Number 1 (Karma X Reader X As...

By Poppy1413

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Compared to your beloved and perfect sister, you were a nobody. So how did you end up earning the attention o... More

Ch 1: Outshined
Ch 2: Fake Friends
Ch 3: Nothing But A Fly
Ch 4: Peace Offering
Ch 6: Karma's A Bitch
Ch 7: If You Were Her

Ch 5: Unexpected Feelings

581 32 41
By Poppy1413

~To The Story~

(Sister's name) name inspected herself in the large mirror. Her brows furrowed in displeasure as she pursed her lips. She twists her body, trying to see if the dress looks better from behind. It didn't, and she was disappointed when she realized that there was no saving this dress.

"This looked cuter on the rack." She pouts.

"I think you look lovely, (l/n)-san."

Your sister made sure to throw them a smile but didn't take their opinions seriously since they get paid by commission. Instead, she wanted an actual opinion.

"Hey, (y/n), what do you think?"

You looked up from your DS. Your sister did a cute pose, trying to make herself look as good as possible in the dress by doing a cute twirl.

"Um... You look pretty."

"Be honest."

"Er." You scratched your cheek. "I don't know, you look nice in every outfit. If you want a professional opinion, you're looking at the wrong girl. Fashion isn't my thing."

"Don't let our mother hear you say stuff like that. You'll break her heart." Your sister says with a chuckle and to that, you responded by rolling your eyes.

Your sister takes one look in the mirror before going back into the changing room.

"Just let me try on a few more dresses, then we can go to the bookstore." You hear her say.

"Finally," you mouthed exaggeratedly.

You've been shopping with her for hours now. Not that you hated her company, but walking around the mall and watching her try on everything gets tiring. You did humour her and tried on a couple of outfits, but that was about it.

Normally, your sister goes shopping with her friends, so you find it quite odd that she invited you to go out today. You're not a fan of shopping in general, but it was hard to refuse her since she practically begged, with the promise of taking you to a bookstore.

Your sister paid for everything and left the store. The employees all happily waved at your sister. Your sister encouraged you to say something, but they're only nice to you if you planned to buy something, and it pissed you off so you brush them off.

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

Whenever your sister is going on a shopping spree, your parents would always make her use the car because they know she tends to go overboard. You're glad because there was no way you were helping her carry any of these bags.

The driver dropped your sister off in front of the book you often frequent. You were the first one to hop off, your sister whined at you, telling you to wait up because her seatbelt got caught.

You peddled back and helped her out before the two of you walked in.

When you stepped inside, the first thing you were going to do was go to the manga section, but your sister stopped you.

"Oh, Gakushu!" You hear your sister chirp.

"Wh--?!" you followed her eyes line and saw the strawberry blond. Your heartbeat quickens. "Don't call him over here!" You yelled-whisper.

Your sister shushes you, scolding you for being so rude.

The strawberry blond heard your sister loud and clear. He looked over and smiled politely upon seeing her.

"Hello. What brings you two ladies by?"

"I promised (y/n) I buy her some mangas if she agreed to do some shopping with me."

"You're a good sister. (Y/n), you're lucky to have her."

You grabbed your sister's arm for some kind of protection and outright hissed at him.

"(Y/n)!" Your sister gaped and quickly looked at the strawberry blond with an apologetic look. "I-I'm sorry, Gakushu. (Y/n) is having a hard time in school these days."

Like always, Gakushu holds back whenever you're like this. You getting annoyed by his presence alone isn't anything new to him. However, even now, the strawberry blond can tell something is up with you. You seemed more upset with him than usual.

Are you mad about what he said to you the other day?

Now, Gakushu isn't going to take back what he said. Nor does he even feel slightly sorry.

However, he does want to fix this to at least get you back on his good side. Suppose he can even call it that. If your sister found out then he is in for an earful.

Look, Gakushu didn't want to lose his cool on you, but someone had to put you in your place. You've been pissing him off for far too long.

And he hates it that his father can tell.

"I can't believe you let one little girl bother you so much. What did I always tell you about that temper of yours, boy? Don't tell me you have a crush on her. Is that why you often sneak over there as a child?"

Gakushu grits his teeth as he remembers those words and the slight mockery in his tone.

He is sick and tired of hearing that from his old man. He didn't go over there because he had a crush on you. His father knows damn well why he hid at your place as a kid, and it pisses him off that he would use that to poke fun at him.

