Jurassic world: camp Cretaceo...

By ratedfx

159 4 3



Camp Cretaceous.

85 4 0
By ratedfx

I'm not writing the part where Darius wins the game. As it's boring 😘

The ferry pulled into the dock, 6 campers were stood on the deck in front of a male staff member in a red Jurassic world T-shirt.

"Welcome to Isla Nublar campers! You are the chosen few. The first kids in the entire world to ever experience the awesomeness that is Camp Cretaceous. I know the trip from the mainland was rough on some..hello ben."

The camp councillor looked directly at a teenage boy dry heaving over the edge of the dock. In response ben gave him a thumbs up and continued to throw up.

"But you made it! I'm Dave, head counsellor" the man introduced himself. "You heard that correctly, head honcho, big shot"

A red and white jeep pulled up from behind us. The tiers screeching as the vehicle came to a stop. Leaving skid marks on the ground.

"Ah! So sorry I'm late. Welcome campers! I'm Roxie, head counsellor of Camp Cretaceous."

The six of us looked at Dave, and then at Roxy in confusion. Waiting for Dave to elaborate.

Dave chuckled nervously.
"Well... it's.. sort of a .. co head counsellor sort of situation..."

"Is it!?" Roxie looks at Dave with a slight smirk.

Dave clears his throat, trying to change the subject.

"Anyways. Some of you won contests to be here, some of you had vip invited, but for the next two weeks, all of you, will be getting the five- star treatment!" Dave began.

(Zachs pov)
I wasn't really listening as the councillor talked. I was watching as the pink haired girl was recording the other campers. One girl shyly looked away and started covering her face. Wile another one got in the frame and took a selfie. I rolled my eyes to myself. Classic fucking influencer. I though.

(Nobody's pov)

"As our first campers, we've lined up exclusive behind-the-scenes tours of Jurassic world" Roxie began.

The campers cheered happily.

Roxy continued
"As well as kayaking, rock climbing, obstacle courses, and of course..."

"Dinosaurs?!" A kid in a yellowish-Green hoodie said excitedly. Cutting Roxie off.

The campers all looked at him and deadpanned.
The kid put his hands in his pocket in embarrassment.

"Yes..." Roxie checked her clipboard for his name "Darius! Plenty of dinosaurs. So, ready for an adventure?"

"Absolutely!" The pink haired girl started."but I'm gonna need that speech a little shorter and really try to lean into the majesty of this place-"

Dave started chuckling.

"Okay! We're going now, let's get the seven of you to camp!"

"Uh.. there are six of us.." the pale looking boy in a green zip up jacket raised his hand sheepishly.

"...wait." Dave said."dino-kid, track-star, Internet girl, barfy, hoodie, Texas... He's right. Where's seven?"

A helicopter started whirring from above us, it landed on a platform and everyone covered themselves from the light draft of wind that it sent their way. One of the co pilots opened the side door, inside sat the seventh camper. Roxie rolled her eyes and looked at Dave. A older teenage boy walked out of the helicopter. He had a pink shirt on and khaki pants, with sunglasses on. Holding a duffel bag over his shoulder.

"Greetings my dudes! Ken hi is here, so let the party commence!" Kenji said." Put this in my room."
He threw the bag at Roxie.

"So what's your deal?" Kenji walked over to all the campers until he got sent flying by Roxie chucking the bag back at him.

She dusted off her hands. "Okay! Let's go!"

(Zachs pov)

Everyone got into the exposed back of the truck.

Brooklyn started taking selfies of herself on the truck.

Dave started humming and hitting the side of the truck, before getting in the passengers seat.the engine started and Roxie sped off. Everyone yelped unexpectedly. Nervously everyone buckled in their seatbelts

"I hope you got my moms note..? I don't do well on windey roads!" Ben said nervously. I just rolled my eyes at him and I sat back against the seat.

Brooklyn annoyingly started recording , again.
"What's good brooklanders?!"
Ugh. That name. I thought to myself, it was a really bad name, I smiled softly to myself.

