Beneath The Cross

By TheRealBertMccracken

833 40 0

Gerard Way, the son of the richest man in town, faces pressure from his family and community after coming out... More

You Use My Love Against Me
I Can't Keep Pretending Your Love Doesn't Hurt
You Drain My Energy Every Single Day
I Can't Keep Walking On Eggshells To Keep You Happy
I Feel Like I'm Losing Myself Trying To Love You
You Turned Our Love Into A Battlefield
I need To Love Myself Enough To Leave You
You Make Me Feel Guilty For Things I haven't Done
I shouldn't Have To Fear The Person I Love
Letting Go Of You Is My Self Care
You Keep Talking Without Ever Giving
You Make Me Doubt My Own Reality
You Never Appreciate Anything I do For You
You Always Find A Way To Make Me A Villain
I Shouldn't Have Fight For Your Attention
I Need You to Need Me, Even If It Hurts You
I Enjoy The Power I Have Over You
I Don't Want You To Realised Your Worth, Cus Then You'll Leave
I Keep You Guessing So You Won't Leave
I Push Your Buttons Cus I Love Your Reaction
I Love You In The Way That Destroys You
I Break You Down To Keep You Close
Isolation Keeps You Mine
The Ghost Of You
Chaos Within You Becomes My Playground
Cus I Feel Safe In Your Arms
You Can Run Away With Me
Creating Chaos In Your Life Gives Me Peace
My Chemical Romance

It's Not Love If It Hurts

21 1 0
By TheRealBertMccracken

*TW: Smut/ blood/ whipping*

Gerard's decision to distance himself from Frank weighed heavily on his heart. As much as he loved the pastor, he knew he needed to prioritize his own well-being for once.

It wasn't an easy choice, and every day felt like a struggle without Frank by his side. He found solace in small moments of self-care, whether it was going for walks in the park or spending time with his friends.

Yet, despite his efforts to focus on himself, thoughts of Frank lingered in the back of his mind.

The soft glow of the lamp illuminated Gerard's study as he sat alone, surrounded by shelves of books. He flipped through the pages of the book in his hands, but the words seemed to blur together, his attention drifting elsewhere.

Memories of his time with Frank flooded his mind, both the happy moments and the painful ones.

"Ring, Ring!"

Gerard's heart raced as the familiar ringtone echoed through the silence of his study. He glanced at the phone lying on the desk, its screen lighting up with each incoming call.

"My Frankie💞"

Frank's name flashed across the display, accompanied by a string of missed messages. For a moment, Gerard considered answering, the temptation to hear Frank's voice almost overpowering but he knew that doing so would only reopen old wounds, dragging him back into the cycle of heartache.

Instead, he forced himself to look away, his gaze fixed on the pages of the book in front of him. He tried to focus on the words, but his mind kept drifting back to Frank.

With each unanswered call, Gerard's resolve strengthened. He knew that he needed to stay strong, to resist the urge to reach out to Frank despite the ache in his heart.

But as the ringing persisted, a sense of guilt began to gnaw at him. He knew that Frank was hurting, that his silence was only adding to the pain they both felt. Yet, he couldn't bring himself to pick up the phone.

Gerard reclined in his study chair and he let out a heavy sigh, his gaze fixed on the ring adorning his finger.

It was a simple band, yet it held memories. With trembling fingers, he traced the smooth surface of the ring, his mind flooded with images of moments shared with Frank.

Lost in his thoughts, Gerard absentmindedly twisted the ring around his finger, the metal cool against his skin.

He couldn't help but wonder how things had come to this, how the love that had once bound them together had turned so bitter.

As he played with the ring, turning it over and over in his hand, Gerard couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that settled in the pit of his stomach. Despite his best efforts to move on, to distance himself from Frank, he couldn't escape the pull of their shared past.

Closing his eyes, Gerard leaned back against the chair, his breaths coming slow and steady.

He knew that letting go of Frank would be the hardest thing he'd ever done, but deep down, he also knew that it was the only way forward - the only way to reclaim the sense of peace and happiness that had eluded him for so long.

