By MimieLover

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WHAT would happen when the cold-hearted eligible bachelor has decided to marry a warm-hearted Special Educati... More



66 1 3
By MimieLover

AS the skies turned dark, Zhang Huifen realized this rooftop was one of the best places to enjoy the spectacular night view of Beijing city. The served foods were delicious and beautifully decorated, yet Zhang Huifen barely having any of them. With Chan Jun De was sitting across the table, his eyes were frequently checking and stealing gazes at her, she doubted if she could finish the foods on the table.

"You barely eating your spaghetti. Is the food not to your liking?" Chan Jun De broke the long silence between them.

"Oh, it is delicious. I just taking my time to enjoy this food," she smiled tightly. Truthfully, she could finish this overly price spaghetti in 3-4 bites. After all, she was having dinner at expensive hotel. And this was the expensive spaghetti she ever had in her life after GrandPa Chen Yu passed away. Even though she inherited a substantial fortune, she never touched it unless in event of emergency.

"Good. You can reorder if you want to," that would be unnecessary because Zhang Huifen badly wanted to get over this dinner and discussed about the wedding between their families as soon as possible. She glanced at the steak in his plate. There was still huge chunk of meat on his plate.

"Mr. Chan, can we discuss about..,"

"Didn't I told you that we will talk after dinner?" he cut her, not giving her the opportunity to finish her words. Zhang Huifen was stunned to speak for seconds. He could have a better way to stop her just now, not cutting her words using authoritative tone. She did not want to be rude, but there was no way she could wait for him to finish his meal.

"I truly understand that Mr. Chan would like to have a very peaceful dinner," said Zhang Huifen with a calm voice. Chan Jun De paused eating, giving his attention to her before she continued her words.

"But you need to respect my time as well. I believe you know that I am working as teacher, and I do have my scheduled time table after working hours. So, I do hope Mr. Chan could understand that I need to get home earlier and settle my works. That is why I hope we can settle whatever we need to settle while having dinner,"

Even though Chan Jun De had the power over QCity company, she was not afraid of him. Not even a slightest because she was here to convince him to proceed marrying Zhang Ming Yue, the future successor of QCity. Zhang Huifen carefully studied his reaction, to see if she did offend him with her blunt words just now. However, there was no hint of anger or annoyance at his face. He just calmly took out his phone to make a call.

"Uncle Leung, bring me the file," he then ended the phone call after giving the order. Few minutes later, Mr. Leung came and passed the brown envelope to him, and left afterwards.

"I believe your father had informed you the deal between me and your family. I hope you will find the answer inside this envelope," Zhang Huifen looked at the brown envelope that he had placed it on the table, hesitantly to open it at first until she met again his gaze.

"I thought you can't wait to discuss about us," he was clearly mocking her, which Zhang Huifen instantly opened the envelope and checked its content. She frowned in confuse after saw several pictures of Zhang Ming Yue with unknown guy, holding hands and kissing in the club. There were also few pictures of them entering a building together and her sister only left the place next morning. Does Zhang Ming Yue is forced into this marriage when she already has a boyfriend?

"I can't marry a cheater," his words had surprised her. Zhang Ming Yue cheated on Chan Jun De? With this guy? She secretly glanced at Chan Jun De and the guy inside the picture, comparing them while trying to find the reason of her sister cheating behind his back. They were handsome, but Chan Jun De was the winner. The guy in the pictures smiled a lot, probably he had warm personality compared to the cold guy with a serious face 24/7.

"I suggested to call off the wedding but your sister refused. I believe that you are well aware of the financial situation in QCity, aren't you? So, if your family insisted to proceed with the wedding, I have nothing to against but with only one condition, the bride is not Zhang Ming Yue,"

"But Mr. Chan....,"Zhang Huifen paused, hesitantly to tell him about her bad relationship with her own family but Chan Jun De had right to know about it.

"Even though I am from Zhang Family, I don't think I will give any contribution in our marriage in term of family business. To be truth, my relationship with my family is not as good as you think. I lived with my grandparents since I was kid, so I am not really close to my Dad and Ming Yue Jie,"

"I know about it," she was taken aback by his reply, but it only lasted less than few seconds. She was talking to Chan Jun De, the firstborn of Chan Family and the future successor of his family's empire. So, it was not surprised if he had done the background check up on her family, including her.

"And it doesn't really matter to me that you are not working with your family. To be truth, my family business will not be affected a bit if the wedding is call off. What I really need now is someone who can be dutiful wife and bear my children. It is win-win situation," as the only son in the family, he had been constantly received the pressure from his parents about marriage. His other two sisters did not receive as much pressure as him because they would marry into other families eventually.

"So, I expected you to carry out the marital duty once we get married," he said bluntly, which causing Zhang Huifen's face to blush in embarrassment. Wait, she was yet agreed to marry him.

"Mr. Chan, can you please give me more time to think about it?" she requested a small favour from him.

