By BizaatZB

247 3 1

VINCENT His only priority is his land, Like the emperor he is born to be. But someone invades his mind, ... More

Under The Blood Moon
Author's Note
Chapter - 1 - LUNA
Chapter - 2 - LUNA
Chapter - 4 - LUNA / VINCENT
Chapter - 5 - LUNA
Chapter - 6 - VINCENT
Chapter - 7 - VINCENT
Chapter - 8 - LUNA
Chapter - 9 - VINCENT
Chapter - 10 - LUNA
Chapter - 11 - LUNA
Chapter - 12 - VINCENT
Chapter - 13 - LUNA / VINCENT
Chapter - 14 - VINCENT
Chapter - 15 - LUNA
Chapter - 16 - VINCENT
Chapter - 17 - LUNA
Chapter - 18 - LUNA
Chapter - 19 - LUNA
Chapter - 20 - VINCENT
Chapter - 21 - VINCENT
Chapter ‐ 22 ‐ LUNA
Chapter - 23 - VINCENT

Chapter - 3 - VINCENT

17 0 0
By BizaatZB

Today has been probably the worst day in my immortal life.

Firstly, some intruder came in the castle and my sisters just welcomed her as if she was an expected guest. She was a beautiful brunette with soft curls and glowing white skin. She looked scared when she looked at me with those icy blue eyes, and i won't lie I kinda loved it.

She looked beautiful even in a dress she wasn't comfortable in. I want to know who she is, where she's from, which adds to the pressure i already have.

Secondly, my father- King Victor announced that he was coming back from a military campaign against the Alpha.
I don't hate my father, but sometimes - actually most of the times - he gets on my nerves. I've told him that he should abdicate and that his old age isn't helping the empire but he still insists on being king even though I do more work than him being the crown prince.

Thirdly, the Alpha - Edgar. He is my biggest rival. It's probably natural to have this rivalry because he's a werewolf alpha and I'm a vampire but regardless he's been a threat to our throne singe ages - literally.
He lives in my land and empire, but that's the thing, the Grimm is the only land where you can find every creature living in peace under certain leaders. But all those leaders still bow against me.

That's why Grimm in my empire not kingdom. People know my father as their king but when I take over the throne they'll call me emperor.

Edgar is the werewolf Alpha with a wife - Acantha, and four children - Leo, Theodore, Vesper and Viper.

Edgar's kids are worse than him and his wife knows nothing but serve him like he owns her. She's lost her damn self- respect.

Edgar's eldest son - Leo - is the future Alpha and he's exactly like his father. Which means another generation of the same torture. Plus, he's a bloody womanizer.

His second son - Theodore- is a notorious womanizer just like his brother, he has ruined the lives of thousands of women and needs to be stopped. And the worst thing about this is that these women are complaining to the high court - to father. And because he can't do anything, I have to.

His elder daughter and his third child - Vesper - is the least chaotic of the pack. Well, she used to be rebellious but ever since she got married to some psycho Beta in another pack, she's gone silent, and despite thst she's manipulative. Even worse, they're relationship was so toxic that the Beta clawed her and they ended up in a divorce.

Goddamn psycho

His youngest and last daughter - Viper - is exactly what her name suggests. A venomous snake. She is the worst one, she gets on my nerves and gets on Raven's throat all the time. The amount of times Raven has lost her temper because of her is uncountable. Viper is the only one that can make her lose her cool and charm.

Now, for the situation at hand, my father is back from military campaigning from Sanguisberg and we have a royal gathering to welcome him. The usually dark palace is filled with candles and lamps. The halls are filled with red roses and pearl hangings across the ceiling. The giant chandelier above me in the ballroom is glowing bright blue light resembling the moonlight, casting a moonlit glow across the main throne room.

My father entered the throne room as everyone bowed including me (even if I didn't want to).
He made his way to the throne and sat on it like the king he is. Ophelia went and gave him a nod. Her relationship with father is just like mine but she does truly love him even though she doesn't show it. She is as serious as a warrior princess could be, which makes me wonder how she could let Luna in-

Stop it, Vincent, a voice in my head snapped. I had no business thinking about an intruder all the bloody time when there's a royal gathering going on.
If my father notices that my mind is wandering elsewhere, he'll give me an earful and blabber about how disrespectful it is.

To make the situation worse, the little intruder comes up and hides behind the pillar, a tiny smile curves my lips but I smoothen it out before anyone notices.

Then, I look at father who is looking at me with an eyebrow cocked on his forehead.

Definitely getting scolded.

Raven holds father's hand, kisses it and curtsies, all while looking charming as ever.
Nyx on the other hand jumps in father's arms and hugs him tight. She was always the favorite, every youngest is.

Dad beams at his three precious daughters and then walks over at me, his smile dropping. I give no expression and just stand there. Father claps my shoulder and nods at me, I nod back.

"Prince Vincent can do everything but greet someone normally", my mother cuts in. She kisses father's cheek and smiles at him.
They love each other way to much that mother literally mourned over how much she missed father. And I went insane trying to comfort her. Which gives me another great reason to deny marriage.

"Zephyr, dear. How are you? I missed you", father asked in a softer than cotton voice. He's only soft with mother, Raven and Nyx. Ophelia and I get treated a bit different, which is probably why I'm closer to her than any of my sisters.

"I wasn't fine, until you came, I missed you too"

Acantha wished she had a life like my mother's, being loved and respected. Treated equally by her husband - the leader. The biggest difference between my mother and Acantha is that she is known as the Alpha's wife while mother is known as the queen of Grimm.

"I tried to convince Vincent to get married so I could surprise you with the news but he just won't listen", mother said.

"I don't want anyone to cry over how much they missed me while I'm away", I said, reminding her of how she cried over father.

"Zephyr, dear, did you cry because you missed me?", father asked and I'm bloody sure he fell in love with mother all over again. Crimson stained mother's pale, freckled cheeks.


"No sentimental conversations, please!", Ophelia cut in with the razor sharp words.

Another reason why Ophelia is my favorite sister. She saves me from conversations I have no business being in.

Mother sighed and father glanced at Luna.
Luna, how lovely does that sound from my tongue. I couldn't stop the thought coming from my mind.

What's wrong with me?

Father closed his eyes shut and a blue light appeared on his forehead. He must be having a psychic vision, courtsey of being a psychic vampire. He sees visions rarely, but when he does, it's very important.

But why did he see a vision after looking at Luna? Who is this little intruder?

Father's eyes open wide and he looks at me, his already pale face even more pale as the light on his forehead vanishes.

"Victor, did you see something?", mother asked.

"It's not that important. I don't want to talk about it, let's have dinner".

Since then, father couldn't focus and the entire night passed by as he was ignoring me. He knows that I'll ask questions about his vision hence, the ignorance.
But I'll still talk about it, just not now.

Who are you, little intruder?

The pictures of King Victor and Queen Zephyr and the werewolves are below-

Note: Edgar and Acantha's pics will be in future chapters.







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