With a resigned sigh, Gerard opened his eyes, his gaze falling once more on the ring in his hand. It was a symbol of a love that had once burned bright, but now it served as a reminder of the pain and heartache that had come to define their relationship.

Gerard's heart skipped a beat as his phone emitted a soft ding, signaling a new message from Frank. He unlocked his phone and read the words that appeared on the screen:

"My love, you can't escape from what we have. Remember the secrets we share. I can reveal them all, but I don't want to hurt you. So just reply. Don't force my hands, darling. You know what I'm capable of."

The threat was veiled in sweet words, but Gerard could feel the weight of it bearing down on him. His hands trembled as he reread the message.

Gerard's phone rang again, this time with Frank's persistent call and with a deep breath, Gerard answered.

"Hello?" Gerard said.

"Gerard, my love, it's been too long," Frank's smooth voice came through the line, sounding surprisingly calm.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that," Gerard replied, his words rushed. "I've been... busy."

There was a moment of silence on the other end before Frank spoke again. "I understand, darling. But you know I worry when I don't hear from you."

Gerard felt a pang of guilt at Frank's concern. "I know, I'm sorry. I'll try to be better about staying in touch."

"That's all I ask," Frank said. "I miss you, Gerard. More than you know."

"I miss you too," Gerard admitted and there was a soft sigh from Frank's end.

"Let's not dwell on the past, my love. What matters is that we're talking now. How about we meet tomorrow?"

Gerard hesitated, but ultimately, he knew he couldn't keep avoiding Frank forever.

"Okay," he finally agreed, his voice barely above a whisper. "Perfect," Frank said.

"I can't wait to see you," Gerard replied and he ended the call.


Gerard stood in front of the mirror, adjusting his tie and Hayley sat on the edge of the bed, watching him quietly.

"Going somewhere special?" she asked and Gerard nodded. "Yeah, meeting up with Bert," Gerard replied, trying to sound nonchalant and Hayley raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "Bert, huh? Haven't seen much of him lately."

Gerard avoided her gaze, focusing on the tie in his hands. "Yeah, well, been busy with work and stuff." Hayley nodded, but there was a hint of skepticism in her eyes.

"Sure, busy," she said. "Well, have fun. Don't stay out too late."

Gerard forced a smile. "Thanks, I won't." With a final adjustment to his tie, Gerard turned away from the mirror and he noticed Hayley fidgeting nervously with her hands. "What's wrong?"

"I'm pregnant,"

Gerard's jaw dropped, his mind racing as he processed the news. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out.

He wasn't sure how to react-neither hate nor happiness filled his heart.

"Proof," he finally managed to say, his voice barely above a whisper. "I need proof."

Hayley nodded, her eyes welling up with tears. "I understand," she replied, her voice shaky. "I missed my period, and I've already used a pregnancy kit. It's positive, Gerard."

His heart sank as her words confirmed the reality of the situation. "But how...?" Gerard trailed off, unable to form a coherent question and Hayley's shoulders slumped as she struggled to find the right words.

"I don't know, Gerard," she admitted. "It just happened."

Silence hung heavily in the room as Gerard tried to wrap his head around the unexpected turn of events. He had never imagined himself in this situation, let alone with someone he didn't love.

"What are we going to do?" he asked and Hayley's gaze fell to the floor. "I don't know," she admitted softly. "But we need to figure it out together."

Gerard nodded slowly, his mind racing with a million different thoughts and fears. "Yeah," he agreed quietly. "Together."

They sat in silence and Gerard couldn't shake the feeling of dread that washed over him. It wasn't Hayley he was worried about-it was Frank.

How would his lover react when he found out that Gerard had made another woman pregnant?

The thought gnawed at Gerard's insides, filling him with guilt and shame. He knew he had to tell Frank the truth, but the mere idea of confessing made his stomach churn. He had to face the truth, no matter how painful it might be. Frank deserved to know, even if it meant risking everything they had together.

"Gerard?" Hayley's voice broke through his thoughts, pulling him back to the present and he looked up, meeting her gaze.

"Let's not tell our parents until we're ready," he suggested and Hayley nodded solemnly. "Okay," she replied softly and Gerard sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration.

"I don't know if I'll ever be ready," he confessed. "I should go," he said quietly, avoiding Hayley's gaze and she nodded.

