Chicago PD One Shots

By onechicago_lover

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One shots about our favorite cops☺️ Requests are always accepted, I'll write almost anything but if I don't t... More

Intro :)
Sick Day (Upstead)
I'll Always Be Here for You Jay
Game Night Gone Wrong...
New Story
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Allergic Reaction (Upstead)

368 7 2
By onechicago_lover

(Set in season 8)

It was a normal Thursday morning in Intelligence. Since they had just closed a case, Voight told them they could have a delayed start and to be there by 10:00. Everyone had started to slowly stroll in around 9:45 except for Kim. Voight had declared today a paperwork day and everyone had started their work as Kim walked up the stairs.

"Good morning everyone" Kim said putting her stuff down 

"Morning Burgess, what's that?" Kevin asked pointing to the container she had set down 

"Oh, I let Makayla stay home yesterday since we had the day off and we baked cookies and brownies together. She made me promise to bring you guys some today" Kim said starting to walk around with the container of cookies and brownies 

"Sweet, what kind are they?" Adam asked

 "The cookies are chocolate pecan and the brownies have nutella filling. Makayla wanted to try it" Kim said, opening the container going around the unit. 

"Oh" Hailey said nervously to herself. 

Hailey was very allergic to tree nuts to the point if she was even near them she would break out in hives. If she ate them, her throat would close up and she would get incredibly nauseous. She didn't however want to make Kim feel bad by not eating them. She could tell just how hard her and Makayla worked on them and she had the biggest smile on her face. Nobody in the unit knew about this, not even Jay who she had been dating for over a month. She hasn't had a reaction since she came into Intelligence so she just kind of kept it to herself. She stayed at her desk pretending to do work, so she would not have any attention drawn to her and maybe Kim would forget to give her one. 

"You're welcome Sarge, I'll be sure to tell her" she heard Kim say to Voight as she came back from his office. She then accidentally made eye contact with Kim and she came over 

"Hails, you want one?" Kim asked smiling and Hailey stared at them apprehensively thinking what should she do 

"Are you ok Hailey?" Kim asked confused, 

"Um yeah, just trying to decide. They both look amazing" Hailey said chuckling nervously, fiddling with her fingers 

"You can have one of each if you want, we made so much it's no problem" Kim said assuringly 

"Really, I don't want to impose" Hailey said 

"It's fine Hailey, just take them" Kim said smiling. 

Hailey proceeded to take a brownie and cookie and set them on her desk. She then excused herself to the bathroom but really went to see if she had anything that could stop a reaction from happening. She had her epi pen in her purse but that was an absolute last resort for her. She then actually went to the bathroom to wash her hands because she had touched the desserts. She came back to everyone talking and enjoying the treats Kim brought. 

After a while, Hailey's arms had started getting itchy and she couldn't keep from scratching them. She didn't want anyone to notice, since she was wearing a short sleeved shirt, so she put on her sweater she keeps behind her chair. Jay noticed she started acting weird and had put on her sweater 

"Hey, you ok? " Jay asked on the side 

"Yeah why?" she asked not looking up from typing 

"You haven't touched your brownie or cookie and you put on your sweater but it's warm in here and you're sweating. Are you sick?" He asked trying to feel her forehead but Hailey flinched, not wanting to be touched when her skin was already making her feel uncomfortable 

"Don't touch me" she said sharply but quickly tried to put on a more relaxed face 

"I'm fine, I promise" she said 

"Are you sure?" he pushed further 

"I'm fine Jay" she said a little more harsh 

"Ok I'll back off" he said and left the room. 

Hailey instantly felt bad but couldn't help it. She was feeling bad with the rash on her arms and her anxiety started to play up too. She tried as hard as she could to focus on her work and was doing pretty well until she heard Adam call her name 

"Hailey, how come you haven't touched your brownie yet. I've have 4 of them so far" Adam said 

"Just got distracted with paperwork, I'll eat it" she said laughing along 

"Do you not like brownies?" Kim chimed 

"No I do, I do" Hailey said nervously and she could feel everyone eyeing her. She picked up the brownie, took a decent size bite, and swallowed it. "See, it's really good Kim thank you" Hailey said before she took a smaller second bite for good measure "Glad you like it Hails" she said and went back to her paperwork. Hailey then began panicking inside her head. She went back to her paperwork with the thought in the back of her mind that she was gonna die because of a damn brownie and the thought of taking her epi pen never crossed her mind. 

After 3 more minutes, Hailey felt her throat start to get really itchy. She started coughing just to try and settle the itchiness in her throat but it wasn't working and she soon felt like she just ran a marathon. She began coughing even harder and it hurt her a lot, she could feel pain in her chest. 

"Hailey, are you ok?" Jay asked

 "Fine..just..need..water" Hailey said in between coughs and they could hear her wheezing 

"Adam, go get some water" Jay yelled and Adam ran off 

"Hailey, what's wrong?" he asked as she continued to struggle 

"What's going on?" Voight asked coming out of his office 

"Can't breathe, need epi.. pen" Hailey says as she continues coughing and gasping 

"Oh shit, Kim call 911" Voight yelled as Kim ran out of the room 

"Ok Hailey, everything is going to be just fine. Just try to stay as calm as you can and keep breathing" Voight said and if she wasn't literally dying right now she would want to punch Voight in the face. How can she calm down when she can't breathe? 

