Katabasis (fate stay night) R...

By FcrimsonKingg

37 0 0

This is basically a Fate stay night fan fiction. This story is about a Paradoxical servant that joins the mod... More

Ideas and preview
Magic Circulation
10th Key activated
Flash Fire

Two for Two

3 0 0
By FcrimsonKingg

Narrator: The next morning Young Caliburn over slept from the stress and the strain from opening his circuits and unleashing a powerful attack the night before.

Y/N started stirring up from his sleep



"oww my back...."

Y/N get's up and checks his phone

"huh It's 1:07 PM......"

as quickly as Y/N got up he went back to sleep

Time skip to the afternoon


"Where is Mister Y/N? He was supposed to be here at 6:00 PM It is now... 8:01"

'He is two hours late where is he? has he not pick up his phone at all?'

Tanaka a little frustrated as a certain mage has failed to show up the Orientation


'How are we supposed to train a mage.. If he's not even here!'

'Mr. Tanaka, something must have happened, go check on him right away!'


Without wasting another second Tanaka raced all the way to Y/N's apartment

"something bad must have happened if he isn't answering our calls.."

Tanaka tries calling him again while driving as fast as he can without causing too much havoc for the regular folk

"Damn it, my calls aren't even getting through, instantly to voice mail.."

now very irritated Tanaka grows more worried by the second as he continues to race

Tanaka arrives at the complex and in a matter of seconds he's already sprinting to Y/N's Room which is on the 5th floor of the complex

"Apartment number 68..."

"There it is!!"

And in a frantic motion Tanaka starts knocking on 's door

'Mister Y/N! open up!'

"hmmm I don't even here footsteps or any noise in general coming from behind the door...."

using his mana Tanaka holds on to the door handle and it begins to glow red, and steam starts to come off of the handle.

and with one swift shove, Tanaka manages to break in

'Y/N!! where are you?!'

Tanaka even more worried starts running around the vacant apartment, with every room not showing a sign of life

until he stumbles upon the bedrooms, there is one room with the door closed and Tanaka bursts inside to find Y/N dead asleep

"Christ almighty! all this stress and racing around just for him to be asleep"

Tanaka notices a scar on his back. it looks like it was healed by magic, and it's recent

Tanaka approaches Y/N and starts moving him back and forth until he finally wakes up


'hmmm.... huh?'

Y/N gets up in a defensive position putting his arms up and backing up, falling off his bed and hurting his back a little

'What the?! Who are you? Another mage killer?!!'

Tanaka puts his arms up as if saying he isn't here to harm Y/N.

Roy relaxes a bit realizing it's just Mr. Tanaka

'What the hell Tanaka! what are you doing in my house?!'

'and why are you all sweaty?'


'You just overslept?'

'And what's with that big scar on your back?'

"And it was definitely healed with magic.. Is there another mage here that I'm un aware of.."

Tanaka gets close to Y/N and checks out the big scar on his back

'And how did you get this?'


*Long story short.. Well please don't be mad..... But last night i left my house like at three in the morning, and i was being stalked the whole time, and well i was jumped.. which is why i have that big ole scar on my back'

Y/N get's up to stretch, and finds the nearest pair of pants to put on

'I'm sorry i didn't listen, i shouldn't have left so late..' 


'It's okay, as long as you're okay.. the association was worried, we texted your phone in the morning, To let you know of the meeting we were having earlier.'

'Aside from that I'll let the association know you're okay.. before i do where's the other mage?'

Y/N looked a little confused


'What other mage?'

Y/N clothed himself and started charging his phone, while Mr. Tanaka seemed a little confused to Y/N's answer


'What do you mean?? there's no other mage? so then how did the wound get healed.. And speaking of how did you survive that encounter?!'


'oh that, well basically.. In that moment he attacked, My circuits activated. And long story short I outwitted him and I ran'

Tanaka seemed a little surprised that an unexperienced mage was able to take down a mage killer


'You really did manage to take him down?'

