Behind Our Scars

By nialiography

578 71 102

[This story is for mature audiences] [16+] "You fucking piss me off." His lips are inches away from mine and... More

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54 8 9
By nialiography

Everyone has scars.

Whether it's from taking a fall off of your scooter when you were a kid and you screamed until your parents would come get you.

Whether it's scars from your parents. Both physical and mental scars.

Or if it's just scars from yourself, caused by the people you decide to be around. 

We were never supposed to happen.

We were never supposed to spend almost every single day together for two months straight.

We were never supposed to laugh together, smile together, hold one another, be together.

And the most painful of it all;

I was never supposed to fall in love with him. 

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