."


Despite being born with so much information on the world and its people, all that human stuff has always left me perplexed. There were so many things about being human, and it was so hard to keep track of them. From anatomy to psychology, emotions to impulses. There's so much I don't know. Surely I'm not the only one, eh? I'm not that dense. . . right? 

Maybe I should look into reading up on it. Normally, I would have just asked the commander, but that's impossible now. This really did suck. . .

I was never one to like change; it always felt like I was parting ways with everything I grew accustomed to. Little things were never fun, but getting transferred to this base hit me the hardest. A new environment, new friends, and new leadership. Of course, I grew to love it here eventually, but it still felt like parts of my life were abandoning me.

Now it was the same; everyone around me was beginning to change. No longer the friends I used to know, they now talked about heavier topics or discussed what attracted their hearts. 

Boys this, men that, etcetera, etcetera. The constant humour and jokes, while still quite prominent, had begun to be replaced by more in-depth and drawn-out topics. Whether it was about something lustful or more real-world discussions like politics or even something like new trends,

I've come to notice the same in myself, though not as bad. I still had some of my energy, and I never had any indecent thoughts, but my tone had become more serious, and the conversations I participated in resembled more of an adults than anything.

I enjoyed the happier and carefree side of things, but it was slowly being fazed out with me in tow. Once again, the world I became comfortable with abandoned me as more change was brought to it.

It's bound to happen though; that's what the commander taught me after all. Change is a constant thing that can't ever be stopped. Whether it be small or large, it is something you have to become accustomed to; otherwise, you can't push forward in life.

Listen to me; I sound like Ontario talking about him. Well, it isn't like I haven't had my fair share of help from him. . . I missed that most of all.

Now listen to me, getting all sappy. That's not fitting for my personality, is it? 

Looking back at Mac, I watched as she continued to squirm with her cheeks still painted red. She watched the destroyers train with an unfocused gaze, clearly lost in her thoughts. With her arms crossed, she looked to hug her figure for comfort as whatever she was imagining bothered her, probably something perverted judging her expression. . .

Yet a devious smirk crept up my face as I thought of something funny, something to tease her, something immature enough to forget the changes around me.

"Yo, Mac. I've got a question."

Her eyes looked to refocus as she shifted her gaze to me with an eyebrow raised. "What is it?" She asked me.

"Would you screw the commander for a Klondike bar?"

"Screw who for a Klondike bar??" We were interrupted by a familiar voice, which made the two of us stiffen in fear.

For a second, my heart stopped while my blood ran cold. A chill ran down my spine while I watched the colour drain from Mac's body as her eyes widened in horror. Together, we shared a frightened look before turning around.

Quebec stood there with a glowing smile that twitched ever so slightly, as did her eye. 

She was furious; one may be tricked by her alluring smile, but I knew better. We were screwed, myself specifically. . .

"Who would she screw for a Klondike bar, Haida?" Her lips continued to twitch as she held the friendly face, making me shiver.

"I-uh—ah. . . I-I meant," My stuttering only made her features twitch more. Behind her, the new cruisers she was training looked at the two of us with curiosity.

"Why does she look dead?" Iqaluit spoke up and directed my eyes toward Mac.

She was frozen with fear, paler than a ghost. I swear it didn't look like she was breathing, but her chest still rose. . . slightly. 

Her eyes, wide as saucers, never left Quebec. Nobody would blame her. She was terrifying—maybe even a little insane—when she was angry. The fact that I was able to get a word out at all was a shock in itself.

"Who would she screw, Haida?"

I let out a feeble squeak as she asked the question again. When I turned back, I was met with her chest as she towered above me. Her gaze, like Medusa's, petrified me when I looked up to meet her gaze.

"I-I. . ."


I still found it hard to say a word, as she still held that friendly look.

"I just—I-I meant."


"C-Campbell! I-I meant to say Campbell!"

"Oh? As in your team's old goalie?"


"Really. . .?" She didn't buy it. We're done for.

What evil idea is she thinking of? Oh Commander, I'm sorry! Please come back! You're the only one who kept her in check!

"And what about you, Micmac? Weren't you two supposed to train the new destroyers?" Quebec moved over to Mac, allowing me the room to breathe. 


When she didn't respond the second time, I looked over to find her shaking while she began to choke. Tears started to form in her eyes, and she tried to hold them in but failed.

Mac started to cry. Wailing in terror as Quebec loomed over her the same as she did me. The tears streamed down her face as she broke down in front of her, bringing more attention to the situation that was unfolding.

Quebec's head snapped over to me, her powers freezing me in place once more.

"It seems you're the only one who can answer the question," she said while Mac continued to weep.

"Er, w-we were!—"

"Not really." Thracian's voice made me turn around. She stood there with the dart in her mouth while her arms were crossed, watching us as if our reactions weren't anything of concern.

I shook my head with an expression of terror while waving for her to shut up and shut up quickly. Unfortunately, the mischievous laugh that brought out another squeak proved it was too late.

When I looked back, Quebec's façade had finally fallen and was replaced by a maniacal look. Mac's cries only intensified as Quebec continued to laugh. The last time I heard that laugh, Crescent and St. Laurent were humiliated in front of the entire base. . .

"Oh, I think I have an idea about what your punishment is." Her words formed a ball of fear in the back of my throat. 

Overwhelmed by the emotions, I began to cry alongside my sister.


"Some even found fun in dancing around like a figure skater. Twirling like a ballerina, or Mitch Marner during pre-game warm-ups"

Well it feels good to get a little more comedy back into the story. 

Yes I know its gotten a little more 'in depth' and a little darker lately but thats what was planned from the beginning. 

I figured time goes on with the books; the characters should mature as well so they don't feel so unchanged through harsh times. 

Of course, I don't plan to go to in depth with that  stuff. But just as war does to people, its going to grow a little more depressing as time goes on.

That being said, I'm not going to forget to add a little comedy here and there because despite what I said about change, taking that away from the characters takes away too much.

Thank you all for continuing to support this story. I know its got its ups and downs to it, but I'm glad so many continued to find interest in it.

Till next chapter.

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