"I would love to but we don't have much time left. The wedding is less than two months away. So, you only have 24 hours to think about it," Chan Jun De said firmly because regardless the amount of time he gave to her to consider the marriage, the outcome was still going to be the same; Zhang Huifen had no choice but to marry him.


ZHANG HUIFEN arranged the stuffs and books on her office table and put the rubbish inside the trash bin outside the office room. Tomorrow is weekend, so she needed to make sure her table was clean before she could go back home today. She planned to resume reading the Braille novel tonight before remembering that she needed to give the final decision to Chan Jun De tonight.

'You can start packing your things because you will move to my house next month,' Chan Jun De said when he sent her home last night. He even knew where was staying. Now Zhang Huifen curious how much Chan Jun De knew about her.

'I haven't decided to marry you,'

'You will,' he replied confidently as he pressed the button to close the car window. As soon as the car left, Zhang Huifen punched and kicked the air while cursing him. Such an arrogant, overconfident, and not gentleman at all. His handsome face was such a waste!

'And why should I need to move into his place before the wedding?' Zhang Huifen gasped in horrify, thinking Chan Jun De wanted to take away her virginity before the wedding night. Yes, she was still virgin at age 25 and that had never become an issue for her at all.

"Teacher Ling, I go home first. See you on Monday," Zhang Huifen grabbed her things and left the school. As usual, she walked to bus stop but her mind was somewhere else most of the time. The skies were dark, indicating it would be raining soon. She should be hurried because she forgot to bring an umbrella today. Suddenly, there was a red Mercedes recklessly stopped in front of her, blocking her way. Zhang Huifen almost stumbled in surprise.

What kind of people driving the car recklessly and caused harm to other people? Zhang Huifen wanted to scold the reckless driver, but she lost the word when Zhang Ming Yue stepped out of the car. Why she was here? Zhang Ming Yue marched towards her, looking infuriated rather than excited. It had been 10 years since their last encounter anyway.

"Ming Yue Jie, what..,"

Pang!! Zhang Huifen's words was cut by a slap from her sister. Her left cheek started to feel pain and tingling sensation, and her pale skin turned red because of the slap just now. Zhang Huifen touched her red cheek while looking at Zhang Ming Yue's murderous eyes. The hatred for her in her sister's eyes had never faded away.

"What have I done wrong?" that was the same question she asked Zhang Ming Yue 10 years ago, when her sister slapped her and accused her for attempted stealing her sister's gold bracelet. That was when Zhang Huifen stopped coming back home during school break.

"Who told you to meet Chan Jun De last night? Who told you to meddle with my affair? Don't you dare to steal him from me!" Zhang Huifen was astonished to speak right now, especially after hearing Zhang Ming Yue's last statement. Was not Zhang Ming Yue the one that cheated behind Chan Jun De and created all this chaos until dragging her into her problem?

"He will marry me! I will make sure of that. So don't you dare trying to meet him behind my back. This is my last warning," as usual, Zhang Ming Yue had never given her any opportunity to explain herself. She just believed whatever she wanted to believe. Zhang Huifen opinion or explanation did not matter to her. No one in that house ever care to listen to her! All they did were judging and punishing her, ever since Mrs. Zhang or Wang Wanye, their mother passed away.

Zhang Huifen tears wetted the cheeks as soon as Zhang Ming Yue left. She understood where the anger came from. Because Zhang Ming Yue had always seen own sister, her own bloodline as the rival, so she could not accept that it was Zhang Huifen that Chan Jun De wanted to marry. She could not let Zhang Huifen get her man just like that.

Zhang Huifen resumed her walking to the bus stop. The rain slowly falling yet she did not bother to increase the pace of her walking. The raindrops was somehow comforting and consoling her painful heart, so she just let herself soaked a little while in the cold rain. After arrived at the bus stop, she just quietly stayed there.

"Teacher Zhang, are you not hoping in?" Uncle Ming, the bus driver shouted from inside when she remained motionless at her seat.

"It's okay. I am waiting for someone," she gave the excuse. She was waiting for nobody. She just wanted to be alone. A moment would do. As soon as the bus left, she broke into tears. The handprint on her cheek must be obvious by now, so she just pulled her damp her to cover it. She then left her seat and stepped forward, stretched out her hand as usual to feel the raindrops against her palm. Her eyes gradually closed, trying to feel the beautiful sound of falling rain.

It was such a healing music in her ears, yet the tears would not stop coming out. No mater how hard she was trying to suppress her tears, it would not stop as she badly wished. Suddenly she felt someone was standing beside her, so she opened her eyes to check on it.

"Mr. Chan..?!" she was obviously surprised by his presence here. What he was doing here? And since when he was standing beside her? He also stretched out his arm and let the rain fell on against his palm.