"Take care of yourself, Gerard," she murmured and Gerard bid Hayley goodbye and made his way out of the house.

Each step felt heavier than the last as he walked to his car. As he slid into the driver's seat, Gerard's hands trembled as he fumbled with the keys. He took a deep breath, trying to calm the rising tide of panic.

Turning the key in the ignition, the engine roared to life, but Gerard couldn't shake the feeling of dread.

He was beyond terrified-terrified of how Frank would react, terrified of what this revelation would mean for their relationship.

After driving for almost 15 minutes, Gerard's heart pounded in his chest as he arrived at their secret house. He hesitated for a moment before reaching for the doorknob, his hand trembling.

As he pushed the door open, a chill ran down his spine at the sight that greeted him. The room was bathed in flickering candlelight, casting eerie shadows against the walls.

In the center of the room stood Frank.

But it wasn't the sight of Frank that sent shivers down Gerard's spine-it was the eerie smile that played on his lips.

"Frank..." Gerard's voice trailed off, his words caught in his throat as he took a cautious step forward and Frank's smile widened as he took a step closer.

"Gerard, my love," he said. "You're late."

Gerard's stomach churned at the saccharine tone in Frank's voice. "Yeah, I, uh... had some things I needed to take care of," he managed to say, his voice barely above a whisper and Frank's smile never wavered as he stepped closer, his gaze locked on Gerard with an intensity that made him squirm uncomfortably.

"Oh, I know, Gerard," he said softly, his words sending a chill down Gerard's spine. "I know everything."

Gerard's eyes widened in horror as he took in the sight of the restraints hanging from the ceiling. His heart hammered in his chest as he turned to face Frank, his voice trembling. "What... what is all this?" he stammered, his words barely audible above the crackling of the candles.

"You need to face the consequences, Gerard," Frank said softly. "You can't just avoid me whenever you feel like it. That's not how relationships work."

Gerard's mind raced as he tried to comprehend what was happening. "Frank, please," Gerard pleaded, his voice cracking. "I... I made a mistake. I'm sorry."

Frank's smile only grew wider as he reached out to caress Gerard's cheek. "It's too late for apologies, my love," he whispered. "You're mine now, and you'll face the consequences of your actions."

Gerard had experienced Frank's dark side before, had willingly submitted to his punishments in the past. But there were times when Frank crossed a line, introducing new punishments that Gerard didn't actually enjoy.

"Frank, please," Gerard begged as he tried to reason with his lover. "I'll do anything, just... not this."

Frank's smile only widened as he purred. "Oh, Gerard," he murmured. "This is how we connect, Gerard," he continued. "Our love is unbreakable."

Gerard's heart sank at Frank's words and Frank circled him like a predator stalking its prey.

Gerard knew deep down that something was wrong, that this wasn't how love was supposed to be. But Frank's words wormed their way into Gerard's mind, planting seeds of doubt and self-blame.

Maybe it was his fault, maybe he deserved this punishment for his past mistakes.

Tears stung Gerard's eyes as he struggled to make sense of it all.

Suddenly, Gerard felt Frank's arms enveloped him from behind and he leaned into the hug.

"I'm sorry, Frank," he whispered. "I... I should have been more careful."

Frank's lips brushed against Gerard's ear in a mock display of affection. "It's okay, my love," he murmured. "We all make mistakes."

In his eyes, Frank was innocent, a victim of Gerard's own shortcomings. Tears welled in Gerard's eyes as he buried his face in Frank's chest, seeking comfort in the arms of the man he loved.

With a heavy heart, Gerard turned to face Frank, his hands trembling as he reached up to cup Frank's face.

"Frank," he began. "You... you need to punish me. Punish me in the worst way possible, because..."

Frank's eyes narrowed in confusion as he studied Gerard's tear-streaked face. "Because why, Gerard?" he asked and Gerard took a deep breath, steeling himself for the words he was about to speak.

"Because Hayley... Hayley is pregnant," he confessed, the words tumbling out in a rush.

A look of shock crossed Frank's face before it quickly morphed into something darker, something more sinister.

"Pregnant?" he repeated. "With your baby?"