"Where's your epi-pen Hails?" Kevin asked as he came back in the room 

"Desk" she said as she continued to cough. Kevin rummaged around in her desk until he found it, he read the instructions really quick and jabbed Hailey in the leg with it while injecting the medicine. 

"Ok, the ambo should be here in a couple of minutes, how's she doing?" Kim said walking back in the room 

"She's still coughing and wheezing a bunch but we found her epi pen so we gave that to her" Jay said 

"Hailey, are you allergic to anything?" he asked looking at her 

"Tree.. nu-" Hailey got cut off when she suddenly felt a huge wave of nausea and threw up all over herself and on Voight's leg 

"Oh god, guys go get a trash can and towels. Hurry!" Jay screams 

"I'm sorry" Hailey says as she breathing gets very labored and she starts crying 

"Hailey it's ok, nothing we can't clean up. The ambulance is almost here, you're gonna be just fine" Jay says as he helps her take her sweater off and that's when he see the hives all over her arms 

"Oh Hailey" he says sadly as he sees her red, hive covered arms. Just then, Hailey's eyes close and she falls to the ground, with Voight catching her before she hits the vomit-covered ground. 

"Hailey" Jay yells

 "Hey Hailey, you gotta keep your eyes open! Hailey, come on!" he says desperately with tear filling his eyes as Sylvie and Violet run in the bullpen 

"We're here, what happened?" Violet asks as they get their supplies out 

"She ate one of the treats Burgess brought in and had an allergic reaction to it" Kevin said 

"Ok, how long has she been unconscious?" Sylvie said while injecting an IV into Hailey's hand

 "It just happened and her breathing was really bad. She was wheezing a lot and she threw up. We gave her a shot of her epi pen but nothing really changed" Jay said

 "Ok Jay she's gonna be fine, we're gonna get her another round of epi and take her to med. Hailey... Hailey, it's Sylvie. Can you hear me?" Sylvie said as she did the sternum rub but got no response from her. Violet then got the epi administered through Hailey's IV and put an oxygen mask on her face. Hailey's pulse was racing and her breathing was still very labored, she was just not doing well in general. 

"Alright we gotta go, who's going with" Violet asked as Kevin lifted a still unconscious Hailey onto the gurney "Jay, you go the rest of us will follow" Voight said and they get Hailey into the ambo and on the way to med. 

Sylvie was getting another read on Hailey's vitals while Jay sat there holding her hand. Time felt like it was going by deathly slow and he was worried for his partner. "Come on Hails, you gotta wake up" he said while squeezing her hand to let her know he was there with her, he knew she didn't like being alone. "Damn it" Violet suddenly said at the front "What's wrong?" Sylvie asked "There's a bunch of traffic and I can't get around it" Violet said frustrated "Well there has to be some other way, she can't go much longer like this. She needs a hospital" Sylvie said and that's when the shit hit the fan. All of the sudden the monitors went off like crazy 

"She's in cardiac arrest, pushing epi. I need help back here Vi" Sylvie said

 "Copy" Violet says and in the middle of traffic she gets out of the driver's seat to go and help in the back 

"Starting compressions" Violet says 

"Jay, we need room to work" Sylvie says as she takes the oxygen mask off and replaces it with an ambu bag.. Jay goes to the other side of Sylvie and watches with tears in his eyes as Violet pushes on her chest 

"Shocking at 200, CLEAR" Sylvie says as she presses the button and Hailey's body jerks up. 

At that point Jay couldn't hold it in anymore and let out a full sob at the sight of seeing his  girlfriend essentially dead. They waited a second after the shock and Hailey still wasn't coming back "Still in v fib, resuming compressions" Violet said as she got back on Hailey's chest after another minutes "Shocking at 200, CLEAR" Sylvie said and Hailey's body once again jerked upwards and then the beeping started to slow down "Alright back in sinus, welcome back Hails" Sylvie said as she continued to squeeze the ambu bag to give her oxygen "I'm gonna head back to the front to see if we can get a move on" Violet said as she made her way out and as soon as she opened the door she was met with beeping horns "Well sorry that it's a literal ambulance and we had a real emergency, damn" Violet said as she rolled her eyes and made her way back to the driver's seat ignoring all the looks of the pissed off drivers. 

The traffic started to subside and they were back on the way to the hospital. Sylvie was still giving Hailey breaths with the ambu bag as her rhythm remained steady. They were 3 minutes out from med when Hailey woke up confused "Hailey" Jay said excitedly when he saw her eyes open and she tried to say something "Hey, it's ok don't try to talk just keep breathing you're ok" he said stoking her hair "We're almost to med Hailey, everything's ok" Sylvie said as she put an oxygen mask back over Hailey's face and she just laid there content which worried Jay a little bit because he knew how Hailey felt about hospitals and people touching her. She held out her hand and Jay gladly took it and rubbed his thumb slowly on the back of her hand. He saw the tears spilling out the side of her eyes but just let her be. 

