Anna's family

By Otar3000

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A new interesting chapter in Anna's life. Takes place after Frozen 2 and "The Passsage" More

Trust your heart
No matter what ever it takes
Family Lost Lineage
Guilt of heart
A mother's heart
I am with you
On the way
Arendelle, Welcome??
I want to know
Enter Olaf
Unmeltable Me
Busy Time
A hidden plot
A story teller
Play Night
Heated debate or Legislative Violence?
Secret Passage
A visit
Wolf Encounter
A stained memory
Trio of stages
Hell, Raid Aftermath
Make it out
Tough rock on wind
Promise to keep
Fiery Flames
Dangerous waters
Seeking the truth
Calm before storm
Something's Coming
Trouble's coming up
Chapter 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Cyclone 🌀
Memory Witch
Rain and Sea/Drops and Waves
Justified Worries
Nobles vs Pirates
Cold Shoulder
future concerns & dangers
Everyone has a burden
Out of cold
Dugaag meets Königin
Tarzel Gespräch
Hans the 13th/The Broken Bridge - Adultsupervision
hold on for your dreams & beyond!
is it a good time??
All in it's time - Happy 10 years
Free Fall
Olaf piratin tales
All is NOT well
Protect (not project) your tomorrow
voice of unheard or unrest?
Beauty and Bravery
Mouse & Wolf
Heart is Pain
pain warp personality - CHROMASTORM CRISIS
Anna of Ark

memory of the brave

5 1 0
By Otar3000

Note : This is story of a work of fiction.
Tarzan - Listen... where is Sora?... why didn't he come back?

Namine - ... ouh... right, situation changed. He is helping someone and it just ... took longer than he thought.

The 100th acre woods are under siege by those monsters so they had to save the residents in there... the heartless are much stronger now after the merge... she wonders if 100th acre woods exist in this world too...

She decided not to go into details as it is forbidden to reveal existence of world order to too many people, and Tarzan already had enough on his mind.

Namine - I'm sure he didn't plan to abandon you... I promise.

Tarzan could sense she wasn't telling something, she sounds pained.

Lance left to see Adira while also telling Catalina to go accompany Kiera.
Namine guide Tarzan to Rapunzel, an Avatar of Spring so she can shed light on his powers better...
'And what exactly you hope to achieve you have no idea what you're doing and can you stop saying 'friends' he doesn't even know you much even!'
Namine worried more about how these visions may effect Tarzan's state of mind... he may become disconnected...

Tarzan had to keep his mind clear with new visions flashing in his mind...
Different each.
One of a sorceress with black hair crying her eyes out, bringing a large snow quake.
One of a dragon engulfed in lighting, rampaging through the skies.
Cracks are appearing under his feet from all the stress.
Namine pulls his head to her eye level, placing her fingers on his temples.
Namine - Alright listen, I don't think we can have you like this apparently... I'll try to lessen or slow down the stream of visions and memories...
Being the memory warrior, she is able to manipulate memories of people... She isn't eager to use that ability, but unfortunately Tarzan right now needs a breather.
But as she tries to do so, she's instead getting a shock therapy as one particular vision made it's way to her mind.
One of them had Rapunzel who was screaming and morphing into a giant terrific monster tearing through Corona.
Namine - Oh no...
Tarzan pants as she ended the procedure.
Tarzan - Well... that was... much.
Namine didn't feel like joking... If Rapunzel changes into that, it may complicate matters for them...
Namine - I-I have to go talk to Kairi... Tarzan you can get to Rapunzel right?
Tarzan didn't know why she's acting so strange so abruptly...
Namine thinks 'Oh hearts, I think I erased some memories instead... hope nothing crucial'
Namine - Okay, listen here... Follow forward before you go up the ladder, ask Rapunzel about your visions...
Tarzan - Right... I remember we've been there meeting... a genie?
Namine thinks 'Yep I sure deleted that... well nothing crucial still, especially on dandelions'
She'd rather not have him ask about those... since they themselves weren't yet sure about where they are.
Meanwhile in Tarzan's mind there's another memory which luckily doesn't feel as painful... though it still stings.