Gerard nodded. "Yes," he whispered, unable to meet Frank's gaze. "I'm sorry, Frank. I'm so sorry."

But instead of anger or outrage, Frank's expression softened. "Oh, Gerard," he murmured, pulling Gerard into a tight hug. "What have you done?"

Gerard could sense the undercurrent of anger beneath Frank's seemingly sweet words. Despite Frank's gentle tone, his trembling hands and rough caresses betrayed his true emotions.

It was evident to Gerard that Frank was seething with anger.

"Frank, I'm sorry," Gerard pleaded as he clung to Frank, seeking reassurance. "I never meant for any of this to happen."

Frank's grip on Gerard tightened, his touch grew more forceful. "You've betrayed me, Gerard," Frank growled. "You've betrayed our love."

Gerard winced at the intensity of Frank's anger. "I didn't intend to hurt you," he whispered, tears welling in his eyes. "Please, Frank, forgive me."

Yet, instead of offering forgiveness, Frank responded with a bitter laugh, his grip on Gerard's hair becoming almost painful. "Forgive you?" he scoffed. "You don't deserve forgiveness, Gerard. You deserve punishments."

Without another word, Frank led Gerard towards the restraints hanging from the ceiling and Gerard's heart pounded in his chest as he reluctantly followed.

As they reached the restraints, Frank wasted no time in securing Gerard's hands together, tying them firmly to the ceiling. Gerard winced as the bindings dug into his skin, the rough fabric chafing against his wrists.

"Frank, please," Gerard begged, his voice trembling as he struggled against the restraints. "Don't do this."

Frank's only response was a cold, calculating glare as he stepped back to admire his handiwork. "You need to learn your lesson, Gerard," he said. "And this is the only way."

Gerard's heart raced as Frank left the room, his mind swirling with dread at what was to come. He strained against the restraints, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he waited for Frank's return.

Moments later, Frank reappeared, a wicked-looking whip in his hand and Gerard's eyes widened in terror as he watched Frank approach, the cold metal of the whip glinting.

"Please, Frank," Gerard pleaded as he struggled against his bindings. "Don't do this. I'll do anything, just please..."

Frank's expression remained impassive, his eyes fixed on Gerard. "You brought this upon yourself, Gerard," he said quietly.

Gerard winced as the whip cracked through the air, but to his surprise, it never landed. Instead, Frank's hand came to rest gently on his cheek, the touch surprisingly tender.

"Look at me, Gerard," Frank whispered. "Despite everything, I'm still so in love with you."

Gerard's eyes met Frank's, searching for any hint of the anger that had been present moments before but all he found was love.

"I love you, Gerard Iero," Frank murmured. "As much as you love me."

Tears welled in Gerard's eyes as he stared into Frank's eyes. "I love you too, Frank Way," Gerard whispered. "More than anything in this world."

"Do you trust me, Gerard?" Frank asked softly and Gerard hesitated for a moment before nodding slowly. "Yes, Frank," he replied. "I trust you."

A small smile tugged at the corners of Frank's lips as he brushed a strand of hair away from Gerard's face. "Good," he said. "Because what I'm doing is for our own good. You have to trust that I know what's best for us."

Gerard nodded again, his confidence in Frank unwavering. "I do trust you, Frank," he insisted. "I know you would never hurt me without a reason. It's... it's my fault this happened in the first place."

Frank's smile softened, a sense of relief washing over him as he pulled Gerard close. "It is, Gerard," he murmured, his voice gentle against Gerard's ear.

As Frank moved behind Gerard, a shiver ran down Gerard's spine, anticipation mingling with dread. He braced himself as the first lash of the whip cut through the air, the sharp crack echoing in the room.

Pain exploded across Gerard's skin, but he bit down on his lip, determined not to show weakness.

But by the third whip, the pain became unbearable, and Gerard couldn't suppress the cry that tore from his lips. Tears welled in his eyes as he fought against the agony coursing through his body, but Frank remained unmoved.

"Frank, please," Gerard begged between gasps of pain. "Stop..."

Frank's only response was to deliver another punishing blow, the whip cutting through the air with brutal precision. Gerard cried out in agony, his body wracked with pain as he hung limply from the restraints.