"It's your girl Brooklynn coming at you from the best place ever! Camp Cretaceous! Like and subscribe to join me as I, unbox Jurassic world!" She shut off the phone camera. "Okay I need you all to say who you are and a little bit about yourself. And, action."

She pointer the camera,

I sigh and I take off my hoodie.

"Uhm my names zach and I'm here because I'm a streamer with a fan base of 32 million subscribers and Jurassic park wanted me to come and 'boost their ratings' as they put it."

She then pointed the camera at Darius. "Oh. Uh.. I beat this super hard dinosaur VR game? Hi I'm Darius by the wa-" he got cut off by Sammy.
"I'm sorry,I just can't believe your Brooklyn, and your Zach Conor! I'm sammy Gutierrez ! Total brooklander and a massive fan of your streams Zach !" She says as she grabs mine and Brooklyn's hands and started shaking them viciously.
"Oh! Also my family supplies all the beef for the park and that's how I got here!

"Great too meet you, sammy!" Brooklynn said enthusiastically.

"Yeah good to meet you" I say aswell.

"Uhm.. I've heard of zach, massive fan by the way!" Darius says. "But what's a brooklander..?"

"Oh, that's just what my online followers call themselves." Brooklyn explains,

"All 27 million of us!" Sammy says enthusiasticly.

"Yep. That's why her and zach are the only ones who are allowed to keep their cell phones." Yasmine says in a monotone and cold voice. "Their famous!"

"Hold on! Rich, and famous?! Oh, meant to be!" Kenji says as he takes Brooklyn's phone and takes a selfie of all 3 of us.

Ben starts vomiting over the side of the car.

I lean over and I sit down next to him and I rub his back.
"You get carsick?" I ask him softly.

"Yeah,and plane sick, and bus sick, and bike sick-" he says as he throws up again over the side of the jeep.

I rub his back as he throws up. I could relate to him. I used to get car sick all the time. It's not a fun time. I give him my bottle of water. "Here, I haven't drank from it."

"Thanks, I appreciate it." Ben gives me a faint smile and he drinks the water.

Suddenly the jeep comes to an abrupt stop. After something ran out from in front of the car. The tires screech and we all scream. The car door opens and Dave and Roxie both step out.

"Um., Dave? What's going on...?" Ben asks as he clutched his stomach. I kept my hand on his back.

"Nothing you need to worry about..." Dave says as he hold up an electric rod. Electricity crackles. "But you should all definitely stay in your seats.."

Ben whimpers worriedly. "Oh god...." He pants heavily. I sat next to him and tried to calm him down a bit. All the other campers stand up and watch Dave and Roxie excitedly.

We all hear rustling in the bushes coming from the other direction. I stand up in front of ben and I try see where it is coming from, Darius does the same thing.

"Guys..? Guysssss......?"

"The fuck...? Where is it..." I say as I stand up and look at the bushes.

Something screeched from the bushes and jumps out at Darius. I stand in front of him and I catch whatever it is and I hold it it in hands. The rest of the campers shriek and they all stand up and jump out of the jeep. I hold the thing in my hands trying to calm it down. It was a compy.

"Awh it's so fucking cute!" I say as I hold it and it calms down. Roxie comes over and puts a towel over it. All the campers look shocked as they watch Roxie out it into a cat carrier.

"Crisis averted! These things are always getting out of their enclosures.." she says as she puts it in the back of the jeep.

I help Brooklyn off the ground.

Darius gasps loudly. " a real life compsognathus!"

"Oh please." Kenji says sitting up acting cool. "It took zach, a blanket, and a cat carrier to catch it. Borning."

"Scared you pretty fucking good." I say. Sitting down opposite him.

The girls start laughing from beside me and Brooklynn takes a picture of his face.

"Send that shit to me." I say to Brooklyn.

"Alright bet give me your number."

I give her my number and she sends it to me. I chuckle as I see the picture in my camera roll.

After the compy encounter we all sit back down and Roxie and Dave drive us to camp

(Time skip)

We get to camp and everyone jump out of the back of the jeep, we all look up in awe at the campsite that awaited us. It was in the trees and it. Was. Massive! I look over at Brooklynn and I see her recording.