It was Namine in there in a world of ocean and sky.... Again...
Helping him...
Why didn't he remember this before?...
Namine - Alright, then I'll be on my-
Tarzan - You were there?
Namine - Come again?
Tarzan - You were there Namine...
Remembering his nightmares of Clayton surviving and gunning down his tribe, then meeting his different selves and... Namine helping against Bron.
Tarzan - ... I...I guess i should thank you, I'm not sure I'd be here if it weren't for you...
Namine gave him a look of a saddened smile... while caressing his hand, burnt by Bruni...
Namine - Listen, Tarzan... your future may not have a happy end... Just know, your family will live on.
Tarzan is confused " I would be glad for that but...How do you know that?..."
Namine letting go of his hand, she simply says "You'll find out when time comes...or maybe you won't. It won't be the way you think, that's all I can say... See you later"
Namine left on her way, jumping out the balcony nearby & flying away.
Tarzan deep down worried if these misadventures may take him further from home...
He simply gone to the birthplace of his original family on a short visit... that's how it was in his mind.
But then it took him further north... then to Corona which he isn't sure where it was... he should look up the map later.
If such is a life of an adventurer, he wonders how much adventure can a person enjoy...
Tarzan - *sighs* alright, all good questions... but for now, Rapunzel...
Even without Namine's guidance, Rapunzel had a unique smell for some reason...which simplified things fir him in case she'd ever be nearby.
Tarzan could also... feel her presence. He wasn't sure if this was an additional ability or-
Another image in mind, this one of Rapunzel... she had bottomless eyes with long, black, tentacle-like hair.
A chill ran his spine. That was disturbing
He didn't know if these visions wanted to tell him something... but just to be sure, he hurried over to her Chambers. It's possible she's not feeling well at the moment.
Rapunzel's Chamber
Cassandra - You really believe she's back?
That's an important question for them both.
Rapunzel's hand clenched
Rapunzel - I... I'm not sure they'd lie about that. But I still don't understand how this works...
The idea that Gothel can be still alive was hard to believe ...
Especially given how she died right in front of Rapunzel's eyes, something that haunted the sunshine princess turned queen in her subconscious... for as harmful as she was to her, it was hard to erase days she spent with her... which makes it all more frustrating...
Rapunzel - But I wouldn't be surprised, from what we learn... it's nothing new to my step mother...
Ever since her trip to Weselton, she learned some more interesting 'facts' about Cassandra's mother than she would like to know.
Gothel, once a pupil of Demanitus then turncoat student of Zhan Tiri... was in reality, way older than she let on... and been active on German soil for a way longer time since she was the queen who ruled over Germonia (old name of Weselton) under name of Nori or Grimhilde, stepmother of one Snow White/Snowdrop.
She seemed rather imposing and intimidating... but above all obsessed with beauty which was familiar already... learning she done same imprisonment to Snow White.
Still it proved hard to look further into the old history, given no one was allowed to record her actions. Perhaps deliberately. Some tried, instead misinterpreted.
In some, Snowdrop was a young slave Bitter Sari who met dragons down the well... or she was found on a lake by a peddler/merchant with a magic fish and a talking parrot Padma...
She was also said to be framed by the queen's servant who stole her fortune called L Petite Belle and then spent 7 years with Prince who either assaulted her or wasn't even human but Death personified.
Then also Snowdrop's throne rival being Maria Sophia Von Erthal... with witches and dark fairies involved...
They even wondered if a town beyond 7 mountains, lied about Snow White's story... Many variations differing.
No dwarves but ravens, robbers, or Snowdrop's brothers. No glass coffin or magic mirror, but a dog called 'Mirror', random strangers and a moon which queen talked to in midnight.