Through tear-filled eyes, Gerard pleaded with Frank to stop, but his cries fell on deaf ears. It was as if Frank was in a trance, lost to the dark pleasure of inflicting pain upon the man he claimed to love.

Gerard's body throbbed with pain as he hung limply from the restraints, his breaths coming in ragged gasps.

Just when Gerard thought it couldn't get any worse, Frank's hand tightened around the whip once more.

With a sense of dread knotting in his stomach, Gerard braced himself for another blow, but nothing could prepare him for what came next.

Without warning, Frank lashed out with the whip once again, the crack of leather against skin echoing through the room and Gerard cried out in shock and disbelief, his body convulsing with pain.

"Frank, please!" Gerard pleaded. "Stop this!"

But Frank remained silent as he continued to rain down blows upon Gerard's already battered body. With each lash of the whip, Gerard's resolve began to crumble.

Suddenly, Frank dropped the whip to the ground and a heavy silence descended upon the room, broken only by the sound of Gerard's ragged breaths.

Frank stepped forward, closing the distance between them until he stood face to face with Gerard and despite the pain and fear, Gerard couldn't help but feel his heart flutter at the sight of Frank's familiar face.

Their eyes locked and Gerard searched Frank's expression for any sign of remorse or regret, but found none. Instead, there was only the same cold indifference that had marked Frank's actions moments before.

But despite it all, despite the pain and the fear, Gerard couldn't deny the love that still burned bright within him. No words were exchanged between them, but in that moment, Gerard knew that their love was still alive, still worth fighting for

Frank reached out to cup Gerard's face in his hands and Gerard couldn't help but lean into the touch.

Gerard's breath caught in his throat as Frank sank to his knees before him, his hands moving to pull down Gerard's pants and boxers.

Despite the pain still coursing through his body, a shiver of anticipation ran down Gerard's spine at the intimate gesture.

"Frank, what are you doing?" Gerard asked as he looked down at Frank and Frank's eyes met Gerard's.

"I'm showing you just how much I love you, Gerard," he murmured as he leaned forward to press a tender kiss against Gerard's thigh.

Gerard's breath hitched at the sensation, his body trembling. As Frank's lips trailed a path of gentle kisses along Gerard's skin, Gerard closed his eyes.

In that moment, all he could feel was the heat of Frank's touch and Frank continued to worship Gerard with his lips and hands.

Gerard's breath hitched as Frank's lips closed around him, sending waves of pleasure. He moaned softly as Frank began to suck him with a fervent hunger that left Gerard gasping for air.

"Frank," Gerard whispered as he arched his back, seeking more of the exquisite pleasure that only Frank could provide.

Frank's movements grew more urgent, his tongue swirling around Gerard's length with expert precision and each flick of his tongue sent Gerard spiraling closer to the edge. As Frank continued to suck Gerard's cock, Gerard's senses were overwhelmed by the intense pleasure.

Lost in the euphoria of the moment, he barely noticed when Frank's movements shifted slightly.

Gerard felt a cold sensation against his skin, a sharp contrast to the warmth of Frank's mouth. His eyes snapped open in surprise as he saw Frank pull out a pocket knife from his back pocket, the glint of metal catching the dim light of the room.

"Frank, what are you doing?" Gerard asked as he watched Frank's lips curved into a twisted smile. He glanced up at Gerard and the blade of the knife catching the light as he ran it teasingly along Gerard's thigh.

"Just adding a little extra spice to our playtime, Gerard," he murmured and Gerard's heart raced with a mixture of fear and arousal as he watched Frank with wide eyes.

Despite the danger lurking just beneath the surface, a part of him couldn't deny the thrill of excitement.

Gerard's breath caught in his throat as Frank's lips trailed a path of kisses along his stomach. He could feel Frank's hot breath against his skin, mingling with the cold touch of the knife that still hovered dangerously close.

Unable to move his hands, Gerard could only watch helplessly as Frank continued to tease and torment him.

"Frank," Gerard gasped as he strained against the restraints, desperate for more of Frank's touch. "Please..."

Frank only chuckled darkly as he leaned in closer. "You're mine, Gerard," he whispered. "And I'll do whatever it takes to remind you of that."