"It's fine." He manages to smile. "School can be quite difficult." He then looks at you. "(Y/n), want me to buy you some comic books?"

You frowned. "No."

'You little brat!'

"I insist." He tells you calmly.

While you continue to deny his offer, (sister's name) name couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised. This is the first time Gakushu has asked you to do anything for you. She never thought about it before, but it was rather cute seeing this kind of interaction on full display.

"Hey, Gakushu. Can you do me a favour? I'm having lunch with someone, and my parents are both working. I don't want (y/n) to be eating alone." She clasped her hands together and smiled sweetly. "Can you take her out to lunch?"

Your mouth fell open. "Sis-"

"Sure." Gakushu agrees.


'Don't I get a say in this?!'

"Great!" Your sister beamed. "Thanks." She playfully ruffled the boy's hair. "See you later (y/n)!"

"Wait! Don't leave me alone with him--"


And she's gone. She was gone far too quickly that you barely had to process anything so you just stood there, stunned at what just happened. Your sister was enjoying her day out with you, so for her to leave just like that was surprising.

Gakushu sighs and fixes his hair. "Why does she treat me like a kid?" He mutters.

That aside, when Gakushu looks at you again he sees you slowly turning to him all while giving you a dissatisfied glare.

"What?" He deadpans. "You're still getting your mangas."

You crossed your arms. "I wanted to hang out with my sister."

As much as you don't like shopping, you have to admit, you did like spending time with her today.

"You see her every day."

You sighed tiredly and shook your head. "Whatever. Let's just do this quickly."

He nods in agreement. "Pick out what you want. Meet me at the cash register in 5 minutes."

5 minutes? Really?

"Don't dawdle." He tells you before going into the history section. He saw how annoyed you looked from only giving you five minutes, but he didn't care.

You huffed. You were more frustrated at the fact that he was only giving you five minutes. You wanted to be upset that your sister basically ditched you so you could be with Gakushu (for whatever reason), yet, found it quite difficult to do so.

You went to the comic section and found the latest volumes of mangas.

Gakushu only gave you 5 minutes, but that didn't stop you from taking your sweet time. He wasn't going to leave without you since he was only doing this because of your sister.

You took your time selecting the kind of books you wanted. Even after 5 minutes went by, you remained in the same aisle.

Obviously, Gakushu realized what you were doing and came to confront you.

"Didn't I say five minutes?" He frowns.

"Oh, did you?" You said boredly, feigning ignorance.

Gakushu inhaled, trying to keep himself from snapping at you. However, if he pretends to be nice to you, it would only anger you further. He figured the best course of action was to be straight-up honest with you. If he can reach a mutual understanding with you, then maybe you can be less of a headache.

"Look," He exhales to release any anger inside of him. "I didn't agree to have lunch with you because I wanted to."

"Duh. Let me guess, you said yes because you wanted to make an impression on my sister. Well tough luck, 'cause" You threateningly narrowed your eyes at him. "There is no way I'd ever give her to the likes of you."

Your kind and friendly sister couldn't handle a day with the real Gakushu.

"For the last time, I have no feelings for your sister."

You studied his facial expression a bit longer, trying to find any clues that he was lying.

Is he telling the truth? Perhaps. If you read between the lines, your sister's relationship with Gakushu has always been polite. She would chat up a storm with him, but, because of Gakushu, you don't see them anything past friends who act like guests.

It makes you happy.

"I do want to maintain a good relationship with her and your family, however." Gakushu further explains. "And I can't do that if you're constantly being a brat. I'm not saying we should be friends, but can we at least be civil?"

Why is he bringing this up now? Does this have anything to do with what happened yesterday? Does he feel bad for getting mad?

Pfft, yeah right. You've known this guy for almost ten years so you doubt he even knows the word guilty.

And besides, you don't even want him to take back what he said. He's right. Sure, he didn't have to sound like a total asshole, but at least for once, someone was upfront with you.

"I'm not mad at you." You clarified.

Gakushu blinks, taken aback.

He didn't want it to make it obvious that he was specifically talking about yesterday. Otherwise, it would make it sound as if he feels bad.

So, Gakushu feigns ignorance.

"About what?"

You sighed. "You know what. I'm not mad that you exposed me like that. You were only speaking the truth... okay, maybe I'm a little mad, but can you blame me? The truth hurts sometimes."

Gakushu slowly nodded trying to process your words. Wow, he didn't expect you to be mature enough to accept what he said. It's quite shocking. What's next? His father giving him a hug?