How they found out the queen was Gothel?
Rapunzel once searched her things in the castle, found a dagger and a box it was in... back then she didn't know any better but now she noticed it was similar to one Grimhilde was holding on the painting. She once also overheard Gothel talking to her reflection proudly, mentioned someone named Snowdrop and some meddling dwarves... and how 'Damn Zeus' lucky she was to survive that boulder else she'd be food for vultures.
Rapunzel - It's funny... not really but... I now remember that each time she gave me a kiss, she only ever kissed my hair... that was all she cared for really.
Pascal was on her shoulder, trying to comfort her...
Cassandra still laughed sarcastically that she once desired recognition and love from someone who was done with anyone but herself. Hid her existence from her biological father Edmund, and even then she abandoned her... she wouldn't know where she'd be if dad didn't take her in when he found her...
Cassandra - It may really be it for us huh... like they said.
Rapunzel - So that'll be it... unless we'll get through this.
The odds may be too great... but they have no choice BUT to win.
Cassandra - And if not...
Rapunzel - Then we'll have to take up Kairi's offer...
Cassandra held her by the hand, caressing her cheek...
Cassandra - Yeah I guess...
*door opened abruptly*
They halt and step away, taken by surprise.
Cassandra - I Uh wha Don't you knock!?
Tarzan - Ouh, sorry... it was just so quite that I assumed... something.
He didn't want to be direct about it but...
Rapunzel - Ah, of course... well, we are alive still so it's fine, right Cass?
Cassandra - Obviously... But you know what, I might as well be on my way... Have to see if Festival preparations are in place.
Rapunzel - Right. Go if you must.
Cassandra - And remember, stay focused. No pressure is on.
Easier said than done but she'll try...
Cassandra passed by Tarzan moving along, though they did share an eye contact for a moment.
Vision starts
~ Oh I tried to warn you Rapunzel, you have to be careful on who you trust~
Vision ends
Tarzan then looks back at where she went but she was gone by then.
Be careful who to trust? That could imply some ill intent...
'He seems to be lost how did he even find us by himself?'
Tarzan - Hm? Oh Namine shown me the way here but she had something else to do so she was on her way.
Rapunzel - I... I didn't say anything yet.
Tarzan - What? There is no one else-?
He notices a salamander on her shoulder.
Pascal 'Uh what is he looking at? Does he stare at me?'
Rapunzel - Waaait a minute, can you also understand Pascal?!
Tarzan didn't know he could do that with salamanders...
Pascal 'Maybe he just guessed what you wondered to ask?'
Tarzan - I didn't guess, I just heard...
Now they were definitely sure.
Tarzan - That's just it. I got all these new powers... I want to know more about them and I don't think Ahtohallan can answer them currently. So I wanted to hear it from you, Avatar of Spring.
Rapunzel didn't hear that title for a long time.
Rapunzel - Ouh, that... well-Ouch!
After feeling sharp pain on her feet, she looks down and sees a knife she stepped on.
She begins to sweat before quickly pushing it away.
Tarzan - What is it?! You alright?!
Rapunzel clears her throat
Rapunzel - O-of course I an! I... Almost twisted my ankle, Almost!
Even if Tarzan would believe that, she doubted Pascal will.
She feels Pascal eyeing her. 'Seriously Rapunzel?'
Tarzan - You prefer going barefoot I see.
He noticed both then and now she doesn't wear shoes.
Rapunzel - I do mostly, definitely earned some nicknames in the Coronian circles... but like my aunt Willow taught me, how can I lead Corona if I can't feel it?
Tarzan could relate to that.
Rapunzel - Ehem, but don't get wrong idea. I do wear shoes, especially in cold. It's just right now we are warm enough here, for now at least...
Tarzan could feel that too given the fireplace at the wall, so he decided to remove his own shoes.
Rapunzel - I see you prefer it that way too, looks like we share at least one more thing. Anyway, what were you talking about?
Tarzan - Do you know how I use them?...
Rapunzel - Ah yes, your abilities...
She proceeds to inspect him closely, walking around him before noticing his hands harmed.