Gerard closed his eyes as Frank's hand closed around his cock, the sharp edge of the knife glinting. He tensed, his muscles coiling as Frank began to make small cuts along his length.

Pain lanced through Gerard's body with each incision and he gritted his teeth against the searing pain. "Frank, please," Gerard pleaded as he fought against the overwhelming tide of pain. "Stop... it hurts..."

Frank's only response was a low chuckle as he continued to inflict his cruel ministrations upon Gerard's trembling form.

Tears streamed down Gerard's cheeks as he endured the agonizing onslaught.

As Frank continued to make small cuts along Gerard's cock, blood welled from the wounds, dripping down Gerard's skin in crimson rivulets. But to Gerard's horror, Frank didn't recoil from the sight of blood.

Instead, he leaned in closer, his lips trailing a path along Gerard's skin as he kissed the blood dripping from the cuts. Gerard could feel Frank's tongue lapping at the blood.

"Frank, stop," Gerard pleaded as he tried to pull away from Frank's touch. "This isn't right."

Frank only chuckled darkly, his lips stained crimson as he continued to feast upon Gerard's blood with a disturbing fervor.

"You taste exquisite, Gerard," Frank murmured. "So pure, so intoxicating."

Gerard widened his eyes at the sight of his own blood being savored by the man he loved. "Frank, please," he pleaded. "Stop this madness."

But Frank only laughed, his laughter echoing off the walls as he continued to lick the blood from Gerard's skin. "Madness?" he repeated. "No, my dear Gerard. This is love in its purest form."

Frank stood up and he leaned in to kiss Gerard. Despite everything, Gerard couldn't deny the familiar pull of Frank's lips, the addictive sweetness that always left him craving more.

Their lips met in a searing kiss, the taste of blood mingling between them as Frank's tongue traced a path along Gerard's lips.

The blood smeared around their lips and Gerard couldn't help but shudder at the sensation.

After awhile, Frank pulled away from the kiss, his eyes locking onto Gerard's. "Nobody will ever understand our love, Gerard," he whispered. "But together, we're powerful. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise."

Gerard's heart pounded in his chest as he searched Frank's eyes for any hint of doubt or hesitation. But all he found was confidence that sent a jolt of fear coursing through him.

"But Frank, what we're doing..." Gerard trailed off as he struggled to find the words to express his doubts.

Frank silenced him with a finger pressed gently against his lips. "Forget what society tells you, Gerard," he insisted. "Our love transcends morality, transcends the rules of this world. We were meant to be together, no matter what anyone else says."

Gerard's mind spun with confusion as he tried to make sense of Frank's words. Part of him longed to believe that their love was as powerful as Frank claimed, that together they could overcome any obstacle. But another part of him couldn't shake the feeling that they were spiraling deeper into darkness with each passing moment.

As Frank leaned in to kiss him once more, Gerard felt a sense of dread settle over him. "I know the world can be harsh, Gerard," Frank murmured. "But together, we can create our own happiness. Your happiness is my happiness, and I'll do anything to protect it."

Gerard couldn't help but believe that maybe, just maybe, they could defy the odds and find their own version of happily ever after.

Frank dropped the knife to the ground with a resounding thud, the metallic clang echoing through the room.

As he leaned in close, his lips hovering just inches from Gerard's, he spoke in a hushed tone, his breath warm against Gerard's skin. "Remember, Gerard," Frank murmured. "Your happiness lies in our bond. Together, we are unstoppable."

With each word Frank spoke, Gerard found himself drawn deeper, unable to resist the pull of Frank's dominance.

And then, without fully comprehending the implications of his words, Gerard found himself uttering words he never thought he would speak.

"I want to be yours, sir,"

"Your slave, your everything."

In that moment, Gerard didn't knew that he had lost himself to Frank's game, his fate forever entwined with the man who held his heart in his hands.

Frank's eyes gleamed with triumph as he pulled Gerard into a tight hug, his lips pressing against Gerard's in a possessive kiss. "You belong to me, Gerard," he murmured. "And I'll cherish you always, my beautiful slave."