"Hey brooklanders! Check this place out! Is this not the most amazing place you have ever seen?!"

Kenji walks past her and says "if you think this is cool, you should see my dads penthouse in the main park." He says smugly. Brooklyn gives the camera a please kill me look.

She turns to Yasmine.

"Yasmine! Hey girl! As an elite athlete how pumped are you for camp?!"

"Not really a huge fan of being on camera.. or .. people.." Yasmina says and she jogs away.

"This place is almost as big as my family's ranch back home!" Sammy says.

Roxie chuckles softly.
"That's because, when we are up and running, the camp will house 500 kids and 150 staff!"

"Listen up!" Dave says making his voice deeper as he uses his hands as a makeshift megaphone."announcement time! From your co- head counsellors."

"Still not a thing" Roxie mumbles. "Okay everyone, there's some ground rules to cover. Curfew's at 8:00p.m And lights out at 9:00pm sharp.

This comment earns a groan from all the campers apart from ben. Who looks really happy.

"This is for your safety.we are in a dinosaur filled jungle.you must always keep your distance or you can be seriously hurt, if not worse."

"Define worse.." ben says, looking worried.

Me being my joyous self I chime in and I whisper to him. "Worse being you get eaten by a dinosaur."

This makes ben gasp out in shock and start panicking. Brooklynn looks at me and elbows me.

"What?!" I say acting innocent.

She just rolls her eyes. "Your cruel."

"Tell me something I don't know." I say back.

"Cabins are up that way." Dave tells the crew.

"First one there gets top bunk!" Yasmina shouts and I immediately begin to race up with her. She smirks at me and everyone else follows behind.

Time skip

The 7 of us are on top of the observation tower. Looking down at the herd of dinosaurs below us. Darius being the nerd that he is, started naming all the dinosaurs left right and centre. Kenji tried to do the same but he failed HORRIFICALLY. I couldn't help but laugh at how Darius showed him up and corrected it.

"Enough banter!" Dave breaks the tension between Darius and Kenji. "It's zip line party time!"

I almost cried of laughter when ben got out on the zip line first.

"Me? Maybe Yasmina.. should go first, or zach.. or Darius? Uhh.. or anyone..! I really don't!- AAAAH-"

ben screamed as Dave pushed him onto the zip line. Everyone else went down after. I recorded it on my phone. It was awesome. I saw Brooklyn smiling at me as she went after me on the zip line. I took a photo of her being behind me on it. It was so fun.

We flew over the herd of dinosaurs on the zip line. It was a stunning view.

Time skip.

Everyone was fast asleep in their bunks. Apart from Darius. He snuck downstairs and into the e kitchen area. Suddenly the lights turned on.

"Oh hey there dino nerd. Whatcha doin?" Kenji asked. From the doorway.

"Huh?! Uh, nothing! I was just heading out cause...thirsty!"

Kenji pointed to a water cooler in the corner of the room.

"Oh, yeah. I.. I meant.. um.. hungry."

Kenji pointed to cupboards filled with snacks.

"Oh! Look at that! Thanks Kenji."
"Look, bro." Kenji started."I don't want you to be intimidated by me just because I'm rich,my father owns a few condos on the island.. and I'm rich."

"I'm not intimidated by you." Darius says, sounding unsure.

I appear at the doorway.

"Damn you two fucking suck at whispering, if your gonna be down here be fucking quiet."

I walk over to them both

"I just wanna be friends with Darius! And friends tell eachother stuff, right zach? Like.. what they are doing out of bed after curfew." Kenji said to Darius.

"Okay Kenji. Maybe Darius was just thirsty or hungry. Back off and get your hand off his shoulder." I say. Taking Kenji hand off of Darius's shoulder.

Brooklyn takes a picture from the doorway.

"Huh. So that's what toxic masculinity looks like.." she says while looking at her phone.

"Sorry we woke you.." Darius says before Kenji cuts him off.

"He was sneaking out! But I set him straight."

"First off, no you fucking weren't. And secondly, whisper quietly Kenji!" I say.

