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Da sucker4him

34.9K 798 41

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2.4K 65 5
Da sucker4him

𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞
𝖩𝖺𝗇𝗎𝖺𝗋𝗒 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟥

Vienna settled into the cozy nook of their New York apartment, the soft glow of city lights casting a warm ambiance. As she FaceTimed her boyfriend, Charlie, who was miles away in Vancouver, the connection buzzed to life with his familiar smile.

"Hey there, beautiful," Charlie greeted, his voice carrying the fatigue of a day on set. "You won't believe the chaos we had today."

Vienna, propped up against plush pillows, listened intently as Charlie recounted the day's adventures on the film set, his animated gestures visible through the screen. Meanwhile, she discreetly reached for a bag tucked beneath the coffee table.

Amused, she interrupted, "Hold on, let me show you something." With a mischievous grin, Vienna pulled out her pointe shoes, the delicate pink satin gleaming under the apartment's soft lighting.

Charlie's eyes widened, "Are you serious? You're doing ballet in the living room again?"

Vienna nodded, slipping into her pointe shoes with practiced ease. "I can't resist. It's therapeutic. Plus, you know how much I love dancing."

Charlie chuckled, "Fair enough. Go on, impress me."

As Vienna demonstrated a series of graceful movements, Charlie marveled at her dedication to ballet, even in the heart of their shared living space. The rhythmic tap of pointe shoes echoed through the room as she seamlessly blended artistry with strength.

With a graceful finish, Vienna sighed contentedly. "Now, tell me everything about your day. I want to hear every detail."

Charlie obliged, sharing anecdotes from the set and the challenges he faced, creating a vivid picture through his words. Vienna listened attentively, her eyes sparkling with pride for her boyfriend's accomplishments.

Eventually, the conversation turned to Vienna's recent performance in "The Nutcracker." Her enthusiasm waned slightly as she confessed, "I'm relieved it's over. The Nutcracker season is intense, but I'm grateful for the experience."

Charlie leaned in, encouraging her to share more. "What's on your mind, Vi?"

Vienna delved into the intricacies of her role, the demanding rehearsals, and the bittersweet feeling of the performance's conclusion. "Don't get me wrong; I love ballet. It's just that 'The Nutcracker' is a beast of its own. Now, I can focus on other pieces and styles. It's liberating."

Charlie nodded understandingly, his eyes reflecting admiration. "You're incredible, Vi. I love how passionate you are about your craft."

With a grateful smile, Vienna continued, "And I couldn't do it without your support. You're my rock, Charlie."

As the conversation meandered between their worlds, from the bustling streets of New York to the scenic landscapes of Vancouver, Vienna found solace in sharing her thoughts with Charlie. Distance seemed inconsequential as they navigated the challenges of their respective professions.

Before ending the call, Charlie teased, "Promise me you won't attempt grand jetés across the living room without a spotter, okay?"

Vienna laughed, "No promises, but I'll be careful. Love you, Charlie."

"Love you too, Vi. I can't wait til i'm back home with you," Charlie grinned, ending the call with a virtual kiss.

Vienna tucked her phone away, a lingering smile on her face. In the quiet of their New York apartment, she reveled in the connection that transcended the miles, cherishing the support and understanding that defined their relationship.

So she moved about the kitchen with purpose, the aroma of fresh ingredients filling the air. Vienna was determined to whip up a healthy dinner, not just for herself but also to share with her father, who was miles away in Russia. As she prepared the meal, Vienna initiated a FaceTime call, eagerly anticipating the connection with her dad.

The screen flickered to life, revealing her father's warm smile. "Zdravstvuyte, my darling Vienna," he greeted in Russian.

"Zdravstvuyte, Papa!" Vienna responded with a grin, her culinary endeavors spread across the kitchen counter. "I'm making something special tonight. Wish you were here to taste it."

Her father chuckled, "I'm with you in spirit. What's on the menu?"

Vienna showcased the vibrant array of vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. "A colorful stir-fry! It's all about balance and flavor."

As Vienna expertly chopped vegetables, her father shared stories from his day in Russia, creating a virtual bridge that connected their worlds. Amid the clatter of knives and sizzling pans, they exchanged laughter and updates, the bond between father and daughter transcending the physical distance.

Vienna poured her heart into the cooking, occasionally turning the phone towards the stovetop to give her father a glimpse of the culinary magic. "Remember when you taught me to cook borscht? Now, I'm experimenting with healthier options."

Her father's eyes twinkled with pride. "I always knew you had a talent for it. Cooking is an art, just like your ballet."

With the stir-fry simmering on the stove, Vienna settled into the conversation, updating her father on the latest in her life. From the challenges of recent ballet performances to the joy of discovering a new dance studio, she shared the highs and lows, knowing that her father's wisdom was a steady anchor.

After a hearty discussion, Vienna dished out the colorful stir-fry onto two plates. "Bon appétit, Papa! Look how good this looks."

Her father raised an imaginary toast, "Na zdorovye, my dear. I'm proud of the girl you've become."

As they savored the meal together, the conversation flowed seamlessly, the miles between them fading into the background. Vienna felt a comforting warmth, knowing that, despite the physical separation, her father's love and guidance were constants in her life.

After the last bite, Vienna excused herself to clean up, promising her father she'd call again soon. As the FaceTime call ended, she moved through her evening routine, preparing for a restful night.

In the soft glow of her shared bedroom, Vienna changed into comfortable pajamas, the day's activities replaying in her mind. She dimmed the lights, creating a cozy ambiance, and climbed into bed. Before drifting off to sleep, she reflected on the meaningful connection with her father.

With a sigh of contentment, Vienna whispered a quiet "Spokoynoy nochi, Papa" to the empty room. As she closed her eyes, the echoes of their laughter and shared moments lingered, a comforting lullaby that accompanied her into the realm of dreams.

so this is the first chapter. make sure and comment and vote or not idc

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