2 minutes later they arrived at med being met with Maggie at the door 

"Hailey Upton, 33, severe anaphylactic reaction, taken approximately 4 doses of epi, had cardiac arrest in the ambo just came back a few minutes ago" Sylvie listed off to Maggie as they brought her into a trauma bay 

"Copy, Dr. Halstead you're up!" Maggie yelled and Will came running over when he saw his brother and his partner 

"Jay, what happened?" WIll asked taking off his stethoscope 

"She ate something she's allergic too and this happened, just help her Will" Jay said voice breaking 

"Don't worry" he said as he walked in, put on gloves and started to examine Hailey 

"Hey Hailey, can you hear me?" he asked as Hailey was opening her eyes 

"Mhm" she said 

"Can you tell me what happened?" Will asked 

"Ate brownie, couldn't breathe, now here" Hailey said very hoarsely as her throat was still mildly swollen 

"Ok, I'm going to check you over is that ok?" he asked and Hailey have a thumbs up 

"Ok, try to stay awake" he said as he checked her over. 

He noticed her lips, inside of her throat and her lymph nodes were swollen. She also had a bunch of hives on both of her upper arms and around her mouth. "Ok Hailey, Sylvie said that you threw up and that you went into cardiac arrest in the ambo. How do you feel now? Does your stomach or chest hurt?" Will asked "No just my throat, I'm super itchy and my skin feels really tight" she croaked out "Ok we'll get you some Benadryl and some cold cloths to hopefully help with the itchiness and swelling. I'll be back" Will says as he takes off his gloves and leaves the bay. Jay walks in a minute later 

"Hey" he says when Hailey looks at him 

"Hi" Hailey smiles at him 

"You gave us quite a scare. How are you feeling?" he said sitting next to her 

"I'll live" she jokes 

"I'm sorry I scared you" she says seriously 

"It's ok Hailey. Why didn't you just tell us that you were allergic to nuts?" he asked concerned 

"Because I saw the look on Kim's face when she was telling us how she and Makayla made them. She looked so happy and I don't know I guess I didn't want to disappoint her by not eating them when they worked hard on" Hailey says beginning to tear "I'm so sorry, I was so stupid. Is everyone mad at me?" she asked, wiping her tears. 

Jay hands her tissues from the side table so she can wipe her tears "I'm 100% sure they're not mad Hailey, just worried. I promise everything is going to be fine" he said stroking her hair when his phone went off "It's Adam, the team is here, do you want me to tell them what's up or want me to stay?" he asked "Go, I want them to know I'm fine" she said "Ok, I'll be right back" he said kissing her head and heading out to the waiting room where he is met with the rest of the team 

"Hey guys, Hailey is doing ok. We had a little scare in the ambulance where she went into cardiac arrest" Jay said and everyone started freaking out asking if she was ok 

"Guys guys, she's ok now and awake. They're getting her on Benadryl to help with the itchiness and something to help the swelling and hives. She's going to be ok as far as I know" Jay explained 

"Can we see her?" Kim asked. Jay looked at her face and could immediately tell she'd been crying 

"I'm not sure but I'll let you know as soon as possible" Jay said 

"How did we not know she was allergic to brownies?" Adam asked 

"Not brownies it was the nutella in the brownies. She's allergic to tree nuts and Nutella has hazelnut in it" Jay said 

"How long did it take you to get here? The traffic was bad when we left, we just got here" Voight asked 

"It was bad for us to and between Hailey's heart stopping it took even longer to get here" Jay said rubbing his face. 

Kim couldn't hear a word he said though. All she should think about is how she almost killed Hailey. If she wouldn't have forced her to eat the brownie or take two of them she wouldn't be here, it was all her fault and Hailey would never forgive her and she would never forgive herself if something worse happened to her. All of the sudden she couldn't breathe "I should be getting back, I'll call you when there's an update. See you guys" Jay said and he went back to Hailey. Kim felt like she couldn't move or breathe. She had to try and shove it down though, she didn't want to cause a scene "Hey umm I-I'm g-gonna use the bathroom" Kim said stuttering a bit as she's shaking "You ok?" Adam asked touching her shoulder "Y-yeah fine, just go I'll catch up" she said as she rushed off to find a bathroom. 

The rest of the unit made their way back to the district except for Kevin who waited for Kim since they drove together. Kim found a bathroom and went into the handicapped stall, which she normally wouldn't but she's not currently thinking straight, and let it all out sliding onto the floor, pulling her knees into her chest and sobbing into her knees. She was overwhelmed with guilt that she almost killed Hailey. She thought she was such a bad friend. She was crying and shaking so much that she didn't hear the door open 

"Kim? Kim, are you ok?" Kevin asked and Kim couldn't even answer, she just kept sobbing. 

