Dawning Masquerade

By SolarFlareSerana

680 54 73

Chris Redfield x Male Reader More

Chapter One: Awakening
Chapter Two: Captain Redfield
Chapter Three: Getting Used to This
Chapter Four: Loss
Chapter Five: Road to Recovery
Chapter Six: Escape?
Chapter Seven: Woe to Thy Tragedies
Chapter Nine: Disappearance of a Tyrant
Chapter Ten: Frozen Footsteps
Chapter Eleven: Blood
Chapter Twelve: The Wolf

Chapter Eight: The Farmer and the Ranch

31 3 0
By SolarFlareSerana

Chris let out a breath, watching as his icy breath clouded around himself. They had started the trek down the mountain side after a long few hours of resting and planning. They could hear the howling of the wind as it pushed the snow against their bodies. The two men had found a secondary small town at the foot of the mountain, taking brief refuge in the warmth of a bar. The woman behind the counter greeted them heartily with a wave over her hand, ushering them over. "Cold, huh?"

"Very." Chirped the shorter male, climbing into the bar stool hesitantly.

"We don't get guests this far up, but especially not men without proper winter gear. So. What's the story? Car break down? Kidnapped?"

"Believe it or not, but it's the second choice. We got taken to some strange mansion up on the top of the mountain" The smaller male answered seriously, seeing the woman's features harden.

"Been seeing a lot of folks disappear up that trail recently. But now it all makes sense, looks like those rumors were true." She spoke, pouring them a drink of water.

"And nobody has done anything about it?" Chris asked, putting an arm protectively around the male.

The woman frowned and shook her head, "We've tried to sort out the rumor from the beasts, but every time we got close we got threatened to step away. That it was bigger than us. Even our own damned Sheriff won't do a thing about it." She looked away at all the quick glances sent her way by the folks around the bar.

"We're important people, we'll get your town the help it needs." Chris looked at the male shocked. Was he really letting go of his father over the needs of one small town in the middle of shit hole nowhere? He sighed and nodded, letting go of the male as his mind wandered to Jill and what had happened that day. He was silently wishing it had been himself that leapt out the window with Wesker, and not her. She was a piece of his puzzle that just fit so perfectly you never would have known they weren't supposed to be together. He pursed his lips and turned to the male, seeing the conversation go from serious to light-hearted jokes. Speaking of pieces that didn't belong. The brunette watched as the male began using his hands as he spoke, making quick use of them while explaining the first thing on his mind. Where did cats come from? Chris had wondered, rolling his eyes as he thought of his own cat. Worry sparked in his chest and he bit his bottom lip.

"We should be heading out soon. We can't help much if we get caught." He spoke and saw the male's excitement die down to a small frown.

"That's true..." He added, looking at the woman. "How much..."

"It's on the house." She smiled. "You've come a long way, and there's so much more to cross. If you head down that rocky foothill just outside the bar. It'll lead you to a helipad and a ranch. Go inside and ask for John. He can help get you out of here. He's my husband. Tell him Judith sent you."

"Thank you so much for everything, Judith." The shorter male smiled as he stood up, following Chris to the door and down the pathway.

About a twenty minute walk down the cold, icy path.

The two men stopped just in front of a decently sized ranch house, smoke floating from the chimney in a steady plume. It caused the shorter male to shiver as he stepped onto the porch and raised his hand to knock against the door. As he did so it only took a few minutes before the door was opened and a revolver was aimed towards the male's head. "Who are you?"

"Judith sent us here, sir." The male began, respecting heavily on being polite and gentleman-like. "She said you could help us. We need to get out of this place, we're being hunted down by that giant place up the mountain. Please. We have to get home so we can get people to get rid of that place for good. We're hoping you'll help?"

"It's been years since I used that helipad, but if it truly is an emergency of this kind then... I'll help." He lowered the gun and his tired eyes scanned the two men. "You must be fucking cold standing out there. Come inside and warm up." The two men didn't hesitate for a second as they entered the warm and inviting home. It was just as you'd expect a ranch home on the mountain to look like. Warm decor and green wallpaper. Animals in their winter pelts littering the carpets and walls. "Tell me what happened and who I need to get a call out to."

"It's such a long story." The male began before Chris sent him to the couch to sit down.

"Let's go wherever you have your gear and I'll explain everything." Chris spoke and the man nodded, bringing the brunette into the basement of the home.

The other male sighed and looked around the room, shocked by all of the decor around the area. "It's such a nice house for such a cold climate. I'd love a ranch house."

(Me too MC, me too)

A small boy peeked his head at the male from around the corner, the bangs of his short and fluffy black hair falling slightly over his eyes. It took a moment for him to be noticed, but once he was he stepped into the room shyly. Feet facing each other and hands tucked into one another. "Hi..." He mustered up nervously, but smiled slightly when the other man smiled.

"Hello." He introduced himself by name and the little boy pointed to himself.

"I'm Jonah."

"I like your name Jonah."

"Thank you, my momma picked it out for me. Where did pa go?"

"Downstairs to call some people to help me and my..." He paused and frowned ever so slightly, "And my friend to get home."

There was a sudden flash from light from outside, the beam going over their faces before the male launched from his seat and took the little boy to the ground. Gunfire rained into the house from where they had just been sitting and standing, the taller male barricading the little boy with his body. He heard something heavy fall from behind himself and saw that one of the large animal busts had fallen in front of the basement door. Trapping Chris and John below. He cursed internally as he carefully took the kid towards the basement door. 

"Do you think you can move this for me while I keep you safe Jonah? I promised I won't let anything get you." The male was on his knees, hands resting on the boys shoulders as he nodded shyly. "Where does your daddy keep his guns? I'm gonna need you to stay here while I get one."

Jonah pointed towards the couch that had bullet holes littering the once grey fabric. "Under there." He whispered and the male crawled towards it as quickly and quietly as he could, reaching under and grabbing onto the cool metal.

"Alright Jonah, this is gonna go really really fast okay? I need you to be brave for me and for your pa. I need you to start pushing that animal head away from the door so they can get out. Are you ready?" They heard something hit against the front door and the male rushed to hold it shut. He nodded and Jonah got to work trying to move the bust away. Chris could hear everything from the other side of the door, both men terrified of the surrounding danger.

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