"... Okay. So then, what was that about earlier?" He asks, referring to your hissy attitude earlier.

You pretend to look at the bookshelves.

Honestly, you're not entirely sure. Lately, just thinking about how the strawberry blond frustrates you in a way you couldn't explain. But, you know you aren't mad at him. Like with Karma, you took your anger out on the wrong person. Sure, Gakushu's fake personality annoys you, but you've always liked him better than your old friends. At least he never took advantage of you.

You're setting the bar pretty low, but good people outside of your family do not exactly surround you.

"I've been having a bad week." You said tiredly. "My friends... well... I found out they were never really my friends. They... pretended to be my friends so that they could use me. And when I saw you with that fake smile of yours, I snapped."

Your answer satisfied Gakushu enough because now he knows what the real issue is and that he never did anything wrong.

"I can't believe you let people use you." He scoffs.

"Um." You blinked in disbelief. "Excuse me?"

Yeah, you weren't expecting any comforting words from this guy, but shit, why did he make it sound as if it is your fault.

"You should have listened to your parents when they offered you to go to my school," Gakushu says. "It would have been easy for me to tell you who was using you or not. People in your position can't afford to be weak."

You furrowed your brows.

If you did end up going to the same school as him, he would be willing to go out of his way to tell you who is using you or not?

"Why would you even care?" You asked cautiously.

"Like I said, I want to maintain a good relationship with your family. I can't do that if I don't at least make an effort to look after you." He answers.

Well, at least he was upfront about it.

"Your school is hard to get in." You tell him.

Next, he wants to get into Kunugigaoka, the same one your sister is currently attending. One of the top most elite schools in the country. His dad is also the headmaster at that school.

"Anyway, you should be careful who you allow into your personal life. It's easy to spot those kinds of people. How naive are you?"

You twitched an eyebrow. "I'm not that naive."

"I recall you still believing in Santa until you were 8," Gakushu calls out with a hint of cruel mockery.

Every year until that point, he would be forced to listen to you babble on and on what you were writing on your Christmas list all while he was trying to do his homework.

The colour red burned your cheeks up to the tip of your ears.

"Oh my god." You cover your face. "Shut up." You glared. "At least I'm not scared of bugs. I recall you making me kill a stupid spider in your room when you were 6."

The embarrassment in Gakushu's was priceless. It was clear that he hated you remember a point in his life when he was far weaker and more vulnerable?

"I--! I was 6!" He argued.

"And I was 8. So don't go judging me what I did and didn't believe."

He continues to glare at you, and you do the same.

He huffs. Alright, touche, he thought.

And he's not scared of bugs. They're just disgusting.

Centipedes are the worst.

The strawberry blond had no more arguments. If he says anything else, you might say something embarrassing from his past.

Gakushu sighed and relaxed, feeling as though the two of you were back to your usual self.

"Are we good?" He asks.

"Mh... I guess we are. Well, I was never mad at you from the start. You can act like we're friends in front of my family, but when we're alone you can be an asshole all you want to me. I like you better that way."

"I'll..." Gakushu furrows his brows, feeling weird that he was caught off guard by what you said. He coughs. "I'll remember that."

You smiled.

That means between you and your sister, you're the only one allowed to see the real Gakushu.

You felt your heart flicker for a second, causing confusion to stir within you.

Gakushu then remembers why he came here. "Did you pick up what you wanted?"

"Hmm. Give me another five minutes."

"You have two minutes."

"Ugh. Fine."

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

There was a bit of a back-and-forth about what the two of you wanted to eat. You suggested eating somewhere with hamburgers, but Gakushu has the taste of a first-class individual and won't eat anything cheap.

While you, you don't really care. However, that didn't stop you from judging him for missing out on all the good food he was missing out.

Gakushu instead took you to a lovely cafe just near the bookstore.

You were craving a burger, but the selection of sweets would do the trick. The small walk there was pretty much silent. It was a comfortable silence. You've known the guy for years and have been in many circumstances where it's just the two of you alone. It's not as if you find him comforting, you just don't find him important enough to feel much besides annoyance when you're alone with him.

But, as soon as you entered the cafe and took in the environment, a question dawned on you.

Is this a date?

The thought of that made your cheeks burn for a moment, but you quickly shook your head.

It's not a date, and you felt stupid for thinking about it for even a second. You're only here with him because your sister asked him to be with you.