"Kim, I need you to open the door, I just want to help you" Kevin said desperately and slowly Kim registered what he said and opened the door but remained on the ground 

"Kim hey, look at me I just need you to breathe, everything is ok. Hailey is ok and she'll be back to work in no time" Kevin said slowly and calmly 

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault" Kim said while hyperventilating 

"What? Kim what are you talking about?" Kevin asked 

"I gave them to her, she almost died because of me. I'm so stupid" Kim said and continued to the point where she started coughing

"Kim please, I need you to calm down" Kevin said and at this point he didn't know what to do 

"Ok ok, umm give me a sec" he said and ran out of the bathroom 

"I NEED HELP IN HERE" Kevin screamed. 

Maggie who was talking to Natalie at this point turned and they both ran "Kev, what's wrong?" Natalie asked "Just follow me" he said and all 3 of them rushed to the bathroom "What the hell is going on?" Maggie asked concerned and confused "I didn't know what else to do, she's going to make herself if it doesn't stop" Kevin said exasperated opening the door and showing them Kim on the ground sobbing while hyperventilating and visibly shaking "Ok um go get some cold water, towels, and 2mg of Ativan just in case" Natalie said "On it, Kevin why don't we give them some space" Maggie said as Natalie walked over and crouched down in front of Kim 

"Hey Kim, it's Nat can you hear me?" she said putting a hand on Kim's knee and Kim startled at the touch 

"Hey it's ok, you're ok. Is it ok if I take your hand?" Nat asked as she slowly rubs Kim's knee back and forth. Kim nods still not looking at her "Ok good" Nat says as she takes Kim's hand and Maggie and Kevin walk back in with the desired items and meds 

"Ok Kim, I need you to tell me 5 things you can see. Do you think you can do that for me?" Nat asked as she brings the container of cold water over near them 

"Y-you, y-your name tag, t-t-toilet.. Um" Kim say shakily 

"You're doing great just two more things" Nat says 

"Kevin, the wall" Kim says her breathing slowing down a bit 

"Good that's good Kim, now can you tell me 4 things you can touch" Natalie said 

"Uh your h-hand, my clothes, the floor.."Kim said shakily 

"One more thing Kim" Natalie said taking Kim's hand and slowly placing it in the water 

"Umm cold water" Kim said looking down at the container of water where her hand is sitting 

"Good now finally what are 3 things you can hear" Natalie asks as she takes a cloth, soaks in the water, and puts around the back of Kim's neck which startled her a bit 

"Hey it's ok, it's just to help you. Come on 3 things you can hear. You're doing great" Natalie said rubbing her back 

"You, uh the air conditioner, voices in the hallways I think" Kim says 

"Awesome, now I need you try and take a deep breath, follow me" Natalie said and then proceeded to take an exaggerated deep breath as Kim followed. It took a couple tries but after a while Kim's breathing went back to normal and she sat there while Nat and Kevin were supporting her. 

"Can you tell me what happened Kim?" Nat asked 

"It's all my fault" was all Kim could get out 

"What was your fault?" Nat asked rubbing her back 

"Hailey was brought in earlier. She had an allergic reaction to the brownies Kim brought and Kim thinks it's her fault" Kevin said 

"It is, if I didn't force her to eat the brownies then she wouldn't be here almost dead" Kim said frustrated. Nat, Kevin, and Maggie all shared a look before Maggie left the room. 

"Kim listen, it's not your fault. You didn't know she would be allergic to the brownies, you didn't force her to eat them either. For whatever reason Hailey decided to eat them or there's the possibility she didn't know. Whatever the reason, you have to understand it wasn't your fault ok?" Natalie said grabbing Kim's hand. 

Kim just sat there for a second before looking up to Nat "Ok" she said shakily as Maggie walked in the room 

"Kim, I just checked on Hailey and she's stable right now. Do you want to see her?" Maggie asked kneeling in front of Kim 

"Really?" Kim asked hopefully 

"Yeah, she wants to see you too" Maggie said smiling 

"Ok" Kim said getting up with Natalie and Kevin's help. She splashed cold water on her face and tried to make herself look put together so hopefully Hailey doesn't see she was crying. Then her, Kevin, and Nat walked to Hailey's room. She knocks on the door and walks in to see Hailey and Jay talking 

"Hey Hailey" Kim said when she walked in 

"Hi" she said hoarsely 

"How are you feeling?" Kim asks walking over to her and holding her hand 

"Better, how are you?" Hailey asks seeing that Kim's eyes are red and that her face looks pale 

"Oh I'm good, just worried about you" Kim lied. Kevin discreetly mouthed 'panic attack' to Jay and Hailey and Hailey instantly felt bad. 

"Can you give us a minute" Hailey asked Jay and Vanessa 

"Yeah, we'll be in the hall if you need something" Jay said leaving with Kevin. 

Now it was just Kim and Hailey alone together and neither one of them knew what to say "I'm so sorry" they both said at the same time and they both chuckled in amusement "You go" Hailey said 

"I'm sorry I gave you the cookies, I had no idea you were allergic to tree nuts. If I would have known I would've known I would've never brought them to work" Kim rambled on 

"Kim take a breath" Hailey said then continued "I'm sorry I didn't tell anyone. It's not your fault, how would you had known Kim, nobody knew" she said 

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" Kim asked taking Hailey's hand

 "I just saw how happy you were talking about how you Makayla baked them together and that she was so excited to make them for us I couldn't say no. I'm sorry I should've never put you in that position" Hailey said 

"It's alright Hailey, and again I'm sorry for pushing them on you, I even saw you were a little hesitant but I kept pushing I'm sorry I hope you can forgive me" Kim said feeling guilty all over again "No no Kim, I promise it's not your fault and I'm not mad. I can forgive you if you can forgive me" Hailey said and Kim smiled at her before giving her a hug the best she could with all the wires and Hailey's IV "It's a deal" she says continuing to hug Hailey. 