Tanaka escorts Y/N to his car and takes him to the Association school for his enrollment meeting

Time skip to the next day

Narrator: The meeting went well, the mages were pleased to hear that Y/N was fine, and that he managed to open his circuits at the perfect time to defend himself.

Y/N was just dropped off at his home by Mr. Tanaka, as Tanaka said bye, and Y/N went inside his home


"That wasn't so bad, i guess to pass time before it gets too dark, I can probably go to the mall."

And like that Y/N turns around and starts making his way to the mall


Y/N finds his way to the mall, and starts making his way to all the big brand stores.

He ends up visiting Bucci, Grada, LUI & HUTON, and other stores, wanting to have more clothes for his wardrobe

"Man.. I really like the Heezyz, but this store upped the price by more than double...... I should probably just buy them, online.."

"I'm getting kinda hungry.. but all the restaurants in the food court aren't calling me.."

Y/Nleaves the mall looking for a good place to eat, and stumbles upon a new restaurant

 "hmm this place don't look that bad.. kinda like a deli, I haven't been to a deli in god knows how long"

Y/N enters the deli and is greeted by a very nice lady around his age at the register

Narrator: Ah love at first sight, although you the reader can't see it, I can.. It appears our protagonist is getting butterflies in his stomach, and getting flustered approaching this girl


"Oh.. my.. GOD.. She's Way too cute, I don't think I'll get through ordering,, I'll Prolly die of a heart attack, MY hearts beating too hard.."

Y/Nslowly approaches, and gives all of his attention to the menu avoiding eye contact with the girl

'uhh yeah hold on lemme look at the menu'

Y/Nwas a red mess while looking at the menu


'Don't worry take your time'

The girl said with a big smile, that Y/N continued to avoid

Narrator: of all the places for a kid raised in royalty to go and eat, this is one place i did not think to see a Caliburn

Y/N still flustered already planning their whole future together in his head


'umm Can i get the house Club?'

The nice young lady started typing into the pad and the total came out to 6.87


'will that complete your order?'

The girl said with a very wholesome smile, sending more butterflies down Y/N's stomach

Narrator: Y/N up until this point never really pursued a romantic relationship, But something about this girl is really doing something to Y/N


"God i think, I'm gonna die.."

"i needa get her number, before my brain and heart explode!"

'Uhh yes mam, that will complete my order..'

Y/N couldn't help but smile himself too

Narrator: Believe it or not. Y/N Caliburn the sole Heir to the Caliburn family of mages, The house of Caliburn.. has never really smiled at a lot of things, or found enjoyment out of a lot of things he's experienced in life. But for once He feels enthralled to smile at this girl.

And like that Y/N froze up, and was unable to say another word after he paid.. He took his receipt and sat down at a near by table to wait for his food

Not long after Y/N's food was ready, and he collected It and left.

"Damn It!! I should have just gone up to her!.. But NO!! why do I have to be such a pussy."

out of nowhere, Y/N gets a random boost of confidence, and turns back around and makes his way right back to her.

The girl see's this and immediately a smile creeps up on her face along side a blush

'hey.... I. uhhh '

Y/N kept on freezing, and both now just stared at each other in an awkward silence


'Sooo I thought you were kinda cute, And wondered if i can get your number?'

The silence.... the silence became louder after Y/N asked the question.. what was 30 seconds maximum, felt like an eternity to Y/N

'Hold on sorry that was rude, I don't even know your name.. What's your name?'


'My name is Rin.. And i will not lie to you but, at first glance i honestly thought you were kind of weird...'

Hearings those words made Y/N's heart sink to his stomach. He was completely shocked, and lost for words. He had never felt this level of rejection... ever

'I mean only because i noticed you weren't really showing any emotion. It makes you look creepy, But now that you showed a little emotion I will gladly give you my number!'

Y/N seemed to cheer up a little after hearing the last part


"Task failed successfully?"

And like that Y/N's mood was fixed, no longer fixated on the fact that this girl thought he was creepy before meeting him. But now he seems happy that she agreed to give him his number

'Wait for real?'