Lost in the depths of his love for Frank, Gerard remained oblivious to the extent of Frank's manipulation.

Again and again, he fell into Frank's trap, unable to see the darkness.

To Gerard, Frank was an angel. He couldn't fathom the possibility that the man he loved could be capable of such cruelty, blinded by his love.

But with each passing day, the truth became harder to ignore. Frank's control over Gerard tightened like a vice, suffocating him. And yet, despite the warning signs, Gerard remained steadfast in his devotion, unable to break free.

In the eyes of the world, Gerard was a fool, a naive boy blindly following the whims of a monster. But to Gerard, Frank was everything, the embodiment of all his hopes and dreams.

"What would you, my slave, do for me?" Frank's voice was laced with a hint of amusement as he gazed into Gerard's eyes and Gerard's heart fluttered nervously in his chest as he searched for the right words to please his master.

"I would submit to you completely," he replied. "I would obey your every command without question, and I would love you with all my heart."

A faint smile played across Frank's lips as he listened to Gerard's declaration. "And what is your purpose, my slave?" he asked and Gerard's breath caught in his throat as he spoke. "My purpose is to fulfill your wishes, to serve you in any way you desire," he replied and Frank's smile widened, a sense of satisfaction shining in his eyes as he reached out to cup Gerard's face in his hands.

"Good boy," he murmured. "You belong to me, Gerard, body and soul. Never forget that."

"Ring, Ring!"

Gerard's phone rang, breaking the tense atmosphere between them and Frank rolled his eyes in annoyance. With a sigh, he released Gerard from the restraints.

"Go and answer your damn phone," Frank muttered as he gestured towards the couch. "I'll prepare lunch while you're busy with whatever nonsense awaits you."

Gerard nodded obediently as he made his way to the couch. He watched as Frank disappeared into the kitchen, the clatter of pots and pans echoing through the room as he set about his task.

With a weary sigh, Gerard reached for his phone, his fingers trembling slightly as he answered the call.

Gerard's heart skipped a beat as he heard Donna's voice on the other end of the line. "Good afternoon, Mother," he replied. "I'm... I'm okay, just tired."

Donna's tone softened with sympathy. "Oh, sweetheart, I'm sorry to hear that," she said. "Are you planning to have lunch at home today? I can whip something up for you if you'd like."

Gerard hesitated for a moment, torn between the comfort of his mother's offer and the looming presence of Frank in the other room.

"Um... actually, I think I'll be having lunch out today," he replied evasively, not wanting to worry Donna further.

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line before Donna spoke again. "Alright, sweetheart," she said. "Just make sure you take care of yourself, okay? And remember, if you ever need anything, I'm here for you."

Gerard smiled at his mother's words. "Thanks, Mother," he said softly. "I'll... I'll keep that in mind."

As Gerard spoke with his mother, the thought of confessing Frank's true nature to Donna ran through his mind. He longed to unburden himself, to seek solace in the comfort of her understanding. But the fear of Frank's wrath held him back.

Gerard hung up the phone and with trembling hands, he opened his messaging app and began to compose a long text to Donna, pouring out his fears and doubts in a desperate bid for salvation.

But as his fingers hovered over the send button, a chill ran down Gerard's spine and he glanced over his shoulder, his breath catching in his throat as he saw Frank standing behind him.

"Gerard, what are you doing?" Frank's voice was cold as he loomed over Gerard like a predator stalking its prey.

Gerard's heart raced with fear as he quickly closed the messaging app, his hands trembling. "N-nothing, Frank," he stammered. "I-I was just... uh... checking my messages."

Frank's eyes narrowed as he studied Gerard with a penetrating gaze. "Don't lie to me, Gerard," he growled. "I know when you're hiding something from me."

Gerard's breath caught in his throat as he struggled to find the right words to appease Frank's growing anger. As Frank reached out to grab him by the arm, Gerard could only brace himself for the storm that was about to come.

Frank's grip tightened on Gerard's arm, his fingers digging into his flesh with a painful intensity. "I know you're tempted to spill our secrets, Gerard," he hissed. "But remember, if your parents were to find out about Arthur, their world would crumble. And let's not forget, I wear the cloak of a pastor. People would believe me over you."