A few minutes Jay and Kevin came back and they all just talked for a bit before Kevin and Kim had to head back to the district. They wished Hailey well and told her and Jay that if they needed anything to just call.  After they left, Jay could tell Hailey was exhausted so he slowly maneuvered her so he could sit next to her and she laid her head on his shoulder and fell asleep. Hailey was asleep the next time Will came to check on her 

"Hey, how's she doing?" Will asked 

"Better, she's been asleep for a while and her breathing sounds good" Jay said running his fingers through Hailey's hair while she slept 

"That's good, I wanted to give her a quick check before they move her but I think I can wait since she's actually resting. Someone should be in here shortly to move her to a room" Will said looking at the monitors 

"Ok thanks" Jay said absentminded 

"How are you doing?" Will asked seeing his brother not totally with it 

"I'm fine" Jay said unconvincingly 

"Jay" Will says giving him a look 

"I was scared she was gonna die" Jay said voice thick with unshed tears. Will just went over and started patting Jay on the shoulder 

"She's fine and she's going to be fine, I promise. It was a freak accident that no one could've predicted. Now you guys know and will take better precautions next time, ok?" Will said 

"Yeah, thanks" Jay said looking at Hailey sleep 

"I'll be back when they move her to her room" Will said patting Jay on the shoulder. Jay nodded as Will left the room. 

20 minutes later, Hailey was moved to the ICU where Will checked her over before noticing her oxygen was starting to get a little on the lower side so he upped her oxygen a bit through her nasal cannula and left her to rest with Jay. Jay got Hailey some water and then ran his fingers through her hair until she fell back asleep. Once he felt Hailey was fast asleep, he texted the unit to update them on how Hailey was doing then went back to cuddling her, eventually ending up asleep with Hailey. Jay ended up sleeping until 4:00 AM. He carefully slid out from under his girlfriend to use the bathroom and then came right back to hold her while she continued to sleep. While he was holding her, Jay noticed that Hailey's arm was starting to become really hot. He took a closer look and saw that more hives were covering her arm. 

He didn't know what to do so he pressed Hailey's call button and gently woke Hailey. 

"Hails, I need you wake up babe. How're you feeling?" Jay asked while shaking Hailey awake 

"My throat feels weird and it's hard to breathe" she said breathing faster than normal 

"Ok just keep taking slow breaths babe Will should be here soon" Jay said rubbing her back and that moment Will and a team of nurses come running in as the monitors start going off like crazy 

"What happened?" Will asked 

"I don't know, she was sleeping and then the next minute she can't breathe again" Jay said panicked 

"Ok Hailey everything is gonna be alright I just need you to try to stay as calm as possible" Will said as he came and checked over Hailey but it was like it went in one ear and out the other because all the sudden Hailey started coughing and scratching at her neck 

"Hailey no that'll just make it worse. It's ok I'm right here, let Will help" Jay said holding her hand 

"Looks like a biphasic reaction, let's get .3 mg of epi" Will says as a nurse administers the meds into Hailey's IV. They wait a minute to see if the epi works but after a minute Hailey's vitals tank and her eyes close "I need help in here!" Will yelled and a swarm of nurses and another doctor ran in. Jay couldn't believe this was happening again. 

He watched as the doctors and nurse administered meds into her IV and were on top of her doing CPR. "Charge to 200, CLEAR" Will said as Hailey's body jerked up. She remained in V-fib so Will decided to charge again "Again 200, CLEAR" Will said as once again Hailey's body jerked up however this time a sound Will and Jay will never forget filled the room. Hailey started flatlining. 

"Asystole" the other doctor in the room said and Jay lost it 

"NO YOU HAVE TO DO SOMETHING...HAILEY" Jay screamed with tears rolling down his face 

"Someone get him out of her" Will said as a nurse dragged Jay out of the room 

"Come on Hails, don't give up on me now, Jay needs you" Will said as she continued giving CPR 

"Charge to 250 and CLEAR" Will said and the sweet beeping of the monitor came back "Welcome back sis" Will said breathing a sigh of relief while hugging her 

"Ok, I want her checked every hour and for now let's keep her on a continuous Benadryl drip" Will says as he takes his gloves off 

"Yes Dr. Halstead" the nurse said as Will went to go find his brother. 

