Chameleon - Shoto ASD fic -

By ell397

9.5K 172 237

The sweet peppermint boy has ASD, but is in deep denial. But can a certain ADHD pikachu and Depressed Gastly... More



186 2 2
By ell397


SH, Vomiting


I look around. Mina is straight up sleeping. Sero and Tokoyami seem to be holding it together, surprisingly, but Kirishima and Momo look pale as a sheet.

I look round at Backugo; he seems to be sweating more than usual. Jiro didn't even come in today. I look round at Deku, who seems to be vibrating. He told me he had coffee for the first time this morning, in order to beat the hangover.

Aizawa slams his hand against the desk, waking up Mina. 'Why are you sleeping Mina?' We all recoil at the sudden loud noise. He notices this.

'What's wrong with you all?' He asks bluntly. 'If you're sick you're not supposed to come in'. We all stay quiet. Denki giggles.

'What's so funny Denki?' Aizawa asks. 'Oh, nothing' he says coyly. Aizawa looks over us all, stopping on Deku.

Ah shit. 

'Midoriya, please tell me what's going on?' Shit. He cannot lie for the life of him. And I think Aizawa knows that.

'What's going on? I have no idea what's going on? Why? Do you think there's something going on? Because I don't think there's anything going on...' I see Aizawa pinch the bridge of his nose.

'Have you drunk coffee today Midoriya?' he asks. 'You're mumbling faster than normal'.

'Yes! I really really really like coffee. I understand why you drink it all the time Sir! What's your favourite coffee? I've only ever tried one coffee, but the one I had...' He goes off mumbling again. This makes me giggle. Aizawa looks at me.

Damn it. I've done so well so far. Shinso helped me sort myself out and keep it from Aizawa and Mic. He held my hair back whilst I vomited, and held me as I cried shamelessly. Although, not without taking some pictures as blackmail. I guess he really is starting to act like a brother.

'Shoto. What's going on.'

'I have no idea Papa'. Everyone snaps their eyes to me.

OH SHIT. OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT, guess I'm still a little drunk...

'What did you just say?' He stares at me, blinking. Backugo roars with laughter. 'SHOTO JUST CALLED AIZAWA SENSEI DAD THAT'S SO FUNNY!' I go bright red. 

'I-I I'm sorry' I say, sinking into my seat. I wish the ground would swallow me whole.

But to my surprise, he...SMILES? He grabs his phone, texting.

The class now all stare at Aizawa. ' can smile sir? Ojiro asks. 'Damn, yeah he can!' Kirishima says.

'Wait, how long exactly have you been staying with Aizawa-Sensei?' Momo asks. 'YOU'VE BEEN LIVING WITH AIZAWA?' Hagurake yells.

The class begin all talking over one another, some people screaming, some laughing, and some yelling.

'QUIET DOWN!' Aizawa yells. Everyone falls silent. He huffs. 'Okay, I guess I should let you all know that Shoto is staying with me'.

Iida raises his arm. 'May I ask why?' He questions. Aizawa looks over at me. 

'He adopted me'. I say. Everyone is stunned into silence. 'So technically speaking, he is my dad'.

I hear footsteps, then the door is shoved open. 'HE CALLED YOU PAPA?!' Mic yells, accidentally activating his quirk. He stops, then slowly turns and faces the class.

'Oh. I didn't realise you had a class'. He begins to turn around awkwardly, but Aizawa grabs him with his scarf, pulling him back into the class. 

He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.

'Okay. We had been having discussions about this, now that Shoto is techincally our son. And well, it would be hard for him to keep it from his peers'.

Mic looks at Aizawa stunned. 'Really?!' He asks excitedly. Aizawa nods, releasing him from the scarf. 'THANK YOU SHO' Mic yells, pulling him into a hug.

'Thank you thank you thank you thank you! I'll do the dishes for a whole month!'

Mina looks between Mic, then Aizawa, then Mic again. I can see the cogs whirring in her brain. She suddenly stands, her chair falling backwards.

'YOU'RE MARRIED?" She screams. 'TO EACH OTHER?' Everyone squeals, claps, or gasps. 'Fucking called it' Backugo says smirking.

'Yes.' Aizawa says quietly. Everyone just stares at him. Mic scoffs. 'Don't sound so disappointed about it Sho' He laughs. 

'Can I get back to teaching now?' He says bluntly. Mic holds his hands up in mock surrender. 'Yeah, okay, I'm leaving' he begins to back away slowly towards the door. Aizawa turns back to the board.

Suddenly, Mic runs at Aizawa, kissing him on the lips. He then cackles, and runs out the room. Aizawa stands there in stunned silence, blinking, as everyone gushes.

'CUTE' Mina says. Aizawa huffs, turning back to the board. 'If any of you mention this ever again, I will expel you' he says nonchalantly.

He begins writing something. I can feel the entire classes eyes on me. 'What?' I say, uneasy. 'you have really cool dads' Shoji whispers to me. I nod. 'I know'.


Everyone leaves the classroom. I grab my stuff, about to leave, but Aizawa tells me to wait up. Damn it. I guess there's no getting out of this.

I walk over to him sheepishly. 'Sit' he says. I comply.

'Do you have any idea why everyone is hung over today Shoto?' I look down at the floor.

'Nobody is hung over' I say. He walks over, and smells me. 'Sho, I can still smell the alcohol on you. Where were you?'

I guess there's no point in lying.

'Okay. I got drunk, okay? Sorry'. He huffs, then sits on the chair next to me. He lifts up his hand, and I instinctively flinch. 

Damn it. I look up at Aizawa. He looks sad. He puts his hand back on his lap.

'Shoto, I'm not angry, okay? Just worried. Alcohol isn't great for somebody in your situation'. He says.

He's lying. He's angry and he hates you. You've let him down.

'S-sorry' I stutter. He sighs. 'Thank you for your apology. Just promise me that if you are going to drink, that you do it around those who can watch out for you'.

'Promise' I say. He smiles. 'Okay, you can go to lunch'. I stand, and practically run out the door.


I run into the toilet, locking the door. 

Cut cut cut cut cut cut cut.

I pull out my pencil case. smashing the pencil sharpener. I grab the razor.


I look down on my forearm, seeing the pale pink lines. Can't do it here. What if they see? I pull down my trousers, looking at all the scarring there too.

I drag and pull, drag and pull, blood dripping down my legs. Over and over again.

Worthless, pathetic, stupid...

I keep going, until I feel satisfied. I take out a bandage from my bag, wrapping my leg. I hear a knock at the bathroom door.

'Shoto? Are you in herre?' Deku. Shit.

'Y-yeah, I'll be out in a sec'. I quickly put everything away, and then open the door. He stares at me inquisitively.

'Why'd you take so long?' He asks. 'Um, I,' I trail off. Damn my fuzzy brain not coming up with excuses. Gently, he pulls me into a hug. He puts his mouth against my ear, whispering. 'do we need to to recovery girl?' 

I shake my head. I hear him sigh. He unclasps, and gently leads me back into the cubicle, locking the door.

'Arms, now'. I pull up my sleeve. Glad I didn't do it there. He nods, content. He's about to open the door, before he turns around, facing me.

'Legs'. I blink. 'L-legs?' I ask. 


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