Gerard's heart sank at Frank's words. He knew that Frank was right, that the consequences of revealing the truth would be catastrophic for them both.

With a heavy sigh, Gerard nodded in reluctant agreement, his gaze fixed on the floor. "I understand, Frank," he murmured. "I won't say anything. I promise."

Frank's grip loosened slightly, a sense of satisfaction shining in his eyes as he released Gerard's arm. "Good," he said. "Because if you ever betray me, Gerard, you'll regret it for the rest of your life."

"Why expose yourself to unnecessary pain, Gerard?" Frank continued. "Think about your parents, the congregation. Their worlds would crumble, and you would be to blame."

Gerard knew that Frank was right, that the consequences of revealing their secrets would be devastating for everyone involved.

"You're right, Frank," he murmured. "I can't... I won't risk hurting them."

Frank's lips curled into a cruel smile as he watched Gerard's inner struggle play out before him. "Good boy," he sneered. "Remember, Gerard, your silence is your salvation. Don't forget it."

"You are my protector, and in return, I will protect our love from anything that could expose us."

Gerard knew that Frank's protection came at a price but even as he struggled with his doubts, a part of Gerard couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards Frank.

With a sigh, Gerard nodded in reluctant agreement. "I understand, Frank," he murmured. "I'll do whatever it takes to protect us."

Frank's lips curled into a satisfied smile as he reached out to cup Gerard's face in his hands. "That's my boy," he whispered and Gerard forced a smile in return.


In the following days, Gerard found himself in a park, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of his family's exclusive party in honor of their visiting grandparents. The air was filled with laughter and chatter as relatives mingled, sharing stories and memories amid the backdrop of lush greenery and colorful blooms.

Gerard forced a smile as he greeted his relatives. He exchanged pleasantries with distant cousins and elderly aunts, all the while keeping a careful eye on his parents, who moved effortlessly through the crowd.

Gerard found solace in the company of his grandparents. He sat beside them, basking in the glow of their affection, as they regaled him with tales of their youth and shared wisdom accumulated over a lifetime.

His grandmother's laughter rang out like music as she recounted stories from their family's past. Gerard listened intently to their stories, his heart swelling with pride at the knowledge that he was their favorite grandchild, cherished and adored.

While engaged in the festivities, Gerard was interrupted by the familiar "Ding" of a text notification. Curious, he retrieved his phone to find a message from Frank.

"Gerard, you're a reflection of us. obey to these rules, and make sure you don't bring any shame upon me,"

The rules now included:

1. Limit interactions with distant relatives.

2. Avoid discussing personal matters or relationships.

3. Keep your focus on family members we approve of.

4. Maintain a composed and respectful demeanor at all times.

5. Do not consume alcohol beyond a certain limit.

6. Avoid engaging in lengthy conversations with young people.

7. No hugging or touching anyone, even family members.

8. Do not smile showing your teeth; maintain a neutral expression.

9. Don't hide or isolate yourself; always be visible.

10. Don't put too much effort into looking nice; make yourself appear messy so people won't be attracted to you.

Gerard sighed heavily, he knew that Frank's rules were born out of fear and insecurity. But even as he grappled with his own frustrations, a part of Gerard couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for Frank, he knew that Frank's insecurities ran deep, rooted in a lifetime of rejection and betrayal that had left him scarred and broken.

And so, with a heavy heart, Gerard resigned himself to yet another battle in their ongoing struggle for control. He knew that he would never be able to fully satisfy Frank's insatiable need for reassurance, that no amount of compliance could ever fill the void of his insecurity.

Gerard couldn't help but wonder if there would ever come a day when Frank would learn to trust him, to see him as more than just a pawn in his game of love and domination.

Little did Gerard or anyone else know, Frank was there, disguised in a hat, mask, and suit identical to the other waiters. With practiced ease, he moved through the crowd, his eyes scanning the room for any sign of disobedience.

As Gerard mingled with the guests, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched, that every move he made was being scrutinized by unseen eyes.

Unbeknownst to Gerard, Frank kept a watchful eye on him from afar.

The thought of Gerard slipping from his grasp filled Frank with rage, a possessiveness that bordered on obsession.


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