He found him in the doctor's lounge after Maggie told him she sent him there to cool down after he yelled at one of her nurses. Will apologized for Jay and went to go talk to his baby brother 

"Jay" Will said as Jay kept his hands in his hands, sitting on the couch. Will went to sit next to his brother and put a hand on his back

"Just say it" Jay said, not looking at his brother and voice barely above a whisper 

"She's stable, we have her on a continuous Benadryl drip just in case. This should be the last reaction she has and if it's not, the Benadryl should slow it down in enough time for us to intervene" Will explained to Jay who couldn't believe what he was hearing 

"She's alive?" Jay asked looking up at Will 

"She's alive" Will said smiling 

"Can I see her" Jay asked wiping his tears away 

"Let's go get some coffee, take a walk and then you can see her" Will said 

"Will I-" Jay said before Will interrupted him 

"Got into a fight with the nurse, look exhausted, and I'm on a break so let's go no excuses" Will said standing up 

"Ok" Jay said defeated. 

Jay and Will went and got coffee and took a nice walk around the hospital, Will even convincing him to eating half of a bagel, and talking brother to brother. Before Will took Jay back to his girl, he made him apologize to the nurse he screamed at, to which she accepted and said that she understood that it was a stressful situation and she would've done the same. Then Jay finally got to go be with Hailey again. When he got there, he initially thought she was asleep but then he heard the faintest 

"Jay" Hailey said as she turned her head to face the door 

"Yeah I'm right here babe, how do you feel?" Jay asked taking her hand and rubbing small circles on the back 

"Like I want to go home" Hailey said, clearing her throat 

 "Sorry babe looks like we're at least gonna have to stay another night" Jay said moving her hair back out of her face. Hailey didn't like that and tears instantly welled in her eyes "Baby it's ok, I'll be here the whole time" Jay said getting in bed with her "What if it happens again?" Hailey asked scared of almost dying again "Hey you have Benadryl pumping into you at all times and you're surrounded by nurses and doctors. You're gonna be just fine Hails, I promise" Jay said kissing her head as she nodded 

"I love you" she said feeling the drowsiness from the Benadryl taking over 

"Love you babe, get some sleep" Jay said 

"Stay?" Hailey asked squeezing his hand 

"Always" he said squeezing her hand back. 

Hailey fell right back to sleep and Jay texted the team an update before pulling up old Black Hawks highlights to watch. 2 days later, Hailey hasn't had anymore reactions and is starting to feel antsy. After a final check from Will, Hailey is finally being discharged from the hospital. 

"Ugh I'm so ready to get out of this place" she said as Jay is helping her with her jacket 

"I know babe, I'm so happy for you" he said giving her a kiss from behind 

"Ok, I have your discharge paperwork. Now remember, soft foods for the next 3 days, plenty of rests and fluids, and keep up with the Benadryl to help with the hives" Will says as Hailey listen eager to leave 

"Got it" Hailey said as she sighs the papers 

"And no work for the rest of this week" Will said as Hailey gave him a look. 

This all happened Thursday and it was currently Sunday morning, which means she can't work all this week. She hated that part. "I'm serious Hailey, no overdoing it" Will says seriously "Ok ok fine" she says standing up and getting in the wheelchair 

"See you guys, hopefully not back here anytime soon though" Will laughed as Jay rolled her out of the hospital and into the car 

"Trust me I would love not to have to see your face that often" Jay said back and Hailey smacked him on the arm 

"Jay" she said scolding him 

"It's fine, bye" Will said as they drove off. 

When they got home, Jay helped Hailey shower and change into comfortable clothes. She decided with a t shirt and shorts because of how the swelling and hives made her skin feel, she didn't want anything touching it. Jay then came in to give her her next dose of Benadryl and to put the cream on her arms for her hives. By the time Jay was done, Hailey was half asleep so he just put the stuff away and left her to sleep. He went out to the living room to place a grocery order so he could get some softer foods. He also got some more popsicles and apple sauces cause he knew Hailey loved those whenever she was sick. 

After he placed the order, he went to watch TV. In the middle of the show he got a text from Kim asking if they were home yet and how Hailey was doing. He smiled and texted back saying they were and that Hailey was doing great and that she was currently sleeping. She then texted back asking when was a good time to come over. Jay told her she could come over tonight and that Hailey should be awake by then. 

After confirming the time with Kim, Jay went to go check on Hailey when all of the sudden he heard a scream. He ran as fast as he could to her room and found Hailey semi asleep, crying, and thrashing around in bed scratching at her arms. "Hailey, Hailey babe it's me I need you to try and open your eyes" Jay said grabbing her hands to keep her from scratching some more. "Hailey come on, Hailey try to look at me focus on me" he said while running his hand through her hair trying to calm her down. After a while, her cries quieted down and her breathing slowed down. 