Well, come to think of it, this is your first time eating out alone with Gakushu. You only ate out together whenever your family was around.

Maybe your sister has eaten out with him--

You slowed down as a thought occurred to you as Gakushu stepped further into the cafe. You took a quick look at the interior design. One look and you knew this place suited your sister's taste.

"Have you ever come here with my sister?" You asked as your voice was on the edge of frustration, one that Gakushu missed.

Gakushu turned to you.

"What?" He looks at you, a little puzzled. It was a strange question, but one Gakushu answered anyway. "Actually, it's your sister who introduced me to this place--"

You gritted your teeth and clenched your fist.

"I don't want to eat here." You said bitterly.

'Don't send me here just because my sister recommended it to you.' You thought angrily. 'Did you assume I would just because she likes it?'

You know you're reading too much into it, but it still bothers you that Gakushu's first option was something your sister showed him.

Up to this point, Gakushu thought he had been doing a good job of being on your good side, so he didn't understand why you sounded so upset all of a sudden.

He blinks. "Why not?"

You winced at his confusion. You were speaking through your emotions rather than your brain. It would be super embarrassing if you told him the truth.

"I..." You bit your lower lip, trying to come up with a good enough lie. "... I just remembered that I got food poisoning here. It was real bad. I thought I was going to die from all that vomiting."

Gakushu grimaced, not appreciating the graphic details.

"I've come here many times, and I have never once gotten sick." He tells you.

You hugged your stomach.

"Ugh." you feign a weak stance. "I'm already getting sick just thinking about it." You even went as far as to grab onto his arm. You're honestly surprised he let you.

Gakushu sighed quietly as he eyed you, buying in on how sick you looked.

"Okay." He nods, speaking gently. "We can eat somewhere else."

You assumed Gakushu would be annoyed by you for being uncooperative, so it amazed you how easily he changed his mind.

This time, you chose the place. It helped that you were on a street with many kinds of cafes and restaurants, and just so you're not stuck arguing with Mr picky Eater over here, you made sure to pick a place worthy of his taste buds.

You picked a cafe that you remember your dad taking you there last winter after going to the movie theatres with him.

And since it was a first-class cafe, you heard zero complaints from Gakushu's end.

"I don't want your mother getting upset with me, so please refrain from eating too much sweets," Gakushu tells you.

You rolled your eyes. "She can never get mad at you. She loves you too much."

"Regardless, I don't want to upset her."

"Yes, yes." You merely waved him off uncaringly as you looked over the menu.

Gakushu sighed annoyingly. Oh, whatever, he'll just make you don't order so much.

After that, the two of you were pretty much quiet until the server came to take your guys' order.

You never really had a friendly discussion with the guy. Maybe a few times here and there when he was a kid. Before he became so cold and manipulative.

After ordering and giving the menus back, you kept your attention on the window for your entertainment.

As the minutes ticked away, you grew more and more bored. You did eventually glance at Gakushu when an idea stirred in your head. From under the table, your hands awkwardly rubbed together.

'Ugh, might as well try to talk with him.'

What do you have to lose?

"So." You drawl out as you tap your fingers against the table. "... What's new with you?"

Gakushu raised a brow at your forceful attempt to engage in a conversation with him.

"There is no need to force yourself to talk to me."

"I know, but I'm bored." You said with a slight frown, a little annoyed that he was quick not to even bother amusing you with an answer.

"There isn't anything I really want to discuss with you."

And just like the fly you are to him, Gakushu ignores you.

Your shoulders slumped.

Ah. Well. His answer is to be expected. He only agreed to do this because of your sister.

Right, your sister.

A part of you does feel peeved that if your sister was here, instead of you, there is no doubt the two of them would be chatting up a storm by now. You know this because whenever he and his dad came over for dinner, your sister was normally the one he wanted to talk to.

You glance at your lap.

But it shouldn't annoy you because does he even genuinely like your sister? He would never glare, sneer, or even snap at your sister. He would always put an act around her. Around most people. Except for you.

Your flutters as you flinch.

"What do you think of my sister?"

"Already told you, I have no interest in your sister," Gakushu said.

"Yeah, I know... but do you like... um, see her as a friend or something? I'm mean..." You chuckled. "I remember her telling me she sees you as a little brother."

You witness the cool and composed Gakushu break a moment there.

"What?" Gakushu blinks. "Little?"

"What's wrong with that?"