"I try to look out for the younger kids, it's who I am." Kenji says to Brooklyn.

I try and avoid laughing. I chuckle slightly and I cover my mouth.

"You guys don't understand.." Darius begins."I've been waiting my whole life to get here..and I'm gonna make the most of it. Those lights must be coming from the compy pen, I gotta check it out!"

"Sneaking out too see dinosaurs in the dead of night,mad danger of getting caught.. great mood lighting..." Brooklyn gasps. "I guess that means,we're going rouge! Kapow!"

Time skip.

All four of us sneakily crouch down beside a vehicle.

"This truck is definitely headed this direction.." Darius says

"Of course this is it! Why else would they have-" Kenji starts shouting. I quickly cover his mouth with my hand. Conveniently the engine of the car we were hiding behind starts. The driver looks out of his window to see if someone was there, we moved out of the way quick.

Time skip

We all walk on top of the enclosure.

"Hey brooklynnn! You can get a good shot from over here." Kenji says

Brooklyn starts holding her phone up.

"Allow me"

"No thanks I can-"

"Kenji get the fuck off of her phone man. Let her just take the shot-" Kenji ignores me and he takes brooklyns phone.but it ends up going over the side and into the compy pit.

"Oh real nice." I say.

"Thanks kenji. Real smooth." Brooklyn says.

"Relax. I'll get it"

"Kenji no-" I say

"I got it, kid." Kenji says to me.

"What the fuck?! I'm older than you?!"

We watch as he climbs down.he grabs her phone.

"Great! Now just gently pass it back to me." Brooklyn says.

"No way! I'm gonna get you and your followers exclusive footage." Kenji says.

Darius suddenly shouts. "This isn't the compy pen!"

"The fuck you mean this isn't the compy pen!?" I say

"Quiet junior! The grown ups are talking." Kenji says. "Here compy! Compy! Compy!"

The rapor growls and starts walking towards Kenji. Stupidly he takes a photo of it with flash. It ounces at the gate. Kenji jumps back and looks scared. Brooklyn runs over to the panel and accident opens the gate and the raptors start walking towards Kenji. Darius jumps in.

"Oh fuck me! Darius don't you dare-" Darius jumps in. I groan.

Darius busts open a pipe and white smoke flows everywhere.

"Dude! Please tell me you have a plan!" Kenji panicked.

"Let's move, the steam should keep them busy!" Darius replies.

The 4 reports start walking towards them.

"Oh crud..." Darius says.

"It's okay.. it's okay..we're all okay...Kenji.l those bones. Check for a raptor skull!"

"What?!" Kenji asks confused.

"In the video game I-"

"You wanna talk about video games now?!" Kenji says.
The raptors screech and one of them charge towards Darius. I jump down from the platform and I land on the raptor. I'm on its back and I spook it. It takes its attention off of Darius and Kenji and they bring their attention to me.

"Let us out! Let us out!" Kenji says.

I jump off the raptors back and it's scratched my arm "mother fucker-" I punch the raptor and it takes a step back. Suddenly all the lights turn on and we hear Roxie shouting.

"Come and get it!" They throw meat inside the raptor pen.

All the raptors run off towards the meat, but one raptor stays and stares at me.

"Get out of there!" Roxie says from the platform at the top.

The raptor lunges at us. But the door opens and Dave pulls all 3 of us out. The gate closes shut behind the raptor and it growls. I had a scratch running down my arm with some blood.

A bunch of staff run towards the enclosure.

"Secure the paddock! Move move!"

"Dave.. that was..thank you so much." Darius says.

"No problem.. that's just standards procedure.. Darius.." dare proceeds to turn away and vomit.

Roxie runs over and check if Dave is okay. "Are you hurt?! Is everyone alright?!" Roxie says.

"Apart from this yeah." I show Roxie the scratch on my arm from the raptor with blood running down my arm.

Kenji tried to walk away but Roxie holds him back.

She lectures Kenji and Darius.

"We let Brooklyn and zach off with a warning! But you two?!"

She lectures them. But in the end Dave says they they should chalk it all up to experience and move on.

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