She looked at him with tears in her eyes "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" Hailey said with tears threatening to roll down her face "Babe it's ok, you didn't mean to have a nightmare. Do you want to talk about it?" Jay asked while holding her "If I would've just told you guys I was allergic to tree nuts none of this would've happened. I made all of you guys worry about me, I cause Kim to have a panic attack, I almost died multiple times. It never would've happened if I just told the truth and now all of you are suffering because of me" Hailey said starting to cry again burying her head in Jay's chest 

"Hailey listen, nobody is mad at you and nobody is suffering. Yes we were all worried but it's because we all care about you. Kim having a panic attack is not your fault and she's especially not mad at you. She's coming over later tonight because she wants to check on you. Do you think she would do that if she was suffering?" Jay said 

"N-No" Hailey stuttered, still crying 

"Right, and I also can't even begin to imagine how scary it was having your heart stop multiple times. But I can imagine that it was scary to see you like that and almost lose you" Jay said 

"I'm sorry" Hailey said, her crying starting to stop 

"It's ok Hails, I promise. Just next time something like this happens you have to tell me so I can help you ok?" Jay said 

"Ok, I promise. Love you" Hailey says as she falls back asleep "Love you too" he says kissing her forehead. They both end up falling asleep for a couple hours until Jay wakes up around 6:30 to a text saying his grocery order is here. He goes out to get it and puts all the food away. Remembering that Kim was coming around 8:00, he decides to wake Hailey up so she can be a little more awake by the time she gets here. 

He walks back into the room to see Hailey still fast asleep.

"Hails, wake up" he says while gently rubbing her arm 

"What, why?" she asks annoyed while sitting up 

"Kim's coming over in a little bit to see you" Jay says pulling her into his side 

"Ok, I'm hungry" Hailey says with her face pressed against Jay's chest. Jay just laughs and gives her a kiss 

"Come on, let's go find something to eat" Jay says helping her out of bed 

"I'll meet you out there I'm gonna use the bathroom" Hailey said as Jay leaves the room. Jay goes into the kitchen to find something that Hailey can eat. He settles on Mac and cheese so he puts on a pot of water 

"What are you making?" he hears Hailey say, startling him 

"Mac and cheese, is that ok?" He asks 

"Yeah, can I have a popsicles while we wait" she asks 

"Yeah, I'll grab you one" he says going over to the freezer. 

He grabs a strawberry fruit bar and bring it back to Hailey as she smiles "Thank you" she says as he opens it and hands it to her "You're welcome babe" Jay says kissing her head "Food should be ready in 20" Jay says as he goes to finish it. 

A half hour later, they both hear a knock on the door. Jay finishes stirring the mac and cheese as he heads to the door to answer it. He opens the door to see Kim and Makayla "Hey guys, come on in" Jay says as they walk in "Hey Makayla" Jay said giving her a side hug "Hi uncle Jay" Makayla said back 

"Hey sorry I know I said it would just be me but Mak had something to give Aunt Hailey that she had to give herself" Kim said as Jay took their jackets 

"Well I'm sure she's gonna love it and she's gonna be so happy to see you" Jay says as he hung up their jackets. They all walked into the living room to see Hailey lying on the couch watching a movie "Hails, you have some visitors" Jay said as Hailey sat up on the couch 

"Hey guys! Mak!! How's my favorite girl?" Hailey said as Makayla went and gave her a big hug 

"I'm good. How are you feeling? Mom said you got sick because of my cookies. I'm sorry Aunt Hailey" Makayla said sadly 

"No no it's ok honey. I'm just fine, I promise. It's not your fault ok. You're still my favorite girl in the world" Hailey said putting her arms out for Mak to give her another hug 

"I love you Aunt Hailey" Makayla said in the middle of the hug 

"I love you too kid" she said back. 

Once they let go, Makayla perked up "Oh wait I have a surprise for you" Makayla said beaming with excitement as she ran over to Kim to get the gift bag "Wow a surprise just for me, I can't wait to see what it is" Hailey says over exaggerating her excitement as Makayla handed her the bag and she pulled the items 

 "It's a get well card I made myself and a teddy bear I picked out. I thought whenever you felt scared you could squeeze it and it would make you feel better cause being in the hospital is scary" Makayla said and Hailey could swear her heart was about to burst "Oh my gosh, I love it Mak. Thank you so much, you're right being in the hospital was a little scary" she said as she read the inside of the card that said 'Dear Aunt Hailey, I hope you feel better soon. I love you a lot so here's some hugs and kisses to show you how much. Love, Makayla'  followed by a bunch of X's and O's at the bottom of the card. 

"You're welcome, mom told me that being scared is ok because it just means you have to fight and that you're brave. Right mom" Makayla said looking at Kim who was watching this whole encounter with a smile on her face 

"Right, look how smart you are" Kim said as Jay walked into the living room

 "Hey Mak, want to help me get dinner ready for aunt Hailey" Jay said trying to let Kim and Hailey have moment alone 

"Ok" Makayla said happily skipping into the kitchen. 

Now Hailey and Kim are alone together and neither one of them knows what to say first. "How are you doing, really?" Kim asked after a few minutes of silence "It's been a lot. The pain, the thought of it happening again, the thought of making you all scared. I'm sorry again Kim" Hailey said 

"Hails" Kim said as she got up and sat next to Hailey on the couch putting a hand on her knee 

"I'm just glad you're ok. Was I scared? Yes. Was I worried? Yes, but I promise I'm not mad. I never was" Kim said as Hailey started tearing up 

"I know, I'm just sorry I made you worried over something that was completely avoidable. I wish I would've just told you in the first place. But you looked so happy when talking about how you did it with Mak and I just didn't want it bringing the mood down. I was stupid and I just hope that you won't beat yourself up over this" Hailey said 

"Hey it happened, it's in the past now. We all know now and that's the important part right. And hey, I won't beat myself up over it if you promise you won't either" Kim said 

"Deal" Hailey said as she gave her a hug. 

