As The Rain Stops (Slow updat...

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"Two exes, a child, and their not-so-typical family love story." | Tales Of Teyvat #1 || Wriothesley x Neuvil... Daha Fazla

Special Chapter
Neuvillette Day!


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"Is it really okay for you two to go without me?" Wriothesley asked.

"Well, it's fine for me. What about you? Shouldn't you ask yourself if you're okay with us going alone without you?" I said as I chuckled.

"I'm just worried for you two. What if someone takes you away from me?" he said, making my forehead crease.

"Seriously? Who would do that?" I asked. I'm not that popular to be known by other people.  

"Oh baby, you surely don't have any idea how many people were too jealous of me because I already owned you. You know you're too pretty to not be noticed by everyone," he said, which made me sigh and smile.

"Is that so? Then you should be thankful that I chose to love you over them," I said while smiling at him.

"Yeah, thanks, my love, and I love you too," he answered as he held my hand and guided me to sit on his lap.

We're currently here in his office at the Fortress of Meropide. I leave my work early, as it was my turn to pick up Sigewinne, and we will also buy a birthday gift for Sedene, her best friend in the orphanage.

While waiting for Sigewinne's dismissal, I decided to visit Wriothesley here in the fortress and also bring him some afternoon snacks. It's a rare occasion that I can be seen here in the Fortress of Meropide, which is why many people wonder and seem a little startled when they see me walk out of the elevator.  

Even Wriothesley gasped when he saw me, and the way he looked at me, it felt like I'm some sort of hallucination to him, but when Clorinde saw and said 'hi' to me, Wriothesley immediately ran and hugged me tight and said he missed me, even though we just saw each other earlier in the morning. And the rest was history, as we came to his office after I got a small talk with Clorinde.

As I was sitting on Wriothesley's lap, I stared at him while I caressed his hair with my hands.  

Everything that happened within the past few months was so fast. After twelve long years of breaking apart, we're now together again.

I admit that I was sad for him before. But as the days and months passed, I couldn't help but long for him. I missed him so much, and that was when I realized that I couldn't live without him.

But things had already happened. I already said those words to him, and I blame myself for that.

If only I had listened to him, would everything be different now?

If only I become selfish and keep him for myself, will we be happy with our choice, knowing that an unborn child will lose a father?

Those are the things that I will surely regret if I don't meet Sigewinne. And just thinking about it, she was the reason why we broke up. And now she has also become the reason why Wriothesley and I came together again.

Is it fate?

Does fate make a way for me to meet Sigewinne and Wriothesley that day?

Navia has always told me, ever since we've been in college, that Wriothesley is my soulmate. She always believes that there is an invisible red string that connects the both of us, and no matter how many struggles and problems come to us and try to break us apart, we will always end up in each other's arms.

At first, I wasn't fond of believing her, but being able to be with my love again after so many long years, I guess Navia was right after all.

Wriothesley really is my soulmate...

"How I wish we could get married."

"You want us to get married?" he asked, making my eyes widen as I quickly covered my mouth. Oh Archon! I was thinking out loud!

"I- ahm no! I- I mean, that was only my thoughts and I just said it out loud without thinking-"

"So you don't want to marry me then?" He cuts me off while he pouts.

"No! I- I mean, of course I want to be married to you, b-but I know it will be illegal because you have a wife. You're a married man-hmff." I got cut off again, but this time it was by kissing me.

It was just a soft romantic kiss at first but when he travels his hands on his waist and back, it makes me gasp, which becomes the way for his tongue to enter and start to fight with mine.

It really feels good to have tongue kisses with Wriothesley, yet when I started to feel his hands sliding on my lower part, I quickly pulled off our kiss to avoid any further sensualities.

Of course he is pissed off because of what I did, but I just smile at him cheekily and playfully caress his face. "I will be heading off to pick up Sigewinne, Daddy," I said with a little warning tone.

Wriothesley rolled his eyes and said, "Cockblocker." He whines, making me chuckle as I hug him.

"Aww, stop whining, Daddy. We'll just do it later, okay?" I teasingly said, then looked at him and gave him a wink.

"Later?" he asked as his mood lit up.

"Yes," I answered.

"On the kitchen's counter table?" he said with a wide, goofy smile.