"The rain is cold yet surprisingly, I love how they touched my hand," Zhang Huifen's gaze shifted to his wet hand. Did he also enjoy the rain as much as she does? She doubted it, because there was no smile on his face at all. He then turned his body to face her, staring down at her wet face before he gently brushed her damp hair away, revealing her red handprint on her left cheek. He smirked at the sight. He must have seen what happened between her and Zhang Ming Yue just now, that she was no longer surprised that he had asked his people to keep an eye on her.

"I guess you must have the answer by now," he then moved away from her.

"Mr. Chan, do I really have no option left?" her voice trembling, not because she was in cold, but merely because she was trying to hold back the tears. Was there no other way to save QCity? Must it have been done through marriage? Chan Jun De looked straight into her sad eyes. Did he need to re-explain everything to her again? Zhang Huifen gasped softly when he unexpectedly wiped away the tears on her cheeks.

"I promise you, that I will protect you. At all cost," that was it. There was no way out other than marrying him.


HOW could he call her ungrateful when she refused to let him visit her house? Chan Jun De might have a cold personality but deep inside his heart, he was a warm person. Zhang Huifen took those words back! He was definitely an evil person! It was ashamed that she almost crying when he promised to protect her at all cost if she married him.

'I gave you a ride to home. Shouldn't you at least thank me by offering me a cup of hot tea? Some biscuit or cakes might do as well,' she rolled her eyes at his absurd demand. It was Mr. Leung who drove the car, so the reward should go to Mr. Leung, not Chan Jun De.

"Welcome to my humble house," she insincerely invited him to come inside. The moment he stepped inside, there was a trace of rose scent in the air inside this house.

"Do you plant roses inside your house?"

"I didn't know that you are good at cracking a joke," she had no intention at all to hide her mocking tone.

"Here the roses you are looking for," said Zhang Huifen after she turned on the essential oil diffuser. Chan Jun De smirked at her reply. Such a small apartment yet he was impressed at how tidy and clean her place was. Zhang Huifen went inside her room to change her damp clothes and came out few minutes later, wearing a comfortable shirt and long pants.

"Please have a seat while waiting for the hot tea to be served later," she invited him to seat on the small couch in the living room. It was open space kitchen anyway, so Chan Jun De could see what was she doing inside the kitchen.

"There is nothing much left inside my kitchen. How about French toast?"

"That will do," he replied while shamelessly looked around her place. He then stopped at the book shelves, noticing there were few Braille books on there.

"Do you read Braille?" he glanced at Zhang Huifen who already had the kitchen apron on her body.

"I am a Special Education Teacher. I teach language sign and Braille, so of course I know how to read it," she humbly explained her profession and the scope of her jobs to Chan Jun De. He nodded impressively, thinking her future wife is one of a kind. All the women that had been introduced to him previously, they all were smart women. Most of them had mastered two or three foreign languages. Some of them were good in music and arts, but none of them had impressed him the way Zhang Huifen did to him.

There was no doubt that Mrs. Fan Bingbing, the head of ladies club would love Zhang Huifen later. Chan Jun De put the book back on the shelf when the smell of melted butter filled the space. He went to check on her. Her long hair had been tied up into loose bun now, and she was so concentrated in making French toast. The way she flipped the bread and ran back to the table to make the tea showed that she was so used of cooking her own foods.

"Are you good in cooking?"

"Not really," she replied, still focused on frying the bread on the pan. She then put two slices of French toast on the plate, and a handful mixed fruits beside it before placing it on table.

"Have a seat please. Here the maple syrup if you like it,"

"How about you? Are you not eating?" he looked at the other two slices of French toast on the plate.

"That is for Mr. Leung. I will pack it for him in a while," it was very thoughtful of her to pack the meal for Mr. Leung as well.

"Please enjoy the evening snack. The taste and presentation might not meet your expectation but I do hope you enjoy it. Thanks for sending me home anyway," she expressed her gratitude for his kindness. After all, he was going to be her husband in less than two months. Zhang Huifen watched Chan Jun De cut a small piece of bread and ate it.

She did not expect any compliment from him, but the brief small smile on his face was enough to tell her that he liked the French toast she had made for him. Why he did not like to smile? He should smile often because he had such a cute dimple.

"It seems you really like it," Zhang Huifen smiled widely watching how he had finished his evening snack without leaving any crumbs. He did not say anything and quietly drank the hot tea. What a stingy man! Stingy with smile and also compliments. Zhang Huifen was about to take the empty plate away when Chan Jun De suddenly held her hand, staring at her fingers before shifting his gaze to her face.

"How do you like for the wedding ring? I can buy you a ring with huge diamond if you want," Zhang Huifen immediately pulled her hand away from his grip. She had agreed to marry him yet she was nervous to talk about wedding preparation. Chan Jun De smirked at her reaction.

"There is not much time left. Make your time afternoon tomorrow. We need to go somewhere,"

"Where are we going tomorrow?" she asked in curious.

"To buy ring and to meet my parents," he said bluntly. Since the bride would be someone else, of course he had to introduce her to his family or else his parents, especially Mrs. Ling Jiaoxian might faint during his wedding day. 


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