Y/N hands her over his phone, and she begins typing her number on his phone


'And there ya go, I already texted myself, so when i get out of work I can add your contact'

Rin hands Y/N back his phone with another sweet smile

'I can't text you right now because my job has a strict phone policy, But i will text you when i get out'


'Don't worry you don't have to text me as soon as you get out, you can when you have time'


'okay! well It was nice talking to you but i really need to get back to work.. You caught me at the perfect time because tomorrow I'm going on vacation to the states!'

Y/N looked a little surprised but mostly relieved he managed to get her number before she left


'Really? are you from there?'

She nodded yes before picking up a broom to go clean an area from the restaurant


'Yeahhh I'm originally from the US, But my mom moved us over here because of her new job'

'what about you? You don't look Japanese.. Where are you from?'

Y/N follows Rin to where she is cleaning


'I'm also from the states'

Rin continues to clean while talking to Y/N


'Oh that's cool, where from? and what are you doing here in Japan?'


"I can't exactly tell her that I'm with the association.. what can i make up on the spot.."

'I'm from Texas, and I'm here for school..'


'Oh that's cool. I'm from California.. Or I was, But yeah what school do you go to?'

Y/N now sat down while just watching Rin work


"welp, I can't let her know of that either... they clarified that i will no longer be attending a regular school, on the account that I was attacked"

'It's a private school, and It's online'

Y/N awkwardly smiles at Rin


'Uhh I asked for the name of the school...'

"That was odd. oh well I'll let it slide"

'Well Y/N It was nice talking to you, But i really need to head back to work'

Rin picks up her broom stick and dust pan, and starts making her way back to behind the counter


'oh yeah don't worry about it.. Ill talk to you later!'

Rin waves goodbye with another cute smile melting Y/N's heart

And finally after all that Y/N leaves, Realizing that his food got cold, He made his way to a BcDonalds

Time skip to Y/N getting back home and eating It is currently 8:59 PM

Y/N is made his way to a nearby park to practice his mage craft a little more

"I wonder if i can create weapons with my mana"

as Y/N attempts to make a sword with his mana he receives a text message from Rin

"No way she texted me this early.. her store barely closed"




Hey me!

sent 5:24--Read 9:04

Heyyy I just got out of work :)

Sent 9:05


"I don't want to believe that she's already texting me that quickly but I mean.. There she is texting me"

Y/N responds and begins texting with his new friend that happens to be a female

This goes on for a while and before Y/N notices It's already 1 in the morning

And yet again someone is stalking him from afar

"Awww she's too cute! welp damn It's already 1.. well goodnight and have a fun trip tomorrow"



well goodnight and have a fun trip tomorrow :)

sent 1:02

Aww I don't wanna stop talking :( 

But i do have to finish packing soooo, what time do you normally wake up?

sent 1:02

Hmm I normally wake up like at 7 for my classes

but it's okay go finish packing :) I have to go asleep already, Soooo Goodnighttt

sent 1:04

Okok! I'll text you tomorrow, I'll let you know how the plane ride is, and Goodnighttt :)

sent 1:05


"too cute.. Anywho i really gotta start heading home"

as Y/N attempts to leave the same man from the other night approaches him


'hey kid! Remember me?'

The man continues to approach Roy and stops a good distance away from him

'You didn't think i would forget about what you did to me last time'

'I'll admit you caught me off guard, and i shouldn't have underestimated you, You Caliburns must have a crap load of mana even without experience'


'You for real?


'Yeah! I'm for real real'


"oh no.. not again, I got lucky last time but this time he's not gonna underestimate me.. I gotta play it hella safe, I can't afford a single mistake this time around"

Y/N gets in a little battle stance. Y/N's hands begin to glow with mana and the mage killer also gets in one of his own

Narrator: And we are back for round 2

'Anyway what's your name? at least give me that if your gonna actually kill me this time'


'you can call me Rend'

'Not my actual name but i give you the honor of calling me by my nickname'


'right.... Rend it is'

A few more seconds of a show down before Rend the mage killer dashes towards Y/N

but this time around Y/N had a little more experience than last time, immediately blocking rends strike causes Y/N to get sent back a few feet crashing at the play ground.