They sat in that hug for a minute before Makayla came back into the living room with a bowl and a glass of water 

"Here you go aunt Hailey" Makayla said handing her the bowl of Mac and cheese and setting the water down on the table next to the couch 

"Thanks Mak" Hailey said smiling 

"Mom, uncle Jay said I could have some too if you said yes. Please can I have some??" Makayla said giving Kim her best pleading look and Kim laughed at her look "Well I thought that after we left we could grab some pizza-" Kim started to say as Mak's face changed "But I guess we could do another time, go ahead bear" Kim said and Mak happily ran back into the kitchen 

"I bet you just made her night" Hailey said after taking a bite of her food 

"Definitely, she loves mac and cheese. Plus, beats having to spend money on dinner tonight and I don't have to cook" Kim laughed 

"Kim, you want some too? We have plenty?" Jay said as him and Makayla walked back into the living room 

"Yeah, thanks. What do you say Mak?" Kim said 

"Thank you uncle Jay" she said after taking another bite 

"You're welcome kid" Jay said as he went and got a bowl for himself and Kim to eat. 

Kim and Makayla spent another 2 hours there watching a movie they left to go home. Makayla gave Hailey an extra long hug and told her not to forget about her bear. After they left, Jay could tell Hailey was exhausted and was practically half asleep on the couch "Come on babe, let's go take your next dose of medicine and then you can go to sleep" Jay said helping Hailey stand up "Ok" Hailey mutter sleepily. 

They made their way into their bedroom where Hailey went to use the bathroom while Jay prepare her Benadryl. She came out and changed back into some pajama shorts, took her medicine, and laid down in bed "Will you stay until I fall asleep" Hailey asked "Of course Hails" Jay said as he slid in bed next to Hailey and she laid her head on his chest. She ended up falling asleep within 5 minutes of him being there. Jay slipped out to go clean the kitchen from dinner, turn off everything, and lock up Hailey's house. He then went and changed and got in bed with Hailey. She subconsciously rolled over and cuddled up in his lap and he pulled her into him as he fell asleep. A week later Hailey, went back to work. She was nervous because the last time she was there she threw up all over her sergeant's leg and had to be rolled away in an ambulance.  She thought she would never able to live that down. Jay reassured her that everything would be fine and that nobody would talk about that. When she walked into the district, the first she heard was "Welcome back Goldilocks" from Trudy. "Thanks sarge" she said with a smile as she made her way to the bullpen "Hey, look who's back" Adam said as Hailey got to the top of the steps and he went to hug her "Hey guys, miss me?" Hailey says as she hugs all the guys and Kim "It's been tough, don't ever leave me with all these guys again" Kim says half seriously "Don't worry" Hailey says laughing. "Upton" Hailey hears and turns around to face her sergeant "Hey sarge" Hailey says sounding a little nervous "How are you feeling? Gave us all quite a scare" Voight says coming to give her a hug "I'm all good Sarge, and uh I'm sorry about umm- you know" Hailey says timidly "Hey don't worry about it, consider it forgotten" Voight says as he hugs her "Thanks sarge" Hailey says as she hugs back "Alright everyone back to work, we have leads to follow" Voight says as he heads back to his office. Kim gets Hailey caught up on their case and then Voight sends Hailey and Jay out to follow up with a victim 

"You're sure good Hails, ready to be back?" Jay asks 

"I'm sure Jay, thanks for staying with me" Hailey says squeezing his hand 

"Anytime, now let's get going" Jay says as they leave to go to talk to this victim. 

The rest of the day goes smoothly and everyone is glad to have Hailey back. It takes a while for everyone to stop being overly worried about her but they eventually come to a halt and Hailey makes sure that everyone knows where her epi pens are at in the bullpen in case this happens again, which she hope it never will, but it if it does she knows she has her intelligence family to have her back.

A/N: Hey y'all! Long time no see😭 Honestly I haven't been motivated to write the last couple of months. I've had a couple of splurges where I've written some things and I even published a new book but then I just fell in a slump and didn't want to write for a while. But, I finally got this one shot out that I've been talking about since I October and that y'all voted should be first. Tell me what you think! Anyways... ONE CHICAGO IS BACK after 8 very longgg months. What did y'all think about the episodes... specially the PD episode. Hopefully this one shot brings you back some happy (well I don't know about happy) Upstead after seeing the bomb they dropped that episode🫢🫢🥺 (especially the one about a certain detective's name🫣) Also wanted to get ur opinions on something, do y'all think I should add Fire and Med to my one shot book? I mean I don't know how much I'll write about Med because I don't really watch it anymore but I could for sure add Fire. So if y'all have any one shot requests for Med or Fire you can comment them and I'll let you know if I decided to write One Chicago one shots😊 I hope y'all are well and having a great start to the new year! I love you all and remember my inbox is open if y'all need anything! Always open for new friends, love you besties❤️❤️❤️

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