"That makes me sound like I'm some kid."

You gave him a funny look. "Uh. You are a kid." You chuckled.

"Kids are immature, brainless and stupid. I'm none of those." He huffs.

You rolled your eyes. Wow. It's really funny how he can't stand to be viewed as a child. Make sense. He tries so hard to be seen as some powerful leader, so hearing you say that your sister sees Gakushu as a child must have pulled a nerve.

"But anyway," you moved on. "Do you see her as an older sister?" You asked.


You tilted your head to the side. "A friend?"

He shrugs. "I suppose." Was his final answer.

"Oh. Okay."

You figured the answer should bug you more. The guy you and your sister grew up with just gave the most unsatisfying response to your question regarding his view of her. But, the truth was, that it doesn't bug you. Not the in the least.

'Guess you're not that great, sis.'

"Oh, Asano-kun." A girl who was just leaving the cafe with her coffee in her hand spotted the strawberry blond perked up. She eagerly approached him but didn't see you, because when she did, her smile dropped.

"Oh. I didn't know you had a girlfriend."

"She's just my neighbour." Gakushu smoothly corrects with a smile. "I've known her since we were kids."

The answer didn't exactly quell the girl. Probably because in her eyes, you're seen as someone close to Gakushu even though that couldn't be further from the truth.

"Ah." She nods dully at you. "Nice to meet you."

"Yeah, hi--" You started with a friendly smile, but she ignored you.

"Asano-kun. I heard you're doing another study session at the library with a group. Is there room for one more?"

You winced at how she ignored you, but ultimately looked down and accepted her rudeness. You're used to others ignoring you for someone better.

Gakushu's violet eyes caught the way you looked and felt a wave of frustration surging through him from that weak attitude of yours.

Like what the hell. For years you have been talking back to him with an attitude, and now some nobody is looking down on you, and you just sit there, looking all weak?

You weren't always like this.

"Can this wait until tomorrow?" Gakushu asks politely. "I'm sorry, but (y/n) was telling me something."

"Huh?" The girl blinks, a little offended that Gakushu is asking her to leave. "But it can't be as important. Right?" She smiled sweetly, but her eyes were sharp, ordering you to agree with her.

"Uh." You nervously fidgeted. "Right. I-It's not important."

Because you're not important.

You're never going to be.

You knew Gakushu was lying, but even if he wasn't, even if you were talking to him about something important. It wouldn't matter because anything important to you is insignificant.

You glance at your lap dejectedly. Your eyes turn glossy as your bottom lip begins to quiver.

"See?" She looks at Gakushu expectantly. "She can wait."

Gakushu almost hung his mouth open at the sight of you. Right now, he needs you to take his side so he doesn't have to put up with one of his fan girls. You've done it before. So what's the problem? Why are you not standing up for yourself like you used to?

Gakushu figured he was on his own for this. He was going to try a different approach, but couldn't because tears started to slide down your cheeks.

Gakushu's expression shifted to one of a human being instead of a cold calculated leader upon seeing your tears.

His eyebrows arched as his lips parted.


For a moment, he thought you were only fake crying to help him out, but, Gakushu can read you like an open book. He was able to quickly deduce that those tears were not indeed fake.

You were actually crying.

He hasn't seen you cry since you were a kid.

"Crap." You realized you were crying and began to wipe off your tears.

Still, Gakushu decided to use this opportunity.

"Now look at what you did." He sighs trying to show that he's annoyed with her. "You've upset my friend."

"W-what?" She flinched. "I didn't mean to." She hurriedly tells Gakushu then turns to you. "I-I'm sorry. I'm really sorry!"

She wasn't the least bit sorry for hurting you. She just didn't want to look bad in front of Gakushu.

No one is ever truly sorry for hurting you.

Even when you made it clear that you wanted nothing to do with them, they still had the audacity to 'apologize' to you, only because they wouldn't be able to use you anymore.

And whenever your cousins did something to upset you, they would only apologize after your sister told them to.

God, people suck.

You kept your head low because it was too humiliating for some stranger to see you like this.

"Just leave me alone." You muttered coldly as your shoulders trembled.

Still desperate to be back on Gakushu's good side, she pleaded again.

"P-please let me make this right for you. Okay?"

Gakushu held back a scowl. Now he was getting extremely frustrated. He wasn't sure what upset him more, however. The fact that she wasn't leaving, or that she was making your crying worse.