"Damn that hurt, I can't waste time by healing.. I gotta get on the offensive!" 

Y/N gets back up and starts running towards rend, Y/N punches rend with a fist full of mana creating a small shockwave but of course rend had gotten used to it since their last encounter, Rend created a ring of mana. This time around he poured more mana in it making it more potent than before.

Rend starts swinging it at Y/N, But Y/N is swiftly avoiding contact with that Ring. In a moments notice Y/N attempts to create a sword of mana but it comes out looking like a stick of energy.

Rend without a second thought upper cuts Y/N sending him back, and he swings the Ring of mana down on him. With the little stick of energy that Y/N created he managed to block the attack temporally before his weapon broke and Rend swings again cutting Y/N's left arm a little.

"GODD THAT HURTS!! I gotta try healing that, but he isn't gonna let up"

in a moment of desperation, all Y/N does is rip his shirt and quickly wraps it around his arm that's bleeding in that moment Rend saw his opportunity to attack. But what he didn't know was that Y/N was counting on him taking advantage

Narrator: Y/N continues to improve with every little bit of action he gets, Mr. Rend better keep his A game because Y/N is on track to being a force to be reckoned with!

The moment Rend rapidly approached Y/N . Y/N kicked up some dirt and with his mana reinforced it to just kinda explode enough to send a lot of particles everywhere

temporarily blinding Rend. Y/N pours a crap load of mana in his leg and speed blitzes behind rend and nearly instantly, Y/N made contact with the back of Rends head sending him flying forward

Rend got up with a lot of blood coming off the back of his head


'Not bad'

Rend instantly heals himself

Y/N not wanting the fight to go on any longer heals his arm as best as he can.

Then he experiments making a bow and arrow gestor and a arrow of mana appears


"No way i got it to work, i wonder if i can do a gun next"

Y/N shoots his arrow barely missing Rend, as Rend just moved out of It's way

they get up close trading blows, a mana filled punch from Y/N landed breaking Rends ribs, and in the same motion. Rend had created more rings and had cut up Y/N really bad.

Y/N started slowing down a bit, but wasn't willing to lose he continues fighting with Rend

Narrator: Y/N continues to raise the stakes of this fight seeing as he continues to surpass his current level of mage craft and keeping up with a Mage killer. Roy truly is a Caliburn seeing as his tank isn't empty just yet

Y/N with a swift right hook to the jaw, and two simultaneous kicks to Rends chest

Rend starts to get a little frustrated he unleashes a mana shockwave from hitting the ground to create some distance from him and Y/N . even thought Rend is an experienced mage killer, he's only ever snuck up on his targets. only a handful of times did he engage in hand to hand combat

Y/N wasn't letting Rend breath as soon as he recovered from the shockwave he engages Rend faster than before.

Grabbing one of Rends arms pulling him closer to Y/N for a nasty upper cut from Y/N knocking some teeth off of Rend, Rend recovers but it was too late as Y/N was already sending another punch towards his face.

mid air Y/N lands a punch full of mana rocking Rend and giving him a concussion

Rend is now just laying on the floor trying to recover again but it's a little harder seeing as Y/N might have cracked his skull.

'You had enough?'

Y/N says as he approaches Rend on the floor unable to respond

'Don't worry you won't be suffering for long' 

Y/N's arms start glowing as he's sending mana to his arms, and they ignite like flames pouring mana everywhere on the ground as he approaches Rend in his vegetable state

In a swift motion Y/N punches the mage killer so hard his body ignites and explodes, only leaving his legs behind

"There was no other way.. If i let him live he would have come after me, again and again until the day he kills me"

 Narrator: and like that Y/N was two for two, And he intends to keep the score like that permanently

"i should probably head home already"

Just leaving the remains there Y/N makes his way home


I Know the fight scene lowkey kinda sucked. But I'm gonna keep it there to serve as like a bookmark on how i can improve in writing fight scenes

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