Rapunzel - You have a strong physique, and clearly quite agile according to Kristoff...
Tarzan - That's how I grew up, in jungle you have to be strong or face death. Dangers lurk all around us, even when we are resting.
Pascal 'And yet grew up quite a mature strongman. Lucky you'
Tarzan - I was lucky given my circumstances.
Rapunzel sighs
Rapunzel - We may all be the same way, only different by our circumstances. Even you... even me...
She has an idea why he may struggle controlling his powers...
Rapunzel - Tarzan, what happened before you end up here?
Tarzan rubs his head which still hurt.
Tarzan - Fog, empty... darkness. Like I was drowning... I didn't immediately remember that Namine helped me out... then someone called Lilith came...
Rapunzel - Lilith?!
Rapunzel abruptly interrupted him.
Rapunzel - You said Lilith?
Tarzan nodded albeit surprised.
Rapunzel remembered Adam mentioning a girl named Lilith too... she'd need to look into that later just in case.
Rapunzel - Hmm okay, and then what?
Tarzan - And then I find myself here in Korona...
Rapunzel - Do you feel disturbed? Saddened? Let down?
Pascal 'And here we go'
Tarzan didn't really want to think about that right now.
Tarzan didn't respond yet.
Rapunzel sighs
Rapunzel - I understand, it's difficult but unfortunately it's necessary.
Tarzan - Why?
Rapunzel - Power of elements especially from an avatar, depend on emotional clarity.
Rapunzel then approached a mirror nearby, staring at her reflection.
Rapunzel - Control of your emotions decide how your powers will do. Imagine they are your ... roommates, they'll trust you IF you'll trust them...
Rapunzel then looks him in the eyes
Rapunzel - There is something bothering you, more than one...
Tarzan could see empathy and sadness in her eyes...
Tarzan - I failed them...
He sighs
Tarzan - I failed Anna, I failed Yelena, I failed Northuldrans... I promised to look after them and now... I don't know if they are even alive anymore...
Rapunzel -... You couldn't have known, you can't blame yourself for-
Tarzan - I was weak! I let them die... Elsa was right to be angry with me...
Rapunzel - She... tried to attack you... extreme emotions may blind their host...
Pascal then jumps on him
Pascal 'Listen, Rapunzel was just like you when she began her queen career... both her and me saw how tricky that can get over time, with growing stress of how much is too much? How much is enough or too little? What should we do so no one gets disease or worse?'
Tarzan - What you are implying?...
Pascal 'Well, you can either let your failings make you crazy OR just try to be better... we repeat that to ourselves each day, its not always working but... that's all we have sometimes'
Rapunzel - Everyone walks their own path, and it can be a short or long journey...
Tarzan understood those lessons before this time too, but apparently he needs a reminder...
Tarzan - I know, I know... you can't make that feeling go away.
Rapunzel - And maybe you shouldn't, just tame it... coexist with it over the years. The same way it's possible you won't be able to harness your full potential power in just a few days or even months, you'll have to grow them for a long path ahead...
Tarzan - So I may not be as useful as I could be.
Rapunzel could see how this whole ordeal affects him.
Rapunzel - We live in a universe that will always test us, there will always be challenges... those who supposed to rise often fall...and its not just us, our ancestors were same way. For example , Merida of the Dunbroch was quite a fiery troublemaker.. eager to prove herself to her own tribe, her parents, even to herself... she had to go through mortal danger too, like with immortal bear of Mordu, Lach Nesse Monster, Saxons... of course she wasn't doing it just for herself... she wanted to show everyone can guide their own fate.
At that moment both Rapunzel and Tarzan shared a vision of a certain red-haired woman, preparing her arrows as she hit leaves falling from trees. They could see her riding across the land on her black horse. And leading armies, alongside tribal leaders.
The vision was a surprise to both of them...
Rapunzel - I see you still have visions to control... but that was impressive. You looked very far...
