Crying Underwater So You Don'...


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Alyssa Nichole Roberts does not have the ideal life of a teenager. She suffers from severe depression and anx... Еще

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The high-pitched sound of a buzzing alarm woke me from my nightmares. The sun beamed through the broken shades of my window burning my eyes. I laid in bed and gathered my thoughts only to realize that my senior year started today. I was not a happy camper.

I was completely horrified at the fact that I had to step foot in that dreadful place. I don't exactly fit in with everyone at that school. I have never kept a stable friendship or even relationship. I know its suprising to hear that anyone has ever loved me. I'm also picked on and bullied on a daily basis. You can only guess why I hate school.

You're probably guessing who the hell I am. My name is Alyssa Nichole Roberts. I'm 17 years old, 5'6, brown hair, brown eyes, and the most broken person you will ever meet.

I hopped out of bed and wobbled my way to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror to examine my now yellowing bruised eye. Long story short, my dad doesn't enjoy it when I burn dinner. I suppose I deserved it. 

I brushed my hand over my rather noticeable cheekbones poking out of my face. I haven't had much of an appetite lately. I guess that's what depression does to you.

I picked my brush up and ran it through my long knotted hair then caked make-up onto my bruised eye. I slipped on my white skinnies and a black Sleeping with Sirens t-shirt. I cringed as the fabric of the shirt irritated the fresh cuts on my wrist as I slipped it over my head. 

I grabbed my backpack and made my way quietly down the stairs in hopes dad wouldn't notice. I already knew my day would be shit, but avoiding him would make it less shitty. Today was my lucky day.

I walk a long way to school everyday. I guess you could say its a rather lonely walk, but I don't mind. It gives me time to think about how my day will be and how I can keep myself together if something happens. Sometimes I think to myself that maybe it will be a good day. Which never has happened. 

I took a deep breath and hesitated before walking through the doors of the school. I walked through the hallway and watched as friends greeted one another excited to see each other. Not one person greeted me or asked me how my summer was. I was used to that. I was here for my education anyway.

My first class was Art which I knew I would love. The classroom had multiple tables that seated up to five people. I'm not a group person so this wouldn't end well for me.

I sat at one of the tables and watched as student piled in and tried their hardest not to sit with me. Four tanned skinned boys walked through the doors laughing and yelling at each other in what I assume to be Spanish. I had to admit they were all very good looking. One of the boys had long black hair with multiple tattoos and a lip ring. Another boy with long black hair and tattoos walked in behind him. He had on a snap back and huge gauges which I found attractive. Okay, Alyssa you're weird. Two more boys walked in, one with spiked up hair and way more energetic than the others. The last one stood out to me. He was very attractive. He had long brown curly hair that fell at his shoulders and brown eyes. I nose ring was hooped around his right nostril. 

I caught myself staring at that boy. Something about him gave me butterflies and goosebumps. He caught me staring also as he glanced at me and gave me a sweet smile. I could feel the all the blood rush to my face as I looked down at the table. Why these feelings?

All the chairs at my table screeched against the floor as all four boys took a seat with me. The spiky haired boy looked at me with a huge, excited grin on his face.

"Hi! My name is Jaime!" He said as he held his hand out to shake mine, "Whats your name?"

"Alyssa..." I said as I shook his hand. Why am I so damn awkward?

"Well Alyssa, I have a feeling we are going to be great friends. These ugly bastards behind me are Mike, Tony, and Vic" He pointed at each one of the guys.

Vic was the one who caught my eye and gave me the strange feelings. He gave me another sweet smile. Once again, I was as red as a lobster.

"We are Mexican if you didn't know" Mike chuckled.

"I like turtles" Tony added shyly.

I giggled and looked over at Vic again to catch him staring at me. Which I didn't mind.

The room fell silent as the teacher walked into the room. 

"Well hello class! My name is Mrs. Brantley! Today I want you to create something from your imagination. I want to see how creative you guys are!"

Seemed simple enough even though I wasn't sure what to create. I usually have a pretty creative imagination, but I was pretty distracted today.

I got up out of my chair and walked to the big counter in the back of the room. I filled individual bowls with different colors of paint. I stacked the bowls in my arms and slowly walked back to the table. Something stuck out in my path causing me to trip. The bowls shattered all around me as I fell to the ground covered in a rainbow of colors. I cringed in pain and looked up into the eyes of the devil herself, Melany.

I could feel tears of embarrassment threaten to spill over. Anger shot through me as I stared at her. Everyone was laughing at me.

Vic came running towards me. He bent over in front of me offering me his hand.

"Hey Alyssa, I think you dropped something" Melany said with a devilish smile on her face.

I never understood why Melany hated me so much. I have never done anything to her. I guess I was just that easy to run over.

"Why don't you shut the fuck up bitch" 

I looked up to see Vic with a very angry expression on his face. Then I realized he was the one who snapped back at her. Way to go dude.

Melany stared at him in shock as if he slapped her. Before she could snap back, I rushed out the door.

My vision blurred from the tears stinging my eyes. I ran as fast as I could until I made it behind the schools gym in hopes no one would find me. Some people just can't go through the day without making me miserable. I sat against the wall and sobbed into my hands. No one cared enough to come find me anyway.

All of a sudden, I could feel a shadow hovering over me. I looked up out of my hands with teary eyes to find Vic staring down at me with concerned eyes. As I looked at him, I could feel the butterflies coming back. I didn't even know this guy and his presence made me feel safe and happy. 

My face went red when I realized I was staring again. I looked down at my lap hiding my face. He sat down in front of me crossing his legs. He reached his hand up to my face and wiped the remaining tears off my face.

"Hey don't cry. You're too beautiful to be crying like that" He said in a soft and comforting voice.

No one has really called me beautiful before. Hearing it from him made me feel good. There was no way I could already have feelings for this guy. I had barely just met him. Was there such thing as love at first sight? No way.

I finally looked up at him and gave him a shy smile. "No one has ever said that to me."

I wondered why he even cared so much. No one cares about you, Alyssa. Even when it seems like someone cares, they eventually leave me to rot. He will probably just use me and throw me away like everyone else. 

"Glad to know I'm the first." He said with one of those sweet smiles.

We finally ended up back on our feet. "I can walk you home if you want. I don't mind skipping" He offered.

"I can walk myself home, thank you. Why do you even care?" Why was I so rude? But what if I couldn't trust him?

He shrugged and gave me a smirk, "You look like you needed a friend. I can see your pain. Everyone needs a person to lean on"

"Well you don't know me. I don't need anyone. No one has ever cared. Even if they did, they always left because I'm so damn miserable to be around. So don't put on some shitty act." I was so harsh.

Tears stung my eyes and poured over onto my cheeks. I hated my temper so much. I just ruined everything.

He reached out towards me "Alyssa-" I cut him off by slapping his hand away. I sprinted away from the school to my home where the razor was calling my name.


Sorry if this sucked! Its my first story! As you can see its the end of chapter one. I would really love an opinion or even some advice to better my story. Thanks!

                 -Kristen <3

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