𝐒𝐭𝐲𝐠𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐮𝐧𝐳𝐞...

By Authoryan87

11.1K 1.2K 472

" Ugh! God! You Stink!! " " Appa! We don't need a sister, Specially a dirty girl like her! " " You did wrong... More

Chapter = 01
Chapter = 02
Chapter = 03
Chapter = 04
Chapter = 05
Chapter = 06
Chapter = 07
Chapter = 08
Chapter = 09
Chapter = 10
Chapter = 11
Chapter = 12
Chapter = 14
Chapter = 15
Chapter = 16
Chapter = 17
Chapter = 18
Chapter = 19
Chapter = 20
Chapter = 21
Chapter = 22
Chapter = 23
Chapter = 24
Chapter = 25
Chapter = 26
Chapter = 27
Chapter = 28
Chapter = 29
Chapter = 30
Chapter = 31
Chapter = 32
Chapter = 33
Chapter = 34
Chapter = 35
Chapter = 36
Chapter = 37
Chapter = 38

Chapter = 13

325 36 13
By Authoryan87

" We'll talk about it in home. "

Seokjin whispered to Chisuke with a cold expression before turning his attention back to the angry man in front of him. Chisuke was silently sitting on the waiting room bench with Taehyung and Jungkook while Jimin was standing beside her. All of them were quitely watching their older brother talking things out with the angry man.

" She's just a child Mr. Jung. Forgive her. I assure you that she won't be doing it again. "

Mr. Jung huffed in anger and stared at Chisuke with a death glare. Because of her, his precious daughter was in hospital bed. Mrs. Jung was silently leaning on the wall and looking down, it looked like she didn't really cared.

Seokjin sighed in defeat, to him it was like, Chisuke didn't knew what she did. Beating the shit out of a powerful Politician's daughter? That's not right, especially when the politician is involved with mafia.

" It's the last warning kid. Stay the heck away from my daughter. "

Chisuke was silent. None of them knew if she's looking at Mr. Jung or somewhere. She was awfully silent, but they failed to notice her red eyes shinning under her dark black bangs who worked like a wall to hide the crazy expression on her face. Her knuckles were turning white as she gripped her oversized shirt tightly.

As the Kim Brothers and Chisuke walked out of hospital, they met the nerd girl standing outside silently, probably waiting for Chisuke. She immediately looked down at ground in fear after getting the dark glares from the Kim Brothers. Jungkook walked towards her with a dark expression and pushed her away with his index finger.

" It's all your fault! If you hadn't dragged Chisuke in your business, then Chisuke would have never got a strict warning from that old ass. "

The girl could feel tears coming in her eyes as she continued to stared at the ground. She felt like she was blamed wrongly even when it wasn't her fault completely but she did agreed with him. Only if she was strong enough to protect herself, Chisuke would have never got suspention of 2 weeks.

" Look Girl. I won't care about you belonging to Oldest Royal family. If I see you dragging Chisuke in your matters again. Then I won't show any mercy at you. Mark my words. "

The dangerous dark aura around Seokjin was scary, his voice held a spin chilling tone as his sharp eyes threw draggers into the small timid girl who closed her eyes tightly as the tears began to pour out of her eyes, tickling down to her cheeks.

Youngest Kim Brothers gulped in fear and followed Seokjin towards the parking lot. Instead of following them, Chisuke just stood there staring at the girl blankly. Seokjin's words were replaying in her mind as her red eyes stared deeply into the girl through her long bangs. The silence between them broke when a soft cry left girl's throat who was trying to hold back her cries.

One by one, the tears fell on the ground, slightly wetting it. Big tears started to appear in her eyes and fall on the ground and not soon after, she was crying hysterically. Her vision was blurry but she could see something through her blurry teary eyes.

The girl blinked her tears away and stared at the handkerchief which was in Chisuke's palm. She raised her head slowly and looked at Chisuke dumbfounded who just offered her handkerchief. She couldn't believe her eyes, the girl famous for being mysterious was offering her handkerchief! With shaking hands, she took the handkerchief, mumbling a small thanks.

" Name? "

The girl blinked in surprise while wipping her tears with the handkerchief while Chisuke was all silent, waiting patiently for her answer.

" W-what? "

Chisuke titled her head a bit and stared at the girl.

" Your name? "

The girl blinked again before sniffing. She took a step back from Chisuke and bowed in front of her and looked down, her nose was slightly red making her look like a soft muffin.

" Myai Ratchasakun. "

Chisuke stared at Myai with a suprised look who was looking down. Ratchasakun were a unique royal bloodline, they were directly descended from Thai Monarch. Known as the Oldest Royal family. Myai raised her head and stared at her bangs.

" I'm from T-thailand. You can c-call me Myai. "

Chisuke nodded slightly before turning around and walking away leaving Myai dumbfounded again. Myai could only stare at her back, she wanted to apologize to Chisuke for dragging her into her mess but before she would, Chisuke left. She stared at the wet handkerchief in her hand and smiled slightly, clenching the handkerchief a little before putting it inside her hoodie pocket.

To be continued ~

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