Tarzan - It's just you talked about her, like you knew her yourself...
Rapunzel offered a small smile after collecting herself.
If only he knew.
Rapunzel - Maybe, there are some things you don't know about me...
Another detail earned her disappointment
Rapunzel - And neither do I know about you...
She lifts her hand at Pascal before salamander crawls back on her shoulder.
Pascal 'It's upsetting that we only get introduced now... would've been better if it happened sooner'
On that, they could all but agree.
Rapunzel - It's a shame indeed. But the point is, you should give yourself time. You can't change past but you can own your future... Maybe you won't need ultra powers to help your friends here. Just your mind may be enough... understand that extreme emotions like rage can be your enemy. Will you try think about it after this?
Tarzan slowly nodded.
Rapunzel - Well then you may leave... as Cass said, no pressure...
She could feel her eye twitching at her own line.
Tarzan begrudgingly wears his shoes and moves slowly for the entrance.
Tarzan - Good night...
Except when he was about to close the door, he could swear to see Rapunzel's reflection in the mirror...
Something was off about it...
It was different...
Rapunzel - Good night too!
She closed it before he could make sure.
Tarzan rubbed his head, still felt heavy...
Tarzan breathes in and out.
Tarzan - Just a little time, and sane mind... alright.
His departure could be heard by Rapunzel who only moved away from the door later when she was certain.
Pascal 'What happened now again?'
Rapunzel was staring at the mirror nearby...
Pascal couldn't see what she sees however.
But Tarzan could... as if he needed her own problems to his own.
Rapunzel - Pascal, I may be wrong but... I think this isn't the first time I seen Tarzan.
That earned her Pascal's confused look.
Pascal 'Wait what? When? How?'
Rapunzel rubs her temples, ignoring the images in the mirror...
Rapunzel - Remember two times we travelled through time?...
Pascal didn't know how that was connected.
One was when they travelled to past Corona after she was kidnapped as Stabbingtons, nearly dissuaded Flynn from becoming a thief. Luckily for them , their lives didn't change drastically.
And another was... a painful memory...
After her daughter, Holly, was taken away from her... she was very distraught... and very angry...
One day she found an artefact, a little different than hourglass... and under the nightly sky... watching the moonlight, she pondered if she should do it...
Pascal tried convince her not to, it was paining to see your best friend like this...
Rapunzel just didn't want to hear it...
But then something unexpected happened.
She gone on a new adventure, met new friends, ones who were family to her...
Either from times long gone like Merida.... or from times yet to come like Jack...
There was also Hiccup could understand her pain... remembering how his father died before his very eyes...
She wondered how would they think if they saw her now...
Pascal 'I remember... but please focus. What did you mean you seen him?'
Rapunzel wiped her tears off.
Rapunzel - When our mission was done, I wasn't transported immediately back... I saw a vision of a small boy, like a little version of Tarzan... I didn't know why I seen it back then but now...
Pascal 'You mean the sky moon knew? Well it's too late now'
Rapunzel agreed on that, though she wondered if it simply can't tell her for some reason...
Is it Pitch Black doing something she doesn't see? Is he here?
She has no idea, it's hard to figure out with him. She struggles to find indications boogeyman being behind civilian deaths... or if it was really just cold that's killing them...
That was the worst part, they didn't know anything.
And it looks like the guardians may not come to help her this time...
Pascal 'Well we have other at least, you and me... like always'
That was perhaps the sole comfort she had now, that she isn't alone...

2) Makes me wonder if Tarzan can see as far back as prehistoric era? Maybe so but it may be overwhelming at times.
3) Also when it comes to Namine and Kairi being in Corona unauthorised, makes you wonder if they are spied on.


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