Well, whatever the case was, he was done being patient.

"Just leave."

Of course, she winced.

Knowing she would only make things worse, all the girl could do was leave defeatedly. It didn't help that the people sitting close by were starting to whisper and murmur.

Gakushu sighed and quietly apologized for any disturbance to the other guests.

You sniffled and cried a bit more.

Now that the cause of your crying is gone, you feel some of your senses coming back.

"I'm sorry." You hiccuped, trying to force out a smile. "I didn't mean to start crying like that."

Well, considering it was enough to shake one of his admirers off, Gakushu forgave you.

"It's alright." He says as he grabs some napkins from the dispenser and hands them to you.

He still doesn't understand why you suddenly got emotional. Was it because of what she said to you?

"Don't let her words bother you so much." He tells you.

'That's easy for you to say.' You thought grimly.

Although, you do feel a bit silly for allowing a simple comment to bother you so much.

Maybe it is because you're not having the best week. You lost all of your friends (even if they were never really your friends) because your sister's birthday was recently, you felt pretty invincible from your family, you've been doing poorly on your last few tests, resulting in getting teased, and because you didn't see Karma today, you were force to sit by yourself, reminding yourself how much of a loner you are who is unable to make friends.

It was only a matter of time before your emotions caught up with you. If only Gakushu wasn't the one to see you like this though.

"Here you guys go~" The bubbly server showed up with what you ordered and carefully placed the plates onto the table.

You had to look down again and tilt your head to the side to prevent the worker from seeing your face.

"Anything else?"

"Just one thing," Gakushu says. "Can I get the (favourite ice cream flavour) ice cream?"

"Coming right up." She chirped and left quickly.

You slowly peeked over, wondering if it was safe before eating your strawberry shortcake.

"I didn't think you like ice cream." You said.

"It's not for me, it's for you."

As if his words psychically poked you, you flinched, almost dropping your spoon.

"For me?"

Come to think of it, he did just order your favourite flavoured ice cream. The kind you always ordered whenever you ordered ice cream.

He remembered?

But more importantly. Why is he doing this?

Is he trying to cheer you up? You thought he was only doing this to look good and act as if he cared about you like he does sometimes in front of your family. But, you already told him that he didn't have to do that when it's just the two of you. You already told him that he doesn't have to do that.

So, does it mean he actually does care?

You don't want to read too much into it, but the lovey-dovey teenage girl in you couldn't help but just want to assume he was doing this because even after all the times you've annoyed him, he does somewhat care for you. You want to believe there is some kind of good in him.

A sudden memory of you hiding underneath the sofa came into mind. You remembered trying not to make a sound and went as far as to cover your mouth. Gakushu bent down, hovering his finger over his lips, telling you to stay quiet before running off.

You rubbed your arm and felt your face heat up.

"Here you go." The server came back with a nice bowl of ice cream. "Enjoy. Call me if you need anything else."

Gakushu slid the bowl closer to you.

"Just promise me you won't get sick," he tells you.

Your eyes slid past the delicious flavour of the ice cream sundae. You were sure if it was thanks to lighting through the large window, but he suddenly looked dreamy from where you were sitting. The light made his hair and eyes look brighter than normal, which caused him to look more gentle. Not that fake gentleness he does, but looks as though he was that kind boy back when you both were kids.

Your heart jumped again.


'Oh. My. God.'

You finally recognize why he's been on your mind lately, and the realization stunned you to your core.

Oh no.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No! NO, NO!

There is no way. There is just no way you--

"Aren't you going to eat it?" Gakushu asked after finding your odd silence suspicious.

His voice startled you.

"Huh? Oh. R-right." You squeaked, then grabbed your spoon. You completely have forgotten that you haven't finished eating your strawberry shortcake.

Gakushu let you take a few bites of your treat before talking again.

"Feeling better?"

Again, his voice startled you.

Mouth full of ice cream, you wordlessly nodded all while trying to avoid eye contact.

"You..." You shyly poked your ice cream with your spoon. "You didn't have to do this." You tittered.

Cool and composed as always, Gakushu merely waves you off.

"You just look pathetic crying."

Especially since you used to be so much tougher than this.

Even if his words were a little harsh, they didn't bother you in the slightest.

You chuckled instead, but on the inside, you were still screaming.

~End Of Chapter~

I am fully convinced Gakushu is a tsundere type of lover 😭

Dont worry Karma lovers, mc will get her moments with him soon 🤧

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