I immediately looked away as I felt my face heat up. "That's so lewd of you, Wriothesley!" I said, making him laugh.

"But I always wanted to try it either on the counter table, on the cushion, or on the stairs, and even in the car—AAH-OUCH!"

"P-Pervert!" I said after I pinched his cheeks, hardly then I get off of his lap.

I can't help but be flustered more because of what he said. What lewd words he was saying! This man is really weird sometimes.

"Wha- BABY, SIT BACK HERE!" he exclaimed.

I shake my head. "N-No! Y-You're becoming a pervert! I-I'm going to go and fetch our daughter now! S-see you later!" I say, panicking before leaving his office.


"PAPA!" I smiled and waved at Sigewinne as soon as I saw her.    

"How's school?" I asked as I got her bag and put it on my shoulders while I held her hand.   

"School was fun! The teacher asked to tell stories about our parents and Sigewinne got so many stars when Sigewinne told about Papa and Daddy!" She said, then she showed me her arms with star stamps.   

"Wow, you did a great job, baby." I compliment her, making her giggle.

"Thank you, Papa!" She said.

"So, are you ready to buy a gift for Sedene?" I asked.

"YES, Papa! Sigewinne is very excited!" She answered. "But aren't Daddy's going to be with us?" She asked and I blushed upon remembering what happened in Wriothesley's office earlier. But I quickly shake it off my mind and pay attention to Sigewinne.

"Daddy is busy with his work so he can't come with us, but he promised that he would join us at the orphanage later," I said.

"Hmm, okay, Sigewinne understands. At least Sigewinne is with Papa," she said as she smiled at me.

I smile. "Do you have something in mind that you want to gift to Sedene?" I asked her.

"Sigewinne was thinking of giving Sedene a stuffed toy, Papa," she said.

"Stuffed toys will be nice,"  I said as we headed to the city's biggest toy shop.

As we finally got into the toy shop, Sigewinne excitedly ran around while I tried to catch up with her.

"Papa, look! Is this cute?!"  She asked while she handed out a bunny plushie.

"That's indeed a cute one, baby,"  I answered.

Sigewinne giggles, "Sigewinne will look for another one!" She says, then runs off again. I chuckled at her cuteness, then I started to look around the shelves on the aisle where I was.

There are a lot of stuffed toys here, and each one of them is really cute and fluffy. Should I buy Sigewinne these whole shelves of stuffed toys? But my house is not big enough to accommodate all of these toys. Should I contact my architect friend for a new house design?

I was busy thinking when someone patted my shoulder, preventing me from clouding my mind with my thoughts.

"Monsieur Neuvillette?"  A voice called me,
I turned around and saw the familiar face of a woman: "Oh, it really is you, Monsieur Neuvillette!" 

"Ms. Marie, it's been a while," I said, causing her to smile.

"Yes, it's been a while," she said. "So, what are you doing here? Are you planning to buy some stuffed toys for someone?" she added.

"Partly yes, but it was my daughter who planned to buy a gift for her friend," I answered. I notice how her expression changes, but then, after just a few seconds, it goes back to her usual expression.

And because of this, I started to feel a little uncomfortable with her presence.

"Oh so you're already married, huh?" she said.

I just smiled. "Not yet,"  I answered back.

"Aww, I thought you were, but hey, Monsieur, please do invite me when you already plan your wedding," she said. "I would love to witness that special occasion." 

"Of course, Ms. Marie,"  I said.

She just smiled and looked at her wrist watch. "Oh, it's time for me to go. Nice seeing you here, Monsieur," she said.

"Yes, nice seeing you again, Ms. Marie. Please be careful on your way," I said.

"You're the one who should be careful, Monsieur Neuvillette."

My forehead creased a bit when she whispered something before she left. But I sighed in relief when she was finally gone.

Though I wonder what she just said,

"Papa! *sobs*" Sigewinne?

I turn around only to see my daughter crying so I quickly go to her and ask what happened, but she just keeps on crying when I get a hold of her.

What happened to my baby?


Hehehehehe! We are nearing the end!!! There are only a few chapters left before this book ends, and my inspiration is 🤏 <- this low😶

I need to see more Wriollette pictures for inspiration💛

See you in the next chapter!!!💛


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